Suggestions Message Board
Last edited by MartinRenvoize:
Modified links pointing to docs server
Mon, 28 Jan 2008 00:14 UTC [diff]
Modified links pointing to docs server
Mon, 28 Jan 2008 00:14 UTC [diff]
This action will allow your Wikka installation to have a Message Board.
Before you even try using the script you will need to have the following table inside your wikka mysql database :
CREATE TABLE `wikka_suggestions` (
`title` VARCHAR( 200 ) NOT NULL ,
`postby` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`status` ENUM( 'I', 'R', 'P' ) NOT NULL ,
`content` TEXT NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) ,
INDEX ( `title` )
) COMMENT = 'suggestions table for the Wikka ...';
`title` VARCHAR( 200 ) NOT NULL ,
`postby` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`status` ENUM( 'I', 'R', 'P' ) NOT NULL ,
`content` TEXT NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) ,
INDEX ( `title` )
) COMMENT = 'suggestions table for the Wikka ...';
After this is done you will also need the /Wikka/actions/msgboard.php with the following contents:
@filename: msgboard.php
@author: George Petsagourakis
@date: 2 Jan 2005
@license: GPL
@description: This actions provides a suggestions feature to your Wikka.
It is allowing for replying, deleting, status management and reviewing of posted suggestions.
To use it you will need the following table inside your MySQL database:
CREATE TABLE `suggestions` (
`title` VARCHAR( 200 ) NOT NULL ,
`postby` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`status` ENUM( 'I', 'R', 'P' ) NOT NULL ,
`content` TEXT NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) ,
INDEX ( `title` )
) COMMENT = 'suggestions table for the Wikka ...';
@usage: insert {{suggestions}} any where in a wakka page.
NickDamoulakis: Actually, it is meant to be {{msgboard}}
// if there is no phase set then direct to display the "manage subscriptions" table ...
$phase = (isset($_GET['phase'])) ? $_GET['phase'] : 'manage_sugs';
$min_topic_length = 5;
$min_reply_length = 15;
$all_sugs = $this->LoadAll("SELECT * FROM ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."suggestions ORDER BY parent, time");
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTILITY FUNCTIONS
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// used for returning an array structure from the MySQL ...
function GetAllSuggestions($arr)
$finarr = array();
// lets build the maintable...
foreach($arr as $i => $ar)
// handle the parents first...
if ($ar['parent'] == 0)
$id = $ar['id'];
$finarr[$ar['id']] = array();
else // handle the children...
$id = $ar['parent'];
foreach($ar as $idx=>$a)
$a = stripslashes($a);
// put them in the big table ...
$finarr[$id][] = $ar;
return $finarr;
// used for returning any Status from single letter to whole word .. : 'I' becomes 'Implemented'
function GetStatusStr($str)
if ($str == 'I') $str = "Implemented";
elseif ($str == 'R') $str = "Rejected";
elseif ($str == 'P') $str = "Pending";
return $str;
// used for adding a dropdown-choose-status field for various parts of the script ...
function AddStatusDropDown($status)
$st = array( 'Rejected' => 0, 'Implemented' => 0, 'Pending' => 0);
$st[GetStatusStr($status)] = 1;
$finrow = "\n\t\t\t<select name=\"sug_status\">";
foreach($st as $msg=>$sta)
$finrow .= "\n\t\t\t\t<option value=\"".substr($msg, 0,1)."\"".(($sta==1) ? ' selected' : '').">$msg</option>";
$finrow .= "\n\t\t\t</select>\n";
return $finrow;
function GetTitleFromID($id, $arr)
foreach (GetAllSuggestions($arr) as $idx => $data)
if ($id == $data['id']) return $data['title'];
// used on sorting the "Manage subscriptions" Table with various configurations...
function SortBy($arr, $func, $val)
$res = array();
if ($func == 'author')
if ($val && $val!= '')
foreach($arr as $i=>$sug)
if ($sug['postby'] == $val) $res[] = $sug;
return $res;
else return $arr;
elseif ($func == 'replies')
function replies($a, $b)
static $add = true;
static $i = 0;
if ($a['replies']){}
$i += ($add) ? 1 : 0 ;
$add = false;
elseif ($func == 'status')
if ($val && $val!= '')
foreach($arr as $i=>$sug)
if ($sug['status'] == $val) $res[] = $sug;
return $res;
else return $arr;
return $arr;
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISPLAY ALL SUGGESTION TOPICS
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($phase == 'manage_sugs')
$sug_arr = GetAllSuggestions($all_sugs);
$sort_get = (isset($_GET['sort'])) ? $_GET['sort'] : 'all';
$name_get = (isset($_GET['name'])) ? $_GET['name'] : 'all';
$status_get = (isset($_GET['status_sort'])) ? $_GET['status_sort'] : 'all';
$sort_get_up = ($_GET['sort_up']) ? ($_GET['sort_up']+0) : (1) ;
$parents = array();
if (!count($sug_arr) == 0)
foreach($sug_arr as $id => $data)
$cnt = array( 'replies' => (count($data)-1) );
$parents[] = $data[0] + $cnt;
$out = $this->Format("==== Suggestions Index ==== //This page contains all the ".( ($_GET['status_sort']!='all') ? GetStatusStr($_GET['status_sort']).' ' : ' ')."suggestions made ".( ($_GET['name'] != 'all' ) ? 'by '.$_GET['name'].' ' : '')."about this Wikka// ----");
// okie .. now we have the array holding the parent-suggestions ... lets make it happen ..
$out .= $this->FormOpen("","","get");
// Add New Suggestion Thread
if ( $this->HasAccess("comment") || $this->HasAccess("write") || $this->IsAdmin() )
$out .= "<a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=add_sug")."\">Add Suggestion Thread</a>";
// Status Sorting ...
$out .= " | Show only ";
$st = array( 'Rejected' => 0, 'Implemented' => 0, 'Pending' => 0);
if ($status_get != 'all') { $st[GetStatusStr($status_get)] = 1;}
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<select name=\"status_sort\">";
$out .= "<option value=\"all\"".( ($status_get == 'all')?" selected":"").">Any</option>";
foreach($st as $msg=>$sta)
$out .= "\n\t\t\t\t<option value=\"".substr($msg, 0,1)."\"".(($sta==1) ? ' selected' : '').">$msg</option>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t</select>";
// Search By Author
$out .= " suggested by ";
$out .= "";
$st = array();
$tot = 0;
foreach($this->LoadAll("SELECT id,postby FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."suggestions WHERE parent = '0'") as $idx => $data)
if ( ($st[$data['postby']]) || ($st[$data['postby']] > 1) )
$st[$data['postby']] += 1;
$st[$data['postby']] = 1;
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<select name=\"name\">";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t\t<option value=\"all\"".(($name_get=='all')?" selected":"").">Anyone ($tot)</option>";
foreach($st as $author => $count)
if (strlen($author) > 0)
$out .= "\n\t\t\t\t<option value=\"".$author."\"".(($name_get==$author)?" selected":"").">".$author." (".$count.")</option>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t</select>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input value=\" Go \" accesskey=\"g\" type=\"submit\"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t".$this->FormClose()."\n\t\t<hr />";
// Created the topmost links bar ...
if ($sort_get != 'all')
// sort out the 'title' 'time' or 'postby'
if ( ($sort_get == 'title') || ($sort_get == 'time') || ($sort_get == 'status')) // TO FIX !!! //
$res = $this->LoadAll("SELECT * FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."suggestions WHERE parent = '0' ORDER BY ".$sort_get);
$parents = array();
foreach($res as $idx => $data)
if ($data['parent'] == 0)
$id = $data['id'];
$parents[$data['id']] = array();
else // handle the children...
$id = $data['parent'];
foreach($data as $i => $a)
$a = stripslashes($a);
$parents[$id][] = $data;
foreach($sug_arr as $idx => $info)
$cnt = array( 'replies' => (count($info)-1) );
foreach($parents as $i => $a)
if ($a[0]['id'] == $idx) $parents[$i] = array_merge($a[0] ,$cnt);
$parents = ($sort_get_up==1)? array_reverse($parents) :$parents ;
elseif ($sort_get == 'replies')
function repliesSB($a, $b)
if ($a["replies"]== $b["replies"]) return 0;
return ($a["replies"] > $b["replies"]) ? 1 : -1 ;
function repliesBS($a, $b)
if ($a["replies"]== $b["replies"]) return 0;
return ($a["replies"] < $b["replies"]) ? 1 : -1 ;
uasort($parents, "replies".(($sort_get_up==1)?"BS":"SB")) ;
elseif ($sort_get == 'postby')
function postbyBS($a, $b)
if ($a['postby'] == $b['postby']) return 0;
return ($a['postby'] < $b['postby']) ? -1 : 1;
function postbySB($a, $b)
if ($a['postby'] == $b['postby']) return 0;
return ($a['postby'] < $b['postby']) ? 1 : -1;
uasort($parents, 'postby'.(($sort_get_up==-1)?'BS':'SB'));
// The author filtering ...
if ($name_get !='all') {
$res = $parents;
$parents = array();
foreach($res as $i=>$info)
if ($info['postby'] === $name_get)
$parents[$i] = $info;
// The status filtering ...
if ($status_get !='all') {
$res = $parents;
$parents = array();
foreach($res as $i=>$info)
if ($info['status'] === $status_get)
$parents[$i] = $info;
// ------------- CREATING THE DISPLAY TABLE FROM $parents ARRAY...
$out .= "\n\t<table align=\"center\" width=\"90%\">";
$out .= "\n\t<tbody align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#999999\">";
$out .= "\n\t\t<th>".((($_GET['sort_up']==1||$_GET['sort_up']==-1) && ($sort_get =='title') )? (($sort_get_up==-1)? "⇓" : "⇑"):'')."<a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=manage_sugs&sort=title&sort_up=".(-$sort_get_up))."\">Topic</a></th>";
$out .= "\n\t\t<th>".((($_GET['sort_up']==1||$_GET['sort_up']==-1) && ($sort_get =='status') )? (($sort_get_up==-1)? "⇓" : "⇑"):'')."<a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=manage_sugs&sort=status&sort_up=".(-$sort_get_up))."\">Status</a></th>";
$out .= "\n\t\t<th>".((($_GET['sort_up']==1||$_GET['sort_up']==-1) && ($sort_get =='postby') )? (($sort_get_up==-1)? "⇓" : "⇑"):'')."<a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=manage_sugs&sort=postby&sort_up=".(-$sort_get_up))."\">Author</a></th>";
$out .= "\n\t\t<th>".((($_GET['sort_up']==1||$_GET['sort_up']==-1) && ($sort_get =='time') )? (($sort_get_up==-1)? "⇓" : "⇑"):'')."<a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=manage_sugs&sort=time&sort_up=".(-$sort_get_up))."\">Posted On</a></th>";
$out .= "\n\t\t<th>".((($_GET['sort_up']==1||$_GET['sort_up']==-1) && ($sort_get =='replies') )? (($sort_get_up==-1)? "⇓" : "⇑"):'')."<a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=manage_sugs&sort=replies&sort_up=".(-$sort_get_up))."\">Replies</a></th>";
if ($this->IsAdmin($this->GetUser()))
$out .= "\n\t\t<th>Actions</th>";
$out .= "\n\t</tbody>\n\t";
if (count($parents) > 0)
foreach($parents as $i=>$data)
$out .= "\t<tr>";
$out .= "\n\t\t<td><a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=show_sug&id=".$data['id'])."\">".$data['title']."</a></td>";
$out .= "\n\t\t<td>".GetStatusStr($data['status'])."</td>";
$out .= "\n\t\t<td>".$this->Format($data['postby'])."</td>";
$out .= "\n\t\t<td>".$data['time']."</td>";
$out .= "\n\t\t<td align=\"center\">".$data['replies']."</td>";
if ($this->IsAdmin($this->GetUser()))
$st = array( 'Rejected' => 0, 'Implemented' => 0, 'Pending' => 0);
$st[GetStatusStr($data['status'])] = 1;
$out .= "\n\t\t<td>";
$out .= "\n\t\t<form action=\"".$this->config["base_url"].$this->PageTitle().( ($this->config["rewrite_mode"]) ? "?" : "&")."\" method=\"get\">\n";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<a href=\"".$this->Href("","","phase=del_sug&delid=".$data['id'])."\">Delete</a> |";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wakka\" value=\"".$this->PageTitle()."\"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"phase\" value=\"chng_status\"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"t_id\" value=\"".$data['id']."\"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"from_phase\" value=\"".$phase."\"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\tChange to <select name=\"sug_status\">";
foreach($st as $msg=>$sta)
$out .= "\n\t\t\t\t<option value=\"".substr($msg, 0,1)."\"".(($sta==1) ? ' selected' : '').">$msg</option>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t</select>\n";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"submit\" value=\" Go \"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t</form>";
$out .= "\n\t\t</tr>";
$out .= "</table>\n\t".$this->Format("--- @@//===No Matches===//@@ --- ");
$out = "<table><tr><td>No Suggestions yet ...</td>";
if ( $this->HasAccess("comment") || $this->HasAccess("write") || $this->IsAdmin() )
$out .="<tr><tr><td><a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=add_sug")."\">Add Suggestion Thread</a>";
$out .="</td></tr></table>";
echo $this->ReturnSafeHTML($out);
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISPLAY A SUGGESTION THREAD
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
elseif ($phase == 'show_sug')
$id = $_GET['id']+0;
$sug_arr = GetAllSuggestions($all_sugs);
$sug_arr = $sug_arr[$id];
$st = array( 'Rejected' => 0, 'Implemented' => 0, 'Pending' => 0);
$st[GetStatusStr($sug_arr[0]['status'])] = 1;
$out = $this->Format("====".$sug_arr[0]['title']."==== //The proposed suggestion is ".GetStatusStr($sug_arr[0]['status'])."//");
$out .= "\n\t\t<form action=\"".$this->config["base_url"].$this->PageTitle().( ($this->config["rewrite_mode"]) ? "?" : "&")."\" method=\"get\">\n";
$out .= "<a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=manage_sugs&sort=all\"").">Suggestions Index</a> | ";
$out .= "<a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "&phase=add_sug\"").">New Suggestion</a> | ";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<a href=\"".$this->Href("","","phase=del_sug&delid=".$id)."\">Delete This Suggestion Thread</a> |";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wakka\" value=\"".$this->PageTitle()."\"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"phase\" value=\"chng_status\"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"t_id\" value=\"".$sug_arr[0]['id']."\"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"from_phase\" value=\"".$phase."\"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\tChange Status to <select name=\"sug_status\">";
foreach($st as $msg=>$sta)
$out .= "\n\t\t\t\t<option value=\"".substr($msg, 0,1)."\"".(($sta==1) ? ' selected' : '').">$msg</option>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t</select>\n";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"submit\" value=\" Go \"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t</form>";
$out.= $this->Format("----");
foreach($sug_arr as $i => $data)
$out .= "\n<table width=\"100%\">";
$out .= "\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td colspan=\"2\">".($this->Format("**".$data['title']."**"));
// if this is the owner and this isnt a first suggestion , or this is an admin .. then add a delete button ...
if (!$data['parent']==0)
if ( ($this->GetUserName() == $data['postby']) || ($this->IsAdmin($this->GetUser())) )
$out .= " | <small><a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "&phase=del_sug&id=".$id."&delid=".$data['id'])."&title=".htmlspecialchars($data['title'])."\">Delete</a></small>";
$out .= "\n\t\t</td>\n\t</tr>";
$out .= "\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td bgcolor=\"#999999\" width=\"5%\"></td>\n\t\t<td>".($this->Format($data['content']))."</td>\n\t</tr>";
// do the final row on this particular suggestion entry ...
$out .= "\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td colspan=\"2\"><small>".($this->Format("//".$data['postby']." posted on ".$data['time']."//"))."</small></td>\n\t</tr>";
$out .= "\n</table>\n<hr />";
if ( ( ($this->HasAccess("comment")) && ($this->HasAccess("write")) )|| $this->IsAdmin())
$out .= "<form action=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=reply_to&id=".$id)."\" method=\"post\">\n";
$out .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"status\" value=\"".$data['status']."\">";
$out .= "\n\tTopic : <br /><textarea id=\"topic_text\" name=\"topic\" cols=\"78\"></textarea><br />";
$out .= "\n\t<label for=\"reply_text\">Add a reply to this suggestion :<br />\n\t\t";
$out .= "\n\t\t<textarea id=\"reply_text\" name=\"body\" rows=\"6\" cols=\"78\"></textarea>";
$out .= "\n\t</label><br />";
$out .= "\n\t\t<br /><small>When you are ready to submit your Reply you may press ".$this->Format("#%Alt#%+#%A#%")." or <input value=\"Add Reply\" accesskey=\"a\" type=\"submit\"/>\n\t";
$out .= $this->FormClose();
echo $this->ReturnSafeHTML($out);
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE REPLY
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
elseif ($phase == 'del_sug')
if ( isset($_GET['delid']) && ($_GET['delid'] != "") )
if ( ($this->GetUserName() == $data['postby']) || ($this->IsAdmin($this->GetUser())) )
$delid = $_GET['delid'];
$parent_id = $_GET['id'];
if ( ($delid == $parent_id) && ($this->IsAdmin($this->GetUser())) )
$msg = "The thread entitled : ".$_GET['title']." was deleted";
$url = "&phase=show_sug&id=".$parent_id;
$msg = "The reply to the ".( (isset($_GET['title'])) ? $_GET['title'] : 'suggestion')." was deleted.";
$url = "phase=manage_sugs";
$this->Query("DELETE FROM ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."suggestions WHERE (id = '".$delid."' or parent='".$delid."')");
$this->Redirect($this->Href("","", $url));
$this->Redirect($this->Href("","", "&phase=show_sug&id=".$_GET['id']));
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPLY TO SUGGESTION
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
elseif ($phase == 'reply_to')
if ( ( ($this->HasAccess("comment")) && ($this->HasAccess("write")) )|| $this->IsAdmin())
if (($_POST['status'] != "I") && ($_POST['status'] != "R"))
$this->Query("INSERT INTO ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."suggestions (title,postby,time,status,content,parent) ".
"VALUES ('".addslashes($_POST['topic'])."', '".($this->GetUserName())."', NOW(), '".$_POST['status']."', '".addslashes($_POST['body'])."', '".$_GET['id']."')");
$this->SetMessage("The reply to the \"".( (isset($_GET['title'])) ? $_GET['title'] : 'suggestion')."\" was added." );
$this->Redirect($this->Href("","", "&phase=show_sug&id=".$_GET['id']));
$this->SetMessage("You can't add replies to this suggestion. Its status is set to ".GetStatusStr($sug_arr['status']));
$this->Redirect($this->Href("","", "&phase=show_sug&id=".$_GET['id']));
$this->SetMessage("You can't add replies to this suggestion, you dont have the proper privileges.");
$this->Redirect($this->Href("","", "&phase=show_sug&id=".$_GET['id']));
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADD NEW SUGGESTION THREAD
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
elseif ($phase == 'add_sug')
if ( ( ($this->HasAccess("comment")) && ($this->HasAccess("write")) )|| $this->IsAdmin())
if (!isset($_GET['done']))
$out = $this->Format("@@===New Suggestion===@@");
$out .= "<a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=manage_sugs&sort=all")."\">Suggestions Index</a>";
$out .= $this->Format(">>Minimum **Topic** length is set to ".$min_topic_length." character".(($min_topic_length == 1)? '' : 's')." --- Minimum **Reply** length is set to ".$min_reply_length." character".(($min_reply_length == 1)? '' : 's').">>--- ----");
$out .= "<form action=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=add_sug&done=1")."\" method=\"post\">\n";
$out .= "\n\tTopic : <br /><textarea id=\"topic_text\" name=\"topic\" cols=\"60\"></textarea><br />";
$out .= "\n\t<label for=\"reply_text\">Add a reply to this suggestion :<br />\n\t\t";
$out .= "\n\t\t<textarea id=\"reply_text\" name=\"body_text\" rows=\"8\" cols=\"60\"></textarea>";
$out .= "\n\t</label><br />";
$out .= "\n\t\t<br /><small>When you are ready to submit your Reply you may press ".$this->Format("#%Alt#%+#%A#%")." or <input value=\"Add New Suggestion\" accesskey=\"a\" type=\"submit\"></small>\n\t";
$out .= $this->FormClose();
echo $this->ReturnSafeHTML($out);
if (isset($_GET['done']) )// if the Add Reply was pressed then
{ // check if the lengths of the inputs are ok ...
$_GET['done'] = ( (strlen($_POST['topic']) >= $min_topic_length)&&(strlen($_POST['body_text']) >= $min_reply_length) )? 1 : -1;
else // if we reached here from smwh else than the Add Reply Button. .. (possibly a $this->Redirect)
$_GET['done'] = 0;
case 1:
$this->Query("INSERT INTO ".$this->config['table_prefix']."suggestions( `title` , `postby` , `time` , `content` , `parent` )
VALUES ( '".addslashes($_POST['topic'])."', '".($this->GetUserName())."', now( ) , '".addslashes($_POST['body_text'])."', 0)");
$_GET['done'] = 0;
$this->SetMessage("New Suggestion Posted");
$this->Redirect($this->Href("","", "phase=manage_sug"));
case -1:
$msg = "The Suggestion Topic has to be more than ".$min_topic_length." character".(($min_topic_length == 1 )?'s' : '')." long and ";
$msg .= "the Suggestion Text has to be more than ".$min_reply_length." character".(($min_reply_length == 1 )?'s' : '')." long.";
$this->Redirect($this->Href("","", "&phase=add_sug"));
$this->Redirect($this->Href("","", "&phase=add_sug"));
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANGE STATUS TO A SUGGESTION THREAD
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
elseif ($phase == 'chng_status')
if ( ($this->IsAdmin()) && ($_GET['t_id'] !== 0) )
$this->Query("UPDATE ".$this->config['table_prefix']."suggestions SET status='".$_GET['sug_status']."' where id=".$_GET['t_id']." or parent=".$_GET['t_id']);
$this->SetMessage("The status of ".GetTitleFromID($_GET['t_id'], $all_sugs)." is now set to ".GetStatusStr($_GET['sug_status']));
$this->Redirect($this->Href("","",( ($_GET['from_phase']=='show_sug') ? "&phase=".$_GET['from_phase']."&id=".$_GET['t_id'] : "phase=".$_GET['from_phase'] ) ));
else // silently redirect to the Suggestions Index ...
@filename: msgboard.php
@author: George Petsagourakis
@date: 2 Jan 2005
@license: GPL
@description: This actions provides a suggestions feature to your Wikka.
It is allowing for replying, deleting, status management and reviewing of posted suggestions.
To use it you will need the following table inside your MySQL database:
CREATE TABLE `suggestions` (
`title` VARCHAR( 200 ) NOT NULL ,
`postby` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`status` ENUM( 'I', 'R', 'P' ) NOT NULL ,
`content` TEXT NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) ,
INDEX ( `title` )
) COMMENT = 'suggestions table for the Wikka ...';
@usage: insert {{suggestions}} any where in a wakka page.
NickDamoulakis: Actually, it is meant to be {{msgboard}}
// if there is no phase set then direct to display the "manage subscriptions" table ...
$phase = (isset($_GET['phase'])) ? $_GET['phase'] : 'manage_sugs';
$min_topic_length = 5;
$min_reply_length = 15;
$all_sugs = $this->LoadAll("SELECT * FROM ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."suggestions ORDER BY parent, time");
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTILITY FUNCTIONS
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// used for returning an array structure from the MySQL ...
function GetAllSuggestions($arr)
$finarr = array();
// lets build the maintable...
foreach($arr as $i => $ar)
// handle the parents first...
if ($ar['parent'] == 0)
$id = $ar['id'];
$finarr[$ar['id']] = array();
else // handle the children...
$id = $ar['parent'];
foreach($ar as $idx=>$a)
$a = stripslashes($a);
// put them in the big table ...
$finarr[$id][] = $ar;
return $finarr;
// used for returning any Status from single letter to whole word .. : 'I' becomes 'Implemented'
function GetStatusStr($str)
if ($str == 'I') $str = "Implemented";
elseif ($str == 'R') $str = "Rejected";
elseif ($str == 'P') $str = "Pending";
return $str;
// used for adding a dropdown-choose-status field for various parts of the script ...
function AddStatusDropDown($status)
$st = array( 'Rejected' => 0, 'Implemented' => 0, 'Pending' => 0);
$st[GetStatusStr($status)] = 1;
$finrow = "\n\t\t\t<select name=\"sug_status\">";
foreach($st as $msg=>$sta)
$finrow .= "\n\t\t\t\t<option value=\"".substr($msg, 0,1)."\"".(($sta==1) ? ' selected' : '').">$msg</option>";
$finrow .= "\n\t\t\t</select>\n";
return $finrow;
function GetTitleFromID($id, $arr)
foreach (GetAllSuggestions($arr) as $idx => $data)
if ($id == $data['id']) return $data['title'];
// used on sorting the "Manage subscriptions" Table with various configurations...
function SortBy($arr, $func, $val)
$res = array();
if ($func == 'author')
if ($val && $val!= '')
foreach($arr as $i=>$sug)
if ($sug['postby'] == $val) $res[] = $sug;
return $res;
else return $arr;
elseif ($func == 'replies')
function replies($a, $b)
static $add = true;
static $i = 0;
if ($a['replies']){}
$i += ($add) ? 1 : 0 ;
$add = false;
elseif ($func == 'status')
if ($val && $val!= '')
foreach($arr as $i=>$sug)
if ($sug['status'] == $val) $res[] = $sug;
return $res;
else return $arr;
return $arr;
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISPLAY ALL SUGGESTION TOPICS
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($phase == 'manage_sugs')
$sug_arr = GetAllSuggestions($all_sugs);
$sort_get = (isset($_GET['sort'])) ? $_GET['sort'] : 'all';
$name_get = (isset($_GET['name'])) ? $_GET['name'] : 'all';
$status_get = (isset($_GET['status_sort'])) ? $_GET['status_sort'] : 'all';
$sort_get_up = ($_GET['sort_up']) ? ($_GET['sort_up']+0) : (1) ;
$parents = array();
if (!count($sug_arr) == 0)
foreach($sug_arr as $id => $data)
$cnt = array( 'replies' => (count($data)-1) );
$parents[] = $data[0] + $cnt;
$out = $this->Format("==== Suggestions Index ==== //This page contains all the ".( ($_GET['status_sort']!='all') ? GetStatusStr($_GET['status_sort']).' ' : ' ')."suggestions made ".( ($_GET['name'] != 'all' ) ? 'by '.$_GET['name'].' ' : '')."about this Wikka// ----");
// okie .. now we have the array holding the parent-suggestions ... lets make it happen ..
$out .= $this->FormOpen("","","get");
// Add New Suggestion Thread
if ( $this->HasAccess("comment") || $this->HasAccess("write") || $this->IsAdmin() )
$out .= "<a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=add_sug")."\">Add Suggestion Thread</a>";
// Status Sorting ...
$out .= " | Show only ";
$st = array( 'Rejected' => 0, 'Implemented' => 0, 'Pending' => 0);
if ($status_get != 'all') { $st[GetStatusStr($status_get)] = 1;}
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<select name=\"status_sort\">";
$out .= "<option value=\"all\"".( ($status_get == 'all')?" selected":"").">Any</option>";
foreach($st as $msg=>$sta)
$out .= "\n\t\t\t\t<option value=\"".substr($msg, 0,1)."\"".(($sta==1) ? ' selected' : '').">$msg</option>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t</select>";
// Search By Author
$out .= " suggested by ";
$out .= "";
$st = array();
$tot = 0;
foreach($this->LoadAll("SELECT id,postby FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."suggestions WHERE parent = '0'") as $idx => $data)
if ( ($st[$data['postby']]) || ($st[$data['postby']] > 1) )
$st[$data['postby']] += 1;
$st[$data['postby']] = 1;
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<select name=\"name\">";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t\t<option value=\"all\"".(($name_get=='all')?" selected":"").">Anyone ($tot)</option>";
foreach($st as $author => $count)
if (strlen($author) > 0)
$out .= "\n\t\t\t\t<option value=\"".$author."\"".(($name_get==$author)?" selected":"").">".$author." (".$count.")</option>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t</select>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input value=\" Go \" accesskey=\"g\" type=\"submit\"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t".$this->FormClose()."\n\t\t<hr />";
// Created the topmost links bar ...
if ($sort_get != 'all')
// sort out the 'title' 'time' or 'postby'
if ( ($sort_get == 'title') || ($sort_get == 'time') || ($sort_get == 'status')) // TO FIX !!! //
$res = $this->LoadAll("SELECT * FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."suggestions WHERE parent = '0' ORDER BY ".$sort_get);
$parents = array();
foreach($res as $idx => $data)
if ($data['parent'] == 0)
$id = $data['id'];
$parents[$data['id']] = array();
else // handle the children...
$id = $data['parent'];
foreach($data as $i => $a)
$a = stripslashes($a);
$parents[$id][] = $data;
foreach($sug_arr as $idx => $info)
$cnt = array( 'replies' => (count($info)-1) );
foreach($parents as $i => $a)
if ($a[0]['id'] == $idx) $parents[$i] = array_merge($a[0] ,$cnt);
$parents = ($sort_get_up==1)? array_reverse($parents) :$parents ;
elseif ($sort_get == 'replies')
function repliesSB($a, $b)
if ($a["replies"]== $b["replies"]) return 0;
return ($a["replies"] > $b["replies"]) ? 1 : -1 ;
function repliesBS($a, $b)
if ($a["replies"]== $b["replies"]) return 0;
return ($a["replies"] < $b["replies"]) ? 1 : -1 ;
uasort($parents, "replies".(($sort_get_up==1)?"BS":"SB")) ;
elseif ($sort_get == 'postby')
function postbyBS($a, $b)
if ($a['postby'] == $b['postby']) return 0;
return ($a['postby'] < $b['postby']) ? -1 : 1;
function postbySB($a, $b)
if ($a['postby'] == $b['postby']) return 0;
return ($a['postby'] < $b['postby']) ? 1 : -1;
uasort($parents, 'postby'.(($sort_get_up==-1)?'BS':'SB'));
// The author filtering ...
if ($name_get !='all') {
$res = $parents;
$parents = array();
foreach($res as $i=>$info)
if ($info['postby'] === $name_get)
$parents[$i] = $info;
// The status filtering ...
if ($status_get !='all') {
$res = $parents;
$parents = array();
foreach($res as $i=>$info)
if ($info['status'] === $status_get)
$parents[$i] = $info;
// ------------- CREATING THE DISPLAY TABLE FROM $parents ARRAY...
$out .= "\n\t<table align=\"center\" width=\"90%\">";
$out .= "\n\t<tbody align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#999999\">";
$out .= "\n\t\t<th>".((($_GET['sort_up']==1||$_GET['sort_up']==-1) && ($sort_get =='title') )? (($sort_get_up==-1)? "⇓" : "⇑"):'')."<a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=manage_sugs&sort=title&sort_up=".(-$sort_get_up))."\">Topic</a></th>";
$out .= "\n\t\t<th>".((($_GET['sort_up']==1||$_GET['sort_up']==-1) && ($sort_get =='status') )? (($sort_get_up==-1)? "⇓" : "⇑"):'')."<a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=manage_sugs&sort=status&sort_up=".(-$sort_get_up))."\">Status</a></th>";
$out .= "\n\t\t<th>".((($_GET['sort_up']==1||$_GET['sort_up']==-1) && ($sort_get =='postby') )? (($sort_get_up==-1)? "⇓" : "⇑"):'')."<a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=manage_sugs&sort=postby&sort_up=".(-$sort_get_up))."\">Author</a></th>";
$out .= "\n\t\t<th>".((($_GET['sort_up']==1||$_GET['sort_up']==-1) && ($sort_get =='time') )? (($sort_get_up==-1)? "⇓" : "⇑"):'')."<a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=manage_sugs&sort=time&sort_up=".(-$sort_get_up))."\">Posted On</a></th>";
$out .= "\n\t\t<th>".((($_GET['sort_up']==1||$_GET['sort_up']==-1) && ($sort_get =='replies') )? (($sort_get_up==-1)? "⇓" : "⇑"):'')."<a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=manage_sugs&sort=replies&sort_up=".(-$sort_get_up))."\">Replies</a></th>";
if ($this->IsAdmin($this->GetUser()))
$out .= "\n\t\t<th>Actions</th>";
$out .= "\n\t</tbody>\n\t";
if (count($parents) > 0)
foreach($parents as $i=>$data)
$out .= "\t<tr>";
$out .= "\n\t\t<td><a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=show_sug&id=".$data['id'])."\">".$data['title']."</a></td>";
$out .= "\n\t\t<td>".GetStatusStr($data['status'])."</td>";
$out .= "\n\t\t<td>".$this->Format($data['postby'])."</td>";
$out .= "\n\t\t<td>".$data['time']."</td>";
$out .= "\n\t\t<td align=\"center\">".$data['replies']."</td>";
if ($this->IsAdmin($this->GetUser()))
$st = array( 'Rejected' => 0, 'Implemented' => 0, 'Pending' => 0);
$st[GetStatusStr($data['status'])] = 1;
$out .= "\n\t\t<td>";
$out .= "\n\t\t<form action=\"".$this->config["base_url"].$this->PageTitle().( ($this->config["rewrite_mode"]) ? "?" : "&")."\" method=\"get\">\n";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<a href=\"".$this->Href("","","phase=del_sug&delid=".$data['id'])."\">Delete</a> |";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wakka\" value=\"".$this->PageTitle()."\"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"phase\" value=\"chng_status\"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"t_id\" value=\"".$data['id']."\"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"from_phase\" value=\"".$phase."\"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\tChange to <select name=\"sug_status\">";
foreach($st as $msg=>$sta)
$out .= "\n\t\t\t\t<option value=\"".substr($msg, 0,1)."\"".(($sta==1) ? ' selected' : '').">$msg</option>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t</select>\n";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"submit\" value=\" Go \"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t</form>";
$out .= "\n\t\t</tr>";
$out .= "</table>\n\t".$this->Format("--- @@//===No Matches===//@@ --- ");
$out = "<table><tr><td>No Suggestions yet ...</td>";
if ( $this->HasAccess("comment") || $this->HasAccess("write") || $this->IsAdmin() )
$out .="<tr><tr><td><a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=add_sug")."\">Add Suggestion Thread</a>";
$out .="</td></tr></table>";
echo $this->ReturnSafeHTML($out);
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISPLAY A SUGGESTION THREAD
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
elseif ($phase == 'show_sug')
$id = $_GET['id']+0;
$sug_arr = GetAllSuggestions($all_sugs);
$sug_arr = $sug_arr[$id];
$st = array( 'Rejected' => 0, 'Implemented' => 0, 'Pending' => 0);
$st[GetStatusStr($sug_arr[0]['status'])] = 1;
$out = $this->Format("====".$sug_arr[0]['title']."==== //The proposed suggestion is ".GetStatusStr($sug_arr[0]['status'])."//");
$out .= "\n\t\t<form action=\"".$this->config["base_url"].$this->PageTitle().( ($this->config["rewrite_mode"]) ? "?" : "&")."\" method=\"get\">\n";
$out .= "<a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=manage_sugs&sort=all\"").">Suggestions Index</a> | ";
$out .= "<a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "&phase=add_sug\"").">New Suggestion</a> | ";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<a href=\"".$this->Href("","","phase=del_sug&delid=".$id)."\">Delete This Suggestion Thread</a> |";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wakka\" value=\"".$this->PageTitle()."\"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"phase\" value=\"chng_status\"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"t_id\" value=\"".$sug_arr[0]['id']."\"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"from_phase\" value=\"".$phase."\"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\tChange Status to <select name=\"sug_status\">";
foreach($st as $msg=>$sta)
$out .= "\n\t\t\t\t<option value=\"".substr($msg, 0,1)."\"".(($sta==1) ? ' selected' : '').">$msg</option>";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t</select>\n";
$out .= "\n\t\t\t<input type=\"submit\" value=\" Go \"/>";
$out .= "\n\t\t</form>";
$out.= $this->Format("----");
foreach($sug_arr as $i => $data)
$out .= "\n<table width=\"100%\">";
$out .= "\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td colspan=\"2\">".($this->Format("**".$data['title']."**"));
// if this is the owner and this isnt a first suggestion , or this is an admin .. then add a delete button ...
if (!$data['parent']==0)
if ( ($this->GetUserName() == $data['postby']) || ($this->IsAdmin($this->GetUser())) )
$out .= " | <small><a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "&phase=del_sug&id=".$id."&delid=".$data['id'])."&title=".htmlspecialchars($data['title'])."\">Delete</a></small>";
$out .= "\n\t\t</td>\n\t</tr>";
$out .= "\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td bgcolor=\"#999999\" width=\"5%\"></td>\n\t\t<td>".($this->Format($data['content']))."</td>\n\t</tr>";
// do the final row on this particular suggestion entry ...
$out .= "\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td colspan=\"2\"><small>".($this->Format("//".$data['postby']." posted on ".$data['time']."//"))."</small></td>\n\t</tr>";
$out .= "\n</table>\n<hr />";
if ( ( ($this->HasAccess("comment")) && ($this->HasAccess("write")) )|| $this->IsAdmin())
$out .= "<form action=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=reply_to&id=".$id)."\" method=\"post\">\n";
$out .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"status\" value=\"".$data['status']."\">";
$out .= "\n\tTopic : <br /><textarea id=\"topic_text\" name=\"topic\" cols=\"78\"></textarea><br />";
$out .= "\n\t<label for=\"reply_text\">Add a reply to this suggestion :<br />\n\t\t";
$out .= "\n\t\t<textarea id=\"reply_text\" name=\"body\" rows=\"6\" cols=\"78\"></textarea>";
$out .= "\n\t</label><br />";
$out .= "\n\t\t<br /><small>When you are ready to submit your Reply you may press ".$this->Format("#%Alt#%+#%A#%")." or <input value=\"Add Reply\" accesskey=\"a\" type=\"submit\"/>\n\t";
$out .= $this->FormClose();
echo $this->ReturnSafeHTML($out);
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE REPLY
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
elseif ($phase == 'del_sug')
if ( isset($_GET['delid']) && ($_GET['delid'] != "") )
if ( ($this->GetUserName() == $data['postby']) || ($this->IsAdmin($this->GetUser())) )
$delid = $_GET['delid'];
$parent_id = $_GET['id'];
if ( ($delid == $parent_id) && ($this->IsAdmin($this->GetUser())) )
$msg = "The thread entitled : ".$_GET['title']." was deleted";
$url = "&phase=show_sug&id=".$parent_id;
$msg = "The reply to the ".( (isset($_GET['title'])) ? $_GET['title'] : 'suggestion')." was deleted.";
$url = "phase=manage_sugs";
$this->Query("DELETE FROM ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."suggestions WHERE (id = '".$delid."' or parent='".$delid."')");
$this->Redirect($this->Href("","", $url));
$this->Redirect($this->Href("","", "&phase=show_sug&id=".$_GET['id']));
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPLY TO SUGGESTION
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
elseif ($phase == 'reply_to')
if ( ( ($this->HasAccess("comment")) && ($this->HasAccess("write")) )|| $this->IsAdmin())
if (($_POST['status'] != "I") && ($_POST['status'] != "R"))
$this->Query("INSERT INTO ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."suggestions (title,postby,time,status,content,parent) ".
"VALUES ('".addslashes($_POST['topic'])."', '".($this->GetUserName())."', NOW(), '".$_POST['status']."', '".addslashes($_POST['body'])."', '".$_GET['id']."')");
$this->SetMessage("The reply to the \"".( (isset($_GET['title'])) ? $_GET['title'] : 'suggestion')."\" was added." );
$this->Redirect($this->Href("","", "&phase=show_sug&id=".$_GET['id']));
$this->SetMessage("You can't add replies to this suggestion. Its status is set to ".GetStatusStr($sug_arr['status']));
$this->Redirect($this->Href("","", "&phase=show_sug&id=".$_GET['id']));
$this->SetMessage("You can't add replies to this suggestion, you dont have the proper privileges.");
$this->Redirect($this->Href("","", "&phase=show_sug&id=".$_GET['id']));
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADD NEW SUGGESTION THREAD
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
elseif ($phase == 'add_sug')
if ( ( ($this->HasAccess("comment")) && ($this->HasAccess("write")) )|| $this->IsAdmin())
if (!isset($_GET['done']))
$out = $this->Format("@@===New Suggestion===@@");
$out .= "<a href=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=manage_sugs&sort=all")."\">Suggestions Index</a>";
$out .= $this->Format(">>Minimum **Topic** length is set to ".$min_topic_length." character".(($min_topic_length == 1)? '' : 's')." --- Minimum **Reply** length is set to ".$min_reply_length." character".(($min_reply_length == 1)? '' : 's').">>--- ----");
$out .= "<form action=\"".$this->Href("","", "phase=add_sug&done=1")."\" method=\"post\">\n";
$out .= "\n\tTopic : <br /><textarea id=\"topic_text\" name=\"topic\" cols=\"60\"></textarea><br />";
$out .= "\n\t<label for=\"reply_text\">Add a reply to this suggestion :<br />\n\t\t";
$out .= "\n\t\t<textarea id=\"reply_text\" name=\"body_text\" rows=\"8\" cols=\"60\"></textarea>";
$out .= "\n\t</label><br />";
$out .= "\n\t\t<br /><small>When you are ready to submit your Reply you may press ".$this->Format("#%Alt#%+#%A#%")." or <input value=\"Add New Suggestion\" accesskey=\"a\" type=\"submit\"></small>\n\t";
$out .= $this->FormClose();
echo $this->ReturnSafeHTML($out);
if (isset($_GET['done']) )// if the Add Reply was pressed then
{ // check if the lengths of the inputs are ok ...
$_GET['done'] = ( (strlen($_POST['topic']) >= $min_topic_length)&&(strlen($_POST['body_text']) >= $min_reply_length) )? 1 : -1;
else // if we reached here from smwh else than the Add Reply Button. .. (possibly a $this->Redirect)
$_GET['done'] = 0;
case 1:
$this->Query("INSERT INTO ".$this->config['table_prefix']."suggestions( `title` , `postby` , `time` , `content` , `parent` )
VALUES ( '".addslashes($_POST['topic'])."', '".($this->GetUserName())."', now( ) , '".addslashes($_POST['body_text'])."', 0)");
$_GET['done'] = 0;
$this->SetMessage("New Suggestion Posted");
$this->Redirect($this->Href("","", "phase=manage_sug"));
case -1:
$msg = "The Suggestion Topic has to be more than ".$min_topic_length." character".(($min_topic_length == 1 )?'s' : '')." long and ";
$msg .= "the Suggestion Text has to be more than ".$min_reply_length." character".(($min_reply_length == 1 )?'s' : '')." long.";
$this->Redirect($this->Href("","", "&phase=add_sug"));
$this->Redirect($this->Href("","", "&phase=add_sug"));
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANGE STATUS TO A SUGGESTION THREAD
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
elseif ($phase == 'chng_status')
if ( ($this->IsAdmin()) && ($_GET['t_id'] !== 0) )
$this->Query("UPDATE ".$this->config['table_prefix']."suggestions SET status='".$_GET['sug_status']."' where id=".$_GET['t_id']." or parent=".$_GET['t_id']);
$this->SetMessage("The status of ".GetTitleFromID($_GET['t_id'], $all_sugs)." is now set to ".GetStatusStr($_GET['sug_status']));
$this->Redirect($this->Href("","",( ($_GET['from_phase']=='show_sug') ? "&phase=".$_GET['from_phase']."&id=".$_GET['t_id'] : "phase=".$_GET['from_phase'] ) ));
else // silently redirect to the Suggestions Index ...
You just insert {{msgboard}} inside any page. Keep in mind that posting on this is affected by the ACLS of the specific page.Final Note
This is my Gift to the Wikka development to enable these wonderfull people behind Wikka to manage the Suggestions they receive ...Happy New Year to All ;)
Suggestions, Modifications as well as comments are most welcome ...
Happy New Year to all!
- See my comment below for the missing "create entry function" I added a little bit to the code above. It should be possible now to add new topics if there are none
- I added a ".$this->config["table_prefix"]." to the first query
- changing the status of a topic does not work with mod_rewrite
- I like this modification very much :) --NilsLindenberg