Revision [2055]

This is an old revision of WikkaFilters made by DarTar on 2004-11-01 10:25:12.


Wikka Filters

Importing/exporting from Wikka to other formats

Hi guys, just a few thoughts on the fly (I'm sorry I can't follow the new posts on a daily basis: I just moved to the Netherlands and I'm now very busy with writing my phd dissertation, at least until end December).

I was thinking that one of the conditions that might allow a wiki engine to survive in the long run, besides WikkaInternationalization i18n and l10n might be its external integration with existing document formats.
Many people I've been talking to about Wikka and wikis in general were disappointed by the fact that "they couldn't copy and paste formatted text from their favorite word processor" (I omit the name of the word processor) or were reluctant to learn a new syntax.
Giving the user the ability to safely import an RTF file (maybe passing through HTML) might drastically improve the visibility of our project. I know that Andrea's uniwakka already allows you to export to LaTeX and OpenOffice, and import/export bibtex files - which I find just great if you already use LaTex and OpenOffice. But for the average user (think of people willing to use a wiki as the engine to run their site and with a lot of content already available in DOC or RTF format) non only RTF might be more relevant, but the ability to import and not only export becomes crucial.

Ideas for possible import filters


Ideas for possible export filters


Does anyone know about existing rtf2wiki projects or, more generally, projects of filters to convert wiki syntax to and from existing formats?
Maybe a basic action to import an HTML document without bothering with the source code (many users don't even know where to look to find the source of a HTML document or do not know that there is a source) could also be of some help.

Your thoughts?

-- DarTar

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