Revision history for Mod024fHighScores

Revision [23259]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:47 by JavaWoman [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
**[[ | ChrisTessmer]]**
[[ | HighScores @ WakkaWiki]]
You can see this [[ | WakkaAction]] in action at [[ |]] //(archived)//
-- [[ | ChrisTessmer]]
**[[ ChrisTessmer]]**
[[ HighScores @ WakkaWiki]]
You can see this [[ WakkaAction]] in action at [[]] //(archived)//
-- [[ ChrisTessmer]]

Revision [19279]

Edited on 2008-01-28 00:14:45 by JavaWoman [Modified links pointing to docs server]

No Differences

Revision [17199]

Edited on 2007-07-07 13:59:05 by JavaWoman [standardized link to WakkaWiki origin]
**[[ ChrisTessmer]]**
[[ HighScores @ WakkaWiki]]
[[ ChrisTessmer]]
[[ Wakka Wiki HighScores]]

Revision [17164]

Edited on 2007-07-07 07:06:07 by JavaWoman [ link for]
You can see this [[ WakkaAction]] in action at [[]] //(archived)//
~&This wiki is no longer publicly accessible; the only access I could get was at the root:; link changed to archived version --JavaWoman
You can see this [[WakkaActions WakkaAction]] in action at [[]]
~&This wiki is no longer publicly accessible; the only access I could get was at the root: --JavaWoman

Revision [17159]

Edited on 2007-07-07 06:40:32 by JavaWoman [ links for]
[[ ChrisTessmer]]
[[ Wakka Wiki HighScores]]
Chris Tessmer
[[ Wakka Wiki HighScores]]

Revision [17136]

Edited on 2007-07-07 03:28:31 by JavaWoman [ wakkawiki links]
[[ Wakka Wiki HighScores]]
-- [[ ChrisTessmer]]
-- ChrisTessmer

Revision [17135]

Edited on 2007-07-07 03:15:30 by JavaWoman [added note about Chris Tessmer's site]
~&This wiki is no longer publicly accessible; the only access I could get was at the root: --JavaWoman

Revision [16963]

Edited on 2007-05-31 23:27:31 by JsnX [Reverted]
2) The table formatting I used is pretty wretched //( 's .. yuck!)//; I just wanted results, //fast//. If anyone wants to make it cleaner or prettier (like using the CSS of the site to generate attractive alternating colored rows or something), by all means... GoForIt.
== Here's how to install it: ==
Create ''actions/highscores.php'':
# highscores.php {{HighScores}}
# by Chris Tessmer
# 19 Dec 2002
# license: GPL
$str = 'SELECT Count(*) AS cnt, `name` FROM ';
$str .= $this->config["table_prefix"] . 'users, ' ;
$str .= $this->config["table_prefix"].'pages ';
$str .= "WHERE `name` = `owner` AND `latest` = 'Y' AND `comment_on` = '' GROUP BY name ORDER BY cnt DESC;";
$rankQuery = $this->Query( $str );
$str = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.$this->config["table_prefix"].'pages WHERE `latest` = \'Y\' AND `comment_on` = \'\' ';
$totalQuery = $this->Query( $str );
$total = mysql_result($totalQuery, 0);
print( "<blockquote><table>" );
$i = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($rankQuery) )
$str = '<tr>';
$str .= "<td>$i.  </td>";
$str .= '<td>'. $this->Format( $row["name"] ) .'</td>';
$str .= '<td> </td>';
$str .= '<td>    </td>';
$str .= '<td>'.$row["cnt"].'</td>';
$str .= '<td>    </td>';
$str .= '<td>'. round( ($row["cnt"]/$total)*100, 2).'% </td>';
$str .= '</tr>';
print( $str );
print( "</table></blockquote>" );
To use it, insert the text ##""{{HighScores}}""## into any page that you want the list to show up in.
-- ChrisTessmer
Ranking by bytes: change count(*) by sum(length(body)) in SQL queries..
-- VictorManuelVarela (2003-03-13 23:47:36)
2) The table formatting I used is pretty wretched //(

Revision [16762]

Edited on 2007-05-31 10:45:04 by EqeQwp [Reverted]
2) The table formatting I used is pretty wretched //(
2) The table formatting I used is pretty wretched //( 's .. yuck!)//; I just wanted results, //fast//. If anyone wants to make it cleaner or prettier (like using the CSS of the site to generate attractive alternating colored rows or something), by all means... GoForIt.
== Here's how to install it: ==
Create ''actions/highscores.php'':
# highscores.php {{HighScores}}
# by Chris Tessmer
# 19 Dec 2002
# license: GPL
$str = 'SELECT Count(*) AS cnt, `name` FROM ';
$str .= $this->config["table_prefix"] . 'users, ' ;
$str .= $this->config["table_prefix"].'pages ';
$str .= "WHERE `name` = `owner` AND `latest` = 'Y' AND `comment_on` = '' GROUP BY name ORDER BY cnt DESC;";
$rankQuery = $this->Query( $str );
$str = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.$this->config["table_prefix"].'pages WHERE `latest` = \'Y\' AND `comment_on` = \'\' ';
$totalQuery = $this->Query( $str );
$total = mysql_result($totalQuery, 0);
print( "<blockquote><table>" );
$i = 0;
while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($rankQuery) )
$str = '<tr>';
$str .= "<td>$i.  </td>";
$str .= '<td>'. $this->Format( $row["name"] ) .'</td>';
$str .= '<td> </td>';
$str .= '<td>    </td>';
$str .= '<td>'.$row["cnt"].'</td>';
$str .= '<td>    </td>';
$str .= '<td>'. round( ($row["cnt"]/$total)*100, 2).'% </td>';
$str .= '</tr>';
print( $str );
print( "</table></blockquote>" );
To use it, insert the text ##""{{HighScores}}""## into any page that you want the list to show up in.
-- ChrisTessmer
Ranking by bytes: change count(*) by sum(length(body)) in SQL queries..
-- VictorManuelVarela (2003-03-13 23:47:36)

Revision [127]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2004-04-04 23:28:16 by JsnX [Reverted]
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