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=====Nick Damoulakis=====
[[NickDamoulakisBio | A brief bio]]

This page contains
- A few handy links
- Instructions on how to install Wikka under ""WinXP SP1"", IIS6, MYSQL 4.1 and PHP5.
- Wikka addons I use
- My Wikka user-actions
- My pages

====A few handy links====
- How to create a secure PHP login. (
- How others have installed PHP, MySQL, Apache etc (
- **Easiest** way to install an Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. (

**(Feedback/corrections are most welcome!!!)**

=====Wikka Installation Instructions=====

This page describes how I installed Wikka Wikki, all the things I tripped over and what add-ons I've installed.

Since I didn't keep full notes while doing the real installation (naughty naughty!), I am repeating the entire process, using a clean(ish) VMWare image, containing the following:
- ""WinXP"" Prof SP1
- Advanced Networking pack for Windoze XP
- dotNOT framework 1.1
- dotNUT framework SDK 1.1
- VMWare Tools
- VNC free edition 4.1

====Main installation steps====

==== 1) Install MYSQL====
~1) Download MYSQL v4.x from
~~(Note above link is for AUS, you may end up with a different one. The important thing is that I am using MYSQL v4 and not v5...yet)
a) Run the installer, click Next, leave the selection on Typical, click Next, Install. The installer will now go through its paces.
a) When done, click on Skip Sign-up, Next, make sure the Configure the MYSQL server checkbox is checked, click Finish.
a) The Config Wizard starts up. Click Next, Detailed Configuration, click Next, Server Machine, click Next, Multifunctional DB, click Next.
a) InnoDB Tablespace settings: set to suit, click Next. Decision Support, click Next, check Enable TCP/IP Networking, click Next.
a) Best Support for Multilinguism, click Next.
a) Install as Windows Service, click Next
a) Specify root password, click Next, Execute
a) Click Finish.
a) Voila, you are the proud owner of a MYSQL database server! :-)

==== 2) Install IIS6====
a) Open Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, Add/Remove Windoze Components.
a) Choose Internet Information Services (IIS) from list, click on Next.
~You will probably be prompted to insert the Win XP CD in the CD drive and point to where the misc files the installer needs are.
~In my case, they were in the I386 directory, found on the Win XP CD.
a) Once the installer has finished, you will find that you now have a new directory, called ''C:\Inetpub'' and under that,
you will find ''wwwroot''. This is the top dir of all your (future) web apps.

==== 3) Install and config PHP====
a) Download PHP 5.0.5 from
a) Unzip the above file into (in my case) ''C:\php5'' (**See note under Things I Tripped Over below**)
a) go into ''C:\php5'' and copy ''PHP.INI-RECOMMENDED'' to ''PHP.INI''
a) Open that INI file and change as follows:
~i) Find ''extension_dir = "./"'' and change it to ''extension_dir = "./ext"''
~i) Find '';extension=php_mbstring.dll'' and remove the leading ';'
~i) Find '';extension=php_mysql.dll'' and remove the leading ';'
~i) Find '';session.save_path = "/tmp"'' and change it to ''session.save_path =C:\php5\sessions''. Note leading ';' was removed!
~i) **Make sure that the security settings of ''C:\php5\sessions'' provide for read/write access to the users of the web server.**
~i) Create directory ''C:\php5\sessions''. Bad things will happen if it doesn't!
~i) Find ''session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440'' and change it to ''session.gc_maxlifetime = 43200''.
I admit total ignorance on why this is done. Just followed instructions!

==== 4) Config IIS6====
a) Right-click on My Computer on desktop, Manage, Services and Applications, Internet Information Services **
(I'll refer to this as the Computer Management App CMA)**
a) Right-click on Default Web Site, Properties
a) On the displayed dialog, click on the ISAPI Filters tab, click Add, enter PHP in Filter Name and point to the executable ''C:\php5\php5isapi.dll''
a) Click Ok. Click on the Documents tab, click Add, enter INDEX.PHP, press Ok.
a) Using the arrows shown in the dialog, move INDEX.PHP to the top of the list.
a) Click on the Home Directory tab, click on Configuration, click Add, enter ''C:\php5\php5isapi.dll'' in the Executable field.
a) Enter '.PHP' in the Extension field, click Ok. Click Ok.
a) You are now in Default Web Site Properties.
q) Click Ok. You are now back at the CMA.
a) Restart IIS (right-click on Internet Information Services, All Taks, Restart IIS, click Ok (assuming the combobox shows 'Restart Internet Services', click on 'End now'
a) IIS will restart and 'start up' PHP5. This step will fail if any of the key settings in the PHP.INI file are wrong.
a) If it doesn't fail it means that PHP5 and the MYSQL plugin are working ok.

==== 5) Install and config Wikka====
a) Create dir ''C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Wikka''
a) Extract the Wikka files (from ''Wikka-'') into that dir, so that ''Wikka.php'' is in ''C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Wikka''
a) Go to the CMA (see note in Config IIS above), expand Web Sites, expand Default Web Site. You should be able to see your newly-created Wikka dir.
a) Right-click on it, Properties. You should now be looking at the Directory tab. Under Application Settings, click on the Create button. Click Ok.
a) You should now be back at the main CMA screen.
a) Fire up your favourite browser and point it to ""http://localhost/wikka"". If what you see is the Wikka installation form, all is well.
a) If what you see is
header("Location: wikka.php");
then, it would seem, the PHP ISAPI filter isn't working. Please re-check your settings.

==== 6) Install and config PHPMyAdmin====

====Wikka addons I use====
- User group management, as shown in
- User management, as shown an
- Page Admin management, as shown an
- Anchors, as shown in
- Bread-crumb trail, as shown in
- Sidenote actions, as shown in
- Skin action. Note that some of the reasons skins might not work (ie you specify a new skin but nothing happens) are:
~~a) The PHP sessions_path has not been set
~~a) The dir pointed to by the PHP sessions_path has security settings that do not allow the web servers users to 'modify' the contents of that dir.
- ++Scheduler++
- Blogger (probably replaced by ""WordPress"" - if I can figure out how to integrate the two)

===== Things I tripped over=====
- While working with the VMWare image, I needed on occasion, to access files from the host that were located on the VM image (ie need to access files located on another PC).
I tried \\vmpc\somedir\somefile, only to be presented with a Windoze network login dialog, asking me to supply the password for Guest. Note that it did not give me the chance to enter a user id.
This happens because of a Win XP default local security policy.
To make the blasted thing behave as one would want it to, execute the following:
~Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Local Security Policy.
~Once the Local Security Settings form is up, open Local Policies, Security Options.
~Llook for 'Network Access: Sharing and Security Model for local accounts' and change its value from 'Guest only' to 'Classic'.


- Initially, I had installed PHP in ''C:\program files\php5'', only to find that things would not work,
ie pointing my browser to ""http://localhost/wikka"" would raise an error.
It turns out that the space in Program files is the cause. This is why I chose to install PHP in C:\PHP5

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