Since one of my roommates was so kind to leave his laptop in Bologna, I was able to port the wikitrqail action from pmwiki to wikka.
Saved as actions/trail.php and used as {{trail list="YourListPage"}} in a page, the action provides a trail in the form:
<< previous page | trail-page | next page >>
"YourListPage" must contain a list of pages.
Could perhaps be usefull for documentations. Of course you have to use the action in every page, but if you work with a template it should not be that problem.
Two things are different compared to the action in pmwiki:
- if the list-page is a category, the trail will be composed of the pages belonging to the category (ordered alphabetically).
- the option to show a hierarchy of the page, based on the depth of the a bulleted list, is not included. It is more like a static breadcrump then a trail.
For the rest see the documentation.
* Based on a list of pages, this action shows links to the previous and next page in the trail.
* Generell a trail like "<< previous page | trail-page | next page >>" is shown (previous/ next page and the
* coresponding arrows are omitted if there is no such page).
* The trail-page a) should contain a list defining the trail of the pages (only works with entries like ~-WikiPage at
* the monent!).
* Or the name of the trail-page b) starts with "Category". In this case, the trail is build from the ordered list of
* pages belonging to the category.
* Syntax:
* {{trail list="YourListPage"}}
* Credits:
* This action has been portioned from {@link pmwiki}. Note that the option
* "The ^|TrailPage|^ markup uses the depth of the bullets to display the ancestry of the TrailPage to the
* current one." has not been portioned because that option is more a form of static breadcrumb then a trail.
* Thank goes to John Rankin who made the original suggestion for WikiTrails at pmwiki.
* @package Action
* @subpackage Navigation
* @name Trail
* @author Patrick R. Michaud ( (original version for pmwiki)
* @author {@link Nils Lindenberg} (ported to wikkawiki, additional code for categories)
* @copyright Copyright 2002-2004 Patrick R. Michaud (
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
* @input string $trailpage mandatory: a page with list of pages or a category
* @output links to the previous/next page in the trail and the trail-page itself
* @version 0.3
* @uses CheckMySQLVersion()
* @uses FullCategoryTextSearch()
* @uses FullTextSearch()
* @uses GetPageTag()
* @uses Link()
* @uses LoadPage()
* @todo - the action uses code copied from the category-action, better change to a function
* - making a title for a trail possible
* - making class/seperator/signs customizable
* - making "round-way" possible, i.e. last page links to first-page
* - regexp-pattern for recognizing a Wikiword/Free-link
* - if [[WikiWord Other name]] the trail should show "other name" instead of the wikiword
* - parameter which forces the action to search for a list even on a category-page
//setting the defaults
$thispage = $this->GetPageTag();
$nextpage = '';
$prevpage = '';
$seperator = '|';
$signleft = '«';
$signright = ' »';
$output = '';
//getting user-input
if (is_array($vars))
foreach ($vars as $param => $value)
if ($param == 'list') {$list=htmlspecialchars($vars['list']);}
if (isset($list))
if ($trailpage=$this->LoadPage($list))
$pages = array();
//if we have a category as a list-page, get the pages belonging to the category
if (preg_match('/^Category/',$trailpage['tag']))
if ($this->CheckMySQLVersion(4,0,1))
$results = $this->FullCategoryTextSearch($trailpage['tag']);
$results = $this->FullTextSearch($trailpage['tag']);
foreach ($results as $cpage)
if (!preg_match('/^Category/', $cpage['tag']))
$pages[] = $cpage['tag'];
else //search the page for a bulleted list containing Wikiwords
foreach(explode("\n",$trailpage['body']) as $x)
if (preg_match("/(~-|\\t-|~1\)|\\t1\)|~A\)|\\tA\)|~a\)|\\ta\)|~I\)|\\tI\)|~i\)|\\ti\))\\s?(\[\[)?([A-Za-z0-9ÄÖÜ]*)/",$x,$match))
$pages[] = $match[3];
//search the list of pages for this page and make the trail
if (strtolower($pages[$i]) == strtolower($thispage))
$output .= '<span class="wikitrail">';
if ($i>0) $output .= $signleft.' '.$this->Link($pages[$i-1]).' '.$seperator.' ';
$output .= $this->Link($list);
if ($i+1<count($pages)) $output .= ' '.$seperator.' '.$this->Link($pages[$i+1]).' '.$signright;
$output .= '</span>';
else $output .='List-page could not be retrieved!';
else $output .= 'You did not enter a list-page!';
//output section
print $output;
* Based on a list of pages, this action shows links to the previous and next page in the trail.
* Generell a trail like "<< previous page | trail-page | next page >>" is shown (previous/ next page and the
* coresponding arrows are omitted if there is no such page).
* The trail-page a) should contain a list defining the trail of the pages (only works with entries like ~-WikiPage at
* the monent!).
* Or the name of the trail-page b) starts with "Category". In this case, the trail is build from the ordered list of
* pages belonging to the category.
* Syntax:
* {{trail list="YourListPage"}}
* Credits:
* This action has been portioned from {@link pmwiki}. Note that the option
* "The ^|TrailPage|^ markup uses the depth of the bullets to display the ancestry of the TrailPage to the
* current one." has not been portioned because that option is more a form of static breadcrumb then a trail.
* Thank goes to John Rankin who made the original suggestion for WikiTrails at pmwiki.
* @package Action
* @subpackage Navigation
* @name Trail
* @author Patrick R. Michaud ( (original version for pmwiki)
* @author {@link Nils Lindenberg} (ported to wikkawiki, additional code for categories)
* @copyright Copyright 2002-2004 Patrick R. Michaud (
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
* @input string $trailpage mandatory: a page with list of pages or a category
* @output links to the previous/next page in the trail and the trail-page itself
* @version 0.3
* @uses CheckMySQLVersion()
* @uses FullCategoryTextSearch()
* @uses FullTextSearch()
* @uses GetPageTag()
* @uses Link()
* @uses LoadPage()
* @todo - the action uses code copied from the category-action, better change to a function
* - making a title for a trail possible
* - making class/seperator/signs customizable
* - making "round-way" possible, i.e. last page links to first-page
* - regexp-pattern for recognizing a Wikiword/Free-link
* - if [[WikiWord Other name]] the trail should show "other name" instead of the wikiword
* - parameter which forces the action to search for a list even on a category-page
//setting the defaults
$thispage = $this->GetPageTag();
$nextpage = '';
$prevpage = '';
$seperator = '|';
$signleft = '«';
$signright = ' »';
$output = '';
//getting user-input
if (is_array($vars))
foreach ($vars as $param => $value)
if ($param == 'list') {$list=htmlspecialchars($vars['list']);}
if (isset($list))
if ($trailpage=$this->LoadPage($list))
$pages = array();
//if we have a category as a list-page, get the pages belonging to the category
if (preg_match('/^Category/',$trailpage['tag']))
if ($this->CheckMySQLVersion(4,0,1))
$results = $this->FullCategoryTextSearch($trailpage['tag']);
$results = $this->FullTextSearch($trailpage['tag']);
foreach ($results as $cpage)
if (!preg_match('/^Category/', $cpage['tag']))
$pages[] = $cpage['tag'];
else //search the page for a bulleted list containing Wikiwords
foreach(explode("\n",$trailpage['body']) as $x)
if (preg_match("/(~-|\\t-|~1\)|\\t1\)|~A\)|\\tA\)|~a\)|\\ta\)|~I\)|\\tI\)|~i\)|\\ti\))\\s?(\[\[)?([A-Za-z0-9ÄÖÜ]*)/",$x,$match))
$pages[] = $match[3];
//search the list of pages for this page and make the trail
if (strtolower($pages[$i]) == strtolower($thispage))
$output .= '<span class="wikitrail">';
if ($i>0) $output .= $signleft.' '.$this->Link($pages[$i-1]).' '.$seperator.' ';
$output .= $this->Link($list);
if ($i+1<count($pages)) $output .= ' '.$seperator.' '.$this->Link($pages[$i+1]).' '.$signright;
$output .= '</span>';
else $output .='List-page could not be retrieved!';
else $output .= 'You did not enter a list-page!';
//output section
print $output;