Personal Info on George Petsagourakis
Involved in many communities that "waste time" in the Direct Connect Scene ...
Mostly Lua scripting for a hub ( dc hub ) called PtokaX.
You may want to see the wiki of the hubsoftware. It isn't much but it is something. - if i can get it back 2 net. -- bastya_elvtars
Mostly Lua scripting for a hub ( dc hub ) called PtokaX.
You may want to see the wiki of the hubsoftware. It isn't much but it is something. - if i can get it back 2 net. -- bastya_elvtars
I am a Greek guy living in Rethymno Crete,...
programming background in Java, Lua, Ruby and much less done in PHP ...
I am an architect in profession and I will be doing my military service for 9 months starting from May 2005. --done February 2006
I started working and the system is consuming me... it's a local construction firm. Since I am an architect I thought I would fit in... not a chance,.. but nevertheless the money is good.
Presently I getting involved with the CodeIgniter community and I have recently setup a blog (couple of months).
NickName on IRC & DC Networks: Herodes -- doubt these networks, a lot...
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