Revisions for GmBowenWikkaAsPIM
[20731] 2009-06-28 17:03:18 by DanieleCruciani
[19363] 2008-01-28 00:15:26 by GmBowen [Modified links pointing to docs server]
[17574] 2007-10-01 17:07:13 by GmBowen
[14740] 2006-06-29 12:08:41 by NilsLindenberg [line numbers]
[5944] 2005-02-12 12:50:29 by JavaWoman [Added warning about using the correct prefix for table creation]
[5888] 2005-02-10 19:27:42 by PolVazo
[4749] 2005-01-17 14:43:06 by NilsLindenberg [cat. changed]
[4254] 2005-01-08 04:04:48 by GmBowen [updated code for usertasks.php to prevent function conflicts]
[4243] 2005-01-08 01:25:34 by NilsLindenberg [replaced last wakka_task + information (taskmanager)]
[4242] 2005-01-08 01:00:35 by NilsLindenberg [replaced every wakka_task in the taskmanager functions with ".$this->config["table_pref]
[4213] 2005-01-07 17:17:26 by GmBowen [update of month/day/entry scheduler code (to include bad word filter)]
[4204] 2005-01-07 16:06:24 by GmBowen [further update of comments on function conflicts]
[4201] 2005-01-07 15:40:48 by GmBowen [update of comments on function conflicts]
[4197] 2005-01-07 15:15:59 by GmBowen [further reply to JW]
[4195] 2005-01-07 15:02:53 by GmBowen [reply to JW....basically, I've tried & I'm stuck :(]
[4124] 2005-01-07 07:54:03 by JavaWoman [comment about including functions]
[4119] 2005-01-07 02:57:42 by GmBowen [updated code for scheduler & month-schedule view action]
[4117] 2005-01-07 02:18:32 by GmBowen [updated code for scheduler & a new month-schedule view action & replaced bad word function]
[4116] 2005-01-07 02:05:22 by GmBowen [updated code for scheduler & a new month-schedule view action]
[4080] 2005-01-06 17:17:20 by GmBowen [minor code update for scheduler]
[4051] 2005-01-06 03:34:21 by GmBowen [reply to JW and modification of instructions]
[4050] 2005-01-06 03:28:18 by GmBowen [reply to & agreement with JW]
[4028] 2005-01-05 21:53:55 by JavaWoman [comment about including supporting functions]
[3982] 2005-01-04 22:13:06 by NilsLindenberg [reply to Mike]
[3905] 2005-01-03 00:56:47 by GmBowen [updated scheduler.php, added formatted output action & screenshot]
[3904] 2005-01-03 00:52:39 by GmBowen [modified dayscheduler.php code & added new action for formatted output from scheduler]
[3209] 2004-12-15 00:13:16 by GmBowen [update of scheduler (now accepts single quotes) & formatting of page]
[3204] 2004-12-14 23:20:32 by GmBowen [minor upgrade of scheduler action (so it'd accept single quotes)]
[3198] 2004-12-14 22:10:13 by GmBowen [minor edit to scheduler code to improve functionality]
[3065] 2004-12-10 04:59:29 by GmBowen [first releases of scheduler and task manager]
[3064] 2004-12-10 02:29:55 by GmBowen [first releases of task manager and scheduler actions]
[3063] 2004-12-10 02:27:52 by GmBowen [first release versions of scheduler and task manager]
[3062] 2004-12-10 02:26:49 by GmBowen [first version of task manager and scheduler....]
[3060] 2004-12-09 22:53:34 by JavaWoman [adding a few language selectors for highlighting]
[3059] 2004-12-09 22:21:36 by GmBowen [added badword function addin for wakka.php for scheduler & task manager]
[3053] 2004-12-09 21:33:50 by GmBowen [first submission of scheduler and task manager]
[3052] 2004-12-09 21:23:50 by GmBowen [first submissions of task manager & scheduler]
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