Revision [1805]

This is an old revision of CategorySystemOverhaul made by DarTar on 2004-10-11 18:54:50.


Category System Overhaul

The category system used in Wikka needs improvement, and I'm looking for ideas and comments. -- JsnX

Current system:
User adds a wikiword category tag to each page, such as CategoryDevelopment.
For more information, see WikiCategory.

Issues with current system:

Proposed system:
User selects a category from a dropdown box during page editing.

Issues with this proposal:


Multiple categories per page
You say: this will only allow one category per page
This is not necessary. If we want to allow more categories per page, we might think of storing sets of values (I recently had the very same problem with a user management system in which users can belong to different categories):
  • Make the category field in wikka_pages accept comma separated values (see MySQL's SET type);
  • On page editing/creation, instead of a dropbox, display a list of check boxes
The wikka_category table might then contain two separate fields for each category:
  1. a system-generated unique-key (TINYINT), invisible to the user and handled by the system for cross-referencing the wikka_pages table (whose category field will then contain a simple comma separated list of numerical keys, like: "1, 5, 7")
  1. a human-readable category label (VARCHAR), like "Documentation", or "Development".
Keeping the key vs. category label separate might also help cope with i18n issues
-- DarTar

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