Revision [12234]

This is an old revision of MigrateFromWackoWiki made by NilsLindenberg on 2005-12-12 10:06:56.


Migrating from Wackowiki to Wikkawiki


It's possible to upgrade from WackoWiki R3.5 with only one minor edit in the wakka.config.php file! [Well, not exactly...apparently, there are several "public" pages which are never created during the upgrade process, so your system will not be fully functional. But in a crunch, this will work.] Simply untar WikkaWiki in its own directory, and copy the wakka.config.php file from your WackoWiki installation directory to your new WikkaWiki directory. Rename this file to wikka.config.php. Change the "base_url" parameter in the wikka.config.php file to "", then access your WikkaWiki directory through your web browser.

OK, I lied...there are a few other changes that need to be made. You will find that the Login link no longer works on your newly upgraded wiki (presumably because Wacko uses separate login and register actions). You'll be given the opportunity to edit this page...enter the following as the page contents:

Login If you already have a login, sign in here:

Password forgotten Log in with your password reminder:



Also, you'll need to add the following page contents to your Categories page:

List of All Categories

Below is the list of all Categories existing on this Wiki, granted that users did things right when they created their pages or new Categories. See WikiCategory for how the system works.

The following 3 page(s) belong to MigrateFromWackoWiki

BrianKoontz [BrianKoontz]
CodeContributions [User-contributed extensions for WikkaWiki]
UpgradingFromWackoWiki [UpgradingFromWackoWiki]


When you're through, you'll probably want to lock down the permissions on these pages so they aren't editable.

I've not completed a thorough inspection of the new site yet, but it appears to be intact. Your mileage may vary, void where prohibited. Tested with WikkaWiki and WackoWiki R3.5. I'm sure there's an easier way!
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