Revision history for AdvancedBacklinksAction

Revision [18507]

Last edited on 2008-01-28 00:11:42 by JavaWoman [Modified links pointing to docs server]
>>This is the development page for a "more advanced" version of the [[Docs:BacklinksActionInfo backlinks action]]. The version presented on this page offers some functionality equivalent to that in the [[AdvancedCategoryAction advanced category action]], specifically the option to present the output either in a columnar format or as a list.::c::
>>This is the development page for a "more advanced" version of the [[BacklinksActionInfo backlinks action]]. The version presented on this page offers some functionality equivalent to that in the [[AdvancedCategoryAction advanced category action]], specifically the option to present the output either in a columnar format or as a list.::c::

Revision [9161]

Edited on 2005-06-12 19:03:26 by JavaWoman [adding link]

Revision [9159]

Edited on 2005-06-12 19:01:22 by JavaWoman [ref to alpha feature]
//Installed as an **[[WikkaBetaFeatures alpha feature]]** on this server as of 2005-06-12.//

Revision [8989]

Edited on 2005-06-08 11:10:55 by JavaWoman [added link]

Revision [8955]

Edited on 2005-06-08 08:14:38 by JavaWoman [layout]

Revision [8953]

Edited on 2005-06-08 07:59:20 by JavaWoman [adding syntax]
""{{backlinks [type="cols|list"] [cols="n"] [class="class"] [head="main heading"]}}""

Revision [8952]

Edited on 2005-06-08 07:55:18 by JavaWoman [minor]
~-Choose between columnar or list format output with the **##type##** parameter (default cols)
~-For columnar output, set the number of columns with the **##cols##** parameter (default is 1); it will produce columns in the form of left-floated divs
~-Choose between columnar or list format output with the **##type##** parameter
~-For columnar output, set the number of columns with the **##cols##** parameter (default is 1)

Revision [8951]

Edited on 2005-06-08 07:41:49 by JavaWoman [adding features list]
~-Choose between columnar or list format output with the **##type##** parameter
~-For columnar output, set the number of columns with the **##cols##** parameter (default is 1)
~-In list format output, the list gets an ##id## in group 'menu' so it can be given menu styling (useful for use in a sidebar)
~-Output is wrapped in a ##div## with class "backlinkcols" or "backlinklist" as an easy hook for styling; use the **##class##** parameter to add extra classes
~-The automatically-generated (main) heading (also with an ##id##) can be overridden with the **##head##** parameter
//to follow - see docblock for now//

Revision [8948]

Edited on 2005-06-08 00:05:02 by JavaWoman [layout]

Revision [8947]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2005-06-08 00:02:23 by JavaWoman [layout]
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