Revision history for SystemRequirements

Revision [22858]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:42 by KlausBrune [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:SystemRequirements | Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[ | old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:SystemRequirements Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<

Revision [18065]

Edited on 2008-01-27 02:34:53 by KlausBrune [Migrated to doc server]
<<===This page has moved===
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:SystemRequirements Wikka Documentation Server]].
Thanks for updating your bookmarks!
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
====System Requirements====
<<More information on [[SysInfo this server]]<<::c::
Basic system requirements for installing Wikka:
~-Access to a web server with at least 1Mb of free disk space (a fresh Wikka install takes around 700Kb of disk space)
~-**[[PHP]] 4.1** or above (including 5.0 if the ##mysql## (not ##mysqli##) extensions are installed)
~-**MySQL 3.23** or above (the size of the database depends on your needs)
~-mod_rewrite Apache module
~-the ##lostpassword## and the ##feedback## actions depend on PHP being configured to send mails (standard on unix)

Revision [15151]

Edited on 2006-08-17 16:19:24 by KlausBrune [Fixed a typo]
~-the ##lostpassword## and the ##feedback## actions depend on PHP being configured to send mails (standard on unix)
~-the ##lostpassword## and the ##feedback## actions depend on PHP beeing configured to send mails (standard on unix)

Revision [9548]

Edited on 2005-06-23 14:06:43 by DarTar [fixed PHP version required - since Wikka can work on PHP 4.1+]
~-**[[PHP]] 4.1** or above (including 5.0 if the ##mysql## (not ##mysqli##) extensions are installed)
~-**[[PHP]] 4.3** or above (including 5.0 if the ##mysql## (not ##mysqli##) extensions are installed)

Revision [9547]

Edited on 2005-06-23 14:01:12 by DarTar [minor]
~-**[[PHP]] 4.3** or above (including 5.0 if the ##mysql## (not ##mysqli##) extensions are installed)
~-the ##lostpassword## and the ##feedback## actions depend on PHP beeing configured to send mails (standard on unix)
~-**Php 4.3** or above (including 5.0 if the ##mysql## (not ##mysqli##) extensions are installed)
~-the "lostpassword" and the "feedback" action depend on php beeing able to send mails (standard on unix)

Revision [9545]

Edited on 2005-06-23 13:57:34 by NilsLindenberg [optionel (sending mail)]
~-the "lostpassword" and the "feedback" action depend on php beeing able to send mails (standard on unix)

Revision [6012]

Edited on 2005-02-16 02:32:07 by BarkerJr [PHP 5 works great, too!]
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
====System Requirements====

<<More information on [[SysInfo this server]]<<::c::

Basic system requirements for installing Wikka:

~-Access to a web server with at least 1Mb of free disk space (a fresh Wikka install takes around 700Kb of disk space)
~-**Php 4.3** or above (including 5.0 if the ##mysql## (not ##mysqli##) extensions are installed)
~-**MySQL 3.23** or above (the size of the database depends on your needs)

~-mod_rewrite Apache module

[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
====System Requirements====

<<More information on [[SysInfo this server]]<<::c::

Basic system requirements for installing Wikka:

~-Access to a web server with at least 1Mb of free disk space (a fresh Wikka install takes around 700Kb of disk space)
~-**Php 4.3** or above (not tested with php-5.0)
~-**MySQL 3.23** or above (the size of the database depends on your needs)

~-mod_rewrite Apache module


Revision [4196]

Edited on 2005-01-07 15:06:06 by DarTar [Adding link]
<<More information on [[SysInfo this server]]<<::c::

Revision [1901]

Edited on 2004-10-18 08:15:09 by NilsLindenberg [updated requirements]
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
~-**Php 4.3** or above (not tested with php-5.0)
[[HelpInfo Wikka Documentation]]
~-**Php 4.1** or above (not tested with php-5.0)

Revision [1608]

Edited on 2004-10-04 16:38:20 by DarTar [Added system requirements. Can anyone confirm?]
Basic system requirements for installing Wikka:
~-Access to a web server with at least 1Mb of free disk space (a fresh Wikka install takes around 700Kb of disk space)
~-**Php 4.1** or above (not tested with php-5.0)
~-**MySQL 3.23** or above (the size of the database depends on your needs)
~-mod_rewrite Apache module
To install Wikka, you have to fullfill the following requirements:
1) You need a webserver who is able to handle php (4.x or higher?)
1) You need webspace
1) You need access to a database

Revision [1601]

Edited on 2004-10-04 09:21:36 by NilsLindenberg [Added system requirements. Can anyone confirm?]

No Differences

Revision [1600]

Edited on 2004-10-04 09:21:19 by NilsLindenberg [Added system requirements. Can anyone confirm?]
1) You need access to a database
1) You need access t oa database

Revision [1599]

Edited on 2004-10-04 09:20:47 by NilsLindenberg [Added system requirements. Can anyone confirm?]
To install Wikka, you have to fullfill the following requirements:
1) You need a webserver who is able to handle php (4.x or higher?)
1) You need webspace
1) You need access t oa database
test this should be the requirements page

Revision [1597]

Edited on 2004-10-04 09:12:57 by NilsLindenberg [Added system requirements. Can anyone confirm?]
[[HelpInfo Wikka Documentation]]
====System Requirements====
test this should be the requirements page

test this should be the requirements page

Revision [1594]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2004-10-03 23:55:32 by RoseHa [Added system requirements. Can anyone confirm?]
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