First a warning, I am new to php and mysql, what I did was mostly trial and trial and trial and lots of errors - so if you find redudant code or you have suggestions for improvements , please tell me!

What does it do?

This hack of mine gives the users the possibility to mark pageupdates as minor changes (typos etc.). I also wrote an action called "recentmajorchanges" which allows the user to see only major, only minor or all changes during a number of days.

What has to be changed?

Known Issues

the handler "clone" throws a warning. Just add a ",0" to the SavePage(...) function call, i.e.
 $this->SavePage($to, $pagecontent, $note,0); #create target page.

I don't know if there are calls to SavePage anywhere else. If so, these actions etc. will also throw a warning, but they should work despite the warning.

to do

Change to the MYSQL Database

As a fist step you have to add a cell to the table "pages" in the MYSQL Database called "minorchange", which consists of a boolean value. FALSE or 0 meaning "no minor change", TRUE or !=0 means "minorchange"

the MYSQL Query is:
ALTER TABLE `wikka_pages` ADD `minorchange` BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';

NOTE: I'm assuming you use the standart table prefix wikka_ here!

The PHP Code

Changes in /libs/wakka.class.php

The function SavePage in /libs/wakka.class.php has to be altered to be able to save the minorchange flag. inserted lines are commented
    function SavePage($tag, $body, $note, $minorchange) //editet by FishPete
        if (!isset($minorchange)) $minorchange='0';// inserted by FishPete; if SavePage is called without the $minorchange parameter, assume no minorchange and continue
    // get current user
        $user = $this->GetUserName();

        // TODO: check write privilege
        if ($this->HasAccess("write", $tag))
            // is page new?
            if (!$oldPage = $this->LoadPage($tag))
                // current user is owner if user is logged in, otherwise, no owner.
                if ($this->GetUser()) $owner = $user;
                // aha! page isn't new. keep owner!
                $owner = $oldPage["owner"];

            // set all other revisions to old
            $this->Query("update ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages set latest = 'N' where tag = '".mysql_real_escape_string($tag)."'");

            // add new revision
            $this->Query("insert into ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages set ".
                "tag = '".mysql_real_escape_string($tag)."', ".
                "time = now(), ".
                "owner = '".mysql_real_escape_string($owner)."', ".
                "user = '".mysql_real_escape_string($user)."', ".
                "note = '".mysql_real_escape_string($note)."', ".
                "latest = 'Y', ".
                "minorchange = ".$minorchange.", ". // inserted by FishPete
                "body = '".mysql_real_escape_string($body)."'");
      if ($pingdata = $this->GetPingParams($this->config["wikiping_server"], $tag, $user, $note))


I wrote a function to display changes during the last days to be used instead of LoadRecentlyChanged() Just insert it right after the function LoadRecentlyChanged()

  /*$interval: number of days which should be displayed
  * $show: whether to show all, only major or only minor changes  
  * returns array of pages which were changed during the last ($interval) days and are according to $show criteria

function LoadChangedDuringLastDays($interval, $show)
    switch ($show)
      case 'all':
        $param=''; //no additional parameter in the MYSQL Query
      case 'major':
        $param='AND minorchange = 0'; //to be used in the MYSQL Query
      case 'minor':
        $param='AND minorchange !=0'; //to be used in the MYSQL Query
    if ($pages = $this->LoadAll("select * from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages where time> DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL ".$interval." DAY) ".$param." order by time desc"))
          foreach ($pages as $page)
            return $pages;

Changes in /handlers/page/edit.php

The next thing to do is add a checkbox to /handlers/pages/edit.php which allows the user to mark a change as a minor one. Since the little code changes are all over the place in this file I'll post the whole file on MinorEditHackEditPHP. The lines I changed are commented with " edited by FishPete. Just search for FishPete in the file and it should take you to the new lines.
29.6.06: I just added a line to edit.php to show the checkbox during "preview mode". -FishPete

The action RecentMajorChanges

This file is mainly the action recentchanges which I altered a bit. Save this code as /actions/recentmajorchanges.php
I took out the user specific maximum of changes to show, but its easy to take it back in. just un-comment the lines .
Pages which were edited twice appear twice in the list. That's a feature, not a bug ;-)

 * Display a list of recently changed pages, distinguishes between major and minor changes
 * @package     Actions
 * @name            RecentChanges
 * @author      {@link Hendrik Mans} (wakka code)
 * @author      {@link Dario Taraborelli} (preliminary code cleanup)
 * @author      {@link Peter Fischaleck} (minor changes hack)
 * @param: $days_to_show: how many days of changes should be displayed.
 * @param: $what_to_show: eather 'minor', 'major' or 'all' changes should be displayed  

if(!defined('REVISION_DATE_FORMAT')) define('REVISION_DATE_FORMAT', 'D, d M Y');
if(!defined('REVISION_TIME_FORMAT')) define('REVISION_TIME_FORMAT', 'H:i T');
if (!defined('PAGE_EDITOR_DIVIDER')) define ('PAGE_EDITOR_DIVIDER', '&#8594;');
if (!defined('MAX_REVISION_NUMBER')) define ('MAX_REVISION_NUMBER', '50');

if (!defined('RECENT_MAJOR_CHANGES_HEADING')) define('RECENT_MAJOR_CHANGES_HEADING', '=====Major Changes During the Last %s Day(s)====='); //edited 4.7.2006
if (!defined('RECENT_MINOR_CHANGES_HEADING')) define('RECENT_MINOR_CHANGES_HEADING', '=====Minor Changes During the Last %s Day(s)====='); //edited 4.7.2006
if (!defined('All_RECENT_CHANGES_HEADING')) define('ALL_RECENT_CHANGES_HEADING', '=====Changes During the Last %s Day(s)=====');           //edited 4.7.2006
// if (!defined('WORD_FOR_DAY')) define ('WORD_FOR_DAY', ' Day(s)');   //edited 4.7.2006
if (!defined('SHOW_ALL_BUTTON_TEXT')) define ('SHOW_ALL_BUTTON_TEXT', 'show all changes');
if (!defined('SHOW_MINOR_BUTTON_TEXT')) define ('SHOW_MINOR_BUTTON_TEXT', 'show only minor changes');
if (!defined('SHOW_MAJOR_BUTTON_TEXT')) define ('SHOW_MAJOR_BUTTON_TEXT', 'show only major changes');

if (!defined('UNREGISTERED_USER')) define('UNREGISTERED_USER', 'unregistered user ');    
if (!defined('LABEL_HISTORY')) define('LABEL_HISTORY', 'history');
if (!defined('TITLE_REVISION_LINK')) define('TITLE_REVISION_LINK', 'View recent revisions list for %s');
if (!defined('TITLE_HISTORY_LINK')) define('TITLE_HISTORY_LINK', 'View edit history of %s');
if (!defined('WIKIPING_ENABLED')) define('WIKIPING_ENABLED', 'WikiPing enabled: Changes on this wiki are broadcast to <a href="http://%1$s">http://%1$s</a>');
if (!defined('NO_RECENTLY_CHANGED_PAGES')) define ('NO_RECENTLY_CHANGED_PAGES', 'There are no recently changed pages.');
if (!defined('NO_READABLE_RECENTLY_CHANGED_PAGES')) define ('NO_READABLE_RECENTLY_CHANGED_PAGES', 'There are no recently changed pages you have access to.');

//$max = 0;
$readable = 0;

if ( !isset($days_to_show)) $days_to_show = 7;
$what_to_show = 'major';

// get the parameters
if (is_array($vars))
  foreach ($vars as $param => $value)
       switch ($param)
         case 'days':
           $days_to_show = $value;
         case 'show':
           switch ($value)
            case ('all'):
              $heading = ALL_RECENT_CHANGES_HEADING;
            case ('minor'):
              $heading = RECENT_MINOR_CHANGES_HEADING;
            case ('major'):

if (isset($_REQUEST['show_minor']))
  if (isset($_REQUEST['days']) && ($_REQUEST['days']>0)) $days_to_show=$_REQUEST['days'];

if (isset($_REQUEST['show_major']))
  if (isset($_REQUEST['days'])&& ($_REQUEST['days']>0)) $days_to_show=$_REQUEST['days'];

if (isset($_REQUEST['show_all']))
  if (isset($_REQUEST['days'])&& ($_REQUEST['days']>0)) $days_to_show=$_REQUEST['days'];

echo $this->FormOpen("", "", "get");
      Show pages changed up unto
      <input name="days" type="text", size="1" maxlenght="2" value="'
.$days_to_show.'"> days ago<br>
      <input name="show_major" type="submit" value="'
      <input name="show_minor" type="submit" value="'
      <input name="show_all" type="submit" value="'
echo $this->FormClose();

echo $this->Format(sprintf($heading, $days_to_show).' --- '); //edited 4.7.2006
if ($pages = $this->LoadChangedDuringLastDays($days_to_show, $what_to_show)) //edited by FishPete
    $curday = '';
    //print feed link icon
    //echo '<p><a href="'.$this->href('recentchanges.xml', $this->page['tag']).'"><img src="images/xml.png" width="36" height="14" alt="XML" /></a></p>'."\n";

    /*if ($user = $this->GetUser())      
        $max = $user['changescount'];
    } else
        $max = MAX_REVISION_NUMBER;

    //foreach ($pages as $i => $page)
    foreach ($pages as $page)
        //if (($i < $max) && $this->HasAccess('read', $page['tag']))
    if ($this->HasAccess('read', $page['tag'])) //edited by FishPete
            // day header
            list($day, $time) = explode(' ', $page['time']);
            if ($day != $curday)
                $dateformatted = date(REVISION_DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($day));

                if ($curday)
                    echo '</span><br />'."\n";
                echo '<strong>'.$dateformatted.':</strong><br />'."\n".'<span class="recentchanges">'."\n";
                $curday = $day;

            $timeformatted = date(REVISION_TIME_FORMAT, strtotime($page["time"]));
            $page_edited_by = $page['user'];   
            if (!$this->LoadUser($page_edited_by)) $page_edited_by .= ' ('.UNREGISTERED_USER.')';

            // print entry
            if ($page['note'])
                $note = ' <span class="pagenote">['.$this->htmlspecialchars_ent($page['note']).']</span>';
                $note = '';
                echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;('.$this->Link($page['tag'], 'revisions', $timeformatted, 0, 1, sprintf(TITLE_REVISION_LINK, $page['tag'])).') ['.$this->Link($page['tag'], 'history', LABEL_HISTORY, 0, 1, sprintf(TITLE_HISTORY_LINK, $page['tag'])).'] - &nbsp;'.$this->Link($page['tag'], '', '', 0).' '.PAGE_EDITOR_DIVIDER.' '.$page_edited_by.' '.$note.'<br />'."\n";
  if ($readable == 0)
        echo '<em>'.NO_READABLE_RECENTLY_CHANGED_PAGES.'</em>';
    echo '</span>'."\n";

    //wikiping instructions
    $wikipingserver = $this->config['wikiping_server'];
    if (!$wikipingserver == '')
        $wikipingserver_url_parsed = parse_url($wikipingserver);
        $wikipingserver_host = $wikipingserver_url_parsed['host'];
        printf('<br /><br />['.WIKIPING_ENABLED.']', $wikipingserver_host);
    echo '<em>'.NO_RECENTLY_CHANGED_PAGES.'</em>';
echo $this->Format(' ::c:: ');

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