Revision history for AlexFranke

Revision [20741]

Last edited on 2009-07-14 22:05:11 by BrianKoontz [added to user contributions cat]

Revision [20740]

Edited on 2009-07-13 19:52:29 by AlexFranke [added to user contributions cat]
===Alex Franke's Page===
I'm brand new to WikkaWiki (and new to wikis in general), and pretty inexperienced with PHP and open source development. I've been a C# developer for years, though, and other technologies going back. I don't get a lot of chances to work on web stuff, but it interests me. I'm trying out WikkaWiki on my personal site over at My software development-related website is, and my other sites aren't really applicable, so I'll leave them out. :)
I'm trying it out as a way to organize and manage family information, projects, to-do lists, etc. It's actually on a windows server for now.
There are a handful of people that I want to have access, and I don't want most of the site publicly accessible. I want registered users to be able to add new registered users (e.g. my brother can add his wife if he wants), but I don't want to have a simple "secret" password.
I might be missing something simple here, but I couldn't immediately find an easy way to do this. So I started writing some code. :) If there's a better way to do this, please feel free to enlighten me. Like I say, I'm still brand spankin' new to this software, and I'm still getting used to wiki syntax. (E.g., I still need to figure out how to add a camel-case name so it doesn't get picked up as a wikiname!)
Here's what I've done:
- Make read/write ACLs default to Registered Users
- 'default_write_acl' => '+',
- 'default_read_acl' => '+',
- 'default_comment_acl' => '+',
- Turn Allow User Registration Off
- 'allow_user_registration' => '0',
- Set UserSettings and Home page read ACL to public
- Write an Add New User action (more later)
==="Add New User" Action===
I lifted code from other pages (mainly User Settings and Admin Users) to build a part that allows people to add new users and optionally send them an email. At first (last night) I just added it to the bottom of Admin Users, but today I moved it over to a new page that's accessible to all registered users.
I'm new to open source, and I haven't done all me reading yet, so go easy on me! But do feel free to chime in if you see any serious issues, or if there's a built-in way to handle this. Thanks!
* Display a module for adding a user.
* This action allows users to be added (preferably by admins). As a result, a wiki
* can be configured for use by invitation only by setting allow_user_registration
* to zero and placing this action on an admin- or member-restricted page.
// defaults
if (!defined('PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH')) define('PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH', "5");
if (!defined('VALID_EMAIL_PATTERN')) define('VALID_EMAIL_PATTERN', "/^.+?\@.+?\..+$/"); //TODO: Use central regex library
if (!defined('INPUT_ERROR_STYLE')) define('INPUT_ERROR_STYLE', 'class="highlight"');
// i18n strings
// General
if (!defined('ADD_USER_HEADING')) define('ADD_USER_HEADING', "Add new user");
if (!defined('ADD_USER_BUTTON_LABEL')) define('ADD_USER_BUTTON_LABEL', "Add User");
if (!defined('ADD_SUCCEEDED')) define('ADD_SUCCEEDED', "User has been added!");
if (!defined('EMAIL_SUBJECT')) define('EMAIL_SUBJECT', "User has been added!");
if (!defined('EMAIL_BODY')) define('EMAIL_BODY', "A wiki account has been created for you at " . $this->config['base_url'] . ". Your username/password are: ");
// GUI Labels
if (!defined('WIKINAME_LABEL')) define('WIKINAME_LABEL', "New user's <abbr title=\"A WikiName is formed by two or more capitalized words without space, e.g. JohnDoe\">WikiName</abbr>:");
if (!defined('USER_EMAIL_LABEL')) define('USER_EMAIL_LABEL', "User's email address:");
if (!defined('PASSWORD_LABEL')) define('PASSWORD_LABEL', "Password (%s+ chars):");
if (!defined('EMAIL_NEW_USER_LABEL')) define('EMAIL_NEW_USER_LABEL', "Send welcome email:");
// Validation Errors - General
if(!defined('ERROR_VALIDATION_FAILED')) define('ERROR_VALIDATION_FAILED', "Registration validation failed, please try again!");
// ...Validation Errors - Username
if (!defined('ERROR_EMPTY_USERNAME')) define('ERROR_EMPTY_USERNAME', "Please fill in your user name.");
if (!defined('ERROR_USERNAME_EXISTS')) define('ERROR_USERNAME_EXISTS', "Sorry, this user name already exists.");
if (!defined('ERROR_WIKINAME')) define('ERROR_WIKINAME', "Username must be formatted as a ##\"\"WikiName\"\"##, e.g. ##\"\"JohnDoe\"\"##.");
if (!defined('ERROR_RESERVED_PAGENAME')) define('ERROR_RESERVED_PAGENAME', "Sorry, this name is reserved for a page. Please choose a different name.");
// ...Validation Errors - Email
if (!defined('ERROR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_REQUIRED')) define('ERROR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_REQUIRED', "Please specify an email address.");
if (!defined('ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS')) define('ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS', "That doesn't quite look like an email address.");
// ...Validation Errors - Password
if (!defined('ERROR_EMPTY_PASSWORD')) define('ERROR_EMPTY_PASSWORD', "Please fill in a password.");
if (!defined('ERROR_NO_BLANK')) define('ERROR_NO_BLANK', "Sorry, blanks are not permitted in the password.");
if (!defined('ERROR_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT')) define('ERROR_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT', "Sorry, the password must contain at least %s characters.");
//initialize variables
$url = '';
$params = '';
$username = '';
$email = '';
$password = '';
$username_highlight = '';
$email_highlight = '';
$password_highlight = '';
// Create URAuth object
$urobj = new URAuth($this);
//create URL
$url = $this->config['base_url'].$this->tag;
// append URL params depending on rewrite_mode
$params = ($this->config['rewrite_mode'] == 1) ? '?' : '&';
$regex_referrer = '@^'.preg_quote($this->config['base_url'], '@').'([^\/\?&]*)@i';
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && preg_match($regex_referrer, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $match))
if (strcasecmp($this->tag, $match[1]))
$_SESSION['go_back'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
//We save the tag of the referring page, this tag is to be shown in label <Go back to ...>. We must use a session here because if the user
//Refresh the page by hitting <Enter> on the address bar, the value would be lost.
$_SESSION['go_back_tag'] = $match[1];
// User must be logged in
if ($user = $this->GetUser() )
// validate data source
$keep_post_data = FALSE;
if (isset($_POST['form_id']) && FALSE != ($aKey = $this->getSessionKey($_POST['form_id']))) # check if page key was stored in session
if (TRUE == ($rc = $this->hasValidSessionKey($aKey))) # check if correct name,key pair was passed
$keep_post_data = TRUE;
if(!$keep_post_data) unset($_POST);

// is user trying to add a user?
if (isset($_POST['action']) && ($_POST['action'] == 'adduser'))
// get POST parameters
$name = trim($_POST['name']);
$email = trim($this->GetSafeVar('email', 'post'));
$password = $_POST['password'];
$email_new_user = $this->GetSafeVar('email_new_user', 'post');
// validate form input
switch (TRUE)
// Validate the NAME
case (FALSE===$urobj->URAuthVerify()):
case (strlen($name) == 0):
$username_highlight = INPUT_ERROR_STYLE;
case (isset($_POST['name']) && $existingUser = $this->LoadUser($_POST['name'])):
$username_highlight = INPUT_ERROR_STYLE;
case (!$this->IsWikiName($name)):
$username_highlight = INPUT_ERROR_STYLE;
case ($this->existsPage($name,NULL,NULL,FALSE)): // name change, new interface (check for non-active page, too)
$username_highlight = INPUT_ERROR_STYLE;
// Valide EMAIL
case (strlen($email) == 0): //email is empty
$email_highlight = INPUT_ERROR_STYLE;
case (!preg_match(VALID_EMAIL_PATTERN, $email)): //invalid email
$email_highlight = INPUT_ERROR_STYLE;

// Validate PASSWORD
case (strlen($password) == 0):
$password_highlight = INPUT_ERROR_STYLE;
case (preg_match("/ /", $password)):
$passerror = ERROR_NO_BLANK;
$password_highlight = INPUT_ERROR_STYLE;
case (strlen($password) < PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH):
$password_highlight = INPUT_ERROR_STYLE;

default: // input is valid
$this->Query("INSERT INTO ".$this->config['table_prefix']."users SET ".
"signuptime = now(), ".
"name = '".mysql_real_escape_string($name)."', ".
"email = '".mysql_real_escape_string($email)."', ".
"password = md5('".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['password'])."')");
// Send mail to new user if requested
if ( $email_new_user )
mail( $email, EMAIL_SUBJECT, EMAIL_BODY . $name . "/" . $_POST['password'] );

// forward
$params .= 'added=true';
// display Add User form
echo $this->FormOpen();
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="adduser" />
<legend><?php echo ADD_USER_HEADING ?></legend>
<table class="usersettings">
// create confirmation message if needed
case (isset($_GET['added']) && $_GET['added'] == 'true'):
$success = ADD_SUCCEEDED;
// display error or confirmation message
case (isset($error)):
echo '<tr><td></td><td><em class="error">'.$this->Format($error).'</em></td></tr>'."\n";
case (isset($success)):
echo '<tr><td></td><td><em class="success">'.$this->Format($success).'</em></td></tr>'."\n";
<td align="right"><?php echo WIKINAME_LABEL ?></td>
<td><input <?php echo $username_highlight; ?> name="name" size="40" value="<?php echo $this->GetSafeVar('name', 'post'); ?>" /></td>
<td align="right"><?php echo USER_EMAIL_LABEL ?></td>
<td><input <?php echo $email_highlight; ?> name="email" size="40" value="" /></td>
<td align="right"><?php echo sprintf(PASSWORD_LABEL, PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH) ?></td>
<td><input name="password" size="40" /></td>
<td align="right"><?php echo EMAIL_NEW_USER_LABEL ?></td>
<td><input type="hidden" name="email_new_user" value="N" /><input type="checkbox" name="email_new_user" value="Y" <?php echo $email_new_user == 'Y' ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ?> /></td>
<td> </td>
<td><input name="submit" type="submit" value="<?php echo ADD_USER_BUTTON_LABEL ?>" size="40" /></td>
echo $this->FormClose(); //close user settings form
===Who I Am===
I'm brand new to WikkaWiki (and brand new to wikis in general), and pretty inexperienced with PHP and open source evelopment. I've been a C# developer for years, though (and prior to that VB, C++++, etc, etc, back to BASIC for the Atari 800 :)) I don't get a lot of chances to work on web stuff, but it interests me.
I'm trying it out as a way to organize and manage family information, projects, to-do lists, etc. There are
(whoops -- there's a huge thunderstorm coming, so I'll add more in a bit.)

Revision [20739]

Edited on 2009-07-13 00:29:53 by AlexFranke [added to user contributions cat]
I'm brand new to WikkaWiki (and brand new to wikis in general), and pretty inexperienced with PHP and open source evelopment. I've been a C# developer for years, though (and prior to that VB, C++++, etc, etc, back to BASIC for the Atari 800 :)) I don't get a lot of chances to work on web stuff, but it interests me.
I'm brand new to WikkaWiki (and brand new to wikis in general), and pretty inexperienced with PHP and open source evelopment. I've been a C# developer for years, though (and prior to that VB, C++, etc, etc, back to BASIC for the Atari 800 :)) I don't get a lot of chances to work on web stuff, but it interests me.

Revision [20738]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2009-07-13 00:29:25 by AlexFranke [added to user contributions cat]
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