Revision history for FCKeditorIntegration

Revision [20634]

Last edited on 2009-05-19 11:20:52 by MaiGre
-> you can find the CKeditor integration here : CKeditor4Wikka

Revision [20633]

Edited on 2009-05-18 04:20:18 by MaiGre

Revision [20632]

Edited on 2009-05-18 04:10:35 by MaiGre
First work:
* study the basic Html output from CKeditor 3.0 to see how it si possible to translate it.

Revision [20631]

Edited on 2009-05-18 04:09:06 by MaiGre
* create a reverse Wikka.php to transform html output from FCKeditor into wikitext and escape all unrecognized html before storing in DB.
The only difficulties i can see for the moment are:
*images (needs a robust image action..)
*tables (i saw there is works in progress for next Wikka release)
* create a reverse Wikka.php to transform html output from FCKeditor into wikitext before storingin DB.

Revision [20630]

Edited on 2009-05-18 04:02:58 by MaiGre
This is more something for the Wikka development: using FCKeditor with wikitext output.

Revision [20629]

Edited on 2009-05-18 04:02:26 by MaiGre
1) How adapt FCKedior to transform html output to wikitext?
2) How is it possible to imagine Wikka working directly with html?
1) How is it possible to imagine Wikka working directly with html?
2) How adapt FCKedior to adapt the wikitext output to the Wikka syntax.

Revision [20628]

Edited on 2009-05-18 04:01:16 by MaiGre
2) How adapt FCKedior to adapt the wikitext output to the Wikka syntax.
But this project seems to be strongly integrated with the MediaWiki way of wiki.
Another idea is to create a reverse wakka.php engine, it is possible to translate wikitext to html
so wikitext-compatible-html should be not complicated to translate into WikiText.
The idea:
* not modify FCKeditor (-> easy update) so the editor works with html as input and output,
* use the existing Wikka.php to transform wikitext to html before starting the edit (so FCKeditor feels good)
* create a reverse Wikka.php to transform html output from FCKeditor into wikitext before storingin DB.
2) How adapt FCKedior for Mediawiki to adapt the wikitext output to the Wikka syntax.
More later :)
If anybody already have informations or ideas...

Revision [20627]

Edited on 2009-05-18 03:41:36 by MaiGre
===Wikka in Html===
What do you thing on store pages content in html? (Ok i know this is not an idea for the main Wikka project)
The main problem i can figure is the possibility to had code injection, with php, javascipt, or something else.
-> When i try to had <?php phpinfo(); ?> the code is automatically removed.
-> javascript doesn't seem to work
In the case of a private editing site what do you think of using Html storage?
In the case of public editing site i think this is definitely not secure..
Can you give me your opinion on possible attacks ?
===FCKeditor For WikkaWiki===
This is more something for the Wikka development: using FCKeditor with wikitext output.
Here is a project Mediawiki+FCKeditor:
I will start to study how it works in order to adapt it to the wikka engine and syntax..
More later :)
If anybody already have informations or ideas...

Revision [20626]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2009-05-18 03:21:56 by MaiGre
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