Revision history for HandlerShowSchema

Revision [23283]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:47 by KlenWell [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
I've created this page to identify the HTML elements in page handler code. I hope it will serve as the basis for cleaning up the [[ | show.php]] file. I had successfully tested a version of this controller based on an earlier commit of the source.
I've created this page to identify the HTML elements in page handler code. I hope it will serve as the basis for cleaning up the [[ show.php]] file. I had successfully tested a version of this controller based on an earlier commit of the source.

Revision [19325]

Edited on 2008-01-28 00:15:16 by KlenWell [Modified links pointing to docs server]

No Differences

Revision [17370]

Edited on 2007-08-08 01:06:59 by KlenWell [Modified links pointing to docs server]
I've created this page to identify the HTML elements in page handler code. I hope it will serve as the basis for cleaning up the [[ show.php]] file. I had successfully tested a version of this controller based on an earlier commit of the source.
See KlenwellCodeHandlerShow637 for a full revision of the file that implements this logic. I have not yet tested this version.
$_HTML['page'] = ''; // this is the complete final html block
I've created this page to identify the HTML elements in page handler code. I hope it will serve as the basis for cleaning up the [[ show.php]] file.
See KlenwellCodeHandlerShow637 for a full revision of the file that implements this logic.
$_HTML['page'] = '';

Revision [17369]

Edited on 2007-08-08 01:03:16 by KlenWell [Modified links pointing to docs server]
See KlenwellCodeHandlerShow637 for a full revision of the file that implements this logic.

Revision [17368]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2007-08-08 01:01:40 by KlenWell [Modified links pointing to docs server]
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