Revision history for HomePageNew

Revision [23121]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:46 by YanB [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
**""WikkaWiki""** is a [[Docs:WikiEngine | wiki engine]] forked from WakkaWiki which is
- [[Docs:FlexibleWikka | flexible]], [[Docs:WikkaStandards | standards-compliant]], [[Docs:LightweightInfo | lightweight]]
- designed for [[Docs:SpeedInfo | speed]], [[Docs:ExtensibleInfo | extensibility]], and security
- released under the [[Docs:LicenseInfo | GPL]] license, i.e. [[LicenseInfo | open source]].
=== [[Demo:HomePage | Demo]] ===
Check out the [[Docs:WikkaFeatures | features]] and the [[Demo:FormattingRules | formatting rules]], and play in the [[Demo:SandBox | SandBox]]!
See [[Docs:WikkaInAction | Wikka in action]]! {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" link="WikkaInAction" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
=== [[Docs:WikkaDocumentation | Documentation]] ===
- [[Docs:WikkaInstallation | Install]]
- [[Docs:UpgradeNotes | Upgrade]]
- [[WikkaWorkarounds | Troubleshooting]]
=== [[UserMap | Community]] / [[CreditsPage | Credits]] ===
Check out the hundreds of [[WikkaSites | websites that use wikka]] and [[IndependentWikkaReviews | read why]].
Subscribe to the[[ | release mailing list]], or help [[SpreadTheWord | spread the word]].
=== [[ | Development]] ===
Report [[ | bugs]], request [[ | features]], or install [[CodeContributions | user-contributed extensions]]. Are you a developer? You can [[WelcomeDeveloper | help us]].
=== [[WikkaIntegration | Integration]] ===
=== [[RecentChanges | Recent changes]] : RSS feeds ===
**""WikkaWiki""** is a [[Docs:WikiEngine wiki engine]] forked from WakkaWiki which is
- [[Docs:FlexibleWikka flexible]], [[Docs:WikkaStandards standards-compliant]], [[Docs:LightweightInfo lightweight]]
- designed for [[Docs:SpeedInfo speed]], [[Docs:ExtensibleInfo extensibility]], and security
- released under the [[Docs:LicenseInfo GPL]] license, i.e. [[LicenseInfo open source]].
=== [[Demo:HomePage Demo]] ===
Check out the [[Docs:WikkaFeatures features]] and the [[Demo:FormattingRules formatting rules]], and play in the [[Demo:SandBox SandBox]]!
See [[Docs:WikkaInAction Wikka in action]]! {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" link="WikkaInAction" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
=== [[Docs:WikkaDocumentation Documentation]] ===
- [[Docs:WikkaInstallation Install]]
- [[Docs:UpgradeNotes Upgrade]]
- [[WikkaWorkarounds Troubleshooting]]
=== [[UserMap Community]] / [[CreditsPage Credits]] ===
Check out the hundreds of [[WikkaSites websites that use wikka]] and [[IndependentWikkaReviews read why]].
Subscribe to the[[ release mailing list]], or help [[SpreadTheWord spread the word]].
=== [[ Development]] ===
Report [[ bugs]], request [[ features]], or install [[CodeContributions user-contributed extensions]]. Are you a developer? You can [[WelcomeDeveloper help us]].
=== [[WikkaIntegration Integration]] ===
=== [[RecentChanges Recent changes]] : RSS feeds ===

Revision [18896]

Edited on 2008-01-28 00:13:02 by YanB [Modified links pointing to docs server]
**""WikkaWiki""** is a [[Docs:WikiEngine wiki engine]] forked from WakkaWiki which is
- [[Docs:FlexibleWikka flexible]], [[Docs:WikkaStandards standards-compliant]], [[Docs:LightweightInfo lightweight]]
- designed for [[Docs:SpeedInfo speed]], [[Docs:ExtensibleInfo extensibility]], and security
- released under the [[Docs:LicenseInfo GPL]] license, i.e. [[LicenseInfo open source]].
Check out the [[Docs:WikkaFeatures features]] and the [[Demo:FormattingRules formatting rules]], and play in the [[Demo:SandBox SandBox]]!
See [[Docs:WikkaInAction Wikka in action]]! {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" link="WikkaInAction" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
=== [[Docs:WikkaDocumentation Documentation]] ===
- [[Docs:WikkaInstallation Install]]
- [[Docs:UpgradeNotes Upgrade]]
**""WikkaWiki""** is a [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] forked from WakkaWiki which is
- [[FlexibleWikka flexible]], [[WikkaStandards standards-compliant]], [[LightweightInfo lightweight]]
- designed for [[SpeedInfo speed]], [[ExtensibleInfo extensibility]], and security
- released under the [[LicenseInfo GPL]] license, i.e. [[LicenseInfo open source]].
Check out the [[WikkaFeatures features]] and the [[Demo:FormattingRules formatting rules]], and play in the [[Demo:SandBox SandBox]]!
See [[WikkaInAction Wikka in action]]! {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" link="WikkaInAction" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
=== [[WikkaDocumentation Documentation]] ===
- [[WikkaInstallation Install]]
- [[UpgradeNotes Upgrade]]

Revision [14694]

Edited on 2006-06-24 10:37:43 by YanB [editing: new version]
**""WikkaWiki""** is a [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] forked from WakkaWiki which is
- [[FlexibleWikka flexible]], [[WikkaStandards standards-compliant]], [[LightweightInfo lightweight]]
- written in [[PHP]], it uses MySQL to store pages
Check out the [[WikkaFeatures features]] and the [[Demo:FormattingRules formatting rules]], and play in the [[Demo:SandBox SandBox]]!
See [[WikkaInAction Wikka in action]]! {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" link="WikkaInAction" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
- [[WikkaInstallation Install]]
- [[UpgradeNotes Upgrade]]
- [[WikkaWorkarounds Troubleshooting]]
Check out the hundreds of [[WikkaSites websites that use wikka]] and [[IndependentWikkaReviews read why]].
Subscribe to the[[ release mailing list]], or help [[SpreadTheWord spread the word]].
Report [[ bugs]], request [[ features]], or install [[CodeContributions user-contributed extensions]]. Are you a developer? You can [[WelcomeDeveloper help us]].
=== [[RecentChanges Recent changes]] : RSS feeds ===
**""WikkaWiki""** is a [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] which is
- [[FlexibleWikka flexible]]
- [[WikkaStandards standards-compliant]]
- [[LightweightInfo lightweight]]
- written in [[PHP]]
- using MySQL to store pages
- forked from WakkaWiki
Check out the [[WikkaFeatures features]] and [[SystemRequirements System requirements]], then the [[Demo:FormattingRules formatting rules]] and then play in the [[Demo:SandBox SandBox]]. Or [[WikkaInAction see the action]]! {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" link="WikkaInAction" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
You need help [[WikkaInstallation installing]], [[UpgradeNotes upgrading]], [[WikkaWorkarounds troubleshooting]]?
Report [[ bugs]], request [[ features]], browse [[ open issues]] or install [[CodeContributions user-contributed extensions]]. Developers are [[WelcomeDeveloper welcome]].
[[WikkaSites Who]] uses wikka and [[IndependentWikkaReviews why]]? See if we are in [[TheLounge #wikka]], subscribe to the[[ release mailing list]], or help [[SpreadTheWord spread the word]].
=== [[RecentChanges Recent changes]] ===

Revision [14693]

Edited on 2006-06-24 09:11:18 by NilsLindenberg [small change]
Be up-to-date by subscribing to any of the following feeds:

Revision [14692]

Edited on 2006-06-24 09:08:05 by NilsLindenberg [an approach for the new HomePage, please comment!]
**""WikkaWiki""** is a [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] which is
- [[FlexibleWikka flexible]]
- [[WikkaStandards standards-compliant]]
- [[LightweightInfo lightweight]]
- written in [[PHP]]
- using MySQL to store pages
- designed for [[SpeedInfo speed]], [[ExtensibleInfo extensibility]], and security
- released under the [[LicenseInfo GPL]] license, i.e. [[LicenseInfo open source]].
- forked from WakkaWiki
=== [[Demo:HomePage Demo]] ===
Check out the [[WikkaFeatures features]] and [[SystemRequirements System requirements]], then the [[Demo:FormattingRules formatting rules]] and then play in the [[Demo:SandBox SandBox]]. Or [[WikkaInAction see the action]]! {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" link="WikkaInAction" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
=== [[WikkaDocumentation Documentation]] ===
You need help [[WikkaInstallation installing]], [[UpgradeNotes upgrading]], [[WikkaWorkarounds troubleshooting]]?
=== [[ Development]] ===
Report [[ bugs]], request [[ features]], browse [[ open issues]] or install [[CodeContributions user-contributed extensions]]. Developers are [[WelcomeDeveloper welcome]].
=== [[UserMap Community]] / [[CreditsPage Credits]] ===
[[WikkaSites Who]] uses wikka and [[IndependentWikkaReviews why]]? See if we are in [[TheLounge #wikka]], subscribe to the[[ release mailing list]], or help [[SpreadTheWord spread the word]].
=== [[WikkaIntegration Integration]] ===
Something different then a wiki? Use wikka with CMS, blog engines, bulletin boards, etc...
=== [[RecentChanges Recent changes]] ===
Be up-to-date by subscribing to any of the following feeds:
<a href="" title="recent changes to the Wikka website"><img src="images/xml.png" alt="xml icon" /></a> website <a href="" title="recent changes to the code repository"><img src="images/xml.png" alt="xml icon" /></a> code <a href="" title="recent changes to the tracker"><img src="images/xml.png" alt="xml icon" /></a> issue tracker <a href="" title="currently active tickets"><img src="images/xml.png" alt="xml icon" /></a> active tickets <a href="" title="Open mindmap in a new window" target="_blank"><img alt="mm icon" src="images/mm.png" /></a> website
"" ::c::
===What is Wikka? ===
WikkaWiki is a [[FlexibleWikka flexible]], [[WikkaStandards standards-compliant]] and [[LightweightInfo lightweight]] [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] written in [[PHP]], which uses MySQL to store pages. Forked from WakkaWiki. Designed for [[SpeedInfo speed]], [[ExtensibleInfo extensibility]], and security. Released under the [[LicenseInfo GPL]] license.
~- [[WikkaFeatures Features]]: things you can do with Wikka.
~- [[SystemRequirements System requirements]]: what you need to install the package.
~- [[WikkaSites Wikka sites]]: a list of sites in //36 languages// powered by Wikka.
~- [[IndependentWikkaReviews Wikka reviews]]: opinions about Wikka.
~- See [[WikkaInAction Wikka in action]]! {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" link="WikkaInAction" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
</div>""===Try it out===
A [[Demo:HomePage demo server]] running the latest stable version (**##[[WhatsNew]]##**) is available for testing. Check out the [[Demo:FormattingRules formatting rules]] and then play in the [[Demo:SandBox SandBox]]. You can also [[Demo:UserSettings register]] a free account to test user-related features (including [[CreateNewPage page creation]], [[CloneHandlerInfo page cloning]], [[PageDeletionInfo page deletion]], [[ACLInfo ACL editing]] etc...). The demo server is reset every night to system defaults .
===Quick Help===
~-[[WikkaInstallation Installing]]
~-[[UpgradeNotes Upgrading]]
~-[[UpgradingFromWakkaWiki Migrating from WakkaWiki]]
~-[[WikkaWorkarounds Troubleshooting]]
===Documentation ===
Need help? Check the official [[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation pages]].
You can [[ subscribe]] to the list for announcements of Wikka releases and important news.
===Plugins and extensions===
Several [[CodeContributions user-contributed extensions]] are available for downloading.
===Discuss and contribute===
On this server you can discuss and contribute to the [[ development]] of Wikka or just share your ideas with the Wikka user community. Simply register a free [[UserSettings account]] and join an [[CategoryCategory existing discussion]] or start a [[CreateNewPage new page]]. Wikka is an [[LicenseInfo open source]] project and welcomes contributions from new developers. If you intend to contribute code to Wikka, please read this [[WelcomeDeveloper welcome page]] to get started. For a general overview of discussions related to Wikka development please refer to the [[CategoryDevelopment Wikka Development Category]].
===Bugs and features requests ===
You can suggest new [[ features]], report [[ bugs]], or browse the list of currently [[ open issues]] via our [[ tracker]].
""<div style="float:right; margin: 10px 10px 10px 30px; padding: 4px 8px 2px 8px; width:25%; background-color:#FEE; border:1px solid #EDD"><h5>A new home for Wikka</h5><p>Come <a href="">share your thoughts</a> on the new Wikka server.</p></div>""===Internationalization/Localization===
If you are interested in how to adapt Wikka to //speak your language// or //support non-western writing systems//, you can learn more on [[WikkaLocalization this page]].
Interested in how to integrate Wikka with your blog or forum? You can check out the [[WikkaIntegration list of current integration projects]] with other software, including CMS, blog engines, bulletin boards, etc...
=== Syndicate ===
You can keep up-to-date with the latest developments by subscribing to any of the following feeds:
<a href="" title="recent changes to the Wikka website"><img src="images/xml.png" alt="xml icon" /></a> recent changes to the Wikka website<br />
<a href="" title="recent changes to the code repository"><img src="images/xml.png" alt="xml icon" /></a> recent changes to the code repository<br />
<a href="" title="recent changes to the tracker"><img src="images/xml.png" alt="xml icon" /></a> recent changes to the tracker<br />
<a href="" title="currently active tickets"><img src="images/xml.png" alt="xml icon" /></a> currently active tickets</div>"" ::c::Tracking specific //pages//, //files// or //tickets// is also possible using the feed link at the bottom of each page.
Recently changed pages on this server can also be displayed as a ""<a href="" title="Open mindmap in a new window" target="_blank"><img alt="mm icon" src="images/mm.png" /></a>"" [[MindMapRecentChanges mindmap]] .
===Support this project ===
Do you like WikkaWiki? You can [[IndependentWikkaReviews drop us a line]] or help [[SpreadTheWord spread the word]].
Want to know who's behind WikkaWiki? Or discuss some brilliant new Wikka ideas?
Join us on the## [[TheLounge #wikka]]## channel at
Introducing [[CreditsPage the Wikka crew]].

Revision [14691]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2006-06-24 08:27:38 by NilsLindenberg [an approach for the new HomePage, please comment!]
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