see also: TRBMostVisited
Page Hit Counter
version 0.6
The idea
Let's count how many users read each page, so that we know what we should focus on!The details
This is a page hit counter, that counts how many people visit each of the pages at your Wikka-powered site. Installation requires adding some files and involves some small changes in two or three others as well as slight addictions to database structure.This code is based on GmBowenCounter. Since the time when that original version was made, many things in Wikka code changed, hence I made this version so that those who don't feel strong enough in PHP can still benefit from a counter. This version also adds a lot of functionality.
How it works
- You can turn the counter on either globally (for the whole site) or just for some pages (using counter action).
- If you choose to turn the counter on globally, just edit your Wikka.config.php and set show_page_hit_counter to either on, owner or off. The default setting is disabled.
- The meaning of the setting mentioned above is:
- on – count and display the number;
- owner – count but display the number only to the page owner;
- off – count but don’t display the number;
- disabled – don’t count (turns the counter off completely).
- If you choose to turn the counter on globally, you can still have it disabled on chosen pages (I keep it disabled for: PageIndex, RecentChanges, RecentlyCommented, MostVisited, UserSettings, CategoryCategory, TextSearch, TextSearchExpanded pages). Put page_hit_counter_disable_pages in your Wikka.config.php file and set it to comma-separated list of pages.
- You can also make a list of users that shouldn't increment a counter (like editors for example). Put page_hit_counter_ignore_users in your Wikka.config.php file and set it to comma-separated list of usernames.
- You can override the global, site-wide setting of a counter for any page individually (turn it on/off; hide it or show; set different list of ignored users). Use counter action with parameters: show=on|owner|off|disable and ignore="UserName1, UserName2, ...".
- Also if you choose NOT to turn the counter on globally, but want to have counter enabled for a certain page, you need to use counter action for that.
- The counter doesn't increment if you visit your own page.
- The counter remembers users that visited the page within last six hours, and doesn't increment within that time if they re-visit.
- While incrementing the count also date and time of last visit are stored. To enable this feature add page_hit_counter_last_visited_enable in your Wikka.config.php and set it to ‘true’. It will be used in TRBMostVisited action.
This version is compatible with the original GmBowenCounter in terms of counter action syntax. However it's not so with database structure. Namely, the meaning of hits field in _pages table is changed. It used to be "total hits for that page", while now it is "hits for that page since last edit". Hence, to get total hits in this version it's necessary to sum up hits values of all revisions of a page. The advantage is that now we could see how many hits did each revision have (this is planned for my version of MostVisited action) Also this new approach doesn’t require altering of Wakka class. If you need a version that counts the old way, get TRBCounter version 0.3 (which is unfortunately not compatible with Wikka prior to original MostVisited by George Petsagourakis works fine with this code, since it seems it already expects data the way TRBCounter 0.4 (and newer) counts it.
This has been tested with Wikka and
What's new in this version
0.6 (since TRBCounter 0.5)
- Stores date and time of last visit (only if counter is incremented, so all restrictions apply).
- Slightly different database structure (now we use unsigned integer type, since negative values would be a nonsense anyway).
0.5 (since TRBCounter 0.4)
- Fixed compatibility with Wikka 1.1.6.x (tested on - was broken since version 0.2. Thanks for EmeraldIsland for pointing this out. From now on, my code is tested on Wikka (trunk) and Wikka
0.4 (since TRBCounter 0.3)
- A cookie-based protection against counter incrementing through reloading. Set cookie lasts 6 hours, so every re-visit within this amount of time will not be counted.
- Different way of counting - makes it incompatible with original GmBowenCounter, but allows for counting not only total hits, but also current version hits (since last edit). Surprisingly this new, different way of counting is what original MostVisited action expects (it turns out that GmBowenCounter and MostVisited are NOT compatible). See also my version of MostVisited.
- Watch out for update instructions -- you'll have to revert changes in Wakka.class.php and edit.php.
0.3 (since TRBCounter 0.2)
- New global config directive page_hit_counter_ignore_users -- a comma-separated list of usernames that won’t increment a counter
- Action counter has additional parameter ignore="name1, name2, name3" that overrides the above global setting
- New global config directive page_hit_counter_disable_pages -- a comma-separated list of pagenames that will have counter disabled (if it is enabled globally by show_page_hit_counter directive)
- Changed the way translation is made -- it’s now possible to use number within a text, for example “So far this page has been visited by 35 people”.
- This is probably the last version compatible with the original release by GmBowen.
- Known issue: viewing older revision of a page doesn't increment a counter. Probably it will stay like this, so I won't mention it again.
0.2 (since TRBCounter 0.1)
- Counter display moved to page's footer (where it really belongs).
- It's global now. You can add a config directive show_page_hit_counter to your wikka.config.php in order to enable/hide/disable the counter for all pages.
- The main code moved to a separate file counter.lib.php, that is called from footer.php.
- Action counter works as in 0.1 but it only changes the value of show_page_hit_counter directive.
- Action counter parameter show="disabled" added.
- Action nocounter added. An alias to show="off" setting.
- The text 'Total hits' is now translatable (in Wikka Compatibility with Wikka hopefully retained.
- Page editing no longer adds +1 to a counter
- Known issue: viewing older revision of a page doesn't increment a counter.
0.1 (since the original release by GmBowen)
- code cleanup (just one SQL query, instead of two, less variables used)
- show="owner" -- will show the counter only to the page owner
- some checks so that counter is only incremented while reading a page (and not seeing page's history for example, which was the case previously)
- the output can now be formatted by CSS (previously done on tables)
- Known issue: page editing adds +1 to a counter
- make it compatible with my nofooter action (my own purposes) -- should count even if footer is not displayed
- it should be better fitted in Wikka file-structure; maybe should be written as a class?
- allow ignore parameter of counter action ADD or DELETE username from page_hit_counter_ignore_users list by writing ignore="+UserName1, -UserName2"
Instructions -- how to set up a counter in your Wikka-powered site
1. Update your database schema
The xx_pages table has to have the following fields added (note that xx_ should be substituted with your prefix):ALTER TABLE `xx_pages` ADD `hits` INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `xx_pages` ADD `last_visited` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
If you don’t intend to use “last visited” functionality, you may omit the second one.
2. Create a file counter.lib.php
Create a file libs/counter.lib.php (feel free to choose a different location and update the file footer.php accordingly -- see point 6. below).<?php
// Let's grab the setting
$showcounter = strtolower($this->GetConfigValue('show_page_hit_counter'));
if ($showcounter == '') $showcounter = 'disabled';
if ($showcounter != 'disabled') {
// Let's prepare a list of PageNames that should have counter disabled
$disable_pages = explode(',',strtr($this->GetConfigValue('page_hit_counter_disable_pages'), array(" " => "")));
// Let's delete possible empty entries
foreach ($disable_pages as $i => $v) if ($v == '') unset($disable_pages[$i]);
// If this page is blacklisted, disable counter
if (array_search($pagetag, $disable_pages)) $showcounter = 'disabled';
// If the counter isn't off and we are allowed to read the page, proceed...
if (($showcounter != 'disabled') && ($this->HasAccess('read')))
// Get hit count
$result = $this->Query( "SELECT SUM(hits) AS hits FROM ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages WHERE tag='$pagetag'");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$hit_count = $row['hits'];
// Let's prepare a list of UserNames that shouldn't increment the counter.
$ignore_users = explode(',',strtr($this->GetConfigValue('page_hit_counter_ignore_users'),array(" " => "", "'" => "")));
// Let's remove incorrect names.
foreach ($ignore_users as $i => $v) if (!$this->IsWikiName($v)) unset($ignore_users[$i]);
// Let's add current user.
array_push($ignore_users, $this->GetPageOwner($tag));
// For compatibility with Wikka 1.1.6.x
if ($this->method != '') $this_handler = $this->method; else $this_handler = $this->handler;
if (method_exists($this,'GetCookie')) $this_cookie = $this->GetCookie("TRBCounter".$pagetag); else $this_cookie = $this->GetWikkaCookie("TRBCounter".$pagetag);
// Counter is incremented if currently logged user in not in $ignore_users
// We check if handler == show to prevent counter from being incremented while viewing page's history.
// We only increment while viewing latest revision (older revisions are probably being viewed by editors).
// We only increment if the cookie is not set.
if ((($this_handler == 'show') && ($this->page['latest'] == 'Y') && (!array_search($this->GetUserName(), $ignore_users))) && !$this_cookie)
$this->Query("UPDATE `".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages` SET `hits` = `hits` + 1 WHERE tag='$pagetag' AND latest='Y'") or die("Unable to process query: " . mysql_error());
// Creating a cookie to make counter reload-proof (6 hours)
// USING SetPersistentCookie FOR COMPATIBILITY WITH 1.1.6.x
// Should we update the last_visited value?
if ($this->GetConfigValue('page_hit_counter_last_visited_enable'))
$this->Query("UPDATE `".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages` SET `last_visited` = NOW() WHERE tag='$pagetag' AND latest='Y'") or die("Unable to process query: " . mysql_error());
// Should we display the counter?
if (($showcounter !='off' && $showcounter !='owner') or ($showcounter =='owner' && $this->GetUserName() == $this->GetPageOwner($tag)))
// Yes, let's see if the translation is available
if (!defined('PAGE_HIT_COUNTER')) define('PAGE_HIT_COUNTER','Total hits: %s');
// Start output of counter
echo (":: <span class=\"counter\">"); echo sprintf(PAGE_HIT_COUNTER,"<span class=\"hits\">".$hit_count."</span>"); echo ("</span>");
// Let's grab the setting
$showcounter = strtolower($this->GetConfigValue('show_page_hit_counter'));
if ($showcounter == '') $showcounter = 'disabled';
if ($showcounter != 'disabled') {
// Let's prepare a list of PageNames that should have counter disabled
$disable_pages = explode(',',strtr($this->GetConfigValue('page_hit_counter_disable_pages'), array(" " => "")));
// Let's delete possible empty entries
foreach ($disable_pages as $i => $v) if ($v == '') unset($disable_pages[$i]);
// If this page is blacklisted, disable counter
if (array_search($pagetag, $disable_pages)) $showcounter = 'disabled';
// If the counter isn't off and we are allowed to read the page, proceed...
if (($showcounter != 'disabled') && ($this->HasAccess('read')))
// Get hit count
$result = $this->Query( "SELECT SUM(hits) AS hits FROM ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages WHERE tag='$pagetag'");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$hit_count = $row['hits'];
// Let's prepare a list of UserNames that shouldn't increment the counter.
$ignore_users = explode(',',strtr($this->GetConfigValue('page_hit_counter_ignore_users'),array(" " => "", "'" => "")));
// Let's remove incorrect names.
foreach ($ignore_users as $i => $v) if (!$this->IsWikiName($v)) unset($ignore_users[$i]);
// Let's add current user.
array_push($ignore_users, $this->GetPageOwner($tag));
// For compatibility with Wikka 1.1.6.x
if ($this->method != '') $this_handler = $this->method; else $this_handler = $this->handler;
if (method_exists($this,'GetCookie')) $this_cookie = $this->GetCookie("TRBCounter".$pagetag); else $this_cookie = $this->GetWikkaCookie("TRBCounter".$pagetag);
// Counter is incremented if currently logged user in not in $ignore_users
// We check if handler == show to prevent counter from being incremented while viewing page's history.
// We only increment while viewing latest revision (older revisions are probably being viewed by editors).
// We only increment if the cookie is not set.
if ((($this_handler == 'show') && ($this->page['latest'] == 'Y') && (!array_search($this->GetUserName(), $ignore_users))) && !$this_cookie)
$this->Query("UPDATE `".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages` SET `hits` = `hits` + 1 WHERE tag='$pagetag' AND latest='Y'") or die("Unable to process query: " . mysql_error());
// Creating a cookie to make counter reload-proof (6 hours)
// USING SetPersistentCookie FOR COMPATIBILITY WITH 1.1.6.x
// Should we update the last_visited value?
if ($this->GetConfigValue('page_hit_counter_last_visited_enable'))
$this->Query("UPDATE `".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages` SET `last_visited` = NOW() WHERE tag='$pagetag' AND latest='Y'") or die("Unable to process query: " . mysql_error());
// Should we display the counter?
if (($showcounter !='off' && $showcounter !='owner') or ($showcounter =='owner' && $this->GetUserName() == $this->GetPageOwner($tag)))
// Yes, let's see if the translation is available
if (!defined('PAGE_HIT_COUNTER')) define('PAGE_HIT_COUNTER','Total hits: %s');
// Start output of counter
echo (":: <span class=\"counter\">"); echo sprintf(PAGE_HIT_COUNTER,"<span class=\"hits\">".$hit_count."</span>"); echo ("</span>");
3. Create an action file counter.php in a proper place
For an unstable Wikka this will be actions/counter/counter.php.For Wikka 1.1.6.x this will be actions/counter.php.
switch(strtolower($show)) {
case 'disabled':
case 'disable':
case 'off':
case 'no':
case 'owner':
if ($ignore != '') $this->SetConfigValue('page_hit_counter_ignore_users',$ignore);
switch(strtolower($show)) {
case 'disabled':
case 'disable':
case 'off':
case 'no':
case 'owner':
if ($ignore != '') $this->SetConfigValue('page_hit_counter_ignore_users',$ignore);
4. Create an action file nocounter.php in a proper place (optional)
If you keep your counter enabled globally, and wish to have the possibility to easily disable it, create an action file nocounter.php.For an unstable Wikka this will be actions/nocounter/nocounter.php.
For Wikka 1.1.6.x this will be actions/nocounter.php.
Writing {{nocounter}} is exactly the same as {{counter show="disable"}} just shorter.
5. Reverting changes in Wakka class and edit handler
This section is only for people upgrading from GmBowenCounter or TRBCounter version prior to 0.4.In previous versions of this add-on you were advised to make some changes to your edit handler and Wakka class. Now you need to revert them to originals.
5a. Reverting edit.php handler
In an unstable Wikka open a file handlers/edit/edit.php. In Wikka open a file handlers/page/edit.php. Search for a line:$this->SavePage($this->tag, $body, $note, $this->page['hits']);
and change it to:
$this->SavePage($this->tag, $body, $note);
It should be in line number 130 ( or line number 133 (
5b. Reverting the Wakka class
Open a file libs/Wakka.class.php and search for function SavePage. In my unstable Wikka it is around line 1867. In official it is in line 608.Change
function SavePage($tag, $body, $note, $pagehits)
function SavePage($tag, $body, $note)
Just a few lines below find the line:
hits = '".mysql_real_escape_string($pagehits)."',
and delete it.
6. Add the code to your footer.php
For an unstable Wikka and Wikka this will be templates/footer.php.For Wikka this will be actions/footer.php.
Search for:
<?php echo $this->FormClose(); ?>
and above it add:
<?php require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'libs/counter.lib.php'); ?>
7. Add translation for the 'Total hits' text (Wikka >= only) (optional)
Open lang/xx/ (substitute xx for a code of your language). Search for a line beginning with define('SEARCH_LABEL', and add the following line below it:...of course replacing Total hits with your translated text. The symbol %s will be replaced by a number.
8. Add a global counter settings (optional)
Open wikka.config.php and add the following lines:'show_page_hit_counter' => 'on',
This will globally set your counter on/off and display/hide it. Instead of 'on' you can use 'off' or 'owner'. The default is 'disabled'.
'page_hit_counter_ignore_users' => 'UserName1, UserName2',
This will set usernames that shouldn't increment the counter. It doesn't influence if counter is displayed. You can override this setting by using action's counter parameter ignore="".
'page_hit_counter_disable_pages' => 'PageIndex, RecentChanges, RecentlyCommented, MostVisited, UserSettings, TextSearch, TextSearchExpanded',
This will disable counter on the pages listed above. Customize your list as desired.
'page_hit_counter_last_visited_enable' => 'true',
This will turn on recording of a date and time of last visit.
9. Edit your wikka.css file (optional)
You may change the way a counter is displayed on page, by adding lines to css/wikka.css, for example like this:.counter {font-size: smaller;} /* influences whole counter text */
.counter .hits {font-weight: bolder;} /* influences just the number */
.counter .hits {font-weight: bolder;} /* influences just the number */
Please test and give feedback. Regards, --KrzysztofTrybowski