Revision history for WikiPageWatch

Revision [23625]

Last edited on 2018-07-13 10:48:51 by IanHayhurst
   \-- unpagewatch.php##
   \-- unpagewatch.php

Revision [23624]

Edited on 2018-07-13 10:48:34 by IanHayhurst
| |-- watchlink
| |-- watchlink

Revision [23623]

Edited on 2018-07-13 10:48:16 by IanHayhurst
| |-- watchlink
  | |-- watchlink

Revision [23622]

Edited on 2018-07-13 10:48:04 by IanHayhurst
  | |-- watchlink
  | |-- watchlink

Revision [23621]

Edited on 2018-07-13 10:08:53 by IanHayhurst
-Create pagewatch.php in ##//wikiroot///plugins/handlers/pagewatch##
* This handler will add the current user to the watch list for the
* page he is currently on
* @author <>
* Date: 09 Decemeber 2009
* 20180710 Ian M. Hayhurst wrap in check for logged on user
$redirectmessage = "";
if ($this->GetUser())
$watch_cmd = "
insert into wikka_page_watch (user_name, page_tag)
values ('".$user."', '".$tag."') ";
$success = mysql_query($watch_cmd, $this->dblink);
$redirectmessage = "You are now watching this page.";
{$redirectmessage = "You need to be logged in!";
// redirect to parent page
$this->Redirect($this->Href(), $redirectmessage);
-Create upagewatch.php in ##//wikiroot///plugins/handlers/unpagewatch##
* This handler will remove the current user from the watch list for the
* page he is currently on
* @author <>
* Date: 09 Decemeber 2009
$redirectmessage = "";
$unwatch_cmd = "
delete from wikka_page_watch
where user_name = '".$user."'
and page_tag = '".$tag."' ";
$success = mysql_query($unwatch_cmd, $this->dblink);
$redirectmessage = "You are no longer watching this page.";
// redirect to parent page
$this->Redirect($this->Href(), $redirectmessage);

Revision [23620]

Edited on 2018-07-13 09:59:05 by IanHayhurst
* 09/12/2009 | C.Sango | Created
* @package Actions
* @subpackage Menulets
* 09/12/2009 | C.Sango | Created
* @package Actions
* @subpackage Menulets

Revision [23619]

Edited on 2018-07-13 09:57:49 by IanHayhurst
-Edit the plugin version of addcomment.php to include our notify line ##$this->NotifyWatchers($this->tag, 'comment');## at the point where the comment is ready to be stored (about line 58)
-Edit the plugin version of addcomment.php to include our notify line ##$this->NotifyWatchers($this->tag, 'comment');## at the point where the comment or edit is ready to be stored
%% (php;53;addcomment.php)

Revision [23618]

Edited on 2018-07-13 09:55:50 by IanHayhurst
-This will make wiki check the plugin version of any action / handler etc. before the supplied one
-Add menu action ""{{watchlink}}"" to ##//wikiroot///plugin/config/, and Which need to be copied from##//wikiroot///config/## to ##//wikiroot///plugin/config##
-Copy file from ##//wikiroot///handlers/addcomment/addcomment.php## to ##//wikiroot///plugin/handlers/addcomment/addcomment.php##
-Copy file from ##//wikiroot///handlers/edit/edit.php## to ##//wikiroot///plugin/handlers/edit/edit.php##
-Edit the plugin version of addcomment.php to include our notify line ##$this->NotifyWatchers($this->tag, 'comment');## at the point where the comment or edit is ready to be stored
%% (php;53;addcomment.php)
// all is kosher: store new comment
$body = nl2br($this->htmlspecialchars_ent($body));
$this->SaveComment($this->GetPageTag(), $body, $parent_id);
// notify watchers of new content
$this->NotifyWatchers($this->tag, 'comment');
-Edit the plugin version of editt.php to include our notify line ##$this->NotifyWatchers($this->tag, 'edit');
## at the point where the edit is ready to be stored about line 155
// only save if new body differs from old body
if ($body != $this->page['body']) {
// add page (revisions)
$this->SavePage($this->GetPageTag(), $body, $note);
// now we render it internally so we can write the updated link table.
// if we no longer do link tracking for header and footer why are we creating dummy output?
$dummy = $this->Header(); // @@@
$dummy .= $this->Format($body);
$dummy .= $this->Footer(); // @@@
// notify page watchers of recent change
$this->NotifyWatchers($this->tag, 'edit');
// forward
-Add menu action ""{{watchlink}}"" to ##//wikiroot///plugin/config/, and

Revision [23617]

Edited on 2018-07-13 09:38:13 by IanHayhurst [update action]
The ##addcomment.php## and## edit.php## handlers are modified to include a call to the Notify Watchers function of the main class. This is necessary to ensure that watchers are notified of changes the moment they are made.
The addcomment.php and edit.php handlers are modified to include a call to the Notify Watchers function of the main class. This is necessary to ensure that watchers are notified of changes the moment they are made.

Revision [23616]

Edited on 2018-07-13 09:33:47 by IanHayhurst [update action]
===Plugin Integration===
==Plugin Integration==

Revision [23615]

Edited on 2018-07-13 09:31:09 by IanHayhurst [update action]
==Plugin Integration==
-Enable wiki for use of plugins //detailed here:// InstallingPlugins
-Add menulet action to the ##//wikiroot///plugin/actions/watchlink/watchlink.php##
-Displays Watch Page link or Un Watch page as appropriate
* Watch / Unwatch link menulet
* Displays a link to watch / unwatch the current page (depending on user privileges).
* Syntax: {{watchlink}}
* @package Actions
* @subpackage Menulets
* @name Watch link
* @author {@link Chumang Sango, Ian Hayhurst}
if ($this->WatchWiki()){
echo '<a href="'.$this->Href('unpagewatch').'" title="'.T_("Click to stop receiving email on page edits or comments").'">'.T_("[Unwatch this page]").'</a>'; #i18n
else {
echo '<a href="'.$this->Href('pagewatch').'" title="'.T_("Click to receive email on page edits or comments").'">'.T_("[Watch this page]").'</a>'; #i18n
-Add menu action ""{{watchlink}}"" to ##//wikiroot///plugin/config/, and
//destructions section//''draft''
Enable wiki for use of plugins //detailed here:// InstallingPlugins
Add menu action ""{{watchlink}}"" config/
Create new table// (mention table prefix)//
Fix with: %%setsebool -P httpd_can_sendmail=1%%

Revision [23614]

Edited on 2018-07-13 09:11:46 by IanHayhurst [update action]
-Functions in Wikka.class.php not really in a plugin friendly place not sure what best practice should be here
Fix with: %%setsebool -P httpd_can_sendmail=1%%>>
Append the following functions to## //wikiroot///libs/Wakka.class.php ##just before the final closing } (which you can delete as it is included in the insert )
-Functions in Wikka.class.php not really in a plugin friendly place not sure what best practice should be here >>
Append the following functions to //wikiroot///libs/Wakka.class.php just before the final closing } (which you can delete as it is included in the insert )

Revision [23613]

Edited on 2018-07-13 09:10:01 by IanHayhurst [update action]

No Differences

Revision [23612]

Edited on 2018-07-13 09:09:29 by IanHayhurst [update action]
- code assumes table prefix wikka_ in parts and needs ##$prefix = $this->GetConfigValue('table_prefix');## inserting in some of the sql
-Functions in Wikka.class.php not really in a plugin friendly place not sure what best practice should be here >>
Append the following functions to //wikiroot///libs/Wakka.class.php just before the final closing } (which you can delete as it is included in the insert )
* Function to produce a module that allows a user to watch/unwatch a wiki.
* Watching a wiki involves subscribing to receive email notifications when
* the wiki changes i.e. page edits and comments
* @name WatchWiki
* @param None
* @author <> Chumang Sango
* @access public
* @return string
* @version 0.0.2 Beta
* History
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Date | Changed By | Description
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* 09/12/2009 | C.Sango | Created
* 12/07/2018 | I.Hayhurst | Return changed to bool. Handler redirect moved to watchlink menu action
function WatchWiki()
$user = $this->GetUserName();
$tag = $this->GetPageTag();
$url = $this->Href();
$table = "page_watch";
$where = "user_name = '".$user."'
and page_tag = '".$tag."' ";
$count = $this->getCount($table, $where);
if($count == 0) {return false;}
else {return true;}
* Function to send an email to the list of all the users watching a particular wiki
* This function should be used in handlers and actions that modify a page i.e. page edits and comments
* @name NotifyWatchers
* @@param string $tag The tag of the page whose watchers you want to notify
* @author <> Chumang Sango
* @access public
* @version 0.0.1 Beta
* @@return void
* History
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Date | Changed By | Description
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* 09/12/2009 | C.Sango | Created
* 15/12/2009 | C.Sango | Added code to set sender's email
function NotifyWatchers($tag, $type=''){
$url = $this->Href();
$subject = "WikiWatch Alert for $tag";
// Load the email of the person sending the email
$senderQuery = "
from wikka_users u
where = '".$this->GetUserName()."'";
$res = $this->LoadSingle($senderQuery);
$sender = $res['email'];
// construct email message based on change type
case 'comment': {
$message = '
<div id="mail" style="font-family: Calibri;">
<p> Hi </p>
<span style="width: 100%"> A new comment was made on the <strong>'.$tag.'</strong> wiki.</span>
<span> Follow the link below to view it. </span>
<p>     '.$url.'</p>
case 'edit': {
$message = '
<div id="mail" style="font-family: Calibri;">
<p> Hi </p>
<span> The wiki page <strong>'.$tag.'</strong> has been recently edited. </br></span>
<span> Follow the link below to view the new content. </span>
<p>     '.$url.'</p>
default: {
$message = '
<div id="mail" style="font-family: Calibri;">
<p> Hi </p>
<span> Content on the <strong>'.$tag.'</strong> wiki has been recently updated. </br></span>
<span> Follow the link below to view it. </span>
<p>      '.$url.'</p>
// select watch list of page from database
$watchListQuery = "
from wikka_users u,
wikka_page_watch w
where w.user_name =
and w.page_tag = '".$tag."' ";
$result = $this->LoadAll($watchListQuery);
// send email to list
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result); ++$i) {
$email = $result[$i]['email'];
$headers = "From: WikiWatch <$sender>\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n";
mail($email, $subject, $message, $headers);
code assumes table prefix wikka_ in parts and needs
##$prefix = $this->GetConfigValue('table_prefix');## inserting in some of the sql >>

Revision [23611]

Edited on 2018-07-13 08:57:30 by IanHayhurst [update action]
Ported IanHayhurst 2018 for V1.3.7 pluginsystem
code assumes table prefix wikka_ in parts and needs
##$prefix = $this->GetConfigValue('table_prefix');## inserting in some of the sql >>
My table Prefix was ##wikka_## The table is referred to in the code
Ported IanHayhurst 2018 for V1.3.7 pluginsystem>>

Revision [23610]

Edited on 2018-07-13 08:49:17 by IanHayhurst [update action]
>>{{image url="https:////"}}>>
{{image url="https:////"}}

Revision [23609]

Edited on 2018-07-13 08:44:33 by IanHayhurst [update action]
{{image url="https:////"}}
{{image url=""}}

Revision [23608]

Edited on 2018-07-13 08:29:39 by IanHayhurst [update action]
{{image url=""}}

Revision [23607]

Edited on 2018-07-13 08:23:09 by IanHayhurst [update action]

Revision [23606]

Edited on 2018-07-13 07:38:44 by IanHayhurst [update action]
|-- actions
  | |-- watchlink
|   \-- watchlink.php
|-- actions
   | |-- watchlink
|   \-- watchlink.php

Revision [23605]

Edited on 2018-07-13 07:37:34 by IanHayhurst [update action]
|   \-- watchlink.php
|   \-- watchlink.php

Revision [23604]

Edited on 2018-07-13 07:37:18 by IanHayhurst [update action]
|-- actions
   | |-- watchlink
|   \-- watchlink.php
\-- actions
   |-- watchlink
|   \-- watchlink.php

Revision [23603]

Edited on 2018-07-12 16:35:28 by IanHayhurst [update action]
Enable wiki for use of plugins //detailed here:// InstallingPlugins
Enable wiki for use of plugins InstallingPlugins

Revision [23602]

Edited on 2018-07-12 16:34:49 by IanHayhurst [update action]
Enable wiki for use of plugins InstallingPlugins
Enable wiki for use of pluginsInstallingPlugins

Revision [23601]

Edited on 2018-07-12 16:33:03 by IanHayhurst [update action]
CREATE TABLE 'wikka_page_watch' (
'page_tag' varchar(75) NOT NULL,
'user_name' varchar(75) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ('page_tag','user_name') )
CREATE TABLE `wikka_page_watch` ( `page_tag` varchar(75) NOT NULL, `user_name` varchar(75) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`page_tag`,`user_name`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;

Revision [23600]

Edited on 2018-07-12 16:30:55 by IanHayhurst [update action]
A new table was added to the underlying database. The table name is wikka_page_watch and it will serve as the watch list. The structure of the table is shown below:
|=|Field |=|Type |=|Null|=|
||page_tag ||VARCHAR(75) ||No||
||user_name ||VARCHAR(75) ||No||
The PRIMARY key for the table is a combination of page_tag and user_name. Examples of page_tag values include WelcomePage, RecentChanges, etc. Examples of user_name values include JohnSmith, JohnDoe, etc. When a user subscribes to a page, his name and the tag of the page will be added to this table. The opposite happens when a user decides to unsubscribe.
The addcomment.php and edit.php handlers are modified to include a call to the Notify Watchers function of the main class. This is necessary to ensure that watchers are notified of changes the moment they are made.
//destructions section//''draft''
Enable wiki for use of pluginsInstallingPlugins

Add menu action ""{{watchlink}}"" config/
Create new table// (mention table prefix)//
CREATE TABLE `wikka_page_watch` ( `page_tag` varchar(75) NOT NULL, `user_name` varchar(75) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`page_tag`,`user_name`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;

SELinux Http can't send mail
var/log/maillog shows:
##postfix/sendmail[29013]: fatal: open /etc/postfix/ Permission denied##
Fix with: %%setsebool -P httpd_can_sendmail=1%%

Revision [23599]

Edited on 2018-07-12 16:16:04 by IanHayhurst [update action]
**""NotifyWatchers ($tag, $type='')""**: This function will send out an email message to all users that are on the watch list of a page when a change is made on the page. The $tag parameter is used to specify the tag of the page whose watchers need to be notified. The $type parameter is used to specify the type of notification. There are currently two types of notification – ‘comment’ (used when a new comment is made on a page) and ‘edit’ (used when page content is changed). The $type parameter is option, and a generic change message will be generated if it is not specified.
**""NotifyWatchers"" ($tag, $type='')**: This function will send out an email message to all users that are on the watch list of a page when a change is made on the page. The $tag parameter is used to specify the tag of the page whose watchers need to be notified. The $type parameter is used to specify the type of notification. There are currently two types of notification – ‘comment’ (used when a new comment is made on a page) and ‘edit’ (used when page content is changed). The $type parameter is option, and a generic change message will be generated if it is not specified.

Revision [23598]

Edited on 2018-07-12 16:15:26 by IanHayhurst [update action]
**""WatchWiki"" ( )**: This function constructs a module that will be displayed on a wiki page. This module has a link in it which will allow a user to watch the page (if the user does not already exist in the watch list of the page), or to stop watching a page (if the user is already watching the page). //altered just to return bool if page is watched or not//
**""NotifyWatchers"" ($tag, $type='')**: This function will send out an email message to all users that are on the watch list of a page when a change is made on the page. The $tag parameter is used to specify the tag of the page whose watchers need to be notified. The $type parameter is used to specify the type of notification. There are currently two types of notification – ‘comment’ (used when a new comment is made on a page) and ‘edit’ (used when page content is changed). The $type parameter is option, and a generic change message will be generated if it is not specified.
**WatchWiki ( )**: This function constructs a module that will be displayed on a wiki page. This module has a link in it which will allow a user to watch the page (if the user does not already exist in the watch list of the page), or to stop watching a page (if the user is already watching the page). //altered just to return bool if page is watched or not//
**NotifyWatchers ($tag, $type='')**: This function will send out an email message to all users that are on the watch list of a page when a change is made on the page. The $tag parameter is used to specify the tag of the page whose watchers need to be notified. The $type parameter is used to specify the type of notification. There are currently two types of notification – ‘comment’ (used when a new comment is made on a page) and ‘edit’ (used when page content is changed). The $type parameter is option, and a generic change message will be generated if it is not specified.

Revision [23597]

Edited on 2018-07-12 16:14:55 by IanHayhurst [update action]
Two new functions are added to the Wakka.Class.php file. These functions are :
**NotifyWatchers ($tag, $type='')**: This function will send out an email message to all users that are on the watch list of a page when a change is made on the page. The $tag parameter is used to specify the tag of the page whose watchers need to be notified. The $type parameter is used to specify the type of notification. There are currently two types of notification – ‘comment’ (used when a new comment is made on a page) and ‘edit’ (used when page content is changed). The $type parameter is option, and a generic change message will be generated if it is not specified.
3. Two new functions are added to the Wakka.Class.php file. These functions are :
**NotifyWatchers ($tag, $type='')**: This function will send out an email message to all users that are on the watch list of a page when a change is made on the page. The $tag parameter is used to specify the tag of the page whose watchers need to be notified. The $type parameter is used to specify the type of notification. There are currently two types of notification – ‘comment’ (used when a new comment is made on a page) and ‘edit’ (used

Revision [23596]

Edited on 2018-07-12 16:12:34 by IanHayhurst [update action]
3. Two new functions are added to the Wakka.Class.php file. These functions are :
**WatchWiki ( )**: This function constructs a module that will be displayed on a wiki page. This module has a link in it which will allow a user to watch the page (if the user does not already exist in the watch list of the page), or to stop watching a page (if the user is already watching the page). //altered just to return bool if page is watched or not//
**NotifyWatchers ($tag, $type='')**: This function will send out an email message to all users that are on the watch list of a page when a change is made on the page. The $tag parameter is used to specify the tag of the page whose watchers need to be notified. The $type parameter is used to specify the type of notification. There are currently two types of notification – ‘comment’ (used when a new comment is made on a page) and ‘edit’ (used

Revision [23595]

Edited on 2018-07-12 16:11:02 by IanHayhurst [update action]

Revision [23594]

Edited on 2018-07-12 16:09:56 by IanHayhurst [update action]
|-- libs
|   \-- Wakka.class.php
|-- plugins
\-- actions
   |-- watchlink
|   \-- watchlink.php
|-- config
| \--
| |--
| |--
|-- handlers
   \-- addcomment
       | \--addcomment.php
      | \-- edit.php
   | \--pagewatch.php
   |-- unpagewatch
   \-- unpagewatch.php
??? libs
?   ??? Wakka.class.php
??? plugins
??? actions
?   ??? watchlink
?   ??? watchlink.php
??? config
?   ???
?   ???
?   ???
??? handlers
   ??? addcomment
    ?   ??? addcomment.php
   ??? edit
   ?   ??? edit.php
   ??? pagewatch
   ?   ??? pagewatch.php
   ??? unpagewatch
   ??? unpagewatch.php

Revision [23593]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2018-07-12 15:53:58 by IanHayhurst [update action]
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