Custom Navigation Per Page
Last edited by DanWest:
Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.
Fri, 20 May 2016 07:38 UTC [diff]
Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.
Fri, 20 May 2016 07:38 UTC [diff]
- Custom Navigation Links per page
- I know it's been done before This is a new twist
- Controled by a single NavigationLinks page.
- You define a page 'NavigationLinks'.
- In that page you list each target page tag on a line delimited by : (colons) followed by the custom links.
:SomePage: [[HomePage | Home]] [[PersonalPage | My Page]] [[UserSettings | User Settings]] :AnotherPage: [[HomePage | Home]] [[PersonalPage | My Page]] [[SomePage | Some Other Page]] [[UserSettings | User Settings]]
- Requires a small change to the header.php action.
File: header.php- $nav_page = $this->LoadPage('NavigationLinks');
- echo $this->Format($match[1]));
- } else if ($this->GetUser()) {
- echo $this->config['logged_in_navigation_links'] ? $this->Format($this->config['logged_in_navigation_links']).'' : '';
- } else {
- echo $this->config['navigation_links'] ? $this->Format($this->config['navigation_links']) : '';
- }
To Do
- More testing. I'm sure there are some bugs or things I'm not checking.
- Get to bed, it's 1:40 in the morning...