German Translation for wikka
Last edited by NilsLindenberg:
Modified links pointing to docs server
Mon, 28 Jan 2008 00:15 UTC [diff]
Modified links pointing to docs server
Mon, 28 Jan 2008 00:15 UTC [diff]
Translating wikka to other languages is one of our main goals. Since the development version (trunk in the svn) allows to switch language files easily and german language works well with the ISO encoding used by wikka (we still need time before fully switching to utf8), I've created a german language file and started translating the english strings.
This is an unfinished work-in-progress and based on revision 727 of and more or less saved here so I don't accidently delete it (again). Correcting typos and changing translations to the better is welcome :)
To be saved as lang/de/
- <?php
- /**
- * Wikka language file.
- *
- * This file holds all interface language strings for Wikka (in german).
- *
- * @package Language
- *
- * @version $Id$
- * @license GNU General Public License
- * @filesource
- *
- * @author {@link Nils Lindenberg}
- *
- * @copyright Copyright 2007, {@link Wikka Development Team}
- *
- * @todo make sure that punctuation is always part of defined phrase
- * (check where these constants are used)
- * @todo use single quotes whenever possible
- * (unless that leads to more than one escaped single quote)
- * @todo move the rest of the hardcoded texts in here (double-check)
- *
- * @todo document the use of phpdoc group docblocks to append automatically descriptions to multiple constants.
- *
- * @todo backlink to constants adding the <tt>uses</tt> tag in the corresponding components
- */
- /* ------------------ COMMON ------------------ */
- /**#@+
- * Language constant shared among several Wikka components
- */
- // NOTE: all common names (used in multiple files) should start with WIKKA_ !
- define('WIKKA_ERROR_SETUP_FILE_MISSING', 'Eine für die Installation / das Upgrade notwendige Datei wurde nicht gefunden. Bitte installieren Sie Wikka erneut!');
- define('WIKKA_ERROR_PAGE_NOT_EXIST', 'Die Seite %s gibt es leider nicht.'); // %s (source) page name
- define('WIKKA_ERROR_INVALID_PAGE_NAME', '%s ist kein gültiger Seitenname. Gültige Namen müssen mit einem Großbuchstaben beginnen, dürfen nur Buchstaben und Nummern enthalten und müssen CamelCase formatiert sein.'); // %s - page name
- define('WIKKA_UNREGISTERED_USER', 'unregistrierter Benutzer'); // alternative for 'anonymous' @@@ make one string only?
- define('WIKKA_COMMENT_AUTHOR_DIVIDER', ', kommentiert von '); //TODo check if we can construct a single phrase here
- define('WIKKA_PAGE_EDIT_LINK_TITLE', 'Hier klicken, um %s zu bearbeiten'); // %s page name @@@ 'Edit %s'
- define('WIKKA_BACKLINKS_LINK_TITLE', 'Zeigt eine Liste der Seiten an, die auf %s linken.'); // %s page name
- define('WIKKA_JAVA_PLUGIN_NEEDED', 'Das Java 1.4.1 Plug-in (oder eine neuere Version) ist notwendig, um dieses Applett zu starten,');
- /**#@-*/
- /* ------------------ CORE ------------------ */
- /**#@+
- * Language constant for the core {@link wikka.php wikka} program
- */
- // wikka
- define('ERROR_WAKKA_LIBRARY_MISSING', 'Die notwendige Datei "%s" konnte nicht gefunden werden. Damit Wikka läuft, vergewissern Sie sich bitte, dass die Datei existiert und im richtigen Verzeichnis platziert ist!'); // %s - configured path to core class
- define('ERROR_NO_DB_ACCESS', 'Fehler: Es konnte keine Verbindung zur Datenbank hergestellt werden.');
- define('ERROR_WRONG_MYSQL_VERSION', 'Wikka setzt MySQL %s oder besser vorraus!'); // %s - version number
- define('STATUS_WIKI_UPGRADE_NOTICE', 'Diese Seite wird gerade This site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later.');
- define('PAGE_GENERATION_TIME', 'Die Seite wurde in %.4f Sekunden erstellt.'); // %.4f - page generation time
- define('ERROR_HEADER_MISSING', 'Es wurde kein header-Template gefunden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass sich eine Datei namens <code>header.php</code> im templates Verzeichnis befindet.'); //TODO Make sure this message matches any filename/folder change
- define('ERROR_FOOTER_MISSING', 'Es wurde kein footer-Template gefunden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass sich eine Datei namens <code>footer.php</code> im templates Verzeichnis befindet.'); //TODO Make sure this message matches any filename/folder change
- #define('ERROR_WRONG_PHP_VERSION', '$_REQUEST[] not found. Wakka requires PHP 4.1.0 or higher!'); //TODO remove referral to PHP internals; refer only to required version
- #define('ERROR_SETUP_HEADER_MISSING', 'The file "setup/header.php" was not found. Please install Wikka again!');
- #define('ERROR_SETUP_FOOTER_MISSING', 'The file "setup/footer.php" was not found. Please install Wikka again!');
- /**#@-*/
- /* ------------------ TEMPLATE ------------------ */
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link header.php header} template
- */
- // header
- define('RSS_REVISIONS_TITLE', '%1$s: Versionen von %2$s'); // %1$s - wiki name; %2$s - current page name
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link footer.php footer} template
- */
- // footer
- define('PAGE_HISTORY_LINK_TITLE', 'Hier klicken, um die letzten Änderungen an dieser Seite zu sehen'); // @@@ TODO 'View recent edits to this page'
- define('PAGE_REVISION_LINK_TITLE', 'Hier klicken um die Liste der letzten Versionen für diese Seite zu sehenC'); // @@@ TODO 'View recent revisions list for this page'
- define('PAGE_REVISION_XML_LINK_TITLE', 'Hier klicken um die Liste der letzten Versionen für diese Seite zu sehen'); // @@@ TODO 'View recent revisions list for this page'
- define('REFERRERS_LINK_TITLE', 'Hier klicken, um eine Liste der Referrer für diese Seite zu sehen'); // @@@ TODO 'View a list of URLs referring to this page'
- /**#@-*/
- /* ------------------ ACTIONS ------------------ */
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link calendar.php calendar} action
- */
- // calendar
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link category.php category} action
- */
- // category
- define('PAGES_BELONGING_TO', 'Die folgenden %1$d Seite(n) gehört/gehören zu %2$s'); // %1$d number found; %2$s category
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link color.php color} action
- */
- // color
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link contact.php contact} action
- */
- // contact
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link countowned.php countowned} action
- */
- // countowned
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link countpages.php countpages} action
- */
- // countpages
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link emailpassword.php emailpassword} action
- */
- // emailpassword
- define('PW_CHK_SENT', 'Ein temporäres Passwort wurde an die von %s\'s angegebene Emailaddresse verschickt.'); // %s - username
- define('PW_FORGOTTEN_MAIL', 'Hallo, %1$s\n\n\nSomeone requested that we send to this email address a password reminder to login at %2$s. If you did not request this reminder, disregard this email. -- No action is necessary. -- Your password will stay the same.\n\nYour wikiname: %1$s \nPassword reminder: %3$s \nURL: %4$s \n\nDo not forget to change the password immediately after logging in.'); // %1$s - username; %2$s - wiki name; %3$s - md5 sum of pw; %4$s - login url of the wiki
- define('PW_FORM_TEXT', 'Geben Sie Ihren WikiNamen ein um ein temporäres Paswort an Ihre registrierte Emailadresse geschickt zu bekommen.');
- #define('ERROR_MAIL_NOT_SENT', 'An error occurred while trying to send the password. Outgoing mail might be disabled. Please contact your server administrator.');
- define('ERROR_MAIL_NOT_SENT', 'Bei dem Versuch, das Passwort zu versenden ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Möglicherweise ist das Versenden von Mails deaktiviert. Versuchen Sie, dem Administrator des Wikis zu erreichen, beispielsweise über einen Kommentar auf einer Seite.');
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link feedback.php feedback} action
- */
- // feedback
- define('ERROR_FEEDBACK_MAIL_NOT_SENT', 'Bei dem Versuch, die Email zu versenden ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Möglicherweise ist das Versenden von Mails deaktiviert. Versuchen Sie, %s auf anderem Wege zu erreichen, beispielsweise über einen Kommentar auf einer Seite.'); // %s - name of the recipient
- define('SUCCESS_FEEDBACK_SENT', 'Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback, %s! Ihre Nachricht wurde verschickt.'); //%s - name of the sender
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link files.php files} action
- */
- // files
- define('ERROR_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE', 'Bitte stellen Sie sicher dass der Server Schreibrechte für das Verzeichnis %s besitzt.'); // %s Upload folder ref #89
- define('ERROR_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY_NOT_READABLE', 'Bitte stellen Sie sicher dass der Server Leserechte für das Verzeichnis %s besitzt.'); // %s Upload folder ref #89
- define('ERROR_NONEXISTENT_FILE', 'Eine Datei mit dem Namen %s existiert nicht.'); // %s - file name ref
- define('ERROR_FILE_UPLOAD_INCOMPLETE', 'Die Datei wurde leider nur unvollständig hochgeladen! Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.');
- define('ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS', 'Eine Datei namens %s ist bereits vorhanden.'); // %s - file name ref
- define('ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG', 'Die gewählte Datei ist zu groß. Maximale Größe für Dateien: %s.'); // %s - allowed filesize
- define('ERROR_FILE_UPLOAD_IMPOSSIBLE', 'Auf Grund einer fehlerhaften Serverkonfiguration ist das Hochladen von Dateien nicht möglich.');
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link googleform.php googleform} action
- */
- // googleform
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link include.php include} action
- */
- // include
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link lastedit.php lastedit} action
- */
- // lastedit
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link lastusers.php lastusers} action
- */
- // lastusers
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link mindmap.php mindmap} action
- */
- // mindmap
- define('MM_JRE_INSTALL_REQ', 'Bitte installieren sie %s auf ihrem Computer.'); // %s - JRE install link
- define('PROPER_USAGE_MM_SYNTAX', 'Richtige Syntax: %1$s oder %2$s'); // %1$s - syntax sample 1; %2$s - syntax sample 2
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link mychanges.php mychanges} action
- */
- // mychanges
- define('MYCHANGES_ALPHA_LIST', 'Dies ist die Liste der Seiten die Sie geändert haben zusammen mit dem Datum der letzten Änderung.');
- define('MYCHANGES_DATE_LIST', 'Dies ist die Liste der Seiten die Sie geändert haben, geordnet nach dem Datum der letzten Änderung.');
- define('MYCHANGES_NOT_LOGGED_IN', 'Sie sind nicht angemeldet, daher konnte die Liste mit den von Ihnen geänderten Seiten nicht erstellt werden.');
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link mypages.php mypages} action
- */
- // mypages
- define('OWNED_NOT_LOGGED_IN', 'Sie sind nicht eingeloggt, daher konnte die Liste Ihrer Seiten nicht erstellt werden.');
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link newpage.php newpage} action
- */
- // newpage
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link orphanedpages.php orphanedpages} action
- */
- // orphanedpages
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link ownedpages.php ownedpages} action
- */
- // ownedpages
- define('OWNEDPAGES_COUNTS', 'Ihnen gehören %1$s Seiten von insgesamt %2$s Seiten in diesem Wiki.'); // %1$s - number of pages owned; %2$s - total number of pages
- define('OWNEDPAGES_PERCENTAGE', 'Das heißt, Ihnen gehören %s Prozent.'); // %s percentage of pages owned
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link pageindex.php pageindex} action
- */
- // pageindex
- define('PAGEINDEX_CAPTION', 'Dies ist ein alphabetische Liste aller Seite die Sie in diesem Wiki lesen dürfen.');
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link recentchanges.php recentchanges} action
- */
- // recentchanges
- define('WIKIPING_ENABLED', 'WikiPing aktiviert: Änderungen in diesem Wiki werden auch auf %s angezeigt.'); // %s - link to wikiping server
- define('RECENTCHANGES_NONE_ACCESSIBLE', 'Es gibt keine zuletzt geänderten Seiten die Sie lesen dürfen.');
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link recentcomments.php recentcomments} action
- */
- // recentcomments
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link recentlycommented.php recentlycommented} action
- */
- // recentlycommented
- define('RECENTLYCOMMENTED_NONE_ACCESSIBLE', 'Es gibt keine zuletzt kommentierten Seiten die Sie lesen dürfen.');
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link system.php system} action
- */
- // system
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant shared by the {@link textsearch.php textsearch} and {@link textsearchexpanded.php textsearchexpanded} actions
- */
- // textsearch & textsearchexpanded
- define('SEARCH_TRY_EXPANDED', 'Probieren Sie die %s die auch die Fundstellen anzeigt.'); // %s expanded search link
- /*
- define('SEARCH_TIPS', "<br /><br /><hr /><br /><strong>Search Tips:</strong><br /><br />"
- ."<div class=\"indent\">apple banana</div>"
- ."Find pages that contain at least one of the two words. <br />"
- ."<br />"
- ."<div class=\"indent\">+apple +juice</div>"
- ."Find pages that contain both words. <br />"
- ."<br />"
- ."<div class=\"indent\">+apple -macintosh</div>"
- ."Find pages that contain the word 'apple' but not 'macintosh'. <br />"
- ."<br />"
- ."<div class=\"indent\">apple*</div>"
- ."Find pages that contain words such as apple, apples, applesauce, or applet. <br />"
- ."<br />"
- ."<div class=\"indent\">\"some words\"</div>"
- ."Find pages that contain the exact phrase 'some words' (for example, pages that contain 'some words of wisdom' <br />"
- ."but not 'some noise words'). <br />");
- */
- define('SEARCH_TARGET_4',"Find pages that contain words such as 'apple', 'apples', 'applesauce', or 'applet'."); // make sure target words all *start* with SEARCH_WORD_1
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link usersettings.php usersettings} action
- */
- // usersettings
- // - error messages
- define('ERROR_RESERVED_PAGENAME', 'Dieser Benutzername ist schon für eine Seite reserviert. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen.');
- define('ERROR_WIKINAME', 'Ein Benutzername muss wie ein %1$s formatiert sein, beispielsweise %2$s.'); // %1$s - identifier WikiName; %2$s - sample WikiName
- define('ERROR_EMPTY_CONFIRMATION_PASSWORD', 'Bitte bestätigen Sie ihr Passwort, um einen neuen Account zu registrieren.');
- define('ERROR_EMPTY_NEW_CONFIRMATION_PASSWORD', 'Please confirm your new password in order to update your account.');
- define('ERROR_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT', 'Das Passwort muss mindestens %d Zeichen lang sein.'); // %d - minimum password length
- define('ERROR_INVALID_INVITATION_CODE', 'This is a private wiki, only invited members can register an account! Please contact the administrator of this website for an invitation code.');
- define('ERROR_INVALID_REVISION_DISPLAY_LIMIT', 'The number of page revisions should not exceed %d.'); // %d - maximum revisions to view
- define('ERROR_INVALID_RECENTCHANGES_DISPLAY_LIMIT', 'The number of recently changed pages should not exceed %d.'); // %d - maximum changed pages to view
- // - success messages
- // - captions
- define('RETRIEVE_PASSWORD_CAPTION', 'Log in with your [[%s password reminder]]:'); //%s PasswordForgotten link
- // - form legends
- #define('REGISTER_LEGEND', 'Register'); // @@@ TODO to be used later for register-action
- // - form field labels (should end in ':' _unless_ it's a checkbox or radio button option)
- define('USERSETTINGS_REDIRECT_AFTER_LOGIN_LABEL', 'Redirect to %s after login'); // %s page to redirect to
- define('INVITATION_CODE_LONG', 'In order to register, you must fill in the invitation code sent by this website\'s administrator.');
- // - form options
- // - form buttons
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link wantedpages.php wantedpages} action
- */
- // wantedpages
- /**#@-*/
- /* ------------------ 3RD PARTY ------------------ */
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link fullscreen.php fullscreen} 3rd party MindMap display utility
- */
- // fullscreen
- define('MM_GET_JAVA_PLUGIN_LINK_DESC', 'get the latest Java Plug-in here'); // used in MM_GET_JAVA_PLUGIN
- /**#@-*/
- /* ------------------ FORMATTERS ------------------ */
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link wakka.php wakka} formatter
- */
- // wakka
- /**#@-*/
- /* ------------------ HANDLERS (PAGE) ------------------ */
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link acls.php acls} (page) handler
- */
- // acls
- // TODO: 'translate' DB value '(Public)' when displaying it!
- define('SET_OWNER_PUBLIC_OPTION', '(Öffentlichkeit)'); // actual DB value will remain '(Public)' even if this option text is translated!
- // - syntax
- define('ACLS_LIST_USERNAMES', 'der Benutzer mit dem Namen %s; Sie können so viele Benutzer hinzufügen, wie Sie wollen, einen pro Zeile'); // %s - sample user name
- define('ACLS_TESTING_ORDER1', 'Die Rechte werden in der Reihenfolge ausgewertet, in der sie angegeben sind:');
- define('ACLS_TESTING_ORDER2', 'So be sure to specify %1$s on a separate line %2$s negating any users, not before.'); // %1$s - 'all' mark; %2$s - emphasised 'after'
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link backlinks.php backlinks} (page) handler
- */
- // backlinks
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link claim.php claim} (page) handler
- */
- // claim
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link clone.php clone} (page) handler
- */
- // clone
- define('CLONE_VALID_TARGET', 'Bitte geben sie einen validen Namen für die Zeilseite und eine (optionale) Bearbeitungsnotiz an.');
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link delete.php delete} (page) handler
- */
- // delete
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link diff.php diff} (page) handler
- */
- // diff
- define('ERROR_DIFF_LIBRARY_MISSING', 'The necessary file "'.WIKKA_LIBRARY_PATH.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'diff.lib.php" could not be found. Please make sure the file exists and is placed in the right directory!'); //TODO 'Please make sure' should be 'please inform WikiAdmin' - end user can't "make sure"
- define('ERROR_BAD_PARAMETERS', 'There is something wrong with parameters you supplied, it\'s very likely that one of the versions you want to compare has been deleted.');
- define('DIFF_FAST_COMPARISON_HEADER', 'Vergleich von %1$s & %2$s'); // %1$s - link to page A; %2$s - link to page B
- define('DIFF_COMPARISON_HEADER', 'Comparing %2$s to %1$s'); // %1$s - link to page A; %2$s - link to page B (yes, they're swapped!)
- define('HIGHLIGHTING_LEGEND', 'Highlighting Guide: %1$s %2$s'); // %1$s - sample added text; %2$s - sample deleted text
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link edit.php edit} (page) handler
- */
- // edit
- define('ERROR_OVERWRITE_ALERT1', 'OVERWRITE ALERT: This page was modified by someone else while you were editing it.');
- define('ERROR_OVERWRITE_ALERT2', 'Bitte kopieren Sie Ihre Änderungen und bearbeiten Sie die Seite erneut.');
- define('ERROR_MISSING_EDIT_NOTE', 'Fehlender Bearbeitungskommentar: Bitte geben Sie einen Bearbeitungskommentar ein!');
- define('ERROR_TAG_TOO_LONG', 'Page name too long! %d characters max.'); // %d - maximum page name length
- define('ERROR_NO_WRITE_ACCESS', 'You don\'t have write access to this page. You might need to [[UserSettings login]] or [[UserSettings register an account]] to be able to edit this page.'); //TODO Distinct links for login and register actions
- define('EDIT_NOTE_LABEL', 'Bitte geben Sie einen Kommentar zu Ihrer Bearbeitung an.'); // label after field, so no colon!
- define('MESSAGE_AUTO_RESIZE', 'Clicking on %s will automatically truncate the page name to the correct size'); // %s - rename button text
- define('SHOWCODE_LINK_TITLE', 'Click to view page formatting code'); // @@@ TODO 'View page formatting code'
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link grabcode.php grabcode} (page) handler
- */
- // grabcode
- define('ERROR_NO_CODE', 'Es gibt leider keinen Code auf dieser Seite der heruntergeladen werden könnte.');
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link history.php history} (page) handler
- */
- // history
- define('OLDEST_VERSION_EDITED_ON_BY', 'Die älteste bekannte Version dieser Seite wurde von %2$s am %1$s erstellt.'); // %1$s - time; %2$s - user name
- define('HISTORY_MORE', 'Full history for this page cannot be displayed within a single page, click %s to view more.'); // %s alternative history link # @@@ TODO avoid using 'here' ^
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant shared by the {@link processcomment.php processcomment} and {@link show.php show} (page) handlers
- */
- // processcomment & show
- // - comment buttons
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link processcomment.php processcomment} (page) handler
- */
- // processcomment
- define('ERROR_NO_COMMENT_WRITE_ACCESS', 'Sie sind nicht berechtigt, Kommentare zu dieser Seite hinzuzufügen');
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link} (page) handler
- */
- //
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link recentchanges.xml.php recentchanges.xml} (page) handler
- */
- // recentchanges.xml
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant shared by the {@link referrers_sites.php referrers_sites}, {@link referrers.php referrers} and {@link review_blacklist.php review_blacklist} (page) handlers
- */
- // referrers_sites + referrers + review_blacklist
- define('REFERRERS_NO_SPAM', 'Nachricht an Spammer: Diese Seite wird nicht von Suchmaschinen indiziert, verschwenden sie also ihre Zeit nicht.');
- define('REFERRERS_DOMAINS_TO_PAGE_LINK_DESC', 'View referring sites for %s only'); // %s - page name
- define('PLEASE_LOGIN_CAPTION', 'Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um die Liste der Referrer zu betrachten');
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link referrers_sites.php referrers_sites} (page) handler
- */
- // referrers_sites
- define('REFERRERS_DOMAINS_TO_WIKI', 'Domains/sites linking to this wiki (%s)'); // %s - link to referrers handler
- define('REFERRERS_DOMAINS_TO_PAGE', 'Domains/sites linking to %1$s %2$s (%3$s)'); // %1$s - page link; %2$s - purge time; %3$s - link to referrers handler
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link referrers.php referrers} (page) handler
- */
- // referrers
- define('REFERRERS_URLS_TO_WIKI', 'Externe Seiten die auf dieses Wiki verweisen (%s)'); // %s - link to referrers_sites handler
- define('REFERRERS_URLS_TO_PAGE', 'External pages linking to %1$s %2$s (%3$s)'); // %1$s - page link; %2$s - purge time; %3$s - link to referrers_sites handler
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link review_blacklist.php review_blacklist} (page) handler
- */
- // review_blacklist
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link revisions.php revisions} (page) handler
- */
- // revisions
- define('REVISIONS_MORE_CAPTION', 'There are more revisions that were not shown here, click the button labelled %s below to view these entries'); // %S - text of REVISIONS_MORE_BUTTON
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link revisions.xml.php revisions.xml} (page) handler
- */
- // revisions.xml
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link show.php show} (page) handler
- */
- // show
- define('SHOW_ASK_CREATE_PAGE_CAPTION', 'Diese Seite existiert noch nicht. Vielleicht wollen Sie sie %s?'); // %s - page create link
- define('SHOW_OLD_REVISION_CAPTION', 'Dies ist eine alte Version von %1$s vom %2$s.'); // %1$s - page link; %2$s - timestamp
- /**#@-*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link showcode.php showcode} (page) handler
- */
- // showcode
- /**#@-*/
- /* ------------------ LIBS ------------------*/
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link Wakka.class.php Wakka class} (the Wikka core containing most methods)
- */
- // Wakka.class
- define('REDIR_MANUAL_CAPTION', 'If your browser does not redirect you, please follow %s'); // %s target page link
- define('ACTION_UNKNOWN_SPECCHARS', 'Unknown action; the action name must not contain special characters.');
- define('HANDLER_UNKNOWN_SPECCHARS', 'Unknown handler; the handler name must not contain special characters.');
- define('FORMATTER_UNKNOWN_SPECCHARS', 'Unknown formatter; the formatter name must not contain special characters.');
- /**#@-*/
- /* ------------------ SETUP ------------------ */
- /**#@+
- * Language constant used by the {@link index.php setup} program (and several included files)
- */
- // @@@ later....
- /**#@-*/
- ?>