Revision history for IndependentWikkaReviews

Revision [21781]

Last edited on 2013-02-10 23:21:39 by UnOr [grouped by year]

Revision [20736]

Edited on 2009-07-10 13:20:02 by BrianKoontz [Added new review]
~-[[ AjaxLine: 10 Best Wiki Engines]] --- [2009-07-09]
~//Large comprehensive documentation; several active mailing lists and IRC channel//

Revision [19572]

Edited on 2008-02-21 10:44:13 by DarTar [adding recent review from CrunchBang]
~-[[ CrunchBang: Wikka Wakka Wiki]] --- [2008-02-10]
~//Regarding the WikkaWiki software, it's quite impressive and fairly easy to work with. I looked at several other PHP based wiki projects, but IMHO WikkaWiki was the best — apart from maybe MediaWiki, but then I considered that to be overkill for my needs. If you're starting a new wiki then I'd certainly recommend at least looking into the possibility of using WikkaWiki. It has many great features, some that I noticed include://
~~-//a super easy installation process//
~~-//a nice default design and easy to customise CSS//
~~-//code base is very hackable, including actions/plugins//
~~-//RSS feeds for recently updated content, comments etc//
~~-//syntax highlighting of published code, courtesy of the GeSHi plugin//
~~-//it's super scary fast//
~//All-in-all WikkaWiki has impressed me a lot; besides, if it's good enough for [[ Puppy Linux]], it's good enough for me ;)//

Revision [19178]

Edited on 2008-01-28 00:14:30 by BrianKoontz [Modified links pointing to docs server]
~//My personal knowledge/life/research management system is based on a wiki system (was zwiki, now [[Docs:WikkaWiki Wikka wiki]]). When I am working on something by extensively using one or more Wiki pages, I usually use the Wikka category feature to mark a page as ""CurrentWork"" (sometimes plus a certain degree of importance) so later I can retrieve them by visiting a dynamically generated ""CurrentWork"" page. --- However, the unit of organization has to be a page. I am against prematurely creating too many low granularity pages so I have many ongoing big Wiki nodes which will only be broken down into small ones later when necessary. Within some big nodes, I have small todos which can be marked with a couple of unique strings. Wikka provides a feature called Text Search Expanded which will return the context a search string resides in along with the page title. When I search those unique strings, I can get a list of smaller todos. Using it in combination with the category feature, I feel it very productive. It works like tagging but the granularity level is much lower.//
~~-//[[Docs:ACLInfo Flexibility]]. Okay, technically a wiki should be open to everyone to read, write, and edit. But what if you want to keep out the Anonymous Cowards who like to drop by and take a dump in your space? Wikka wiki allows some flexibility in who can play in your sandbox.//
~~-//[[Docs:CommentPageInfo Comments]]. So you want the wiki to be an intertwingling of your own making, but you want others to be able to drop by and point out your more obvious warts. Wikka wiki has comments built in.//
~~-//[[Docs:WikkaFeatures Over-powered]]. Doug Miller commented the other night that MySQL seem to be overkill when it came to running a wiki, and that something like SQlite would be a-plenty. Too true. But the nice thing about over-engineering a product means that it has room to breath and grow. Not satisfied with the current feature set? No worries, pet.//
~//I've come to the end of my reach with my current WikiEngine and its come to pick a new one. [...] I've decided to go with Wikka Wiki, which is a fork of a dead project called WakkaWiki. Yes, Wakka does sound familiar, and yes it was named after the Final Fantasy X character. Until reading further about each Get Wiki was going to be the primary choice, as it was a fork of an older version of ""MediaWiki"" (1.1.0). What made me choose Wikka was the fact that it supported embedding [[Docs:FreeMind FreeMind MindMaps]]. You can simply copy the 'code' of the [[FreeMind MindMap]] into the page and it will render a [[FreeMind MindMap]] into the page. Or you can simply upload your [[FreeMind MindMap]] to your domain and simply put a link to it. The WikiEngine will render the linked life into the page where the link is. Collapsible elements, icons, colours and all.. I just couldn't consider something else.//
~//My personal knowledge/life/research management system is based on a wiki system (was zwiki, now [[WikkaWiki Wikka wiki]]). When I am working on something by extensively using one or more Wiki pages, I usually use the Wikka category feature to mark a page as ""CurrentWork"" (sometimes plus a certain degree of importance) so later I can retrieve them by visiting a dynamically generated ""CurrentWork"" page. --- However, the unit of organization has to be a page. I am against prematurely creating too many low granularity pages so I have many ongoing big Wiki nodes which will only be broken down into small ones later when necessary. Within some big nodes, I have small todos which can be marked with a couple of unique strings. Wikka provides a feature called Text Search Expanded which will return the context a search string resides in along with the page title. When I search those unique strings, I can get a list of smaller todos. Using it in combination with the category feature, I feel it very productive. It works like tagging but the granularity level is much lower.//
~~-//[[ACLInfo Flexibility]]. Okay, technically a wiki should be open to everyone to read, write, and edit. But what if you want to keep out the Anonymous Cowards who like to drop by and take a dump in your space? Wikka wiki allows some flexibility in who can play in your sandbox.//
~~-//[[CommentPageInfo Comments]]. So you want the wiki to be an intertwingling of your own making, but you want others to be able to drop by and point out your more obvious warts. Wikka wiki has comments built in.//
~~-//[[WikkaFeatures Over-powered]]. Doug Miller commented the other night that MySQL seem to be overkill when it came to running a wiki, and that something like SQlite would be a-plenty. Too true. But the nice thing about over-engineering a product means that it has room to breath and grow. Not satisfied with the current feature set? No worries, pet.//
~//I've come to the end of my reach with my current WikiEngine and its come to pick a new one. [...] I've decided to go with Wikka Wiki, which is a fork of a dead project called WakkaWiki. Yes, Wakka does sound familiar, and yes it was named after the Final Fantasy X character. Until reading further about each Get Wiki was going to be the primary choice, as it was a fork of an older version of ""MediaWiki"" (1.1.0). What made me choose Wikka was the fact that it supported embedding [[FreeMind FreeMind MindMaps]]. You can simply copy the 'code' of the [[FreeMind MindMap]] into the page and it will render a [[FreeMind MindMap]] into the page. Or you can simply upload your [[FreeMind MindMap]] to your domain and simply put a link to it. The WikiEngine will render the linked life into the page where the link is. Collapsible elements, icons, colours and all.. I just couldn't consider something else.//

Revision [16934]

Edited on 2007-05-31 23:27:27 by BrianKoontz [Reverted]
~-[[]] --- [2005-04-05]
~//Um strukturierte Textinhalte online abzulegen eignet sich ein WiKi am besten. WikkaWiki ist eine schlanke und flexible Wiki-Engine. [...] Das WikkaWiki sticht durch seine einfache Installation sowie übersichtliche Stuktur, einfache Handhabung und sehr gut und ausführlich behandelte Dokumentation heraus. Es eignet sich auch für Wiki Neuanfänger, da es die Wiki Formatierungen ganz genau beschreibt. Auch ich selbst habe dieses Wiki für meine Software-Dokumentationen udgl. im Einsatz und kann dieses Programm nur weiterempfehlen.//
~-[[ Learning PHP]] --- [2005-03-30]
~//Wikka is an Wiki written in PHP with some great features: --- PHP and MYSQL make it lightweight and fast. (Okay so that’s propaganda from the website but it really is great.) --- Page level security so you can determine which pages can be viewed and edited by others. --- Like other Wikis it uses the CamelCase syntax for links to other pages but it also has some neat tricks for creating elements like lists, horizontal bars, etc. --- Its functionality can be extended using plugins called actions. People have written actions to display rss feeds and calendars among others.//
~-[[ Information Efficiency]] --- [2005-03-28]
~//I think WikkaWiki is a very under-rated powerful wiki system. If you look at the feature list, it has many thoughful productive features which overcome some of the limitation of a wiki system.//
~-[[ My Own Wiki]] --- [2005-03-22]
~//I couldn’t find any wiki software that I liked. Some were too simple, some were too hard, some did not work, and mostly some did not have access control as I wanted. I finally stumbled on one named Wikka Wiki which has most of the features that I wanted without the bloat and side-effects. It runs nicely, I finally got a chance to get it installed and running.//
~-[[,guid,d14cf225-9a58-4188-a6fe-22c029231b30.aspx .Net Thinking — WikkaWiki]] --- [2005-02-06]
~//I choose Wikka because I really liked how it works compared to flexwiki, plus it has built in FreeMind integration, which I just found phenomenally cool. Wikka itself was very easy to setup, and just as quick to get up to speed using it. I'm also a big fan of how it handles security per page, basically keeping a separate ACL for each page where you can specify who can see, edit, and comment on the page.//
~-[[ Tim Yang's Geek Blog — WikkaWiki ]] --- [2005-01-27]
~//I love this new wiki. It's the only one I found that has commenting feature for each page and a good log of activity. I'm using a copy of it to collaborate with two people on writing a book about Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur for international interns arriving here.//
~-[[ Innovation Weblog — Wiki supports FreeMind mind maps ]] --- [2005-01-27]
~//Thanks to a link submitted for consideration in the ""InnovationTools"" links directory, I just learned that Wikka, an open-source wiki tool, enables you to embed mind maps created in FreeMind, a free program written in Java. You can either link to an external FreeMind map, or you can embed it directly into a Wikka page. Very cool!//
~-[[ Silent Penguin — A Wikka Wiki this way way came]] --- [2005-01-24]
~//After chatting to the guys on #mobitopia over the weekend I took the plunge and installed a Wiki on my box this morning. I chose the Wikka Wiki and in all the installation is painless. Upload the unpacked distribution to a web-visible directory. Create a MySQL database. Call the Wikki installation page, fill out a couple of fields and off you go.//
~-[[ Best Wiki - Sean Bonner]] --- [2005-01-16]
~//I was using Twiki for a while and it worked great but for a personal wiki it was really too full featured and I found myself worrying about a lot of things I didn't need to. I switched over to Wikka Wakka Wiki which is a snap to install and it's stripped down to just the basics so it's perfect for my own useses. We're also using that for the public and internal Metroblogging wikis and it's turned out to be really great. That's my experience anyway.//
~-[[ MethoLogi — Brain Extension]] --- [2005-01-05]
~//I like ""MindMaps"" for brainstorming and storing keywords with links but it's less suitable for lots of information and collaboration.
~So I was looking for an alternative. I liked the Wiki concept but I missed the visual representation of the information (and relationships within the wiki). But then I stumbled upon the Wikka Wiki. It's a nice clean wiki with an integration with freemind. The next release should integrate even better.
~Now I'm testing the Wikka Wiki and FreeMind and it looks very promising.//
~-[[ Ian Berry's blog — WikkaWiki]] --- [2004-12-21]
~//Wakka had a few limitations of its own, such as relying on the tab character with no practical way of using it, lack of strike through text, lack of source code highlighting, lack of tables, etc. I also realized that Wakka had officially stopped development in March 2004, which spawned a whole slew of forks.
~[...] After perusing through the list, Wikka Wiki stood out as containing a number of new features while adhering to Wakka's simplistic UI. Best of all, it comes with a javascript-based editor that can be used to apply formatting, lists, links, etc to your document. A few other notable features over Wakka include inline images, built-in search, and source code highlighting.//
~-[[ — WikkaWiki]] --- [2004-12-03]
~//While other wiki engines are mostly cumbersome to install and handle Wikka is a perfect example for simplicity in both areas.//
~-[[ Netbib — Mit Wikis als "application building tools" herumspielen]] --- [2004-10-18]
~//Wikka, eine andere Wiki-Software, ist offenbar sowohl für Administratoren als auch für Autoren noch einfacher zu handhaben, und ist sicherlich unschlagbar für alle, die schon Websites in HTML geschrieben haben und die dabei gewonnenen Fertigkeiten weiter anwenden möchten. Wikka ist auch schön, wenn man zu jeder einzelnen Wiki-Seite sofort einen RSS-Feed haben will, oder gar Mindmaps.//
~-[[ — Combining Freemind and WikkaWiki]] --- [2004-10-14]
~//One of the absolute plusses of (...) WikkaWiki is that it is possible to dynamically include Freemind mindmaps, keeping them clickable and all. This (...) beats Freeminds basic HTML-export handily by offering you the real thing.//

~-[[ Netbib — Ein Wiki, das Mindmaps integriert]] --- [2004-09-08]
~//[Der] vielleicht wichtigste Nachfolger der legendären Wiki-Engine WakkaWiki//

~-[[ NSK — WikkaWiki]] --- [2004-09-07]
~//Wikka is a very promising lightweight but still immature wiki engine that can power small wikis quickly and efficiently. After it matures, it could become a serious competitor to other more known wiki engines.//

~-[[ Uniwakka — Alternative Wiki engines]] --- [2004-09-03]
~//""WikkaWiki"" — Developed by Jason Tourtelotte is a very nice wiki engine, standards-compliant, feature-rich wakka fork. Probably the best around.//
~-[[ — WikkaWiki]] --- [2004-08-11]
~//De wiki hier gebruikt op het moment WikkaWiki. De reden daarvoor is dat de code daarvan netter gebleven is. En gezien het aantal aanpassingen dat er toch gemaakt wordt in de code is dat wel zo handig.//
~-[[ Framasoft — Wikka Wiki]] --- [2004-07-19]
~//[Nous] avons particulièrement apprécié l’éditeur (compatible IE mais surtout Mozilla), la possibilité de créer facilement des catégories et la présence d’un fil XML-RSS des modifications.//

Revision [16733]

Edited on 2007-05-31 10:42:40 by PbkT1e [Reverted]
~-[[]] --- [2005-04-05]
~//Um strukturierte Textinhalte online abzulegen eignet sich ein WiKi am besten. WikkaWiki ist eine schlanke und flexible Wiki-Engine. [...] Das WikkaWiki sticht durch seine einfache Installation sowie übersichtliche Stuktur, einfache Handhabung und sehr gut und ausführlich behandelte Dokumentation heraus. Es eignet sich auch für Wiki Neuanfänger, da es die Wiki Formatierungen ganz genau beschreibt. Auch ich selbst habe dieses Wiki für meine Software-Dokumentationen udgl. im Einsatz und kann dieses Programm nur weiterempfehlen.//
~-[[ Learning PHP]] --- [2005-03-30]
~//Wikka is an Wiki written in PHP with some great features: --- PHP and MYSQL make it lightweight and fast. (Okay so that’s propaganda from the website but it really is great.) --- Page level security so you can determine which pages can be viewed and edited by others. --- Like other Wikis it uses the CamelCase syntax for links to other pages but it also has some neat tricks for creating elements like lists, horizontal bars, etc. --- Its functionality can be extended using plugins called actions. People have written actions to display rss feeds and calendars among others.//
~-[[ Information Efficiency]] --- [2005-03-28]
~//I think WikkaWiki is a very under-rated powerful wiki system. If you look at the feature list, it has many thoughful productive features which overcome some of the limitation of a wiki system.//
~-[[ My Own Wiki]] --- [2005-03-22]
~//I couldn’t find any wiki software that I liked. Some were too simple, some were too hard, some did not work, and mostly some did not have access control as I wanted. I finally stumbled on one named Wikka Wiki which has most of the features that I wanted without the bloat and side-effects. It runs nicely, I finally got a chance to get it installed and running.//
~-[[,guid,d14cf225-9a58-4188-a6fe-22c029231b30.aspx .Net Thinking — WikkaWiki]] --- [2005-02-06]
~//I choose Wikka because I really liked how it works compared to flexwiki, plus it has built in FreeMind integration, which I just found phenomenally cool. Wikka itself was very easy to setup, and just as quick to get up to speed using it. I'm also a big fan of how it handles security per page, basically keeping a separate ACL for each page where you can specify who can see, edit, and comment on the page.//
~-[[ Tim Yang's Geek Blog — WikkaWiki ]] --- [2005-01-27]
~//I love this new wiki. It's the only one I found that has commenting feature for each page and a good log of activity. I'm using a copy of it to collaborate with two people on writing a book about Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur for international interns arriving here.//
~-[[ Innovation Weblog — Wiki supports FreeMind mind maps ]] --- [2005-01-27]
~//Thanks to a link submitted for consideration in the ""InnovationTools"" links directory, I just learned that Wikka, an open-source wiki tool, enables you to embed mind maps created in FreeMind, a free program written in Java. You can either link to an external FreeMind map, or you can embed it directly into a Wikka page. Very cool!//
~-[[ Silent Penguin — A Wikka Wiki this way way came]] --- [2005-01-24]
~//After chatting to the guys on #mobitopia over the weekend I took the plunge and installed a Wiki on my box this morning. I chose the Wikka Wiki and in all the installation is painless. Upload the unpacked distribution to a web-visible directory. Create a MySQL database. Call the Wikki installation page, fill out a couple of fields and off you go.//
~-[[ Best Wiki - Sean Bonner]] --- [2005-01-16]
~//I was using Twiki for a while and it worked great but for a personal wiki it was really too full featured and I found myself worrying about a lot of things I didn't need to. I switched over to Wikka Wakka Wiki which is a snap to install and it's stripped down to just the basics so it's perfect for my own useses. We're also using that for the public and internal Metroblogging wikis and it's turned out to be really great. That's my experience anyway.//
~-[[ MethoLogi — Brain Extension]] --- [2005-01-05]
~//I like ""MindMaps"" for brainstorming and storing keywords with links but it's less suitable for lots of information and collaboration.
~So I was looking for an alternative. I liked the Wiki concept but I missed the visual representation of the information (and relationships within the wiki). But then I stumbled upon the Wikka Wiki. It's a nice clean wiki with an integration with freemind. The next release should integrate even better.
~Now I'm testing the Wikka Wiki and FreeMind and it looks very promising.//
~-[[ Ian Berry's blog — WikkaWiki]] --- [2004-12-21]
~//Wakka had a few limitations of its own, such as relying on the tab character with no practical way of using it, lack of strike through text, lack of source code highlighting, lack of tables, etc. I also realized that Wakka had officially stopped development in March 2004, which spawned a whole slew of forks.
~[...] After perusing through the list, Wikka Wiki stood out as containing a number of new features while adhering to Wakka's simplistic UI. Best of all, it comes with a javascript-based editor that can be used to apply formatting, lists, links, etc to your document. A few other notable features over Wakka include inline images, built-in search, and source code highlighting.//
~-[[ — WikkaWiki]] --- [2004-12-03]
~//While other wiki engines are mostly cumbersome to install and handle Wikka is a perfect example for simplicity in both areas.//
~-[[ Netbib — Mit Wikis als "application building tools" herumspielen]] --- [2004-10-18]
~//Wikka, eine andere Wiki-Software, ist offenbar sowohl für Administratoren als auch für Autoren noch einfacher zu handhaben, und ist sicherlich unschlagbar für alle, die schon Websites in HTML geschrieben haben und die dabei gewonnenen Fertigkeiten weiter anwenden möchten. Wikka ist auch schön, wenn man zu jeder einzelnen Wiki-Seite sofort einen RSS-Feed haben will, oder gar Mindmaps.//
~-[[ — Combining Freemind and WikkaWiki]] --- [2004-10-14]
~//One of the absolute plusses of (...) WikkaWiki is that it is possible to dynamically include Freemind mindmaps, keeping them clickable and all. This (...) beats Freeminds basic HTML-export handily by offering you the real thing.//

~-[[ Netbib — Ein Wiki, das Mindmaps integriert]] --- [2004-09-08]
~//[Der] vielleicht wichtigste Nachfolger der legendären Wiki-Engine WakkaWiki//

~-[[ NSK — WikkaWiki]] --- [2004-09-07]
~//Wikka is a very promising lightweight but still immature wiki engine that can power small wikis quickly and efficiently. After it matures, it could become a serious competitor to other more known wiki engines.//

~-[[ Uniwakka — Alternative Wiki engines]] --- [2004-09-03]
~//""WikkaWiki"" — Developed by Jason Tourtelotte is a very nice wiki engine, standards-compliant, feature-rich wakka fork. Probably the best around.//
~-[[ — WikkaWiki]] --- [2004-08-11]
~//De wiki hier gebruikt op het moment WikkaWiki. De reden daarvoor is dat de code daarvan netter gebleven is. En gezien het aantal aanpassingen dat er toch gemaakt wordt in de code is dat wel zo handig.//
~-[[ Framasoft — Wikka Wiki]] --- [2004-07-19]
~//[Nous] avons particulièrement apprécié l’éditeur (compatible IE mais surtout Mozilla), la possibilité de créer facilement des catégories et la présence d’un fil XML-RSS des modifications.//

Revision [16205]

Edited on 2007-02-24 10:11:48 by BrianKoontz [Refactored]
====Independent Reviews====
This is a list of opinions taken from independent reviews of Wikka. Please feel free to add you own external links and review summaries.
=====Opinions about Wikka=====
>>**See also:**
~-WikkaSites — A list of sites powered by Wikka
~-WikiEngineComparison — Why choose Wikka?
~-OneYearOld — Celebrating Wikka's 1st birthday
""<div style="margin:5px; text-align: center"><a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="Rate Wikka at" /></a></div>""
>>Do you want to acknowledge Wikka developers for their work?
You can [[SpreadTheWord spread the word]] or just drop us a line below :) Please post specific suggestions/feature requests to the SuggestionBox.
**Table of contents**
""<ol><li><a href="IndependentWikkaReviews#hn_Reviews">Reviews</a></li>
<li><a href="IndependentWikkaReviews#hn_Feedback_from_users">Feedback from users</a></li>
<li><a href="IndependentWikkaReviews#hn_More_on_Wikka">More on Wikka</a></li>
This is a list of opinions taken from independent reviews of Wikka.
====Feedback from users====
If you are using Wikka and want to tell us your opinion about it, please visit the UserFeedback page.
==== More on Wikka ====
~~-[[ Chinese]] | [[ English]] | [[ French]] | [[ German]] | [[ Italian]] | [[ Malaysian]] | [[ Polish]] | [[ Spanish]]
~-[[ OpenSourceCMS: WikkaWiki review & demo]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}
~-[[ WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}
~-[[ Meatball Wiki: WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}
~-[[ Freshmeat: WikkaWiki project page]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}
~-[[ Wikka]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}
~-[[ WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}
~-[[ FreeWiki: WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}
~-[[ WikiTools: WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[German]"}}
~-[[ Framasoft: WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[French]"}}
~-[[ Wikimatrix: WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}
~-[[ The Unofficial Apple Weblog: How to install Wikka On OS X]]

Revision [16203]

Edited on 2007-02-24 10:03:07 by BrianKoontz [Page refactor; migrated]
If you are using Wikka and want to tell us your opinion about it, please visit the UserFeedback page.
If you are using Wikka and want to tell us your opinion about it, just add it here.
__Note:__ some of the opinions reported below are excerpts from external sites. Should you want to remove or modify them, for instance for privacy reason, feel free to edit this page.
~-[[ MensagemWeb's site]] --- [2006-01-01]
~//It's absolutely marvelous the work you have done to create this wiki software. Very easy to install, very easy to use, very easy to configure. Well, the only thing I miss is i18n support, but maybe it's there and I didn't have time to see it yet ;-). Thanks!//
~-[[ Tranquille]] --- [2005-12-29]
~//**FR** : Wikka est un outil remarquable pour le non informaticien que je suis. Il s'installe sans peine chez des hébergeurs tels que ou Je le fais tourner sur mon PowerBook en un clin d'oeil. La francisation de l'interface publique est très accessible. J'en ai trois usages : rédaction de livres à plusieurs mains, partage d'ordinogrammes de type freemind, constitution de bases de connaissances. Bravo, 1024 fois. **EN** : Sorry for english speakers, but french users have to discover this fantastic engine too!//
~-[[ GTD with Gmail]] --- [2005-07-24]
~//For awhile I was using the Wikka Wiki and my moleskine, which wasn’t a bad combo but as my projects and next actions started to build up, managing next actions and project pages in the Wiki became cumbersome.//
~-[[ What's the best Mac wiki?]] --- [2005-07-12]
~//Jay, who is [[ big into wiki projects]], is recommending [[ TWiki]] although he is currently using Wikka.//
~- //Absolutely love what you guys have done....//
~ (PeterPike)
~- //I initially chose this wiki engine over all the others purely because of the FreeMind support. I have not been disappointed by my choice. It has had a very positive reaction from our developers, many of whom have already created many pages (they are normally very reluctant about any form of communal tools - I installed a forum that has hardly been used at all!)//
~ (PeeJay)
~- //New Wikka user, since march 2005. Have been customizing it a bit, and like the performance and flexibility a lot! [...] Thanks for WikkaWiki, It's a great program and can run circles around MediaWiki anytime :)//
~ (LukaV)
~-//Kudos! Excellent software!
~I wanted to add some functionality to my WakkaWiki site, but found that they disappeared. Upgrading to Wikka gave me all the features that I wanted, and a bunch more.
~Good job all!//
~([[ Jeff]])
~-//Wikka is the best ever. Keep up the good work! ;)//---
~-//We were wondering for a long time where went.
~Now we found Jason Tourtelotte, who started Wikka. Wikka is what WakkaWiki should have been, he says. Good job!//
~([[ Bas]])
~-//Take a look at Wikka Wiki: . It's simple and fast. I had little trouble figuring out how to extend it. It is database backed, though.//---
~([[ Richard]])
~-//I think Wikka is the best Wiki out there.//---
~([[ Richard Berg]])
~-//Wacko has some features that Wikka doesn't. The thing I miss most (probably the only thing I miss) is a Dutch interface.
~But Wikka is still actively being developed, bugs are being fixed etc.
~The lack of that was the main reason for me to move from Wakka.
~The PHP-code of Wikka stays closer to the way the original Wakka code has been written and I find that (personal opinion) code easier to understand than the Wacko code//.
~([[ Pierre]])
~-//If i had to describe the purpose of my own wiki, i would tell you, that it is absolutely not necessary, maybe useless, but it is a great toy and I like to play with this piece of code.
~My first try with a Wiki was the WakkaWiki, the next logical step was to change to Wikka. And so i did.//
~([[ SorCerer]])
~-//Best ""WakkaWiki"" fork// ---
~([[ Matt Friebe]])
~-//Wikka ist ein weiterer ""WakkaWikiClon"", der noch recht ursprünglich ist. Benutze den für ein Projekt bei einem Kunden, die sind super begeistert. Wikka ist im Prinzip ein um ein paar nette Features aufgemotztes WakkaWiki.//---
~([[ Sascha Carlin]])
~-//I tried TWiki a couple of years ago and found it overkill for what I had in mind for a quick departmental knowledge base. I'm happy to find Wikka appears quite able to fill this need. The primary features for us had to be simplicity and flexibility. We're a small staff with a wide range of expertise (high to low), so I needed something people could dive right into without being encumbered by the engine or overwhelmed by the options. ---Wikka is about as straightforward as any wiki I've tried this month. ;-) ---I went from Mambo (not a wiki), to Wikka, to Media Wiki, revisited TWiki, to pmWiki, and back to Wikka. I considered docuwiki and Moin Moin. I liked their list of features, but in the end, I preferred the handling of ACLs in Wikka as well as the simple (clear) formatting rules. Again, I want my peers to hit the ground running with respect to contributing, not spending a lot of time perusing formatting rules.---Thanks again//
~([[JerryC Jerry]])
~-//Just like some other people, I too hit the brick wall trying to install PHPwiki. I hit another bigger and thicker wall trying to install MoinMoin. It was a total pain to install. Then I came acroos WikkaWiki. The installation was super easy! I didn't have to do anything. Just had to create a new mySQL database and that was it. I love WikkaWiki.
~WikkaWiki is also much faster than MediaWiki. I tried that for a little while, and found that it was too slow. Anyway, I like how there's so much development going into WikkaWiki.
~Thanks for the good work.//
~-//I stumbled on to Wikka after spending some time comparing different Wiki engines. I am using tikiwiki at work however I really liked the straight forward interface of Wikka, speed, msql backend, wikiedit support, and now, skins feature. What really hooked me was Freemind integration, though. (I hope) Wikis and [[MindMapping MindMaps]] will become a powerful combination. I really think Wikka Devs should exploit this feature (...). I think Wikka's niche is the "personal wiki" and the integration with other "personal" systems like WordPress for blogging could be used to create a nifty personal publishing kit. //
~-//WikkaWiki findet immer mehr treue Anhänger, was die [[WikkaSites Liste]] der Seiten, die schon WikkaWiki im Einsatz haben, beweißt. Auch die ausgedehnte Sprachunterstützung (bis jetzt sind es 22 Übersetzungen) unterstreicht die weltweite Begeisterung für WikkaWiki.//
~([[ Boardster]])
~-//Few days back I was writing an article about enterprise development and was thinking about getting it reviewed from senior people. I was composing an excel sheet, then I learnt about Wikki. I tried many engines but found this one great! Wikka is the best! Keep up the good work people.//
~([[ ASQUARE dot INFO]])
~-//For this Wiki site, I have installed WikkaWiki which I found to be fast, easy to use, and secure.//
~([[ BotMan]])
~-//I've run both [[ Apache Forrest]] and MediaWiki for documentation on my site, but Wikka has been by far the most pleasant. The software is aesthetically pleasing, it's lightweight, it's easy to set up and has exactly what I want. Well - I guess it's missing a few features, but they're working on them (at my request? by popular demand?). Their development crew is pleasant to speak with and responsive to ideas - but most importantly, they're passionate.//
~([[KoG Kog of]])
~-//I've installed and configured a number of wikis over the years, and WikkaWiki, by far, has been the easiest to work with in terms of installation, ease of use, documentation, security, and expandability. The sparse layout is very [[ WordPress]]-like: Simple, yet functional and approachable. Great work!//
~-//I would greatly prefer to see all string constants in one single file (or several files - separate from executable code, as say in phpBB) - to simplify localization and thus to make Wikka more widely and internationally used. Thanks.//

Revision [15549]

Edited on 2006-10-25 03:54:43 by Jack063 [Page refactor; migrated]
~-//I would greatly prefer to see all string constants in one single file (or several files - separate from executable code, as say in phpBB) - to simplify localization and thus to make Wikka more widely and internationally used. Thanks.//

Revision [14986]

Edited on 2006-07-30 16:30:29 by NilsLindenberg [updated wp language links]
~~-[[ Chinese]] | [[ English]] | [[ French]] | [[ German]] | [[ Italian]] | [[ Malaysian]] | [[ Polish]] | [[ Spanish]]
~~-[[ WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}
~~-[[ WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[German]"}}

Revision [14985]

Edited on 2006-07-30 16:22:40 by DarTar [adding hotscripts rating box]
""<div style="margin:5px; text-align: center"><a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="Rate Wikka at" /></a></div>""
""<div style="margin:5px; text-align: center"><a href=""><img src="" alt="" /></a></div>""

Revision [14984]

Edited on 2006-07-30 16:21:20 by DarTar [adding hotscripts rating box]
""<div style="margin:5px; text-align: center"><a href=""><img src="" alt="" /></a></div>""
""<div style="margin:5px; text-align: center"><a href=" N297983"><img src="" alt="" /></a></div>""

Revision [14983]

Edited on 2006-07-30 16:20:39 by DarTar [adding hotscripts rating box]
""<div style="margin:5px; text-align: center"><a href=" N297983"><img src="" alt="" /></a></div>""

Revision [14594]

Edited on 2006-06-14 04:18:57 by NilsLindenberg [new review]
~-[[ xyzzyB Wikka Wiki]] --- [2006-05-17]
~//The wiki uses the fantastic Wikka Wiki software. I had a trial wiki setup using MediaWiki but found that software to be rather cumbersome for a small wiki. (...)//
~//So after a quick browse on Wikipedia’s wiki software list I found Wikka Wiki and was quickly enamored with its friendly community and decent feature list. Once I saw that its pages rendered nicely in Lynx I was hooked. The only thing I need to change for text browsers is that external links get an infinity symbol added on by default, which in the text browsers makes them look like Slashdotinfty.//

Revision [14226]

Edited on 2006-05-15 16:18:20 by NilsLindenberg [adding review]
~-[[ More Random Coolness]] ---[2006-03-16]
~//WikkaWiki looks quite interesting from that Wikipedia listing. The actual site for WikkaWiki is here. You can see it in action here. Those movies show it doing something akin to what I'd like a mind mapper to do, namely work as a combination of mind mapper, wiki, and browser all in one. WikkaWiki does allow you to link in mind maps without too much trouble, but it's still two separate apps. Again. Promising. By having it open along with a secondary browser I might almost have what I want. But the mindmapping software is separate -- but you can include it in the WikkaWiki. Like I said, promising.//

Revision [13641]

Edited on 2006-03-28 15:30:18 by NilsLindenberg [new review]
~-[[ Wikis and thought libraries]] ---[2006-03-28]
~//I stumbled across WikkaWiki, home page here. It has integrated FreeMind and displays them within the actual WikkaWiki pages. In fact, WikkaWiki has a slew of embeddable elements from images to RSS feeds to Flash. It's pretty close to the "keep track of my meandering" type tool I'm looking for. But it's modal and I don't want modal. Everyone is building //vi// and I want //emacs//.//
~-[[ Vergleich von Wiki-Systemen]] ---[2006-02-03]
~-[[ Vergleich von Wiki-Systemen]] ---[2006-02-03]]

Revision [13065]

Edited on 2006-02-05 13:37:03 by BrianKoontz [Added user feedback]
~-//I've installed and configured a number of wikis over the years, and WikkaWiki, by far, has been the easiest to work with in terms of installation, ease of use, documentation, security, and expandability. The sparse layout is very [[ WordPress]]-like: Simple, yet functional and approachable. Great work!//

Revision [13060]

Edited on 2006-02-05 07:52:05 by NilsLindenberg [new review]
~-[[ Vergleich von Wiki-Systemen]] ---[2006-02-03]]
~//Sehr gelungen finde ich WikiMatrix, da es sehr übersichtlich gestaltet ist und man auswählen kann welche Systeme man gegeneinander vergleichen kann. Dabei habe ich festgestellt das WikkaWiki sich schon sehr weit entwickelt hat und das man u.a. mit Hilfe der Erweiterungen einiges anstellen kann.//

Revision [12482]

Edited on 2006-01-01 12:01:56 by MeteFicha [new review]
~-[[ MensagemWeb's site]] --- [2006-01-01]
~//It's absolutely marvelous the work you have done to create this wiki software. Very easy to install, very easy to use, very easy to configure. Well, the only thing I miss is i18n support, but maybe it's there and I didn't have time to see it yet ;-). Thanks!//

Revision [12473]

Edited on 2005-12-28 23:59:41 by JeanRoure [new review]
~-[[ Tranquille]] --- [2005-12-29]
~//**FR** : Wikka est un outil remarquable pour le non informaticien que je suis. Il s'installe sans peine chez des hébergeurs tels que ou Je le fais tourner sur mon PowerBook en un clin d'oeil. La francisation de l'interface publique est très accessible. J'en ai trois usages : rédaction de livres à plusieurs mains, partage d'ordinogrammes de type freemind, constitution de bases de connaissances. Bravo, 1024 fois. **EN** : Sorry for english speakers, but french users have to discover this fantastic engine too!//

Revision [12301]

Edited on 2005-12-16 16:51:31 by DarTar [adding wikimatrix]
~-[[ Wikimatrix: WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}

Revision [11932]

Edited on 2005-11-21 11:03:01 by DarTar [adding review]
~-[[ Dealing with Wikis]] --- [2005-10-29]
~//Finally I found WikkaWiki, and I saw opened Heaven: small, easy to install and use, good security, customizable by CSS and very important XHML 1.0 compliant.//

Revision [11930]

Edited on 2005-11-21 10:58:15 by DarTar [adding review]
~//I wanted a wiki for my site, as I find wiki a wonderful tool for collaborative development of ideas. I needed to make a choice, so I googled for wiki comparision tables, and reviews. I found several of them, and at first I chose MediaWiki as the most well known wiki out there. Well, after I have downloaded it and have taken a quick look around, it ticked me that it was way too big than what I imagined it would be. After careful investigation of the same comparison tables I put my finger on WikkaWiki that, compared to lots of other lightweight wiki tools is still being developed.//
~//Installation was a breeze, quick and easy. I put a full copy of the distribution in a separate directory, and linked to it from where I wanted my wiki to be. I wanted several of them in different places and separate, and that way I was able to make that happen with ease. Everything happens on a single installation page, and after you have filled it with all necessary data, it creates the database tables for you, and initializes your wiki. The configuration file is put in the local directory, and you are free to modify it if needed.//
~//I wanted a wiki for my site, as I find wiki a wonderful tool for collaborative development of ideas. I needed to make a choice, so I googled for wiki comparision tables, and reviews. I found several of them, and at first I chose MediaWiki as the most well known wiki out there. Well, after I have downloaded it and have taken a quick look around, it ticked me that it was way too big than what I imagined it would be. After careful investigation of the same comparison tables I put my finger on WikkaWiki that, compared to lots of other lightweight wiki tools is still being developed. ---
Installation was a breeze, quick and easy. I put a full copy of the distribution in a separate directory, and linked to it from where I wanted my wiki to be. I wanted several of them in different places and separate, and that way I was able to make that happen with ease. Everything happens on a single installation page, and after you have filled it with all necessary data, it creates the database tables for you, and initializes your wiki. The configuration file is put in the local directory, and you are free to modify it if needed.//

Revision [11929]

Edited on 2005-11-21 10:57:43 by DarTar [adding review]
~-[[ Hashdef - Choosing a lightweight wiki]] --- [2005-11-08]
~//I wanted a wiki for my site, as I find wiki a wonderful tool for collaborative development of ideas. I needed to make a choice, so I googled for wiki comparision tables, and reviews. I found several of them, and at first I chose MediaWiki as the most well known wiki out there. Well, after I have downloaded it and have taken a quick look around, it ticked me that it was way too big than what I imagined it would be. After careful investigation of the same comparison tables I put my finger on WikkaWiki that, compared to lots of other lightweight wiki tools is still being developed. ---
Installation was a breeze, quick and easy. I put a full copy of the distribution in a separate directory, and linked to it from where I wanted my wiki to be. I wanted several of them in different places and separate, and that way I was able to make that happen with ease. Everything happens on a single installation page, and after you have filled it with all necessary data, it creates the database tables for you, and initializes your wiki. The configuration file is put in the local directory, and you are free to modify it if needed.//

Revision [11450]

Edited on 2005-10-16 16:16:38 by DarTar [adding blog post]
~-[[ Some call me... Tim - Wiki: wikka wakka wiki]] --- [2005-10-15]
~// The Wikka wakka wiki is sensational. Very programmer friendly. Lots of little coding examples. Very easy to extend.//

Revision [11440]

Edited on 2005-10-14 18:02:26 by DarTar [adding blogpost]
~-[[ The other blog: How to choose a wiki]] --- [2005-10-14]
~//I’ve been trying to find a wiki engine that suits my needs and at the moment I quite like Wikka partly because I’ve managed to meet a few of the items on my criteria list below. A Good Wiki Should…//
~~-//Look nice//
~~-//Separate Interface From Content//
~~-//Easily Handle Media and Documents//
~~-//Show Recent Changes on the HomePage//
~~-//Offer RSS newsfeeds//
~~-//Have A “Simple Syntax”//
~~-//Use A WYSIWYG Editor//
~~-//Handle Spam//
~~-//Have Permissions//
~~-//Be Easily Hackable//
~~-//To Be More Than Just A Page// [[ (

Revision [11235]

Edited on 2005-10-01 20:16:09 by DarTar [adding blog post]
>>Do you want to acknowledge Wikka developers for their work?
~-[[ Neotextus: Mindmaps]] --- [2005-09-27]
~//I've been interested in Soft Systems Methodology for many years, including taking serveral courses based on the work of Peter Checkland and others as part of my ""BSc"", but I've always been disappointed by the lack of tool support for the approach. Last week I was looking for a light weight Wiki solution to deploy on an older machine, and I came across Wikka Wiki, which had built in support for FreeMind, a superb free (as in speach) mind map solution.//
>>//Do you want to acknowledge Wikka developers for their work?//

Revision [10735]

Edited on 2005-08-16 14:25:42 by DarTar [minor]
~//I enjoy wikis; they're a very useful way to store (and view) information. I recently wrote about Instiki. I needed a new wiki to use for phpmygrades, so I started lookin’ around. Sourceforge recommends you keep a lot of your data (especially stuff that’s written to by the webserver) in a MySQL database. Because of this, I tried Wikka, and I am //very// pleased with it! I’m too lazy to write a full review right now (and I’ll probably stay this way for quite some time…), so I’ll just note a few good points I noticed://
~//I enjoy wikis; they're a very useful way to store (and view) information. I recently wrote about Instiki. I needed a new wiki to use for phpmygrades, so I started lookin’ around. Sourceforge recommends you keep a lot of your data (especially stuff that’s written to by the webserver) in a MySQL database. Because of this, I tried Wikka, and I am very pleased with it! I’m too lazy to write a full review right now (and I’ll probably stay this way for quite some time…), so I’ll just note a few good points I noticed://

Revision [10728]

Edited on 2005-08-16 09:54:00 by DarTar [adding review]
~-[[ Ramblings of an Idiot: Another good wiki]] --- [2005-08-15]
~//I enjoy wikis; they're a very useful way to store (and view) information. I recently wrote about Instiki. I needed a new wiki to use for phpmygrades, so I started lookin’ around. Sourceforge recommends you keep a lot of your data (especially stuff that’s written to by the webserver) in a MySQL database. Because of this, I tried Wikka, and I am very pleased with it! I’m too lazy to write a full review right now (and I’ll probably stay this way for quite some time…), so I’ll just note a few good points I noticed://
~~-//the installation process really couldn’t be much easier//
~~-//the default interface is amazingly beautiful//
~~-//it seems incredibly fast//

Revision [10503]

Edited on 2005-08-07 10:54:43 by DarTar [reordering]
~//Jay, who is [[ big into wiki projects]], is recommending [[ TWiki]] although he is currently using Wikka.//
~-[[ The Unofficial Apple Weblog: How to install Wikka On OS X]]
~//Jay, who is [[ big into wiki projects]], is recommending [[ TWiki]] although he is currently using Wikka,..//
~~& Humm, does this qualify as a Wikka review ?! -- DarTar
~~~&Given the remark currently in the SandBox ("God I hope this is easier to set up than TWiki!") I'd say it probably does. ;-) --JavaWoman

Revision [10427]

Edited on 2005-08-04 10:39:08 by NilsLindenberg [new review]
~-[[ Left on the web - WikkaWiki]] --- [2005-08-04]
~//After trying various other Wiki implementations, I came by WikkaWiki. It has all the usual features of a wiki, but isn't too loaded with features that I don't need. I just need some wiki functionality. Looking at the code, it was quite easy to customize. And fully XHTML and CSS-based, which is also a big plus.//

Revision [10201]

Edited on 2005-07-24 16:50:37 by NilsLindenberg [added review]
~-[[ GTD with Gmail]] --- [2005-07-24]
~//For awhile I was using the Wikka Wiki and my moleskine, which wasn’t a bad combo but as my projects and next actions started to build up, managing next actions and project pages in the Wiki became cumbersome.//

Revision [10190]

Edited on 2005-07-23 08:28:21 by JavaWoman [adding comment, simplyfying code layout]
~~~&Given the remark currently in the SandBox ("God I hope this is easier to set up than TWiki!") I'd say it probably does. ;-) --JavaWoman


Revision [10189]

Edited on 2005-07-23 01:28:36 by DarTar [adding links and older review]
~//Roger Schank (1988) points out that creativity consists of two subprocesses: 1) Search process, looking among previously experienced explanation patterns. 2) Alteration process, modifying an explanation derived from one situation to be used in another. --- If I look at the subprocess 1, Internet search engines and new personalised search agents look quite promising to me with simplified ""UIs"". With these search tools it is quite easy to find out what is publicly known about the topic and whether my own approach is unique. Sometimes the ability to visualise things and see their connections is even more valuable. Therefore, I am currently excited about mindmap tools that could help me visualise large data masses like blogosphere (Mindmanager X5 and open source variants WikkaWiki linked to FreeMind).//
~//Roger Schank (1988) points out that creativity consists of two subprocesses: 1) Search process, looking among previously experienced explanation patterns. 2) Alteration process, modifying an explanation derived from one situation to be used in another.
If I look at the subprocess 1, Internet search engines and new personalised search agents look quite promising to me with simplified ""UIs"". With these search tools it is quite easy to find out what is publicly known about the topic and whether my own approach is unique. Sometimes the ability to visualise things and see their connections is even more valuable. Therefore, I am currently excited about mindmap tools that could help me visualise large data masses like blogosphere (Mindmanager X5 and open source variants WikkaWiki linked to FreeMind).//

Revision [10188]

Edited on 2005-07-23 01:16:07 by DarTar [adding links and older review]
~~-[[ WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[German]"}}
~~- WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[German]"}}

Revision [10187]

Edited on 2005-07-23 01:15:38 by DarTar [adding links and older review]
~~-[[ WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}
~~- WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[German]"}}
~-[[ OpenSourceCMS: WikkaWiki review & demo]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}
~-[[ WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}
~-[[ Meatball Wiki: WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}
~-[[ Freshmeat: WikkaWiki project page]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}
~-[[ Wikka]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}
~-[[ WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}
~-[[ FreeWiki: WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}}
~-[[ WikiTools: WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[German]"}}
~-[[ Framasoft: WikkaWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[French]"}}
~-[[Wikipedia:WikkaWiki Wikipedia: WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ OpenSourceCMS: WikkaWiki review & demo]]
~-[[ WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ Meatball Wiki: WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ Freshmeat: WikkaWiki project page]]
~-[[ Wikka]]
~-[[ WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ FreeWiki: WikkaWiki]]

Revision [10185]

Edited on 2005-07-23 01:06:42 by DarTar [Adding "older" review and external site]
~-[[ Beyond Creativity — Technologies facilitating creativity]] --- [2005-05-24]
~//Roger Schank (1988) points out that creativity consists of two subprocesses: 1) Search process, looking among previously experienced explanation patterns. 2) Alteration process, modifying an explanation derived from one situation to be used in another.
If I look at the subprocess 1, Internet search engines and new personalised search agents look quite promising to me with simplified ""UIs"". With these search tools it is quite easy to find out what is publicly known about the topic and whether my own approach is unique. Sometimes the ability to visualise things and see their connections is even more valuable. Therefore, I am currently excited about mindmap tools that could help me visualise large data masses like blogosphere (Mindmanager X5 and open source variants WikkaWiki linked to FreeMind).//
~-[[Wikipedia:WikkaWiki Wikipedia: WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ OpenSourceCMS: WikkaWiki review & demo]]
~-[[ WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ Meatball Wiki: WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ Freshmeat: WikkaWiki project page]]
~-[[ Wikka]]
~-[[ WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ FreeWiki: WikkaWiki]]
~-[[Wikipedia:WikkaWiki Wikipedia — WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ OpenSourceCMS — WikkaWiki review & demo]]
~-[[— WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ Meatball Wiki — WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ Freshmeat — WikkaWiki project page]]
~-[[ — Wikka]]
~-[[ — WikkaWiki]]

Revision [10184]

Edited on 2005-07-23 00:54:30 by DarTar [layout/adding link]
~-[[ — WikkaWiki]]

Revision [10180]

Edited on 2005-07-22 23:58:27 by DarTar [minor (layout)]
~-WikkaSites — A list of sites powered by Wikka
~-WikiEngineComparison — Why choose Wikka?
~-OneYearOld — Celebrating Wikka's 1st birthday
WikkaSites — A list of sites powered by Wikka
WikiEngineComparison — Why choose Wikka?
OneYearOld — Celebrating Wikka's 1st birthday

Revision [10010]

Edited on 2005-07-15 23:17:21 by DarTar [re: tuaw]
~~& Humm, does this qualify as a Wikka review ?! -- DarTar
~~& Humm, does this qualify as a Wikka review ?? -- DarTar

Revision [10009]

Edited on 2005-07-15 23:16:45 by DarTar [re: tuaw]
**Table of contents**
""<ol><li><a href="IndependentWikkaReviews#hn_Reviews">Reviews</a></li>
<li><a href="IndependentWikkaReviews#hn_Feedback_from_users">Feedback from users</a></li>
<li><a href="IndependentWikkaReviews#hn_More_on_Wikka">More on Wikka</a></li>
""<a href="IndependentWikkaReviews#hn_Reviews">Reviews</a> | <a href="IndependentWikkaReviews#hn_Feedback_from_users">Feedback from users</a> | <a href="IndependentWikkaReviews#hn_More_on_Wikka">More on Wikka</a>""

Revision [10008]

Edited on 2005-07-15 23:14:54 by DarTar [re: tuaw]
~~& Humm, does this qualify as a Wikka review ?? -- DarTar

Revision [9951]

Edited on 2005-07-13 19:22:17 by NilsLindenberg [added review]
~-[[ What's the best Mac wiki?]] --- [2005-07-12]
~//Jay, who is [[ big into wiki projects]], is recommending [[ TWiki]] although he is currently using Wikka,..//

Revision [9743]

Edited on 2005-07-03 09:44:54 by DarTar [adding review]
~//My personal knowledge/life/research management system is based on a wiki system (was zwiki, now [[WikkaWiki Wikka wiki]]). When I am working on something by extensively using one or more Wiki pages, I usually use the Wikka category feature to mark a page as ""CurrentWork"" (sometimes plus a certain degree of importance) so later I can retrieve them by visiting a dynamically generated ""CurrentWork"" page. --- However, the unit of organization has to be a page. I am against prematurely creating too many low granularity pages so I have many ongoing big Wiki nodes which will only be broken down into small ones later when necessary. Within some big nodes, I have small todos which can be marked with a couple of unique strings. Wikka provides a feature called Text Search Expanded which will return the context a search string resides in along with the page title. When I search those unique strings, I can get a list of smaller todos. Using it in combination with the category feature, I feel it very productive. It works like tagging but the granularity level is much lower.//
~//My personal knowledge/life/research management system is based on a wiki system (was zwiki, now [[WikkaWiki Wikka wiki]]). When I am working on something by extensively using one or more Wiki pages, I usually use the Wikka category feature to mark a page as ""CurrentWork"" (sometimes plus a certain degree of importance) so later I can retrieve them by visiting a dynamically generated CurrentWork page.
However, the unit of organization has to be a page. I am against prematurely creating too many low granularity pages so I have many ongoing big Wiki nodes which will only be broken down into small ones later when necessary. Within some big nodes, I have small todos which can be marked with a couple of unique strings. Wikka provides a feature called Text Search Expanded which will return the context a search string resides in along with the page title. When I search those unique strings, I can get a list of smaller todos. Using it in combination with the category feature, I feel it very productive. It works like tagging but the granularity level is much lower.//

Revision [9742]

Edited on 2005-07-03 09:44:26 by DarTar [adding review]
~-[[ Information efficiency — Manage ToDo with Wiki]] --- [2005-07-03]
~//My personal knowledge/life/research management system is based on a wiki system (was zwiki, now [[WikkaWiki Wikka wiki]]). When I am working on something by extensively using one or more Wiki pages, I usually use the Wikka category feature to mark a page as ""CurrentWork"" (sometimes plus a certain degree of importance) so later I can retrieve them by visiting a dynamically generated CurrentWork page.
However, the unit of organization has to be a page. I am against prematurely creating too many low granularity pages so I have many ongoing big Wiki nodes which will only be broken down into small ones later when necessary. Within some big nodes, I have small todos which can be marked with a couple of unique strings. Wikka provides a feature called Text Search Expanded which will return the context a search string resides in along with the page title. When I search those unique strings, I can get a list of smaller todos. Using it in combination with the category feature, I feel it very productive. It works like tagging but the granularity level is much lower.//

Revision [9593]

Edited on 2005-06-24 17:04:49 by DarTar [adding TOC + slight structure change]
""<a href="IndependentWikkaReviews#hn_Reviews">Reviews</a> | <a href="IndependentWikkaReviews#hn_Feedback_from_users">Feedback from users</a> | <a href="IndependentWikkaReviews#hn_More_on_Wikka">More on Wikka</a>""
====Feedback from users====
==== More on Wikka ====
=== More on Wikka ===
===Feedback from users===

Revision [9592]

Edited on 2005-06-24 17:00:56 by DarTar [adding review and removing useless box]
This is a list of opinions taken from independent reviews of Wikka.
This is a list of opinions taken from independent WikkaWiki reviews.
<<Are you posting comments about WikkaWiki on your personal blog? Please mark them with the ##[[ wikkawiki]]##/##[[ wikka]]## tags so they show up in blog content aggregators <<::c::

Revision [9591]

Edited on 2005-06-24 16:59:48 by DarTar [adding review]
~-[[ theWebSocket — So why Wikka Wiki?]] --- [2005-06-23]
~//Features that make Wikka Wiki a winner://
~~-//[[RSSInfo RSS feeds]]. Suppose you like to write on the web, but hate the reverse-chronology shackles of weblog software. On the other hand, you want people to be able to read your most recent scribbling as you publish it. An RSS enabled wiki allows the freedom of a wiki and the syndication of a weblog.//
~~-//[[ACLInfo Flexibility]]. Okay, technically a wiki should be open to everyone to read, write, and edit. But what if you want to keep out the Anonymous Cowards who like to drop by and take a dump in your space? Wikka wiki allows some flexibility in who can play in your sandbox.//
~~-//[[CommentPageInfo Comments]]. So you want the wiki to be an intertwingling of your own making, but you want others to be able to drop by and point out your more obvious warts. Wikka wiki has comments built in.//
~~-//[[WikkaFeatures Over-powered]]. Doug Miller commented the other night that MySQL seem to be overkill when it came to running a wiki, and that something like SQlite would be a-plenty. Too true. But the nice thing about over-engineering a product means that it has room to breath and grow. Not satisfied with the current feature set? No worries, pet.//
~//In short, it’s a dinkum wiki. Glad I took the time to install so many and play around with them before I settled on Wikka, and that OS X had most of the tools needed built into it’s foundation so that it was relatively painless to do so.//

Revision [9558]

Edited on 2005-06-24 00:41:53 by KoG [added my opinion]
~-//I've run both [[ Apache Forrest]] and MediaWiki for documentation on my site, but Wikka has been by far the most pleasant. The software is aesthetically pleasing, it's lightweight, it's easy to set up and has exactly what I want. Well - I guess it's missing a few features, but they're working on them (at my request? by popular demand?). Their development crew is pleasant to speak with and responsive to ideas - but most importantly, they're passionate.//
~([[KoG Kog of]])

Revision [9495]

Edited on 2005-06-23 08:38:59 by DarTar [adding reviews]
~-[[ TextPattern Support Forum]] --- [2005-06-01]
~//I think WikkaWiki has some strong points, even compared to MediaWiki. To me, it’s a good balance between features and lightness. ([[ davidm]]) --- David, I fully agree I installed WikkaWiki locally today and I have played with it some and it’s just what I was looking for. It has all the features that I wanted without feeling like it is bloated like MediaWiki can be at times ([[ Niloc]])//
~-[[ The Site5 Community Forum]] --- [2005-05-22]
~//[M]y first wiki was MediaWiki, and I just decided it was.. 'too much'. I wanted something that was easier, cleaner interface, and where new users with something to say would be more likely to add content and ended up with WikkaWiki ([[ Jason Rahaim]])//

Revision [9464]

Edited on 2005-06-22 22:38:12 by DarTar [Adding review]
~//Wikka is an Wiki written in PHP with some great features: --- PHP and MYSQL make it lightweight and fast. (Okay so that’s propaganda from the website but it really is great.) --- Page level security so you can determine which pages can be viewed and edited by others. --- Like other Wikis it uses the CamelCase syntax for links to other pages but it also has some neat tricks for creating elements like lists, horizontal bars, etc. --- Its functionality can be extended using plugins called actions. People have written actions to display rss feeds and calendars among others.//
~//Wikka is an Wiki written in PHP with some great features:
~~-PHP and MYSQL make it lightweight and fast. (Okay so that’s propaganda from the website but it really is great.)
~~-Page level security so you can determine which pages can be viewed and edited by others.
~~-Like other Wikis it uses the CamelCase syntax for links to other pages but it also has some neat tricks for creating elements like lists, horizontal bars, etc.
~~-Its functionality can be extended using plugins called actions. People have written actions to display rss feeds and calendars among others.//

Revision [9463]

Edited on 2005-06-22 22:37:30 by DarTar [Adding review]
~~-Its functionality can be extended using plugins called actions. People have written actions to display rss feeds and calendars among others.//
~~-Its functionality can be extended using plugins called actions. People have written actions to display rss feeds and calendars among others.

Revision [9462]

Edited on 2005-06-22 22:36:24 by DarTar [Adding review]
~-[[ — Alternative use for my wiki]] --- [2005-06-15]
~[[ — Alternative use for my wiki]] --- [2005-06-15]

Revision [9461]

Edited on 2005-06-22 22:35:02 by DarTar [Adding review]
~[[ — Alternative use for my wiki]] --- [2005-06-15]
~//I have been using my wiki on for keeping track of stuff that is not time-based (like the stuff here on ultramookie). But, I have found that the [[RSSInfo RSS]] facilities built into [[WikkaWiki Wikka Wakka Wiki]] is really useful! I am using my wiki a lot lately as my web-based newsreader because it is so simple to setup and use.//

Revision [9457]

Edited on 2005-06-22 22:25:10 by DarTar [Adding review]
~-[[ theWebSocket — Wikka - My wiki choice]] --- [2005-06-20]
~//I decided to build the Central Intake wiki using the WikkaWiki engine. It's responsive, has an almost "weblog"/word processor-like toolbar across the top for building links, and allows people to edit pages by "double-clicking" in the text area. --- I think people will catch on pretty qwikily. --- Later: How much do I like WikkaWiki? Enough to dump weblog software and use it instead.//

Revision [9408]

Edited on 2005-06-22 11:02:55 by DarTar [removing anti-MW sentence from review]
~//I was recently looking around at wiki scripts to run my own wiki-based projects. Naturally, the first script I looked at was the MediaWiki script used by Wikipedia. In fact, at the time, I already had in mind to use that script. It had not occurred to me that there might be any other script to use. After opening up the script to poke around, however, I realized that it was so horrible that not only was I dissuaded from using it without looking for other scripts, I was resolved that it would probably be better to write my own wiki script than to use the MediaWiki script (luckily, I didn’t have to, because Wikka is pretty good)//
~//I was recently looking around at wiki scripts to run my own wiki-based projects. Naturally, the first script I looked at was the MediaWiki script used by Wikipedia. In fact, at the time, I already had in mind to use that script. It had not occurred to me that there might be any other script to use. After opening up the script to poke around, however, I realized that it was so horrible that not only was I dissuaded from using it without looking for other scripts, I was resolved that it would probably be better to write my own wiki script than to use the MediaWiki script (luckily, I didn’t have to, because Wikka is pretty good) (...) The greater problem comes from the fact that the code is so incredibly bloated. I feel sorry for the processor that has to run that code. And I’m not one to empathize with chunks of silicon and metal.//

Revision [9353]

Edited on 2005-06-21 17:50:52 by JavaWoman [extending quotation a bit]
~//I was recently looking around at wiki scripts to run my own wiki-based projects. Naturally, the first script I looked at was the MediaWiki script used by Wikipedia. In fact, at the time, I already had in mind to use that script. It had not occurred to me that there might be any other script to use. After opening up the script to poke around, however, I realized that it was so horrible that not only was I dissuaded from using it without looking for other scripts, I was resolved that it would probably be better to write my own wiki script than to use the MediaWiki script (luckily, I didn’t have to, because Wikka is pretty good) (...) The greater problem comes from the fact that the code is so incredibly bloated. I feel sorry for the processor that has to run that code. And I’m not one to empathize with chunks of silicon and metal.//
~//I was recently looking around at wiki scripts to run my own wiki-based projects. Naturally, the first script I looked at was the MediaWiki script used by Wikipedia. In fact, at the time, I already had in mind to use that script. It had not occurred to me that there might be any other script to use. After opening up the script to poke around, however, I realized that it was so horrible that not only was I dissuaded from using it without looking for other scripts, I was resolved that it would probably be better to write my own wiki script than to use the MediaWiki script (luckily, I didn’t have to, because Wikka is pretty good)//

Revision [9342]

Edited on 2005-06-21 15:16:02 by DarTar [Adding review]
~-[[ Sidewalk Chalk Revolution — Wikimedia: A Disillusionment]] --- [2005-06-15]
~//I was recently looking around at wiki scripts to run my own wiki-based projects. Naturally, the first script I looked at was the MediaWiki script used by Wikipedia. In fact, at the time, I already had in mind to use that script. It had not occurred to me that there might be any other script to use. After opening up the script to poke around, however, I realized that it was so horrible that not only was I dissuaded from using it without looking for other scripts, I was resolved that it would probably be better to write my own wiki script than to use the MediaWiki script (luckily, I didn’t have to, because Wikka is pretty good)//
~-[[ Borderland — Committment]] --- [2005-05-05]
~-[[ Borderland]] --- [2005-05-05]

Revision [9298]

Edited on 2005-06-21 09:04:39 by DarTar [Adding review]
~-[[ The Learning Experience]] --- [2005-05-28]
~//Amongst the very many wikies available (all of them with very similar names!!) this is my favourite as it is very compact, easy to install, but yet offer the possibility to make certain pages public and certain others not.//

Revision [9295]

Edited on 2005-06-21 08:00:49 by DarTar [Adding link]
OneYearOld — Celebrating Wikka's 1st birthday

Revision [9249]

Edited on 2005-06-16 10:46:01 by NilsLindenberg [added link to article]
~-[[]] --- [2005-05-16]
~ In this article about the competition between Microsoft and Lamp, Wikka is mentioned as one example for free software solutions running on lamp.

Revision [8780]

Edited on 2005-06-03 09:42:48 by DarTar [adding user feedback]
~- //Absolutely love what you guys have done....//
~ (PeterPike)
~- //I initially chose this wiki engine over all the others purely because of the FreeMind support. I have not been disappointed by my choice. It has had a very positive reaction from our developers, many of whom have already created many pages (they are normally very reluctant about any form of communal tools - I installed a forum that has hardly been used at all!)//
~ (PeeJay)

Revision [8395]

Edited on 2005-05-23 11:32:08 by DarTar [Adding review]
<<Are you posting comments about WikkaWiki on your personal blog? Please mark them with the ##[[ wikkawiki]]##/##[[ wikka]]## tags so they show up in blog content aggregators <<::c::
<<Are you posting comments about WikkaWiki on your personal blog? Please mark them with the ##wikkawiki## tag so they show up in [[ blog content aggregators]] <<::c::

Revision [8394]

Edited on 2005-05-23 11:27:39 by DarTar [Adding review]
~//I've come to the end of my reach with my current WikiEngine and its come to pick a new one. [...] I've decided to go with Wikka Wiki, which is a fork of a dead project called WakkaWiki. Yes, Wakka does sound familiar, and yes it was named after the Final Fantasy X character. Until reading further about each Get Wiki was going to be the primary choice, as it was a fork of an older version of ""MediaWiki"" (1.1.0). What made me choose Wikka was the fact that it supported embedding [[FreeMind FreeMind MindMaps]]. You can simply copy the 'code' of the [[FreeMind MindMap]] into the page and it will render a [[FreeMind MindMap]] into the page. Or you can simply upload your [[FreeMind MindMap]] to your domain and simply put a link to it. The WikiEngine will render the linked life into the page where the link is. Collapsible elements, icons, colours and all.. I just couldn't consider something else.//
~//I've come to the end of my reach with my current WikiEngine and its come to pick a new one. [...] I've decided to go with Wikka Wiki, which is a fork of a dead project called WakkaWiki. Yes, Wakka does sound familiar, and yes it was named after the Final Fantasy X character. Until reading further about each Get Wiki was going to be the primary choice, as it was a fork of an older version of ""MediaWiki"" (1.1.0). What made me choose Wikka was the fact that it supported embedding [[FreeMind FreeMind MindMaps]]. You can simply copy the 'code' of the [[FreeMind MindMap]] into the page and it will render a [[FreeMind MindMap]] into the page. Or you can simply upload your [[FreeMind MindMap]] to your domain and simply put a link to it. The WikiEngine will render the linked life into the page where the link is. Collapsible elements, icons, colours and all.. I just couldn't consider something else. I've literally been making otherwise messy decisions with FreeMind since initally running across it.//

Revision [8393]

Edited on 2005-05-23 11:27:17 by DarTar [Adding review]
~-[[ Sinceretheory]] --- [2005-05-20]
~//I've come to the end of my reach with my current WikiEngine and its come to pick a new one. [...] I've decided to go with Wikka Wiki, which is a fork of a dead project called WakkaWiki. Yes, Wakka does sound familiar, and yes it was named after the Final Fantasy X character. Until reading further about each Get Wiki was going to be the primary choice, as it was a fork of an older version of ""MediaWiki"" (1.1.0). What made me choose Wikka was the fact that it supported embedding [[FreeMind FreeMind MindMaps]]. You can simply copy the 'code' of the [[FreeMind MindMap]] into the page and it will render a [[FreeMind MindMap]] into the page. Or you can simply upload your [[FreeMind MindMap]] to your domain and simply put a link to it. The WikiEngine will render the linked life into the page where the link is. Collapsible elements, icons, colours and all.. I just couldn't consider something else. I've literally been making otherwise messy decisions with FreeMind since initally running across it.//

Revision [8153]

Edited on 2005-05-14 16:43:34 by DarTar [minor: shrinking list]
~~-Its functionality can be extended using plugins called actions. People have written actions to display rss feeds and calendars among others.
~~-Its functionality can be extended using plugins called actions. People have written actions to display rss feeds and calendars among others.//

Revision [8152]

Edited on 2005-05-14 16:06:20 by NilsLindenberg [adding new review]
~-[[ Learning PHP]] --- [2005-03-30]
~//Wikka is an Wiki written in PHP with some great features:
~~-PHP and MYSQL make it lightweight and fast. (Okay so that’s propaganda from the website but it really is great.)
~~-Page level security so you can determine which pages can be viewed and edited by others.
~~-Like other Wikis it uses the CamelCase syntax for links to other pages but it also has some neat tricks for creating elements like lists, horizontal bars, etc.
~~-Its functionality can be extended using plugins called actions. People have written actions to display rss feeds and calendars among others.//

Revision [8042]

Edited on 2005-05-12 09:59:19 by DarTar [Adding 'new' old review]
~-[[ — WikkaWiki]] --- [2004-12-03]
~//While other wiki engines are mostly cumbersome to install and handle Wikka is a perfect example for simplicity in both areas.//

Revision [8019]

Edited on 2005-05-11 13:32:42 by DarTar [adding a "new" old review]
~-[[ Netbib — Mit Wikis als "application building tools" herumspielen]] --- [2004-10-18]
~//Wikka, eine andere Wiki-Software, ist offenbar sowohl für Administratoren als auch für Autoren noch einfacher zu handhaben, und ist sicherlich unschlagbar für alle, die schon Websites in HTML geschrieben haben und die dabei gewonnenen Fertigkeiten weiter anwenden möchten. Wikka ist auch schön, wenn man zu jeder einzelnen Wiki-Seite sofort einen RSS-Feed haben will, oder gar Mindmaps.//

Revision [8011]

Edited on 2005-05-11 11:49:17 by NilsLindenberg [a new one]
~-[[ Wiki Engines]] --- [2005-04-24]
~//...Die Engine macht soweit einen recht flotten Eindruck, das Programm ist nicht übermässig gross und hat alle Features, die man so braucht. Nachdem es auch MySQL als Datenbackend nutzt, ist es zudem recht flott. Was es bisher leider noch nicht gelernt hat, sind Locales, damit ist die Benutzerführung bisher nur auf Englisch möglich. ...//

Revision [7977]

Edited on 2005-05-09 13:50:55 by DarTar [minor]
<<Are you posting comments about WikkaWiki on your personal blog? Please mark them with the ##wikkawiki## tag so they show up in [[ blog content aggregators]] <<::c::
<<Are you posting comments on WikkaWiki on your personal blog? Please tag them with the ##wikkawiki## tag so they are easily found in [[ blog content aggregators]] <<::c::

Revision [7971]

Edited on 2005-05-09 12:06:32 by DarTar [adding two reviews and box on tagging]
<<Are you posting comments on WikkaWiki on your personal blog? Please tag them with the ##wikkawiki## tag so they are easily found in [[ blog content aggregators]] <<::c::
<<Are you posting comments on WikkaWiki on your personal blog? Please tag them with the ##wikka## tag so they are easily found in blog content aggregators<<::c::

Revision [7970]

Edited on 2005-05-09 11:45:24 by DarTar [adding two reviews and box on tagging]
<<Are you posting comments on WikkaWiki on your personal blog? Please tag them with the ##wikka## tag so they are easily found in blog content aggregators<<::c::
<<Are you posting comments on WikkaWiki on your personal blog? Please tag them with the ##wikka## or ##wikkawiki## tags so they are easily found in blog content aggregators<<::c::

Revision [7966]

Edited on 2005-05-09 10:49:47 by DarTar [Adding two reviews and box on tagging]
>>**See also:**
>>//Do you want to acknowledge Wikka developers for their work?//
<<Are you posting comments on WikkaWiki on your personal blog? Please tag them with the ##wikka## or ##wikkawiki## tags so they are easily found in blog content aggregators<<::c::
~-[[ Borderland]] --- [2005-05-05]
~//I think commitment is a mark of character and the prerequisite of success with any meaningful goal, and I would just like to give one more nod to the developers of Wikka Wiki for taking an active interest in my satisfaction with their product. Wikka Wiki has my vote for “wiki engine of the year.” It is truly The Little Wiki That Could. A powerful little tool that comes with a full set of features and a development team that is working hard to make it even more powerful and easy to use. [...] Wikka Wiki seems to be the perfect solution for what I need to do. It has an RSS capability which allowed me to display my delicious links to Wikka’s relevant support pages and create a custom support page; allows users to lock down any pages that they create, limiting read, write, and comment privileges - which may appeal to people doing educational research for a variety of reasons; presents a very simple interface and allows for categorization of content, making it easy to search; displays images, flash files, and also supportsFreeMind mind mapping software. There’s more, too. Take a look at the full feature list.//
~//I have been running ""OpenWIKI"" (which sits on ASP and MSSQL). While it is great of of the 'box', it lacks file-uploads and features for handeling code snippets. Wikka a GPL, PHP, MYSQL wiki with much stronger features for formatting, attachments, and code snippets.//
~-[[]] --- [2005-04-05]
~//Um strukturierte Textinhalte online abzulegen eignet sich ein WiKi am besten. WikkaWiki ist eine schlanke und flexible Wiki-Engine. [...] Das WikkaWiki sticht durch seine einfache Installation sowie übersichtliche Stuktur, einfache Handhabung und sehr gut und ausführlich behandelte Dokumentation heraus. Es eignet sich auch für Wiki Neuanfänger, da es die Wiki Formatierungen ganz genau beschreibt. Auch ich selbst habe dieses Wiki für meine Software-Dokumentationen udgl. im Einsatz und kann dieses Programm nur weiterempfehlen.//
<<//Do you want to acknowledge Wikka developers for their work?//
<<>>**See also:**
~//I have been running OpenWIKI (which sits on ASP and MSSQL). While it is great of of the 'box', it lacks file-uploads and features for handeling code snippets. Wikka a GPL, PHP, MYSQL wiki with much stronger features for formatting, attachments, and code snippets.//

Revision [7801]

Edited on 2005-05-02 14:05:31 by JavaWoman [getting rid of representational mis-use of "notes" markup: a date is not a note!]
~-[[ Wiki for Code Projects ]] --- [2005-05-01]
~-[[ Information Efficiency]] --- [2005-03-28]
~-[[ My Own Wiki]] --- [2005-03-22]
~-[[,guid,d14cf225-9a58-4188-a6fe-22c029231b30.aspx .Net Thinking — WikkaWiki]] --- [2005-02-06]
~-[[ Tim Yang's Geek Blog — WikkaWiki ]] --- [2005-01-27]
~-[[ Innovation Weblog — Wiki supports FreeMind mind maps ]] --- [2005-01-27]
~-[[ Silent Penguin — A Wikka Wiki this way way came]] --- [2005-01-24]
~-[[ Best Wiki - Sean Bonner]] --- [2005-01-16]
~-[[ MethoLogi — Brain Extension]] --- [2005-01-05]
~-[[ Ian Berry's blog — WikkaWiki]] --- [2004-12-21]
~-[[ — Combining Freemind and WikkaWiki]] --- [2004-10-14]
~-[[ Netbib — Ein Wiki, das Mindmaps integriert]] --- [2004-09-08]
~-[[ NSK — WikkaWiki]] --- [2004-09-07]
~-[[ Uniwakka — Alternative Wiki engines]] --- [2004-09-03]
~-[[ — WikkaWiki]] --- [2004-08-11]
~-[[ Framasoft — Wikka Wiki]] --- [2004-07-19]
~-[[ Wiki for Code Projects ]] --- ''[2005-05-01]''
~-[[ Information Efficiency]] --- ''[2005-03-28]''
~-[[ My Own Wiki]] --- ''[2005-03-22]''
~-[[,guid,d14cf225-9a58-4188-a6fe-22c029231b30.aspx .Net Thinking — WikkaWiki]] --- ''[2005-02-06]''
~-[[ Tim Yang's Geek Blog — WikkaWiki ]] --- ''[2005-01-27]''
~-[[ Innovation Weblog — Wiki supports FreeMind mind maps ]] --- ''[2005-01-27]''
~-[[ Silent Penguin — A Wikka Wiki this way way came]] --- ''[2005-01-24]''
~-[[ Best Wiki - Sean Bonner]] --- ''[2005-01-16]''
~-[[ MethoLogi — Brain Extension]] --- ''[2005-01-05]''
~-[[ Ian Berry's blog — WikkaWiki]] --- ''[2004-12-21]''
~-[[ — Combining Freemind and WikkaWiki]] --- ''[2004-10-14]''
~-[[ Netbib — Ein Wiki, das Mindmaps integriert]] --- ''[2004-09-08]''
~-[[ NSK — WikkaWiki]] --- ''[2004-09-07]''
~-[[ Uniwakka — Alternative Wiki engines]] --- ''[2004-09-03]''
~-[[ — WikkaWiki]] --- ''[2004-08-11]''
~-[[ Framasoft — Wikka Wiki]] --- ''[2004-07-19]''

Revision [7793]

Edited on 2005-05-02 13:38:13 by NilsLindenberg [added review]
~-[[ Wiki for Code Projects ]] --- ''[2005-05-01]''
~//I have been running OpenWIKI (which sits on ASP and MSSQL). While it is great of of the 'box', it lacks file-uploads and features for handeling code snippets. Wikka a GPL, PHP, MYSQL wiki with much stronger features for formatting, attachments, and code snippets.//

Revision [7754]

Edited on 2005-05-01 10:13:45 by JavaWoman [added review]
~-[[ Best Wiki - Sean Bonner]] --- ''[2005-01-16]''
~//I was using Twiki for a while and it worked great but for a personal wiki it was really too full featured and I found myself worrying about a lot of things I didn't need to. I switched over to Wikka Wakka Wiki which is a snap to install and it's stripped down to just the basics so it's perfect for my own useses. We're also using that for the public and internal Metroblogging wikis and it's turned out to be really great. That's my experience anyway.//

Revision [7511]

Edited on 2005-04-24 08:00:41 by DarTar [Adding user feedback :)]
~- //New Wikka user, since march 2005. Have been customizing it a bit, and like the performance and flexibility a lot! [...] Thanks for WikkaWiki, It's a great program and can run circles around MediaWiki anytime :)//
~ (LukaV)

Revision [7029]

Edited on 2005-03-31 10:46:45 by DarTar [Adding review]
~-[[ Information Efficiency]] --- ''[2005-03-28]''
~//I think WikkaWiki is a very under-rated powerful wiki system. If you look at the feature list, it has many thoughful productive features which overcome some of the limitation of a wiki system.//

Revision [6854]

Edited on 2005-03-23 16:03:49 by NilsLindenberg [added review]
~-[[ My Own Wiki]] --- ''[2005-03-22]''
~//I couldn’t find any wiki software that I liked. Some were too simple, some were too hard, some did not work, and mostly some did not have access control as I wanted. I finally stumbled on one named Wikka Wiki which has most of the features that I wanted without the bloat and side-effects. It runs nicely, I finally got a chance to get it installed and running.//

Revision [6377]

Edited on 2005-02-28 10:12:54 by DarTar [Adding review]
~-[[ Innovation Weblog — Wiki supports FreeMind mind maps ]] --- ''[2005-01-27]''
~//Thanks to a link submitted for consideration in the ""InnovationTools"" links directory, I just learned that Wikka, an open-source wiki tool, enables you to embed mind maps created in FreeMind, a free program written in Java. You can either link to an external FreeMind map, or you can embed it directly into a Wikka page. Very cool!//

Revision [6369]

Edited on 2005-02-28 08:35:44 by DarTar [Adding link]
WikiEngineComparison — Why choose Wikka?

Revision [6214]

Edited on 2005-02-20 23:58:30 by DarTar [Adding review]
~-[[,guid,d14cf225-9a58-4188-a6fe-22c029231b30.aspx .Net Thinking — WikkaWiki]] --- ''[2005-02-06]''
~//I choose Wikka because I really liked how it works compared to flexwiki, plus it has built in FreeMind integration, which I just found phenomenally cool. Wikka itself was very easy to setup, and just as quick to get up to speed using it. I'm also a big fan of how it handles security per page, basically keeping a separate ACL for each page where you can specify who can see, edit, and comment on the page.//

Revision [5757]

Edited on 2005-02-07 20:33:21 by DarTar [Adding user opinion]
=====Opinions about Wikka=====

<<//Do you want to acknowledge Wikka developers for their work?//
You can [[SpreadTheWord spread the word]] or just drop us a line below :) Please post specific suggestions/feature requests to the SuggestionBox.
<<>>**See also:**
WikkaSites — A list of sites powered by Wikka

This is a list of opinions taken from independent WikkaWiki reviews.

~-[[ Tim Yang's Geek Blog — WikkaWiki ]] --- ''[2005-01-27]''
~//I love this new wiki. It's the only one I found that has commenting feature for each page and a good log of activity. I'm using a copy of it to collaborate with two people on writing a book about Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur for international interns arriving here.//
~-[[ Silent Penguin — A Wikka Wiki this way way came]] --- ''[2005-01-24]''
~//After chatting to the guys on #mobitopia over the weekend I took the plunge and installed a Wiki on my box this morning. I chose the Wikka Wiki and in all the installation is painless. Upload the unpacked distribution to a web-visible directory. Create a MySQL database. Call the Wikki installation page, fill out a couple of fields and off you go.//
~-[[ MethoLogi — Brain Extension]] --- ''[2005-01-05]''
~//I like ""MindMaps"" for brainstorming and storing keywords with links but it's less suitable for lots of information and collaboration.
~So I was looking for an alternative. I liked the Wiki concept but I missed the visual representation of the information (and relationships within the wiki). But then I stumbled upon the Wikka Wiki. It's a nice clean wiki with an integration with freemind. The next release should integrate even better.
~Now I'm testing the Wikka Wiki and FreeMind and it looks very promising.//
~-[[ Ian Berry's blog — WikkaWiki]] --- ''[2004-12-21]''
~//Wakka had a few limitations of its own, such as relying on the tab character with no practical way of using it, lack of strike through text, lack of source code highlighting, lack of tables, etc. I also realized that Wakka had officially stopped development in March 2004, which spawned a whole slew of forks.
~[...] After perusing through the list, Wikka Wiki stood out as containing a number of new features while adhering to Wakka's simplistic UI. Best of all, it comes with a javascript-based editor that can be used to apply formatting, lists, links, etc to your document. A few other notable features over Wakka include inline images, built-in search, and source code highlighting.//
~-[[ — Combining Freemind and WikkaWiki]] --- ''[2004-10-14]''
~//One of the absolute plusses of (...) WikkaWiki is that it is possible to dynamically include Freemind mindmaps, keeping them clickable and all. This (...) beats Freeminds basic HTML-export handily by offering you the real thing.//
~-[[ Netbib — Ein Wiki, das Mindmaps integriert]] --- ''[2004-09-08]''
~//[Der] vielleicht wichtigste Nachfolger der legendären Wiki-Engine WakkaWiki//
~-[[ NSK — WikkaWiki]] --- ''[2004-09-07]''
~//Wikka is a very promising lightweight but still immature wiki engine that can power small wikis quickly and efficiently. After it matures, it could become a serious competitor to other more known wiki engines.//
~-[[ Uniwakka — Alternative Wiki engines]] --- ''[2004-09-03]''
~//""WikkaWiki"" — Developed by Jason Tourtelotte is a very nice wiki engine, standards-compliant, feature-rich wakka fork. Probably the best around.//
~-[[ — WikkaWiki]] --- ''[2004-08-11]''
~//De wiki hier gebruikt op het moment WikkaWiki. De reden daarvoor is dat de code daarvan netter gebleven is. En gezien het aantal aanpassingen dat er toch gemaakt wordt in de code is dat wel zo handig.//
~-[[ Framasoft — Wikka Wiki]] --- ''[2004-07-19]''
~//[Nous] avons particulièrement apprécié l’éditeur (compatible IE mais surtout Mozilla), la possibilité de créer facilement des catégories et la présence d’un fil XML-RSS des modifications.//

=== More on Wikka ===

~-[[Wikipedia:WikkaWiki Wikipedia — WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ OpenSourceCMS — WikkaWiki review & demo]]
~-[[— WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ Meatball Wiki — WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ Freshmeat — WikkaWiki project page]]
~-[[ — Wikka]]

===Feedback from users===

If you are using Wikka and want to tell us your opinion about it, just add it here.
__Note:__ some of the opinions reported below are excerpts from external sites. Should you want to remove or modify them, for instance for privacy reason, feel free to edit this page.

~-//Kudos! Excellent software!
~I wanted to add some functionality to my WakkaWiki site, but found that they disappeared. Upgrading to Wikka gave me all the features that I wanted, and a bunch more.
~Good job all!//
~([[ Jeff]])
~-//Wikka is the best ever. Keep up the good work! ;)//---
~-//We were wondering for a long time where went.
~Now we found Jason Tourtelotte, who started Wikka. Wikka is what WakkaWiki should have been, he says. Good job!//
~([[ Bas]])
~-//Take a look at Wikka Wiki: . It's simple and fast. I had little trouble figuring out how to extend it. It is database backed, though.//---
~([[ Richard]])
~-//I think Wikka is the best Wiki out there.//---
~([[ Richard Berg]])
~-//Wacko has some features that Wikka doesn't. The thing I miss most (probably the only thing I miss) is a Dutch interface.
~But Wikka is still actively being developed, bugs are being fixed etc.
~The lack of that was the main reason for me to move from Wakka.
~The PHP-code of Wikka stays closer to the way the original Wakka code has been written and I find that (personal opinion) code easier to understand than the Wacko code//.
~([[ Pierre]])
~-//If i had to describe the purpose of my own wiki, i would tell you, that it is absolutely not necessary, maybe useless, but it is a great toy and I like to play with this piece of code.
~My first try with a Wiki was the WakkaWiki, the next logical step was to change to Wikka. And so i did.//
~([[ SorCerer]])
~-//Best ""WakkaWiki"" fork// ---
~([[ Matt Friebe]])
~-//Wikka ist ein weiterer ""WakkaWikiClon"", der noch recht ursprünglich ist. Benutze den für ein Projekt bei einem Kunden, die sind super begeistert. Wikka ist im Prinzip ein um ein paar nette Features aufgemotztes WakkaWiki.//---
~([[ Sascha Carlin]])
~-//I tried TWiki a couple of years ago and found it overkill for what I had in mind for a quick departmental knowledge base. I'm happy to find Wikka appears quite able to fill this need. The primary features for us had to be simplicity and flexibility. We're a small staff with a wide range of expertise (high to low), so I needed something people could dive right into without being encumbered by the engine or overwhelmed by the options. ---Wikka is about as straightforward as any wiki I've tried this month. ;-) ---I went from Mambo (not a wiki), to Wikka, to Media Wiki, revisited TWiki, to pmWiki, and back to Wikka. I considered docuwiki and Moin Moin. I liked their list of features, but in the end, I preferred the handling of ACLs in Wikka as well as the simple (clear) formatting rules. Again, I want my peers to hit the ground running with respect to contributing, not spending a lot of time perusing formatting rules.---Thanks again//
~([[JerryC Jerry]])
~-//Just like some other people, I too hit the brick wall trying to install PHPwiki. I hit another bigger and thicker wall trying to install MoinMoin. It was a total pain to install. Then I came acroos WikkaWiki. The installation was super easy! I didn't have to do anything. Just had to create a new mySQL database and that was it. I love WikkaWiki.
~WikkaWiki is also much faster than MediaWiki. I tried that for a little while, and found that it was too slow. Anyway, I like how there's so much development going into WikkaWiki.
~Thanks for the good work.//
~-//I stumbled on to Wikka after spending some time comparing different Wiki engines. I am using tikiwiki at work however I really liked the straight forward interface of Wikka, speed, msql backend, wikiedit support, and now, skins feature. What really hooked me was Freemind integration, though. (I hope) Wikis and [[MindMapping MindMaps]] will become a powerful combination. I really think Wikka Devs should exploit this feature (...). I think Wikka's niche is the "personal wiki" and the integration with other "personal" systems like WordPress for blogging could be used to create a nifty personal publishing kit. //
~-//WikkaWiki findet immer mehr treue Anhänger, was die [[WikkaSites Liste]] der Seiten, die schon WikkaWiki im Einsatz haben, beweißt. Auch die ausgedehnte Sprachunterstützung (bis jetzt sind es 22 Übersetzungen) unterstreicht die weltweite Begeisterung für WikkaWiki.//
~([[ Boardster]])
~-//Few days back I was writing an article about enterprise development and was thinking about getting it reviewed from senior people. I was composing an excel sheet, then I learnt about Wikki. I tried many engines but found this one great! Wikka is the best! Keep up the good work people.//
~([[ ASQUARE dot INFO]])
~-//For this Wiki site, I have installed WikkaWiki which I found to be fast, easy to use, and secure.//
~([[ BotMan]])
=====Opinions about Wikka=====

<<//Do you want to acknowledge Wikka developers for their work?//
You can [[SpreadTheWord spread the word]] or just drop us a line below :) Please post specific suggestions/feature requests to the SuggestionBox.
<<>>**See also:**
WikkaSites — A list of sites powered by Wikka

This is a list of opinions taken from independent WikkaWiki reviews.

~-[[ Tim Yang's Geek Blog — WikkaWiki ]] --- ''[2005-01-27]''
~//I love this new wiki. It's the only one I found that has commenting feature for each page and a good log of activity. I'm using a copy of it to collaborate with two people on writing a book about Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur for international interns arriving here.//
~-[[ Silent Penguin — A Wikka Wiki this way way came]] --- ''[2005-01-24]''
~//After chatting to the guys on #mobitopia over the weekend I took the plunge and installed a Wiki on my box this morning. I chose the Wikka Wiki and in all the installation is painless. Upload the unpacked distribution to a web-visible directory. Create a MySQL database. Call the Wikki installation page, fill out a couple of fields and off you go.//
~-[[ MethoLogi — Brain Extension]] --- ''[2005-01-05]''
~//I like ""MindMaps"" for brainstorming and storing keywords with links but it's less suitable for lots of information and collaboration.
~So I was looking for an alternative. I liked the Wiki concept but I missed the visual representation of the information (and relationships within the wiki). But then I stumbled upon the Wikka Wiki. It's a nice clean wiki with an integration with freemind. The next release should integrate even better.
~Now I'm testing the Wikka Wiki and FreeMind and it looks very promising.//
~-[[ Ian Berry's blog — WikkaWiki]] --- ''[2004-12-21]''
~//Wakka had a few limitations of its own, such as relying on the tab character with no practical way of using it, lack of strike through text, lack of source code highlighting, lack of tables, etc. I also realized that Wakka had officially stopped development in March 2004, which spawned a whole slew of forks.
~[...] After perusing through the list, Wikka Wiki stood out as containing a number of new features while adhering to Wakka's simplistic UI. Best of all, it comes with a javascript-based editor that can be used to apply formatting, lists, links, etc to your document. A few other notable features over Wakka include inline images, built-in search, and source code highlighting.//
~-[[ — Combining Freemind and WikkaWiki]] --- ''[2004-10-14]''
~//One of the absolute plusses of (...) WikkaWiki is that it is possible to dynamically include Freemind mindmaps, keeping them clickable and all. This (...) beats Freeminds basic HTML-export handily by offering you the real thing.//
~-[[ Netbib — Ein Wiki, das Mindmaps integriert]] --- ''[2004-09-08]''
~//[Der] vielleicht wichtigste Nachfolger der legendären Wiki-Engine WakkaWiki//
~-[[ NSK — WikkaWiki]] --- ''[2004-09-07]''
~//Wikka is a very promising lightweight but still immature wiki engine that can power small wikis quickly and efficiently. After it matures, it could become a serious competitor to other more known wiki engines.//
~-[[ Uniwakka — Alternative Wiki engines]] --- ''[2004-09-03]''
~//""WikkaWiki"" — Developed by Jason Tourtelotte is a very nice wiki engine, standards-compliant, feature-rich wakka fork. Probably the best around.//
~-[[ — WikkaWiki]] --- ''[2004-08-11]''
~//De wiki hier gebruikt op het moment WikkaWiki. De reden daarvoor is dat de code daarvan netter gebleven is. En gezien het aantal aanpassingen dat er toch gemaakt wordt in de code is dat wel zo handig.//
~-[[ Framasoft — Wikka Wiki]] --- ''[2004-07-19]''
~//[Nous] avons particulièrement apprécié l’éditeur (compatible IE mais surtout Mozilla), la possibilité de créer facilement des catégories et la présence d’un fil XML-RSS des modifications.//

=== More on Wikka ===

~-[[Wikipedia:WikkaWiki Wikipedia — WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ OpenSourceCMS — WikkaWiki review & demo]]
~-[[— WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ Meatball Wiki — WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ Freshmeat — WikkaWiki project page]]
~-[[ — Wikka]]

===Feedback from users===

If you are using Wikka and want to tell us your opinion about it, just add it here.
__Note:__ some of the opinions reported below are excerpts from external sites. Should you want to remove or modify them, for instance for privacy reason, feel free to edit this page.

~-//Kudos! Excellent software!
~I wanted to add some functionality to my WakkaWiki site, but found that they disappeared. Upgrading to Wikka gave me all the features that I wanted, and a bunch more.
~Good job all!//
~([[ Jeff]])
~-//Wikka is the best ever. Keep up the good work! ;)//---
~-//We were wondering for a long time where went.
~Now we found Jason Tourtelotte, who started Wikka. Wikka is what WakkaWiki should have been, he says. Good job!//
~([[ Bas]])
~-//Take a look at Wikka Wiki: . It's simple and fast. I had little trouble figuring out how to extend it. It is database backed, though.//---
~([[ Richard]])
~-//I think Wikka is the best Wiki out there.//---
~([[ Richard Berg]])
~-//Wacko has some features that Wikka doesn't. The thing I miss most (probably the only thing I miss) is a Dutch interface.
~But Wikka is still actively being developed, bugs are being fixed etc.
~The lack of that was the main reason for me to move from Wakka.
~The PHP-code of Wikka stays closer to the way the original Wakka code has been written and I find that (personal opinion) code easier to understand than the Wacko code//.
~([[ Pierre]])
~-//If i had to describe the purpose of my own wiki, i would tell you, that it is absolutely not necessary, maybe useless, but it is a great toy and I like to play with this piece of code.
~My first try with a Wiki was the WakkaWiki, the next logical step was to change to Wikka. And so i did.//
~([[ SorCerer]])
~-//Best ""WakkaWiki"" fork// ---
~([[ Matt Friebe]])
~-//Wikka ist ein weiterer ""WakkaWikiClon"", der noch recht ursprünglich ist. Benutze den für ein Projekt bei einem Kunden, die sind super begeistert. Wikka ist im Prinzip ein um ein paar nette Features aufgemotztes WakkaWiki.//---
~([[ Sascha Carlin]])
~-//I tried TWiki a couple of years ago and found it overkill for what I had in mind for a quick departmental knowledge base. I'm happy to find Wikka appears quite able to fill this need. The primary features for us had to be simplicity and flexibility. We're a small staff with a wide range of expertise (high to low), so I needed something people could dive right into without being encumbered by the engine or overwhelmed by the options. ---Wikka is about as straightforward as any wiki I've tried this month. ;-) ---I went from Mambo (not a wiki), to Wikka, to Media Wiki, revisited TWiki, to pmWiki, and back to Wikka. I considered docuwiki and Moin Moin. I liked their list of features, but in the end, I preferred the handling of ACLs in Wikka as well as the simple (clear) formatting rules. Again, I want my peers to hit the ground running with respect to contributing, not spending a lot of time perusing formatting rules.---Thanks again//
~([[JerryC Jerry]])
~-//Just like some other people, I too hit the brick wall trying to install PHPwiki. I hit another bigger and thicker wall trying to install MoinMoin. It was a total pain to install. Then I came acroos WikkaWiki. The installation was super easy! I didn't have to do anything. Just had to create a new mySQL database and that was it. I love WikkaWiki.
~WikkaWiki is also much faster than MediaWiki. I tried that for a little while, and found that it was too slow. Anyway, I like how there's so much development going into WikkaWiki.
~Thanks for the good work.//
~-//I stumbled on to Wikka after spending some time comparing different Wiki engines. I am using tikiwiki at work however I really liked the straight forward interface of Wikka, speed, msql backend, wikiedit support, and now, skins feature. What really hooked me was Freemind integration, though. (I hope) Wikis and [[MindMapping MindMaps]] will become a powerful combination. I really think Wikka Devs should exploit this feature (...). I think Wikka's niche is the "personal wiki" and the integration with other "personal" systems like WordPress for blogging could be used to create a nifty personal publishing kit. //
~-//WikkaWiki findet immer mehr treue Anhänger, was die [[WikkaSites Liste]] der Seiten, die schon WikkaWiki im Einsatz haben, beweißt. Auch die ausgedehnte Sprachunterstützung (bis jetzt sind es 22 Übersetzungen) unterstreicht die weltweite Begeisterung für WikkaWiki.//
~([[ Boardster]])
~-//Few days back I was writing an article about enterprise development and was thinking about getting it reviewed from senior people. I was composing an excel sheet, then I learnt about Wikki. I tried many engines but found this one great! Wikka is the best! Keep up the good work people.//
~([[ ASQUARE dot INFO]])

Revision [5675]

Edited on 2005-02-06 09:25:18 by JavaWoman [layout]
~-[[ Silent Penguin — A Wikka Wiki this way way came]] --- ''[2005-01-24]''
~//After chatting to the guys on #mobitopia over the weekend I took the plunge and installed a Wiki on my box this morning. I chose the Wikka Wiki and in all the installation is painless. Upload the unpacked distribution to a web-visible directory. Create a MySQL database. Call the Wikki installation page, fill out a couple of fields and off you go.//
~-[[ Silent Penguin — A Wikka Wiki this way way came]] --- ''[2005-01-24]'' //After chatting to the guys on #mobitopia over the weekend I took the plunge and installed a Wiki on my box this morning. I chose the Wikka Wiki and in all the installation is painless. Upload the unpacked distribution to a web-visible directory. Create a MySQL database. Call the Wikki installation page, fill out a couple of fields and off you go.//

Revision [5674]

Edited on 2005-02-06 09:23:11 by JavaWoman [layout]
~-[[ Silent Penguin — A Wikka Wiki this way way came]] --- ''[2005-01-24]'' //After chatting to the guys on #mobitopia over the weekend I took the plunge and installed a Wiki on my box this morning. I chose the Wikka Wiki and in all the installation is painless. Upload the unpacked distribution to a web-visible directory. Create a MySQL database. Call the Wikki installation page, fill out a couple of fields and off you go.//
~[[ Silent Penguin — A Wikka Wiki this way way came]] --- ''[2005-01-24]'' //After chatting to the guys on #mobitopia over the weekend I took the plunge and installed a Wiki on my box this morning. I chose the Wikka Wiki and in all the installation is painless. Upload the unpacked distribution to a web-visible directory. Create a MySQL database. Call the Wikki installation page, fill out a couple of fields and off you go.//

Revision [5671]

Edited on 2005-02-06 02:06:19 by DarTar [Adding review]
~-[[ Tim Yang's Geek Blog — WikkaWiki ]] --- ''[2005-01-27]''
~[[ Silent Penguin — A Wikka Wiki this way way came]] --- ''[2005-01-24]'' //After chatting to the guys on #mobitopia over the weekend I took the plunge and installed a Wiki on my box this morning. I chose the Wikka Wiki and in all the installation is painless. Upload the unpacked distribution to a web-visible directory. Create a MySQL database. Call the Wikki installation page, fill out a couple of fields and off you go.//
~-[[ MethoLogi — Brain Extension]] --- ''[2005-01-05]''
~-[[ Ian Berry's blog — WikkaWiki]] --- ''[2004-12-21]''
~-[[ — Combining Freemind and WikkaWiki]] --- ''[2004-10-14]''
~-[[ Netbib — Ein Wiki, das Mindmaps integriert]] --- ''[2004-09-08]''
~-[[ NSK — WikkaWiki]] --- ''[2004-09-07]''
~-[[ Uniwakka — Alternative Wiki engines]] --- ''[2004-09-03]''
~-[[ — WikkaWiki]] --- ''[2004-08-11]''
~-[[ Framasoft — Wikka Wiki]] --- ''[2004-07-19]''
~-//Few days back I was writing an article about enterprise development and was thinking about getting it reviewed from senior people. I was composing an excel sheet, then I learnt about Wikki. I tried many engines but found this one great! Wikka is the best! Keep up the good work people.//
~-[[ Tim Yang's Geek Blog — WikkaWiki ]]
~-[[ MethoLogi — Brain Extension]]
~-[[ Ian Berry's blog — WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ — Combining Freemind and WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ Netbib — Ein Wiki, das Mindmaps integriert]]
~-[[ NSK — WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ Uniwakka — Alternative Wiki engines]]
~-[[ — WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ Framasoft — Wikka Wiki]]
~-//Few days back I was writing an article about enterprise development and was thinking about getting it reviewed from senior people. I was composing an excel sheet, then I learnt about Wikki. I tried many engines but found this one great! Wikka is the best! Keep up the good work people.

Revision [5496]

Edited on 2005-02-02 16:39:31 by BoinkFella [Love you People!]
~-//Few days back I was writing an article about enterprise development and was thinking about getting it reviewed from senior people. I was composing an excel sheet, then I learnt about Wikki. I tried many engines but found this one great! Wikka is the best! Keep up the good work people.
~([[ ASQUARE dot INFO]])

Revision [5439]

Edited on 2005-02-01 14:54:57 by DarTar [Adding review]
~-[[ Tim Yang's Geek Blog — WikkaWiki ]]
~//I love this new wiki. It's the only one I found that has commenting feature for each page and a good log of activity. I'm using a copy of it to collaborate with two people on writing a book about Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur for international interns arriving here.//
~-//I stumbled on to Wikka after spending some time comparing different Wiki engines. I am using tikiwiki at work however I really liked the straight forward interface of Wikka, speed, msql backend, wikiedit support, and now, skins feature. What really hooked me was Freemind integration, though. (I hope) Wikis and [[MindMapping MindMaps]] will become a powerful combination. I really think Wikka Devs should exploit this feature (...). I think Wikka's niche is the "personal wiki" and the integration with other "personal" systems like WordPress for blogging could be used to create a nifty personal publishing kit. //
~-//I stumbled on to Wikka after spending some time comparing different Wiki engines. I am using tikiwiki at work however I really liked the straight forward interface of Wikka, speed, msql backend, wikiedit support, and now, skins feature. What really hooked me was Freemind integration, though. (I hope) Wikis and [[MindMapping MindMaps]] will become a powerful combination. I really think Wikka Devs should exploit this feature (...). I think Wikka's niche is the "personal wiki" and the integration with other "personal" systems like WordPress for blogging could be used to create a nifty personal publishing kit. //

Revision [5434]

Edited on 2005-02-01 14:21:54 by DarTar [Adding user opinion]
If you are using Wikka and want to tell us your opinion about it, just add it here.
__Note:__ some of the opinions reported below are excerpts from external sites. Should you want to remove or modify them, for instance for privacy reason, feel free to edit this page.
~-//WikkaWiki findet immer mehr treue Anhänger, was die [[WikkaSites Liste]] der Seiten, die schon WikkaWiki im Einsatz haben, beweißt. Auch die ausgedehnte Sprachunterstützung (bis jetzt sind es 22 Übersetzungen) unterstreicht die weltweite Begeisterung für WikkaWiki.//
~([[ Boardster]])
If you are using Wikka and want to tell us your opinion about it, just add it here.

Revision [5400]

Edited on 2005-01-31 11:27:38 by DarTar [Pasting user feedback]
~-//Just like some other people, I too hit the brick wall trying to install PHPwiki. I hit another bigger and thicker wall trying to install MoinMoin. It was a total pain to install. Then I came acroos WikkaWiki. The installation was super easy! I didn't have to do anything. Just had to create a new mySQL database and that was it. I love WikkaWiki.
~WikkaWiki is also much faster than MediaWiki. I tried that for a little while, and found that it was too slow. Anyway, I like how there's so much development going into WikkaWiki.
~Thanks for the good work.//
~-//I stumbled on to Wikka after spending some time comparing different Wiki engines. I am using tikiwiki at work however I really liked the straight forward interface of Wikka, speed, msql backend, wikiedit support, and now, skins feature. What really hooked me was Freemind integration, though. (I hope) Wikis and [[MindMapping MindMaps]] will become a powerful combination. I really think Wikka Devs should exploit this feature (...). I think Wikka's niche is the "personal wiki" and the integration with other "personal" systems like WordPress for blogging could be used to create a nifty personal publishing kit. //

Revision [5398]

Edited on 2005-01-31 11:15:02 by DarTar [Modifying link]
You can [[SpreadTheWord spread the word]] or just drop us a line below :) Please post specific suggestions/feature requests to the SuggestionBox.
You can rate [[SpreadTheWord spread the word]] or just drop us a line below :) Please post specific suggestions/feature requests to the SuggestionBox.

Revision [5397]

Edited on 2005-01-31 11:14:40 by DarTar [Modifying link]
You can rate [[SpreadTheWord spread the word]] or just drop us a line below :) Please post specific suggestions/feature requests to the SuggestionBox.
You can rate ""WikkaWiki"" at [[]] (free registration required) or just drop us a line below :) Please post specific suggestions/feature requests to the SuggestionBox.

Revision [5381]

Edited on 2005-01-30 18:50:58 by JavaWoman [small title correction]
~-[[ Uniwakka — Alternative Wiki engines]]
~-[[ Uniwakka — Alternatives wiki engines]]

Revision [5379]

Edited on 2005-01-30 18:02:23 by DarTar [Adding Hotscripts link]
~-[[ — Wikka]]

Revision [4892]

Edited on 2005-01-20 09:48:45 by DarTar [minor]

No Differences

Revision [4891]

Edited on 2005-01-20 09:44:50 by DarTar [minor]
~//I like ""MindMaps"" for brainstorming and storing keywords with links but it's less suitable for lots of information and collaboration.
~//I like ""MindMaps"" for brainstorming and storing keywords with links but it's less suitable for lots of information and collobaration.

Revision [4889]

Edited on 2005-01-20 00:55:39 by DarTar [Adding review]
~//I like ""MindMaps"" for brainstorming and storing keywords with links but it's less suitable for lots of information and collobaration.
~Now I'm testing the Wikka Wiki and FreeMind and it looks very promising.//
~I like ""MindMaps"" for brainstorming and storing keywords with links but it's less suitable for lots of information and collobaration.
~Now I'm testing the Wikka Wiki and FreeMind and it looks very promising.

Revision [4888]

Edited on 2005-01-20 00:54:29 by DarTar [Adding review]
~-[[ MethoLogi — Brain Extension]]
~I like ""MindMaps"" for brainstorming and storing keywords with links but it's less suitable for lots of information and collobaration.
~So I was looking for an alternative. I liked the Wiki concept but I missed the visual representation of the information (and relationships within the wiki). But then I stumbled upon the Wikka Wiki. It's a nice clean wiki with an integration with freemind. The next release should integrate even better.
~Now I'm testing the Wikka Wiki and FreeMind and it looks very promising.

Revision [4381]

Edited on 2005-01-10 15:03:57 by DarTar [Adding link]
~-[[ Meatball Wiki — WikkaWiki]]

Revision [4269]

Edited on 2005-01-08 18:15:18 by DarTar [Adding link to Freshmeat]
<<//Do you want to acknowledge Wikka developers for their work?//
You can rate ""WikkaWiki"" at [[]] (free registration required) or just drop us a line below :) Please post specific suggestions/feature requests to the SuggestionBox.
<<**Do you want to acknowledge Wikka's developers for their work?**
You can rate ""WikkaWiki"" at [[]] (registration required)
or just drop us a line below :)
For specific suggestions/feature requests please use the SuggestionBox

Revision [4267]

Edited on 2005-01-08 17:43:04 by DarTar [Adding link to Freshmeat]
<<**Do you want to acknowledge Wikka's developers for their work?**
You can rate ""WikkaWiki"" at [[]] (registration required)
or just drop us a line below :)
For specific suggestions/feature requests please use the SuggestionBox
<<>>**See also:**
<<**See also:**

Revision [4262]

Edited on 2005-01-08 13:33:27 by DarTar [Adding user feedback]
~-//I tried TWiki a couple of years ago and found it overkill for what I had in mind for a quick departmental knowledge base. I'm happy to find Wikka appears quite able to fill this need. The primary features for us had to be simplicity and flexibility. We're a small staff with a wide range of expertise (high to low), so I needed something people could dive right into without being encumbered by the engine or overwhelmed by the options. ---Wikka is about as straightforward as any wiki I've tried this month. ;-) ---I went from Mambo (not a wiki), to Wikka, to Media Wiki, revisited TWiki, to pmWiki, and back to Wikka. I considered docuwiki and Moin Moin. I liked their list of features, but in the end, I preferred the handling of ACLs in Wikka as well as the simple (clear) formatting rules. Again, I want my peers to hit the ground running with respect to contributing, not spending a lot of time perusing formatting rules.---Thanks again//
~([[JerryC Jerry]])

Revision [4125]

Edited on 2005-01-07 08:04:26 by DarTar [Adding link to Freshmeat WIkka page]
~-[[ Freshmeat — WikkaWiki project page]]

Revision [3790]

Edited on 2004-12-28 18:48:08 by DarTar [further user feedback & layout]
~-//Wikka ist ein weiterer ""WakkaWikiClon"", der noch recht ursprünglich ist. Benutze den für ein Projekt bei einem Kunden, die sind super begeistert. Wikka ist im Prinzip ein um ein paar nette Features aufgemotztes WakkaWiki.//---
~-//Wikka ist ein weiterer ""WakkaWikiClon"", der noch recht ursprünglich ist. Benutze den für ein Projekt bei einem Kunden, die sind super begeistert. Wikka ist im Prinzip ein um ein paar nette Features aufgemotztes WakkaWiki.//

Revision [3789]

Edited on 2004-12-28 18:41:58 by DarTar [further user feedback & layout]
~-//Kudos! Excellent software!
~Good job all!//
~-//Wikka is the best ever. Keep up the good work! ;)//---
~-//We were wondering for a long time where went.
~Now we found Jason Tourtelotte, who started Wikka. Wikka is what WakkaWiki should have been, he says. Good job!//
~-//Take a look at Wikka Wiki: . It's simple and fast. I had little trouble figuring out how to extend it. It is database backed, though.//---
~-//I think Wikka is the best Wiki out there.//---
~([[ Richard Berg]])
~-//Wacko has some features that Wikka doesn't. The thing I miss most (probably the only thing I miss) is a Dutch interface.
~The PHP-code of Wikka stays closer to the way the original Wakka code has been written and I find that (personal opinion) code easier to understand than the Wacko code//.
~-//If i had to describe the purpose of my own wiki, i would tell you, that it is absolutely not necessary, maybe useless, but it is a great toy and I like to play with this piece of code.
~My first try with a Wiki was the WakkaWiki, the next logical step was to change to Wikka. And so i did.//
~-//Best ""WakkaWiki"" fork// ---
~([[ Matt Friebe]])
~-//Wikka ist ein weiterer ""WakkaWikiClon"", der noch recht ursprünglich ist. Benutze den für ein Projekt bei einem Kunden, die sind super begeistert. Wikka ist im Prinzip ein um ein paar nette Features aufgemotztes WakkaWiki.//
~([[ Sascha Carlin]])
~-Kudos! Excellent software!
~Good job all!
~-Wikka is the best ever. Keep up the good work! ;)---
~-We were wondering for a long time where went.
~Now we found Jason Tourtelotte, who started Wikka.
~Wikka is what WakkaWiki should have been, he says. Good job!
~-Take a look at Wikka Wiki: . It's simple and fast. I had little trouble figuring out how to extend it. It is database backed, though.---
~-I think Wikka is the best Wiki out there.---
~(Richard Berg at [[]])
~-Wacko has some features that Wikka doesn't. The thing I miss most (probably the only thing I miss) is a Dutch interface.
~The PHP-code of Wikka stays closer to the way the original Wakka code has been written and I find that (personal opinion) code easier to understand than the Wacko code.
~-If i had to describe the purpose of my own wiki, i would tell you, that it is absolutely not necessary, maybe useless, but it is a great toy and I like to play with this piece of code.
~My first try with a Wiki was the WakkaWiki, the next logical step was to change to Wikka. And so i did.

Revision [3755]

Edited on 2004-12-27 15:06:45 by JavaWoman [layout]

No Differences

Revision [3753]

Edited on 2004-12-27 14:56:21 by DarTar [Adding link]
<<**See also:**
WikkaSites — A list of sites powered by Wikka

Revision [3752]

Edited on 2004-12-27 14:45:46 by DarTar [Adding more reviews]
~-[[ Ian Berry's blog — WikkaWiki]]
~//Wakka had a few limitations of its own, such as relying on the tab character with no practical way of using it, lack of strike through text, lack of source code highlighting, lack of tables, etc. I also realized that Wakka had officially stopped development in March 2004, which spawned a whole slew of forks.
~[...] After perusing through the list, Wikka Wiki stood out as containing a number of new features while adhering to Wakka's simplistic UI. Best of all, it comes with a javascript-based editor that can be used to apply formatting, lists, links, etc to your document. A few other notable features over Wakka include inline images, built-in search, and source code highlighting.//
~-[[ — WikkaWiki]]
~//De wiki hier gebruikt op het moment WikkaWiki. De reden daarvoor is dat de code daarvan netter gebleven is. En gezien het aantal aanpassingen dat er toch gemaakt wordt in de code is dat wel zo handig.//

Revision [3727]

Edited on 2004-12-27 10:47:26 by DarTar [Adding link]
~-[[— WikkaWiki]]

Revision [3654]

Edited on 2004-12-25 13:41:03 by JavaWoman [adding header]

Revision [3652]

Edited on 2004-12-25 10:11:34 by DarTar [Adding external links]
~-[[Wikipedia:WikkaWiki Wikipedia — WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ OpenSourceCMS — WikkaWiki review & demo]]
~-[[ OpenSourceCMS: WikkaWiki review & demo]]

Revision [3651]

Edited on 2004-12-25 10:10:17 by DarTar [Adding external links]
~//""WikkaWiki"" — Developed by Jason Tourtelotte is a very nice wiki engine, standards-compliant, feature-rich wakka fork. Probably the best around.//
=== More on Wikka ===
~-[[ OpenSourceCMS: WikkaWiki review & demo]]
~//WikkaWiki — Developed by Jason Tourtelotte is a very nice wiki engine, standards-compliant, feature-rich wakka fork. Probably the best around.//

Revision [3559]

Edited on 2004-12-21 09:31:22 by DarTar [Layout and adding some reviews]
~-If i had to describe the purpose of my own wiki, i would tell you, that it is absolutely not necessary, maybe useless, but it is a great toy and I like to play with this piece of code.
~My first try with a Wiki was the WakkaWiki, the next logical step was to change to Wikka. And so i did.
~([[ SorCerer]])

Revision [3557]

Edited on 2004-12-21 02:13:14 by JavaWoman [adding date and moving review]
~-[[ Uniwakka — Alternatives wiki engines]]
~-[[ Uniwakka — Alternatives wiki engines]]

Revision [3555]

Edited on 2004-12-21 02:05:55 by DarTar [Layout and adding some reviews]
~([[ Bas]])
~([[ Bas]]

Revision [3554]

Edited on 2004-12-21 02:05:36 by DarTar [Layout and adding some reviews]
~-We were wondering for a long time where went.
~Now we found Jason Tourtelotte, who started Wikka.
~Wikka is what WakkaWiki should have been, he says. Good job!
~([[ Bas]]

Revision [3553]

Edited on 2004-12-21 02:03:37 by DarTar [Layout and adding some reviews]
~-Wacko has some features that Wikka doesn't. The thing I miss most (probably the only thing I miss) is a Dutch interface.
~Wacko has some features that Wikka doesn't. The thing I miss most (probably the only thing I miss) is a Dutch interface.

Revision [3552]

Edited on 2004-12-21 02:03:19 by DarTar [Layout and adding some reviews]
~Wacko has some features that Wikka doesn't. The thing I miss most (probably the only thing I miss) is a Dutch interface.
~But Wikka is still actively being developed, bugs are being fixed etc.
~The lack of that was the main reason for me to move from Wakka.
~The PHP-code of Wikka stays closer to the way the original Wakka code has been written and I find that (personal opinion) code easier to understand than the Wacko code.
~([[ Pierre]])

Revision [3551]

Edited on 2004-12-21 01:57:31 by DarTar [Layout and adding some reviews]
~-Kudos! Excellent software!
~([[ Richard]])
~-==Kudos! Excellent software!==
~(Richard at
''(first two entries copied from the SuggestionBox - NilsLindenberg)''

Revision [3550]

Edited on 2004-12-21 01:55:55 by DarTar [Layout and adding some reviews]
FreeNSK is working on another review of Wikka which will be published under the GNUFDL at this month. FreeNSK would be grateful if anyone could provide more info on Wikka and Wakka and how they were/are developed. Interviews with developers and users of Wikka are welcome. Please contact by email if interested, my address can be found from my personal homepage. -- FreeNSK

Revision [3549]

Edited on 2004-12-21 01:53:23 by DarTar [Layout and adding some reviews]
~-[[ — Combining Freemind and WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ Netbib — Ein Wiki, das Mindmaps integriert]]
~-[[ Framasoft — Wikka Wiki]]
~-[[ NSK — WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ Uniwakka — Alternatives wiki engines]]
~//WikkaWiki — Developed by Jason Tourtelotte is a very nice wiki engine, standards-compliant, feature-rich wakka fork. Probably the best around.//
~-[[ — Combining Freemind and WikkaWiki]]
~-[[ Netbib — Ein Wiki, das Mindmaps integriert]]
~-[[ Framasoft — Wikka Wiki]]
~-[[ NSK — WikkaWiki]]

Revision [3544]

Edited on 2004-12-21 01:29:07 by DarTar [Layout]
=====Opinions about Wikka=====
This is a list of opinions taken from independent WikkaWiki reviews.
~-[[ — Combining Freemind and WikkaWiki]]
~//One of the absolute plusses of (...) WikkaWiki is that it is possible to dynamically include Freemind mindmaps, keeping them clickable and all. This (...) beats Freeminds basic HTML-export handily by offering you the real thing.//
~-[[ Netbib — Ein Wiki, das Mindmaps integriert]]
~//[Der] vielleicht wichtigste Nachfolger der legendären Wiki-Engine WakkaWiki//
~-[[ Framasoft — Wikka Wiki]]
~//[Nous] avons particulièrement apprécié l’éditeur (compatible IE mais surtout Mozilla), la possibilité de créer facilement des catégories et la présence d’un fil XML-RSS des modifications.//
~-[[ NSK — WikkaWiki]]
~//Wikka is a very promising lightweight but still immature wiki engine that can power small wikis quickly and efficiently. After it matures, it could become a serious competitor to other more known wiki engines.//
====Opinions about Wikka====
This is a list of known independent WikkaWiki reviews. Please add your review too!
- (licensed under CreativeCommons by-nc-nd 2.0)
-[[ Wikka Wiki (]]---''"[Nous] avons particulièrement apprécié l’éditeur (compatible IE mais surtout Mozilla), la possibilité de créer facilement des catégories et la présence d’un fil XML-RSS des modifications."''
-[[ Neues Wikka: Ein Wiki, das Mindmaps integriert]]---''"[Der] vielleicht wichtigste Nachfolger der legendären Wiki-Engine WakkaWiki"''
-[[ Combining Freemind and WikkaWiki]]---''"One of the absolute plusses of (...) WikkaWiki is that it is possible to dynamically include Freemind mindmaps, keeping them clickable and all. This (...) beats Freeminds basic HTML-export handily by offering you the real thing."''
- add yours here!

Revision [3400]

Edited on 2004-12-18 02:33:45 by JavaWoman [another (short) review]
-[[ Combining Freemind and WikkaWiki]]---''"One of the absolute plusses of (...) WikkaWiki is that it is possible to dynamically include Freemind mindmaps, keeping them clickable and all. This (...) beats Freeminds basic HTML-export handily by offering you the real thing."''

Revision [3397]

Edited on 2004-12-18 02:16:24 by JavaWoman [adding another (short) review]
-[[ Neues Wikka: Ein Wiki, das Mindmaps integriert]]---''"[Der] vielleicht wichtigste Nachfolger der legendären Wiki-Engine WakkaWiki"''

Revision [3394]

Edited on 2004-12-18 01:48:10 by JavaWoman [quote from another user added]
~-I think Wikka is the best Wiki out there.---
~(Richard Berg at [[]])
''(first two entries copied from the SuggestionBox - NilsLindenberg)''
''first two entries copied from the SuggestionBox - NilsLindenberg)''

Revision [3391]

Edited on 2004-12-18 01:41:16 by JavaWoman [reorganising user feedback and adding a new item]
~-==Kudos! Excellent software!==
~I wanted to add some functionality to my WakkaWiki site, but found that they disappeared. Upgrading to Wikka gave me all the features that I wanted, and a bunch more.
~Good job all!
~([[ Jeff]])
~-Wikka is the best ever. Keep up the good work! ;)---
~-Take a look at Wikka Wiki: . It's simple and fast. I had little trouble figuring out how to extend it. It is database backed, though.---
~(Richard at
''first two entries copied from the SuggestionBox - NilsLindenberg)''
== Kudos! Excellent software!==
I wanted to add some functionality to my WakkaWiki site, but found that they disappeared. Upgrading to Wikka gave me all the features that I wanted, and a bunch more.
Good job all!
-- [[ Jeff]]
- Wikka is the best ever. Keep up the good work! ;) (RichardTerry)
''both entrys copied from the SuggestionBox - NilsLindenberg)

Revision [3390]

Edited on 2004-12-18 01:30:07 by JavaWoman [short review on]
-[[ Wikka Wiki (]]---''"[Nous] avons particulièrement apprécié l’éditeur (compatible IE mais surtout Mozilla), la possibilité de créer facilement des catégories et la présence d’un fil XML-RSS des modifications."''

Revision [3183]

Edited on 2004-12-14 19:27:58 by NilsLindenberg [added two user-feedbacks]
====Opinions about Wikka====
FreeNSK is working on another review of Wikka which will be published under the GNUFDL at this month. FreeNSK would be grateful if anyone could provide more info on Wikka and Wakka and how they were/are developed. Interviews with developers and users of Wikka are welcome. Please contact by email if interested, my address can be found from my personal homepage. -- FreeNSK
===Feedback from users===
If you are using Wikka and want to tell us your opinion about it, just add it here.
== Kudos! Excellent software!==
I wanted to add some functionality to my WakkaWiki site, but found that they disappeared. Upgrading to Wikka gave me all the features that I wanted, and a bunch more.
Good job all!
-- [[ Jeff]]
- Wikka is the best ever. Keep up the good work! ;) (RichardTerry)
''both entrys copied from the SuggestionBox - NilsLindenberg)
FreeNSK is working on another review of Wikka which will be published under the GNUFDL at this month. FreeNSK would be grateful if anyone could provide more info on Wikka and Wakka and how they were/are developed. Interviews with developers and users of Wikka are welcome. Please contact by email if interested, my address can be found from my personal homepage. -- FreeNSK

Revision [1143]

Edited on 2004-09-08 04:20:42 by FreeNSK [added two user-feedbacks]
- add yours here!
FreeNSK is working on another review of Wikka which will be published under the GNUFDL at this month. FreeNSK would be grateful if anyone could provide more info on Wikka and Wakka and how they were/are developed. Interviews with developers and users of Wikka are welcome. Please contact by email if interested, my address can be found from my personal homepage. -- FreeNSK
- add yours here!

Revision [1129]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2004-09-07 07:16:48 by FreeNSK [added two user-feedbacks]
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