Check Version Action Documentation
This is the documentation page for the checkversion action.NOTE
This feature is available since:
Please note that if you use this action, or leave this option enabled during installation, your wiki will periodically contact a WikkaWiki server for update information. As a result, your IP address and/or domain name may be recorded in our referrer logs.
Short description
Compares version of current WikkaWiki installation with the latest version and displays notice if current installation is older.Usage
{{checkversion [display="<val>"]}}name | type | required? | default | description |
display | string | optional | upgrade | "upgrade": Normal operation (display only if later version is available); "debug": Display debug messages; "raw": Display return value from |
Long description
This action will be executed only for logged-in users with admin access. Expects to find; if not found, or if connection times out, should exit gracefully with no output. Can be disabled by setting config param 'enable_version_check' to '0' in wikka.config.php.
since 1.2
New feature permits version checks on user-defined time intervals. See ConfigurationOptions for details.By default, this action is included in the default HomePage, SysInfo, AdminPages, and AdminUsers pages.

BrianKoontz, DarTarCategoryEN