Revision history for UncamelAction

Revision [23237]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:47 by DennyShimkoski [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
The following code is designed to be used with the [[OnPageLoadWithGlobalActions | OnPageLoadAction]]. Look there for examples.
The following code is designed to be used with the [[OnPageLoadWithGlobalActions OnPageLoadAction]]. Look there for examples.

Revision [19242]

Edited on 2008-01-28 00:14:44 by DennyShimkoski [Modified links pointing to docs server]

No Differences

Revision [17039]

Edited on 2007-05-31 23:27:50 by DennyShimkoski [Reverted]
$this->page['body'] = preg_replace_callback('|<a([^>]+)>(.*)</a>|smU', 'uncamel', $this->page['body']);
$this->page['body'] = preg_replace_callback('|<a([^>] )>(.*)</a>|smU', 'uncamel', $this->page['body']);

Revision [16838]

Edited on 2007-05-31 10:54:50 by Be8Tkh [Reverted]
$this->page['body'] = preg_replace_callback('|<a([^>] )>(.*)</a>|smU', 'uncamel', $this->page['body']);
$this->page['body'] = preg_replace_callback('|<a([^>]+)>(.*)</a>|smU', 'uncamel', $this->page['body']);

Revision [10547]

Edited on 2005-08-08 01:49:01 by DennyShimkoski [Reverted]
The following code is designed to be used with the [[OnPageLoadWithGlobalActions OnPageLoadAction]]. Look there for examples.
Save the following as actions/uncamel.php...
The following code is designed to be used with the [[OnPageLoadWithGlobalActions OnPageLoadAction]].

Revision [10533]

Edited on 2005-08-07 20:10:13 by DennyShimkoski [Hiding the "simpler" version for now (doesn't really work)]
=====Uncamel The Camels!=====
The following code is designed to be used with the [[OnPageLoadWithGlobalActions OnPageLoadAction]].
=====Uncamel The Horses!=====
The following code is designed to be used with the [[OnPageLoadWithGlobalActions OnPageLoadAction]]. Just save the code below as "uncamel.php" in the actions directory and you're ready to go!
That version will only touch ""CamelCased"" links. If you'd like to convert all camel cased text, use the following version of uncamel.php instead...
$this->page['body'] = preg_replace('/([A-Z][^A-Z]*)/', '$1 ', $this->page['body']);
If you'd like to apply it across the site, create a page called ""GlobalActions"" and drop the following line of code in...
{{onpageload uncamel=""}}

Revision [10489]

Edited on 2005-08-07 01:50:26 by DennyShimkoski [Added another (simpler) version]
Keep everything ""CamelCased"" in the database, but Uncamel The Camels when the page is output.
That version will only touch ""CamelCased"" links. If you'd like to convert all camel cased text, use the following version of uncamel.php instead...
$this->page['body'] = preg_replace('/([A-Z][^A-Z]*)/', '$1 ', $this->page['body']);
Basically -- Keep everything ""CamelCased"" in the database, but Uncamel The Links when the page is output.

Revision [10334]

Edited on 2005-08-01 05:30:38 by DennyShimkoski [Added another (simpler) version]
=====Uncamel The Horses!=====
Basically -- Keep everything ""CamelCased"" in the database, but Uncamel The Links when the page is output.
=====Uncamel the Horses!=====
Basically -- Keep everything ""CamelCased"" in the database, but Uncamel The Horses when the page is output.

Revision [10329]

Edited on 2005-07-31 20:09:56 by DennyShimkoski [Added another (simpler) version]
Basically -- Keep everything ""CamelCased"" in the database, but Uncamel The Horses when the page is output.

Revision [10328]

Edited on 2005-07-31 20:02:47 by DennyShimkoski [Added another (simpler) version]
The following code is designed to be used with the [[OnPageLoadWithGlobalActions OnPageLoadAction]]. Just save the code below as "uncamel.php" in the actions directory and you're ready to go!
The following code is designed to be used with the [[OnPageLoadWithGlobalActions OnPageLoadAction]]. Just save the code below as "uncamel.php" in the actions directory and your ready to go!

Revision [10326]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2005-07-31 20:01:44 by DennyShimkoski [Added another (simpler) version]
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