Revision history for NickDamoulakis

Revision [23069]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:45 by NickDamoulakis [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
[[NickDamoulakisBio | A brief bio]]
[[NickDamoulakisBio A brief bio]]

Revision [18727]

Edited on 2008-01-28 00:12:34 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]

No Differences

Revision [14770]

Edited on 2006-07-04 20:05:14 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
==Pages that link to this page==

Revision [12364]

Edited on 2005-12-21 00:01:43 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
==== 1) Install MYSQL====
~1) Download MYSQL v4.x from
~~(Note above link is for AUS, you may end up with a different one. The important thing is that I am using MYSQL v4 and not v5...yet)
a) Run the installer, click Next, leave the selection on Typical, click Next, Install. The installer will now go through its paces.
a) When done, click on Skip Sign-up, Next, make sure the Configure the MYSQL server checkbox is checked, click Finish.
a) The Config Wizard starts up. Click Next, Detailed Configuration, click Next, Server Machine, click Next, Multifunctional DB, click Next.
a) InnoDB Tablespace settings: set to suit, click Next. Decision Support, click Next, check Enable TCP/IP Networking, click Next.
a) Best Support for Multilinguism, click Next.
a) Install as Windows Service, click Next
a) Specify root password, click Next, Execute
a) Click Finish.
a) Voila, you are the proud owner of a MYSQL database server! :-)
==== 2) Install IIS6====
a) Open Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, Add/Remove Windoze Components.
a) Choose Internet Information Services (IIS) from list, click on Next.
~You will probably be prompted to insert the Win XP CD in the CD drive and point to where the misc files the installer needs are.
~In my case, they were in the I386 directory, found on the Win XP CD.
a) Once the installer has finished, you will find that you now have a new directory, called ''C:\Inetpub'' and under that,
you will find ''wwwroot''. This is the top dir of all your (future) web apps.
==== 3) Install and config PHP====
a) Download PHP 5.0.5 from
a) Unzip the above file into (in my case) ''C:\php5'' (**See note under Things I Tripped Over below**)
a) go into ''C:\php5'' and copy ''PHP.INI-RECOMMENDED'' to ''PHP.INI''
a) Open that INI file and change as follows:
~i) Find ''extension_dir = "./"'' and change it to ''extension_dir = "./ext"''
~i) Find '';extension=php_mbstring.dll'' and remove the leading ';'
~i) Find '';extension=php_mysql.dll'' and remove the leading ';'
~i) Find '';session.save_path = "/tmp"'' and change it to ''session.save_path =C:\php5\sessions''. Note leading ';' was removed!
~i) **Make sure that the security settings of ''C:\php5\sessions'' provide for read/write access to the users of the web server.**
~i) Create directory ''C:\php5\sessions''. Bad things will happen if it doesn't!
~i) Find ''session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440'' and change it to ''session.gc_maxlifetime = 43200''.
a) Right-click on My Computer on desktop, Manage, Services and Applications, Internet Information Services **
(I'll refer to this as the Computer Management App CMA)**
a) Right-click on Default Web Site, Properties
a) On the displayed dialog, click on the ISAPI Filters tab, click Add, enter PHP in Filter Name and point to the executable ''C:\php5\php5isapi.dll''
a) Click Ok. Click on the Documents tab, click Add, enter INDEX.PHP, press Ok.
a) Using the arrows shown in the dialog, move INDEX.PHP to the top of the list.
a) Click on the Home Directory tab, click on Configuration, click Add, enter ''C:\php5\php5isapi.dll'' in the Executable field.
a) Enter '.PHP' in the Extension field, click Ok. Click Ok.
a) You are now in Default Web Site Properties.
q) Click Ok. You are now back at the CMA.
a) Restart IIS (right-click on Internet Information Services, All Taks, Restart IIS, click Ok (assuming the combobox shows 'Restart Internet Services', click on 'End now'
a) IIS will restart and 'start up' PHP5. This step will fail if any of the key settings in the PHP.INI file are wrong.
a) If it doesn't fail it means that PHP5 and the MYSQL plugin are working ok.
==== 5) Install and config Wikka====
a) Create dir ''C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Wikka''
a) Extract the Wikka files (from ''Wikka-'') into that dir, so that ''Wikka.php'' is in ''C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Wikka''
a) Go to the CMA (see note in Config IIS above), expand Web Sites, expand Default Web Site. You should be able to see your newly-created Wikka dir.
a) Right-click on it, Properties. You should now be looking at the Directory tab. Under Application Settings, click on the Create button. Click Ok.
a) You should now be back at the main CMA screen.
a) Fire up your favourite browser and point it to ""http://localhost/wikka"". If what you see is the Wikka installation form, all is well.
a) If what you see is
then, it would seem, the PHP ISAPI filter isn't working. Please re-check your settings.
- User group management, as shown in
- User management, as shown an
- Page Admin management, as shown an
- Anchors, as shown in
- Bread-crumb trail, as shown in
- Sidenote actions, as shown in
- Skin action. Note that some of the reasons skins might not work (ie you specify a new skin but nothing happens) are:
~~a) The PHP sessions_path has not been set
~~a) The dir pointed to by the PHP sessions_path has security settings that do not allow the web servers users to 'modify' the contents of that dir.
~Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Local Security Policy.
~Once the Local Security Settings form is up, open Local Policies, Security Options.
~Llook for 'Network Access: Sharing and Security Model for local accounts' and change its value from 'Guest only' to 'Classic'.
- Initially, I had installed PHP in ''C:\program files\php5'', only to find that things would not work,
ie pointing my browser to ""http://localhost/wikka"" would raise an error.
==== 1) Install MYSQL====
1) Download MYSQL v4.x from
(Note above link is for AUS, you may end up with a different one. The important thing is that I am using MYSQL v4 and not v5...yet)
1) Run the installer, click Next, leave the selection on Typical, click Next, Install. The installer will now go through its paces.
1) When done, click on Skip Sign-up, Next, make sure the Configure the MYSQL server checkbox is checked, click Finish.
1) The Config Wizard starts up. Click Next, Detailed Configuration, click Next, Server Machine, click Next, Multifunctional DB, click Next.
1) InnoDB Tablespace settings: set to suit, click Next. Decision Support, click Next, check Enable TCP/IP Networking, click Next.
1) Best Support for Multilinguism, click Next.
1) Install as Windows Service, click Next
1) Specify root password, click Next, Execute
1) Click Finish.
1) Voila, you are the proud owner of a MYSQL database server! :-)
==== 2) Install IIS6====
Open Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, Add/Remove Windoze Components. Choose Internet Information Services (IIS) from list, click on Next.
You will probably be prompted to insert the Win XP CD in the CD drive and point to where the misc files the installer needs are.
In my case, they were in the I386 directory, found on the Win XP CD.
Once the installer has finished, you will find that you now have a new directory, called ''C:\Inetpub'' and under that, you will find ''wwwroot''
This is the top dir of all your (future) web apps.
==== 3) Install and config PHP====
1) Download PHP 5.0.5 from
1) Unzip the above file into (in my case) ''C:\php5'' (**See note under Things I Tripped Over below**)
1) go into ''C:\php5'' and copy ''PHP.INI-RECOMMENDED'' to ''PHP.INI''
1) Open that INI file and change as follows:
1) Find ''extension_dir = "./"'' and change it to ''extension_dir = "./ext"''
1) Find '';extension=php_mbstring.dll'' and remove the leading ';'
1) Find '';extension=php_mysql.dll'' and remove the leading ';'
1) Find '';extension=php_gd2l'' and remove the leading ';' **NOTE: Without this I was unable to create images in PHP**
1) Find '';session.save_path = "/tmp"'' and change it to ''session.save_path =C:\php5\sessions''. Note leading ';' was removed!
1) Create directory ''C:\php5\sessions''. Bad things will happen if it doesn't!
1) Find ''session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440'' and change it to ''session.gc_maxlifetime = 43200''.
1) create the file '''c:\php5\phpinipath.reg'' and enter these 3 lines in it:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
1) Double-click on ''c:\php5\phpinipath.reg''.
===Win 2003===
a) Right-click on My Computer on desktop, Manage, Services and Applications, Internet Information Services
a) Right-click on ''Web Service Extensions'', choose ''Add a new Web service extension ...''
a) Enter PHP as the name and click Add for required files. Point to ''C:\php5\php5isapi.dll''
a) Make sure the ''Set extension status to Allowed'' checkbox is checked. Press Ok.
a) Right-click on ''Web Sites'' and select ''Properties''.
a) From the ''Home Directory'' tab click the Configuration button.
a) Click Add to add an ''Application Extension''.
a) Enter ''C:\PHP\PHP5ISAPI.DLL'' as Executable and ''PHP'' as Extension. Leave the rest as default and click Ok.
a) Voila!
===Win 2k/XP===
1) Right-click on My Computer on desktop, Manage, Services and Applications, Internet Information Services **
(I'll refer to this as the Computer Management App CMA)**
1) Right-click on Default Web Site, Properties
1) On the displayed dialog, click on the ISAPI Filters tab, click Add, enter PHP in Filter Name and point to the executable ''C:\php5\php5isapi.dll''
1) Click Ok.
1) Click on the Documents tab, click Add, enter INDEX.PHP, press Ok. Using the arrows shown in the dialog, move INDEX.PHP to the top of the list.
1) Click on the Home Directory tab, click on Configuration, click Add, enter ''C:\php5\php5isapi.dll'' in the Executable field, enter '.PHP' in the Extension field, click Ok.
1) Click Ok. You are now in Default Web Site Properties.
1) Click Ok. You are now back at the CMA.
1) Restart IIS (right-click on Internet Information Services, All Taks, Restart IIS, click Ok (assuming the combobox shows 'Restart Internet Services', click on 'End now'
1) IIS will restart and 'start up' PHP5. This step will fail if any of the key settings in the PHP.INI file are wrong.
1) If it doesn't fail it means that PHP5 and the MYSQL plugin are working ok.
==== 5) Install and config Wikka====
1) Create dir ''C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Wikka''
1) Extract the Wikka files (from ''Wikka-'') into that dir, so that ''Wikka.php'' is in ''C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Wikka''
1) Go to the CMA (see note in Config IIS above), expand Web Sites, expand Default Web Site. You should be able to see your newly-created Wikka dir.
1) Right-click on it, Properties. You should now be looking at the Directory tab. Under Application Settings, click on the Create button. Click Ok.
1) You should now be back at the main CMA screen.
1) Fire up your favourite browser and point it to ""http://localhost/wikka"". If what you see is the Wikka installation form, all is well.
1) If what you see is
then, it would seem, the PHP ISAPI filter isn't working. Please re-check your settings.
- User group management, as shown in GroupManagement
- User management, as shown an UserAdmin
- Page Admin management, as shown an PageAdminAction
- Anchors, as shown in AnchorAction. This includes the header.php and footer.php mods that provide 'Go top' and 'Go bottom' functionality
- Bread-crumb trail, as shown in WikiBreadcrumb
- Sidenote actions, as shown in SidenoteActions
====Wikka patches I use====
- Indenting not working properly in handlers/page/edit.php, as shown in WikkaBugs
- ""WikiEdit"" : Ctrl+5 executed twice, as shown in WikkaBugs
- Advanced search results reveal confidential info, as shown in WikkaBugs
- Mods to ""RecentComments"" and ""RecentlyCommented"", as shown in WikkaBugs
- ""Double-click editing"" fix, as shown in WikkaBugs
- ++Single quotes for action parameters, as shown in ActionParsQuoting++ Breaks image links????
Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Local Security Policy.
Once the Local Security Settings form is up, open Local Policies, Security Options, then look for 'Network Access: Sharing and Security Model for local accounts' and change its value from 'Guest only' to 'Classic'.
- Initially, I had installed PHP in ''C:\program files\php5'', only to find that things would not work, ie pointing my browser to ""http://localhost/wikka"" would raise an error.
=====User contributed actions=====
- Action to automatically create and display recent changes in a mind map: ShowRecentChangesMindMapAction
- Action to show a Visio document within a Wikka page: ShowVisioAction
- (not really an action...) WinWord macro to convert doc to WikkaWiki markup. WinWord2WikkaWikiAction
- Enhancement to the PageAdminAction action to allow pruning of page revisions. USE WITH CAUTION! PageAdminPrune

Revision [12252]

Edited on 2005-12-14 09:07:48 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
1) create the file '''c:\php5\phpinipath.reg'' and enter these 3 lines in it:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
1) Double-click on ''c:\php5\phpinipath.reg''.

Revision [12251]

Edited on 2005-12-14 08:34:47 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
- A few handy links
====A few handy links====
**(Feedback/corrections are most welcome!!!)**
===Win 2003===
a) Right-click on My Computer on desktop, Manage, Services and Applications, Internet Information Services
a) Right-click on ''Web Service Extensions'', choose ''Add a new Web service extension ...''
a) Enter PHP as the name and click Add for required files. Point to ''C:\php5\php5isapi.dll''
a) Make sure the ''Set extension status to Allowed'' checkbox is checked. Press Ok.
a) Right-click on ''Web Sites'' and select ''Properties''.
a) From the ''Home Directory'' tab click the Configuration button.
a) Click Add to add an ''Application Extension''.
a) Enter ''C:\PHP\PHP5ISAPI.DLL'' as Executable and ''PHP'' as Extension. Leave the rest as default and click Ok.
a) Voila!
===Win 2k/XP===
- A few handly links
====A few handly links====
(Inline comments are more than welcome!!!)

Revision [12243]

Edited on 2005-12-13 10:22:09 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
- Enhancement to the PageAdminAction action to allow pruning of page revisions. USE WITH CAUTION! PageAdminPrune
- Enhancement to the PageAdmin action to allow pruning of page revisions. USE WITH CAUTION! PageAdminPrune

Revision [12236]

Edited on 2005-12-12 11:09:31 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
- Enhancement to the PageAdmin action to allow pruning of page revisions. USE WITH CAUTION! PageAdminPrune

Revision [12174]

Edited on 2005-12-09 07:49:46 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
- ++Single quotes for action parameters, as shown in ActionParsQuoting++ Breaks image links????
- Single quotes for action parameters, as shown in ActionParsQuoting

Revision [12173]

Edited on 2005-12-09 07:09:02 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
- Single quotes for action parameters, as shown in ActionParsQuoting

Revision [12155]

Edited on 2005-12-07 14:21:22 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
- (not really an action...) WinWord macro to convert doc to WikkaWiki markup. WinWord2WikkaWikiAction
- (not really an action...) WinWord macro to convert doc to WikkaWiki markup. WinWord2WikkaWiki

Revision [12154]

Edited on 2005-12-07 14:13:25 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
- (not really an action...) WinWord macro to convert doc to WikkaWiki markup. WinWord2WikkaWiki

Revision [11987]

Edited on 2005-11-23 17:33:22 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
- ""WikiEdit"" : Ctrl+5 executed twice, as shown in WikkaBugs
- Advanced search results reveal confidential info, as shown in WikkaBugs
- Mods to ""RecentComments"" and ""RecentlyCommented"", as shown in WikkaBugs
- ""Double-click editing"" fix, as shown in WikkaBugs
- ""WikiEdit"" : Ctrl+5 executed twice

Revision [11985]

Edited on 2005-11-23 16:49:06 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
====Wikka patches I use====
- Indenting not working properly in handlers/page/edit.php, as shown in WikkaBugs
- ""WikiEdit"" : Ctrl+5 executed twice

Revision [11939]

Edited on 2005-11-22 13:36:47 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
[[NickDamoulakisBio A brief bio]]
- [[NickDamoulakisBio A brief bio]]
=====Brief bio=====
(While the following is true, it is possible that you may not be able to withstand the laughter that may errupt from your mouth. If you are susceptible to uncontrolable laughter when you hear of someone using an 8-bit micro with all of 4096 bytes of RAM, quick! skip over the next paragraph! now! :-)
Same goes if you get bored hearing people blubber on about their past jobs....)
I started working with computers in 1981, with a massively powerfull (cough cough) 6502-based computer with 4KB of RAM. No, it isn't a typo, I do mean 4096 **bytes**!
I then //advanced// to a ""MicroBee"", which was an AUS designed and made, 2MHZ Z80-based 8-bit computer with 32KB of CMOS RAM (which meant the RAM contents were kept alive with a tiny battery, even after the computer was switched off).
For mass storage, audio tapes were used. Ah, the good old days of dumping data and program source to a tape at the blistering speed of 300 **bits**/sec!
I cut my teeth on Z80 assembly programming on this computer and wrote BeeArtistic, a MacPaint-type graphics app for it. This app was sold in the open market.
I did say I wrote it in Z80 assembler, right? Goes to show what a sucker for punishment I was.
(I should also point out that my good friend Paul Dodd did half the work)
Then (in 1983-ish), I designed and built the hardware and software for a 32-bit co-processor (""NatSemi"" 32032) which was hosted on the ""MicroBee"".
And, since I was in the swing of things, I also designed a Z80 co-processor for the IBM XT/AT PCs...why, oh why??!!
I then spent 4 yrs designing the hardware and firmware for the following interfaces
- 5250 (IBM S/36, S/38, AS400, twinax) --> PC printer
- 7-port, 3270 (IBM mainframe, SDLC) --> PC printer or to (pretty much) any terminal
Uhm, they too were done in assembler! Clearly, I was drugged. No sane man would want to do this willingly!
From 1989-ish onwards, I have been designing/developing software using anything from C, Delphi, Basic, Gupta SQLWindows, ++Viral++Visual Basic, Java, C#, SQLServer, Oracle, Firebird, ...blah blah...
So here I am. Having survived all that, I am now punishing myself with PHP! Looking at source code that contains both html and code... At least PHP5 seems to have some more structure; cons/destructors, try/catch, proper dereferencing, object handles rather that copies...
Enough about me, read on about how I installed Wikka!

Revision [11937]

Edited on 2005-11-22 13:32:56 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
- [[NickDamoulakisBio A brief bio]]
- A brief bio on me

Revision [11935]

Edited on 2005-11-21 22:01:38 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
- A few handly links
====A few handly links====
- **Easiest** way to install an Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. (
- ---
- Easiest way to install an Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. (

Revision [11934]

Edited on 2005-11-21 21:59:26 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
Category: CategoryUsers, CategoryTroubleshooting
Category: CategoryUsers

Revision [11916]

Edited on 2005-11-19 17:32:16 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
1) Find '';extension=php_gd2l'' and remove the leading ';' **NOTE: Without this I was unable to create images in PHP**

Revision [11912]

Edited on 2005-11-19 13:34:07 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
- A brief bio on me
- Instructions on how to install Wikka under ""WinXP SP1"", IIS6, MYSQL 4.1 and PHP5.
- Wikka addons I use
- My Wikka user-actions
- ---
- How to create a secure PHP login. (
- How others have installed PHP, MySQL, Apache etc (
- Easiest way to install an Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. (
- My pages
~A brief bio on me
~Instructions on how to install Wikka under ""WinXP SP1"", IIS6, MYSQL 4.1 and PHP5.
~Wikka addons I use
~My Wikka user-actions
~How to create a secure PHP login. (
~How others have installed PHP, MySQL, Apache etc (
~My pages

Revision [11909]

Edited on 2005-11-18 16:52:10 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
~My pages

Revision [11900]

Edited on 2005-11-18 16:26:37 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
~My Wikka user-actions
- Action to automatically create and display recent changes in a mind map: ShowRecentChangesMindMapAction
- Action to show a Visio document within a Wikka page: ShowVisioAction
Action to automatically create and display recent changes in a mind map: ShowRecentChangesMindMapAction

Revision [11895]

Edited on 2005-11-18 03:12:38 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
~Wikka addons I use
- Anchors, as shown in AnchorAction. This includes the header.php and footer.php mods that provide 'Go top' and 'Go bottom' functionality
- Anchors, as shown in AnchorAction

Revision [11893]

Edited on 2005-11-17 23:10:03 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
~Instructions on how to install Wikka under ""WinXP SP1"", IIS6, MYSQL 4.1 and PHP5.
~How to create a secure PHP login. (
~How others have installed PHP, MySQL, Apache etc (
~Instructions on how to install Wikka under ""WinXP"", IIS6, MYSQL 4.1 and PHP5.
~How to create a secure PHP login. External link (

Revision [11892]

Edited on 2005-11-17 22:36:41 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
~How to create a secure PHP login. External link (

Revision [11881]

Edited on 2005-11-17 13:47:54 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
{{anchor target="bio" text="my bio"}}
{{anchor target="instructions" text="instructions"}}
{{anchor name="bio" title=""}}
{{anchor name="instructions" title=""}}

Revision [11880]

Edited on 2005-11-17 13:47:26 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
This page contains
~A brief bio on me
~Instructions on how to install Wikka under ""WinXP"", IIS6, MYSQL 4.1 and PHP5.
{{anchor target="bio" text="my bio"}}
{{anchor target="instructions" text="instructions"}}
{{anchor name="bio" title=""}}
{{anchor name="instructions" title=""}}
This page contains a brief bio on me and also instructions on how to install Wikka under ""WinXP"", IIS6, MYSQL 4.1 and PHP5.

Revision [11837]

Edited on 2005-11-15 13:30:23 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
- Anchors, as shown in AnchorAction
- Bread-crumb trail, as shown in WikiBreadcrumb
- Sidenote actions, as shown in SidenoteActions
- Fancy notes
- Bread-crumb trail

Revision [11833]

Edited on 2005-11-15 12:34:13 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
Action to automatically create and display recent changes in a mind map: ShowRecentChangesMindMapAction
Action to automatically create and display recent changes in a mind map: ShowRecentChangesMindMap

Revision [11825]

Edited on 2005-11-15 02:01:04 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
=====User contributed actions=====
Action to automatically create and display recent changes in a mind map: ShowRecentChangesMindMap
Action to automatically create and display recent changes in a mind map
Since this is my first Wikka action (and since my PHP knowledge is minimal), I am keeping the code here until I get the chance to clean it up a bit more...
Feel free to make any changes/comments!

Revision [11822]

Edited on 2005-11-15 01:41:14 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
Action to automatically create and display recent changes in a mind map
Since this is my first Wikka action (and since my PHP knowledge is minimal), I am keeping the code here until I get the chance to clean it up a bit more...
Feel free to make any changes/comments!

Revision [11806]

Edited on 2005-11-13 12:19:35 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
- While working with the VMWare image, I needed on occasion, to access files from the host that were located on the VM image (ie need to access files located on another PC).
- While working with the VMWare image, I needed on occasion, to access files from the host that were located on the VM image.

Revision [11792]

Edited on 2005-11-11 13:13:44 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
(Inline comments are more than welcome!!!)
I then //advanced// to a ""MicroBee"", which was an AUS designed and made, 2MHZ Z80-based 8-bit computer with 32KB of CMOS RAM (which meant the RAM contents were kept alive with a tiny battery, even after the computer was switched off).
I cut my teeth on Z80 assembly programming on this computer and wrote BeeArtistic, a MacPaint-type graphics app for it. This app was sold in the open market.
I did say I wrote it in Z80 assembler, right? Goes to show what a sucker for punishment I was.
(I should also point out that my good friend Paul Dodd did half the work)
And, since I was in the swing of things, I also designed a Z80 co-processor for the IBM XT/AT PCs...why, oh why??!!
From 1989-ish onwards, I have been designing/developing software using anything from C, Delphi, Basic, Gupta SQLWindows, ++Viral++Visual Basic, Java, C#, SQLServer, Oracle, Firebird, ...blah blah...
So here I am. Having survived all that, I am now punishing myself with PHP! Looking at source code that contains both html and code... At least PHP5 seems to have some more structure; cons/destructors, try/catch, proper dereferencing, object handles rather that copies...
I then //advanced// to a MicroBee, which was an AUS designed and made, 2MHZ Z80-based 8-bit computer with 32KB of CMOS RAM (which meant the RAM contents were kept alive with a tiny battery, even after the computer was switched off).
I cut my teeth on Z80 assembly programming on this computer and wrote a MacPaint-type graphics app for it. This app was sold in the open market.
I did say I wrote it in assembler, right? Goes to show what a sucker for punishment I was. (I should also point out that my good friend Paul Dodd did half the work)
From 1989-ish onwards, I have been designing/developing software using anything from C, Delphi, Gupta SQLWindows, VB, Java, C#, SQLServer, Oracle....blah blah...
So here I am, having survived all that, I am now punishing myself with PHP! At least PHP5 seems to have some more structure; cons/destructors, try/catch, proper dereferencing, object handles rather that copies...

Revision [11791]

Edited on 2005-11-11 13:07:47 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
- User management, as shown an UserAdmin
- User management, as shown an UserAdminAction

Revision [11790]

Edited on 2005-11-11 13:07:07 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
==== 6) Install and config PHPMyAdmin====
====Wikka addons I use====
- User management, as shown an UserAdminAction
- Page Admin management, as shown an PageAdminAction
- ++Scheduler++
1) Install and config PHPMyAdmin
1) Wikka addons
====Wikka addons====
- Page Admin
- Scheduler

Revision [11787]

Edited on 2005-11-11 02:11:04 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
I then //advanced// to a MicroBee, which was an AUS designed and made, 2MHZ Z80-based 8-bit computer with 32KB of CMOS RAM (which meant the RAM contents were kept alive with a tiny battery, even after the computer was switched off).
I then //advanced// to a MicroBee, which was an AUS designed and made, 1MHZ Z80-based 8-bit computer with 32KB of CMOS RAM (which meant the RAM contents were kept alive with a tiny battery, even after the computer was switched off).

Revision [11724]

Edited on 2005-11-09 14:50:33 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
==== 1) Install MYSQL====
==== 2) Install IIS6====
==== 3) Install and config PHP====
==== 4) Config IIS6====
==== 5) Install and config Wikka====
1) ====Install MYSQL====
==== 1) Install IIS6====
==== 2) Install and config PHP====
====1) Config IIS6====
==== 1) Install and config Wikka====

Revision [11721]

Edited on 2005-11-09 14:24:34 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
''=====Hey Nick=====
As far as integrating with wordpress, we successfully achieved that tonight. . . check out my home page MonstoBrukes for the info you need. monsto at monsto daught com.
sorry to deface your page so obviously but it was the only way i knew to get your attention here.''

Revision [11713]

Edited on 2005-11-09 07:31:00 by MonstoBrukes [Modified links pointing to docs server]
''=====Hey Nick=====
As far as integrating with wordpress, we successfully achieved that tonight. . . check out my home page MonstoBrukes for the info you need. monsto at monsto daught com.
sorry to deface your page so obviously but it was the only way i knew to get your attention here.''

Revision [11712]

Edited on 2005-11-09 07:08:40 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
- 7-port, 3270 (IBM mainframe, SDLC) --> PC printer or to (pretty much) any terminal
- 7-port, 3270 (IBM mainframe, SDLC) --> PC printer

Revision [11706]

Edited on 2005-11-08 15:55:33 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
This page contains a brief bio on me and also instructions on how to install Wikka under ""WinXP"", IIS6, MYSQL 4.1 and PHP5.
=====Brief bio=====
(While the following is true, it is possible that you may not be able to withstand the laughter that may errupt from your mouth. If you are susceptible to uncontrolable laughter when you hear of someone using an 8-bit micro with all of 4096 bytes of RAM, quick! skip over the next paragraph! now! :-)
Same goes if you get bored hearing people blubber on about their past jobs....)
I started working with computers in 1981, with a massively powerfull (cough cough) 6502-based computer with 4KB of RAM. No, it isn't a typo, I do mean 4096 **bytes**!
I then //advanced// to a MicroBee, which was an AUS designed and made, 1MHZ Z80-based 8-bit computer with 32KB of CMOS RAM (which meant the RAM contents were kept alive with a tiny battery, even after the computer was switched off).
For mass storage, audio tapes were used. Ah, the good old days of dumping data and program source to a tape at the blistering speed of 300 **bits**/sec!
I cut my teeth on Z80 assembly programming on this computer and wrote a MacPaint-type graphics app for it. This app was sold in the open market.
I did say I wrote it in assembler, right? Goes to show what a sucker for punishment I was. (I should also point out that my good friend Paul Dodd did half the work)
Then (in 1983-ish), I designed and built the hardware and software for a 32-bit co-processor (""NatSemi"" 32032) which was hosted on the ""MicroBee"".
I then spent 4 yrs designing the hardware and firmware for the following interfaces
- 5250 (IBM S/36, S/38, AS400, twinax) --> PC printer
- 7-port, 3270 (IBM mainframe, SDLC) --> PC printer
Uhm, they too were done in assembler! Clearly, I was drugged. No sane man would want to do this willingly!
From 1989-ish onwards, I have been designing/developing software using anything from C, Delphi, Gupta SQLWindows, VB, Java, C#, SQLServer, Oracle....blah blah...
So here I am, having survived all that, I am now punishing myself with PHP! At least PHP5 seems to have some more structure; cons/destructors, try/catch, proper dereferencing, object handles rather that copies...
Enough about me, read on about how I installed Wikka!
=====Wikka Installation Instructions=====
====Main installation steps====
1) ====Install MYSQL====
1) Download MYSQL v4.x from
(Note above link is for AUS, you may end up with a different one. The important thing is that I am using MYSQL v4 and not v5...yet)
1) Run the installer, click Next, leave the selection on Typical, click Next, Install. The installer will now go through its paces.
1) When done, click on Skip Sign-up, Next, make sure the Configure the MYSQL server checkbox is checked, click Finish.
1) The Config Wizard starts up. Click Next, Detailed Configuration, click Next, Server Machine, click Next, Multifunctional DB, click Next.
1) InnoDB Tablespace settings: set to suit, click Next. Decision Support, click Next, check Enable TCP/IP Networking, click Next.
1) Best Support for Multilinguism, click Next.
1) Install as Windows Service, click Next
1) Specify root password, click Next, Execute
1) Click Finish.
1) Voila, you are the proud owner of a MYSQL database server! :-)
==== 1) Install IIS6====
==== 2) Install and config PHP====
1) Unzip the above file into (in my case) ''C:\php5'' (**See note under Things I Tripped Over below**)
1) Find '';session.save_path = "/tmp"'' and change it to ''session.save_path =C:\php5\sessions''. Note leading ';' was removed!
1) Create directory ''C:\php5\sessions''. Bad things will happen if it doesn't!
====1) Config IIS6====
1) Click on the Documents tab, click Add, enter INDEX.PHP, press Ok. Using the arrows shown in the dialog, move INDEX.PHP to the top of the list.
1) Click Ok. You are now in Default Web Site Properties.
1) Click Ok. You are now back at the CMA.
1) Restart IIS (right-click on Internet Information Services, All Taks, Restart IIS, click Ok (assuming the combobox shows 'Restart Internet Services', click on 'End now'
1) If it doesn't fail it means that PHP5 and the MYSQL plugin are working ok.
==== 1) Install and config Wikka====
1) Right-click on it, Properties. You should now be looking at the Directory tab. Under Application Settings, click on the Create button. Click Ok.
1) Fire up your favourite browser and point it to ""http://localhost/wikka"". If what you see is the Wikka installation form, all is well.
1) If what you see is
then, it would seem, the PHP ISAPI filter isn't working. Please re-check your settings.
=====Main installation steps=====
1) Install IIS6
2) Install and config PHP
1) Unzip the above file into (in my case) ''C:\php5'' (See note under Things I Tripped Over below)
1) Find '';session.save_path = "/tmp"'' and change it to ''session.save_path =C:\php5\sessions''. **Make sure that dir exists!!!**
Make sure the
1) Config IIS6
1) Click on the Documents tab, click Add, enter INDEX.PHP, press Ok. Using the arrows shown in the dialog, move INDEX.PHP to the top of the list. Click Ok.
1) Click Ok. You are now in Default Web Site Properties. Click Ok. You are now back at the CMA.
1) restart IIS (right-click on Internet Information Services, All Taks, Restart IIS, click Ok (assuming the combobox shows 'Restart Internet Services', click on 'End now'
1) Right-click on Default Web Site, Properties, ISAPI Filters,
1) Install and config Wikka
1) Right-click on it, Properties. You should now be looking at the Directory tab. Under Application Settings, click on the Create button. Click Apply.
1) Fire up your favourite browser and point it to ""http://localhost/wikka"". If what you see is
then something isn't quite right!
work in progress...)
- This page describes how I installed Wikka Wikki, all the things I tripped over and what add-ons I've installed.
=====Main installation steps=====
1) Install IIS6
2) Install and config PHP
1) Unzip the above file into (in my case) ''C:\php5'' (See note under Things I Tripped Over below)
1) Find '';session.save_path = "/tmp"'' and change it to ''session.save_path =C:\php5\sessions''. **Make sure that dir exists!!!**
Make sure the
1) Config IIS6
1) Click on the Documents tab, click Add, enter INDEX.PHP, press Ok. Using the arrows shown in the dialog, move INDEX.PHP to the top of the list. Click Ok.
1) Click Ok. You are now in Default Web Site Properties. Click Ok. You are now back at the CMA.
1) restart IIS (right-click on Internet Information Services, All Taks, Restart IIS, click Ok (assuming the combobox shows 'Restart Internet Services', click on 'End now'
1) Right-click on Default Web Site, Properties, ISAPI Filters,
1) Install and config Wikka
1) Right-click on it, Properties. You should now be looking at the Directory tab. Under Application Settings, click on the Create button. Click Apply.
1) Fire up your favourite browser and point it to ""http://localhost/wikka"". If what you see is
header("Location: wikka.php");
then something isn't quite right!
work in progress...)
- This page describes how I installed Wikka Wikki, all the things I tripped over and what add-ons I've installed.
=====Main installation steps=====
1) Install IIS6
2) Install and config PHP
1) Unzip the above file into (in my case) ''C:\php5'' (See note under Things I Tripped Over below)
1) Find '';session.save_path = "/tmp"'' and change it to ''session.save_path =C:\php5\sessions''. **Make sure that dir exists!!!**
Make sure the
1) Config IIS6
1) Click on the Documents tab, click Add, enter INDEX.PHP, press Ok. Using the arrows shown in the dialog, move INDEX.PHP to the top of the list. Click Ok.
1) Click Ok. You are now in Default Web Site Properties. Click Ok. You are now back at the CMA.
1) restart IIS (right-click on Internet Information Services, All Taks, Restart IIS, click Ok (assuming the combobox shows 'Restart Internet Services', click on 'End now'
1) Right-click on Default Web Site, Properties, ISAPI Filters,
1) Install and config Wikka
1) Right-click on it, Properties. You should now be looking at the Directory tab. Under Application Settings, click on the Create button. Click Apply.
1) Fire up your favourite browser and point it to ""http://localhost/wikka"". If what you see is
header("Location: wikka.php");
then something isn't quite right!
work in progress...)
- This page describes how I installed Wikka Wikki, all the things I tripped over and what add-ons I've installed.
=====Main installation steps=====
1) Install IIS6
2) Install and config PHP
1) Unzip the above file into (in my case) ''C:\php5'' (See note under Things I Tripped Over below)
1) Find '';session.save_path = "/tmp"'' and change it to ''session.save_path =C:\php5\sessions''. **Make sure that dir exists!!!**
Make sure the
1) Config IIS6
1) Click on the Documents tab, click Add, enter INDEX.PHP, press Ok. Using the arrows shown in the dialog, move INDEX.PHP to the top of the list. Click Ok.
1) Click Ok. You are now in Default Web Site Properties. Click Ok. You are now back at the CMA.
1) restart IIS (right-click on Internet Information Services, All Taks, Restart IIS, click Ok (assuming the combobox shows 'Restart Internet Services', click on 'End now'
1) Right-click on Default Web Site, Properties, ISAPI Filters,
1) Install and config Wikka
1) Right-click on it, Properties. You should now be looking at the Directory tab. Under Application Settings, click on the Create button. Click Apply.
1) Fire up your favourite browser and point it to ""http://localhost/wikka"". If what you see is
header("Location: wikka.php");
then something isn't quite right!
work in progress...)
- This page describes how I installed Wikka Wikki, all the things I tripped over and what add-ons I've installed.
=====Main installation steps=====
1) Install IIS6
2) Install and config PHP
1) Unzip the above file into (in my case) ''C:\php5'' (See note under Things I Tripped Over below)
1) Find '';session.save_path = "/tmp"'' and change it to ''session.save_path =C:\php5\sessions''. **Make sure that dir exists!!!**
Make sure the
1) Config IIS6
1) Click on the Documents tab, click Add, enter INDEX.PHP, press Ok. Using the arrows shown in the dialog, move INDEX.PHP to the top of the list. Click Ok.
1) Click Ok. You are now in Default Web Site Properties. Click Ok. You are now back at the CMA.
1) restart IIS (right-click on Internet Information Services, All Taks, Restart IIS, click Ok (assuming the combobox shows 'Restart Internet Services', click on 'End now'
1) Right-click on Default Web Site, Properties, ISAPI Filters,
1) Install and config Wikka
1) Right-click on it, Properties. You should now be looking at the Directory tab. Under Application Settings, click on the Create button. Click Apply.
1) Fire up your favourite browser and point it to ""http://localhost/wikka"". If what you see is
then something isn't quite right!
work in progress...)
- This page describes how I installed Wikka Wikki, all the things I tripped over and what add-ons I've installed.
=====Main installation steps=====
1) Install IIS6
2) Install and config PHP
1) Unzip the above file into (in my case) ''C:\php5'' (See note under Things I Tripped Over below)
1) Find '';session.save_path = "/tmp"'' and change it to ''session.save_path =C:\php5\sessions''. **Make sure that dir exists!!!**
Make sure the
1) Config IIS6
1) Click on the Documents tab, click Add, enter INDEX.PHP, press Ok. Using the arrows shown in the dialog, move INDEX.PHP to the top of the list. Click Ok.
1) Click Ok. You are now in Default Web Site Properties. Click Ok. You are now back at the CMA.
1) restart IIS (right-click on Internet Information Services, All Taks, Restart IIS, click Ok (assuming the combobox shows 'Restart Internet Services', click on 'End now'
1) Right-click on Default Web Site, Properties, ISAPI Filters,
1) Install and config Wikka
1) Right-click on it, Properties. You should now be looking at the Directory tab. Under Application Settings, click on the Create button. Click Apply.
1) Fire up your favourite browser and point it to ""http://localhost/wikka"". If what you see is
header("Location: wikka.php");
then something isn't quite right!
work in progress...)
- This page describes how I installed Wikka Wikki, all the things I tripped over and what add-ons I've installed.
=====Main installation steps=====
1) Install IIS6
2) Install and config PHP
1) Unzip the above file into (in my case) ''C:\php5'' (See note under Things I Tripped Over below)
1) Find '';session.save_path = "/tmp"'' and change it to ''session.save_path =C:\php5\sessions''. **Make sure that dir exists!!!**
Make sure the
1) Config IIS6
1) Click on the Documents tab, click Add, enter INDEX.PHP, press Ok. Using the arrows shown in the dialog, move INDEX.PHP to the top of the list. Click Ok.
1) Click Ok. You are now in Default Web Site Properties. Click Ok. You are now back at the CMA.
1) restart IIS (right-click on Internet Information Services, All Taks, Restart IIS, click Ok (assuming the combobox shows 'Restart Internet Services', click on 'End now'
1) Right-click on Default Web Site, Properties, ISAPI Filters,
1) Install and config Wikka
1) Right-click on it, Properties. You should now be looking at the Directory tab. Under Application Settings, click on the Create button. Click Apply.
1) Fire up your favourite browser and point it to ""http://localhost/wikka"". If what you see is
header("Location: wikka.php");
then something isn't quite right!
work in progress...)
- This page describes how I installed Wikka Wikki, all the things I tripped over and what add-ons I've installed.
=====Main installation steps=====
1) Install IIS6
2) Install and config PHP
1) Unzip the above file into (in my case) ''C:\php5'' (See note under Things I Tripped Over below)
1) Find '';session.save_path = "/tmp"'' and change it to ''session.save_path =C:\php5\sessions''. **Make sure that dir exists!!!**
Make sure the
1) Config IIS6
1) Click on the Documents tab, click Add, enter INDEX.PHP, press Ok. Using the arrows shown in the dialog, move INDEX.PHP to the top of the list. Click Ok.
1) Click Ok. You are now in Default Web Site Properties. Click Ok. You are now back at the CMA.
1) restart IIS (right-click on Internet Information Services, All Taks, Restart IIS, click Ok (assuming the combobox shows 'Restart Internet Services', click on 'End now'
1) Right-click on Default Web Site, Properties, ISAPI Filters,
1) Install and config Wikka
1) Right-click on it, Properties. You should now be looking at the Directory tab. Under Application Settings, click on the Create button. Click Apply.
1) Fire up your favourite browser and point it to ""http://localhost/wikka"". If what you see is
header("Location: wikka.php");
then something isn't quite right!
work in progress...)

Revision [11700]

Edited on 2005-11-07 23:58:20 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
Category: CategoryUsers
Category: CategoryUser

Revision [11699]

Edited on 2005-11-07 23:56:56 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
Category: CategoryUser

Revision [11698]

Edited on 2005-11-07 23:56:20 by NickDamoulakis [Modified links pointing to docs server]
=====Nick Damoulakis=====

Revision [11696]

Edited on 2005-11-07 17:32:22 by DarTar [layout -- closing open tags]
header("Location: wikka.php");
then something isn't quite right!
- This page describes how I installed Wikka Wikki, all the things I tripped over and what add-ons I've installed.
- This page describes how I installed Wikka Wikki, all the things I tripped over and what add-ons I've installed.
header("Location: wikka.php");
- This page describes how I installed Wikka Wikki, all the things I tripped over and what add-ons I've installed.
- This page describes how I installed Wikka Wikki, all the things I tripped over and what add-ons I've installed.
header("Location: wikka.php");
then something isn't quite right!
- This page describes how I installed Wikka Wikki, all the things I tripped over and what add-ons I've installed.
- This page describes how I installed Wikka Wikki, all the things I tripped over and what add-ons I've installed.
header("Location: wikka.php");
- This page describes how I installed Wikka Wikki, all the things I tripped over and what add-ons I've installed.

Revision [11692]

Edited on 2005-11-07 14:55:09 by NickDamoulakis [layout -- closing open tags]

Revision [11691]

Edited on 2005-11-07 14:54:53 by NickDamoulakis [layout -- closing open tags]
Once the installer has finished, you will find that you now have a new directory, called ''C:\Inetpub'' and under that, you will find ''wwwroot''
2) Install and config PHP
1) Unzip the above file into (in my case) ''C:\php5'' (See note under Things I Tripped Over below)
1) go into ''C:\php5'' and copy ''PHP.INI-RECOMMENDED'' to ''PHP.INI''
1) Find '';session.save_path = "/tmp"'' and change it to ''session.save_path =C:\php5\sessions''. **Make sure that dir exists!!!**
Make sure the
1) Right-click on My Computer on desktop, Manage, Services and Applications, Internet Information Services **
(I'll refer to this as the Computer Management App CMA)**
1) Right-click on Default Web Site, Properties
1) On the displayed dialog, click on the ISAPI Filters tab, click Add, enter PHP in Filter Name and point to the executable ''C:\php5\php5isapi.dll''
1) Click Ok.
1) Click on the Documents tab, click Add, enter INDEX.PHP, press Ok. Using the arrows shown in the dialog, move INDEX.PHP to the top of the list. Click Ok.
1) Click on the Home Directory tab, click on Configuration, click Add, enter ''C:\php5\php5isapi.dll'' in the Executable field, enter '.PHP' in the Extension field, click Ok.
1) Click Ok. You are now in Default Web Site Properties. Click Ok. You are now back at the CMA.
1) restart IIS (right-click on Internet Information Services, All Taks, Restart IIS, click Ok (assuming the combobox shows 'Restart Internet Services', click on 'End now'
1) IIS will restart and 'start up' PHP5. This step will fail if any of the key settings in the PHP.INI file are wrong.
1) Right-click on Default Web Site, Properties, ISAPI Filters,
1) Install and config Wikka
1) Create dir ''C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Wikka''
1) Extract the Wikka files (from ''Wikka-'') into that dir, so that ''Wikka.php'' is in ''C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Wikka''
1) Go to the CMA (see note in Config IIS above), expand Web Sites, expand Default Web Site. You should be able to see your newly-created Wikka dir.
1) Right-click on it, Properties. You should now be looking at the Directory tab. Under Application Settings, click on the Create button. Click Apply.
1) You should now be back at the main CMA screen.
1) Fire up your favourite browser and point it to ""http://localhost/wikka"". If what you see is
header("Location: wikka.php");
then something isn't quite right!
1) Install and config PHPMyAdmin
- Initially, I had installed PHP in ''C:\program files\php5'', only to find that things would not work, ie pointing my browser to ""http://localhost/wikka"" would raise an error.
It turns out that the space in Program files is the cause. This is why I chose to install PHP in C:\PHP5
work in progress...)
Once the installer has finished, you will find that you now have a new directory, called ##C:\Inetpub## and under that, you will find ##wwwroot##
2) Install PHP
1) Unzip the above file into (in my case) ''C:\program files\php5''
1) go into ''C:\program files\php5'' and copy ''PHP.INI-RECOMMENDED'' to ''PHP.INI''
1) Find '';session.save_path = "/tmp"'' and change it to ''session.save_path =C:\program files\php5\sessions''. **Make sure that dir exists!!!**
1) Right-click on My Computer on desktop, Manage, Services and Applications, Internet Information Services, right-click on Web Sites, Properties
1) On the displayed dialog (which is showing the ISAPI filters tab), click Add, enter PHP in Filter Name and point to the executable in ''C:\program files\php5\php5isapi.dll''
1) Restart IIS (right-click on Internet Information Services, All Taks, Restart IIS, click Ok (assuming the combobox shows 'Restart Internet Services', click on 'End now'
IIS will restart and 'start up' PHP5. This step will fail if any of the key settings in the PHP.INI file are wrong.
1) PHP config
1) IIS config
1) Wikka config
(work in progress...)

Revision [11690]

Edited on 2005-11-07 14:06:35 by NickDamoulakis [layout -- closing open tags]
1) Config IIS6
1) Right-click on My Computer on desktop, Manage, Services and Applications, Internet Information Services, right-click on Web Sites, Properties
1) On the displayed dialog (which is showing the ISAPI filters tab), click Add, enter PHP in Filter Name and point to the executable in ''C:\program files\php5\php5isapi.dll''
1) Restart IIS (right-click on Internet Information Services, All Taks, Restart IIS, click Ok (assuming the combobox shows 'Restart Internet Services', click on 'End now'
IIS will restart and 'start up' PHP5. This step will fail if any of the key settings in the PHP.INI file are wrong.

Revision [11689]

Edited on 2005-11-07 13:58:28 by NickDamoulakis [layout -- closing open tags]
1) Download PHP 5.0.5 from
1) Unzip the above file into (in my case) ''C:\program files\php5''
1) go into ''C:\program files\php5'' and copy ''PHP.INI-RECOMMENDED'' to ''PHP.INI''
1) Find ''extension_dir = "./"'' and change it to ''extension_dir = "./ext"''
1) Find '';extension=php_mbstring.dll'' and remove the leading ';'
1) Find '';extension=php_mysql.dll'' and remove the leading ';'
1) Find '';session.save_path = "/tmp"'' and change it to ''session.save_path =C:\program files\php5\sessions''. **Make sure that dir exists!!!**
1) Find ''session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440'' and change it to ''session.gc_maxlifetime = 43200''.
I admit total ignorance on why this is done. Just followed instructions!
1) Download PHP 5.0.5 from ## ##
1) Unzip the above file into (in my case) ##C:\program files\php5##
1) go into ##C:\program files\php5## and copy ##PHP.INI-RECOMMENDED## to ##PHP.INI##
1) Find extension_dir = "./" and change it to extension_dir = "./ext"
1) Find ';extension=php_mbstring.dll' and remove the leading ';'
1) Find ';extension=php_mysql.dll' and remove the leading ';'
1) Find ';session.save_path = "/tmp"' and change it to ##'session.save_path =C:\program files\php5\sessions##'. Make sure that dir exists!!!

Revision [11688]

Edited on 2005-11-07 13:53:31 by NickDamoulakis [layout -- closing open tags]
1) Open that INI file and change as follows:
1) Find extension_dir = "./" and change it to extension_dir = "./ext"
1) Find ';extension=php_mbstring.dll' and remove the leading ';'
1) Find ';extension=php_mysql.dll' and remove the leading ';'
1) Find ';session.save_path = "/tmp"' and change it to ##'session.save_path =C:\program files\php5\sessions##'. Make sure that dir exists!!!

Revision [11687]

Edited on 2005-11-07 13:44:54 by NickDamoulakis [layout -- closing open tags]
===== Things I tripped over=====
- While working with the VMWare image, I needed on occasion, to access files from the host that were located on the VM image.
I tried \\vmpc\somedir\somefile, only to be presented with a Windoze network login dialog, asking me to supply the password for Guest. Note that it did not give me the chance to enter a user id.
This happens because of a Win XP default local security policy.
To make the blasted thing behave as one would want it to, execute the following:
Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Local Security Policy.
Once the Local Security Settings form is up, open Local Policies, Security Options, then look for 'Network Access: Sharing and Security Model for local accounts' and change its value from 'Guest only' to 'Classic'.

Revision [11686]

Edited on 2005-11-07 13:32:41 by NickDamoulakis [layout -- closing open tags]
1) Install IIS6
Open Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, Add/Remove Windoze Components. Choose Internet Information Services (IIS) from list, click on Next.
You will probably be prompted to insert the Win XP CD in the CD drive and point to where the misc files the installer needs are.
In my case, they were in the I386 directory, found on the Win XP CD.
Once the installer has finished, you will find that you now have a new directory, called ##C:\Inetpub## and under that, you will find ##wwwroot##
This is the top dir of all your (future) web apps.
2) Install PHP
1) Download PHP 5.0.5 from ## ##
1) Unzip the above file into (in my case) ##C:\program files\php5##
1) go into ##C:\program files\php5## and copy ##PHP.INI-RECOMMENDED## to ##PHP.INI##
- Install IIS6
Open Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, Add/Remove Windoze Components. Choose Internet Information Services (IIS) from list, click on Next. You will probably be prompted to insert the Win XP CD in the CD drive and point to where the misc files the installer needs are. In my case they were in the I386 directory, found on the Win XP CD.
- Install PHP
Download PHP 5.0.5 from

Revision [11685]

Edited on 2005-11-07 13:21:18 by NickDamoulakis [layout -- closing open tags]
- Install PHP
Download PHP 5.0.5 from
- Page Admin
- Fancy notes
- Bread-crumb trail
- Scheduler
- Blogger (probably replaced by ""WordPress"" - if I can figure out how to integrate the two)
Install PHP
Download PHP 5.0.5 from

Revision [11684]

Edited on 2005-11-07 13:17:40 by NickDamoulakis [layout -- closing open tags]
- Install IIS6
Open Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, Add/Remove Windoze Components. Choose Internet Information Services (IIS) from list, click on Next. You will probably be prompted to insert the Win XP CD in the CD drive and point to where the misc files the installer needs are. In my case they were in the I386 directory, found on the Win XP CD.
Install IIS6
Open Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, Add/Remove Windoze Components. Choose Internet Information Services (IIS) from list, click on Next. You will probably be prompted to insert the Win XP CD in the CD drive and point to where the misc files the installer needs are. In my case they were in the I386 directory, found on the Win XP CD.

Revision [11683]

Edited on 2005-11-07 13:17:21 by NickDamoulakis [layout -- closing open tags]
- ""WinXP"" Prof SP1
Install IIS6
Open Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, Add/Remove Windoze Components. Choose Internet Information Services (IIS) from list, click on Next. You will probably be prompted to insert the Win XP CD in the CD drive and point to where the misc files the installer needs are. In my case they were in the I386 directory, found on the Win XP CD.
- WinXP Prof SP1

Revision [11682]

Edited on 2005-11-07 13:12:05 by NickDamoulakis [layout -- closing open tags]
Since I didn't keep full notes while doing the real installation (naughty naughty!), I am repeating the entire process, using a clean(ish) VMWare image, containing the following:
- WinXP Prof SP1
- Advanced Networking pack for Windoze XP
- dotNOT framework 1.1
- dotNUT framework SDK 1.1
- VMWare Tools
- VNC free edition 4.1
Install PHP
Download PHP 5.0.5 from

Revision [11657]

Edited on 2005-11-04 02:58:19 by NickDamoulakis [layout -- closing open tags]
====Wikka addons====
- User group management, as shown in GroupManagement

Revision [11654]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2005-11-03 14:26:06 by NickDamoulakis [layout -- closing open tags]
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