Comparing revisions for WantedFormatters

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>>See also:
I created this page to list proposals about [[FormatterInfo formatters]] that might be implemented in future Wikka releases.
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{{lastedit show="3"}}>>See also:
I created this page to list proposals about [[Docs:FormatterInfo formatters]] that might be implemented in future Wikka releases.
~&While I agree on "preformatting" things like signatures and possibly "typographical sharpness", escaping ampersands before test is stored will make source harder to edit for people who don't know HTML - unless you also are going to 'unescape' each time the edit form is displayed. It's simpler and more logical to 'educate' the formatter to escape this special character as it's //already// doing for < and >. ''I've already written (and tested) the code to do this (excluding entities); this will probably become part of the next ( release.'' -- JavaWoman
[[Ticket:160]] //(text higher or lower in the line than normal)//
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