And I'm __underlined__!
And I'm underlined!

highlight text (using 2 single-quotes)
highlight text

++Strike through text++
Strike through text

Press #%ANY KEY#%

@@Center text@@
Center text

10. Floats

Left floated box - use two < signs before and after the block
Some text in a floated box hanging around
Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler.

Right floated box, use two > characters before and after the block
Some text in a floated box hanging around
Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler. Some more text as a filler.

Use ::c:: to clear floated blocks...

This is a test page to determine how these features conflict with our css. We willl delete it when we are done.
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