Revision history for WikkaMenusAdmin

Revision [23432]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:48 by NilsLindenberg [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
echo $this->Format('Please enter menu items on separate lines. --- You can either use //""CamelCase"" links// like ##""PageIndex""## --- or //forced links// like: ##""[[ | External Link]]""## --- --- --- ');
echo $this->Format('Please enter menu items on separate lines. --- You can either use //""CamelCase"" links// like ##""PageIndex""## --- or //forced links// like: ##""[[ External Link]]""## --- --- --- ');

Revision [20878]

Edited on 2009-10-01 09:28:23 by NilsLindenberg [giving credits to the right person :)]
DarTar did [[WikkaMenus]], a solution to manage users customized menus stored in MySql database. WikkaMenusAdmin is a "downgraded" version which manages menulets files introduced with Wikka version 1.2.
NilsLindenberg did [[WikkaMenus]], a solution to manage users customized menus stored in MySql database. WikkaMenusAdmin is a "downgraded" version which manages menulets files introduced with Wikka version 1.2.

Revision [20864]

Edited on 2009-09-18 23:12:59 by BrianKoontz [Added TimeMenu function]
function TrimMenu($list) {
foreach (explode("\n", $list) as $line) {
$line = trim($line);
$trimmed_list .= $line."\n";
return $trimmed_list;
WriteMyMenu($_POST['name'], TrimMenu($_POST['content']));
WriteMyMenu($_POST['name'], $this->TrimMenu($_POST['content']));

Revision [20855]

Edited on 2009-09-17 17:12:11 by EmeraldIsland [1st release]
%%(php;1)<h3>Menu Configuration</h3>
%%(php;1;wikkamenusadmin.php)<h3>Menu Configuration</h3>

Revision [20854]

Edited on 2009-09-17 17:09:47 by EmeraldIsland [1st release]
NilsLindenberg did [[WikkaMenus]], a solution to manage users customized menus stored in MySql database. WikkaMenusAdmin is a "downgraded" version which manages menulets files introduced with Wikka version 1.2.
Place in a page ""{{wikkamenusadmin}}"", you can also apply ACLs restriction (despite this action is made for admin user only).
%%(php;1;wikkamenusadmin.php)<h3>Menu Configuration</h3>
That's all !
NilsLindenberg did [[WikkaMenus]], a solution to manage users customized menus stored in MySql database. WikkaMenusAdmin is a "downgrade" version which stores menulets introduced with Wikka version 1.2.
Place in a page ""{{wikkamenuadmin}}"", you can also apply ACLs restriction (despite this action is made for admin user only).
%%(php;1;wikkamenusadmin.php)<h3>Menus Configuration</h3>

Revision [20853]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2009-09-17 17:05:18 by EmeraldIsland [1st release]
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