Revision [6035]

This is an old revision of DarTar made by DarTar on 2005-02-16 14:09:05.


Dartar's page

Some hot selections
Among my Wikka contributions:
  • IncludeRemote - a plugin for fetching wikka-formatted content from a remote Wikka server
  • TestSkin - a beta skin selector and editor
  • WikkaMenus - a module for customizing wikka menus
This is DarTar

Where it all began
I bumped into WikkaWiki as a very easy-to-install WikiEngine wiki engine while I was reviewing a number of open source CMS for a project. I needed easy extensibility, a good CSS support, and something MySQL/PHP based. I made some hacks to the code, became more and more involved and... finally became part of the CreditsPage Wikka development crew.

A touch of style
Wikka is structure. To shape its surface you can create and select TestSkin skins

The origins

I've created and maintain a site for promoting open formats based on Wikka 1.1.3, with a couple of hacks:

I'm also using a slightly modified version of Wikka 1.1.3

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