Wikka Forum
Last edited by GmBowen:
Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.
Fri, 20 May 2016 07:38 UTC [diff]
Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.
Fri, 20 May 2016 07:38 UTC [diff]
Often one finds wiki's used as adjuncts to other tools....discussion forums for instance. In those forums the main topic threads are determined by the administrator(s) and out of the hands of most of the users. Wiki's, such as Wikka, are meant to provide considerable flexibility for the users and place the control in their hands. At the same time, this freedom can lead to very unstructured and difficult to follow discussions. Below is code for a forum tool that allows an individual user to set up a structured forum thread on any page. The page owner can control the contributers to the forum discussions, or leave it open for all to participate. Apart from this, it's easier to set up the wiki & registration into it with a forum tool that can be used in the wiki than it is to set up both a wiki & a forum (plus, there's consistency in registration names). Forums created on one page can be viewed on another (but not edited). A forumcounter action allows seeing the contributions to any particular forum.
With functionality similar to "regular" bulletin boards (such as PunBB), this forum tool can use simple wiki mark-up is considerably faster and easier to set up....and "empowers" regular wiki users to set up structured discussions in a manner not normally possible (unless you have access to a server, etc). Additionally, you can add comments and links FAR more easily on the main and on individual forum pages in the clone than one can in the real forum software (because you can use wiki markup). Combined with the wiki mail tool I wrote (WikkaMail) I use this forum approach for my courses instead of real bulletin board software since I have all the needed functionality and more in one spot. [Currently this forum tool uses wiki markup for the "front end" of the bulletin board. In current development is an action (wikkabb.php) which will allow bulletin board management & a look quite similar to traditional bulletin boards but through the wiki (and this wikkaforum tool). There are two advantages this will offer over traditional bb's (from a "community" perspective AND from a teaching/learning perspective in classroom use). Firstly, individual forums discussions can be shared across communities and forums. This is a considerable departure from regular BB's where one is either entirely in one community or not....whereas this tool will permit crossing-over between different communities/classes. Secondly (and consistent with what was written earlier), it allows these inter-linked bulletin boards to be generated by users for their own (community) purposes....not something usually possible with bulletin boards. Development on this tool should conclude in the next few weeks, it will be field tested, and then it will be released here.]
The wikkaforum action allows you to open the discussion threads on any page using {{wikkaforum page="pagename"}}, although entries cannot be made anywhere but the home page (for security reasons). The page owner can designate a user list and a topic title (example: {{wikkaforum share="JavaWoman DarTar GmBowen" topic="Paged Comments"}}) or leave the discussion threads open to all users. If a "collection" of threads is made (see my course clone example) then a main="collectionpage" designation can be made and that will be added to the navigation system automatically. The forumcounter action allows one to designate a particular thread and determine the number of threads and, optionally, time of last contribution.
Create the follow table in your wikka database (note that you might have to change the table prefix to what you use for your wikka)
CREATE TABLE `wakka_wikkaforum` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `wid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `for_ptitle` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `for_text` text NOT NULL, `tag` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', `for_data` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `for_dataw` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `for_ip` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '', `for_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) TYPE=MyISAM;
Place the following code as wikkaforum.php in the actions directory.
// wikkaforum.php Version 1.0j - Jan 13, 2005 - placed navigational links above entry box. Added variable to function call.
// Use: {{wikkaforum [topic="topic description"] [main="mainpage"] [page="pagename"] [share="name1 name2 name3 etc"]}}
// "main" is used if there is a collection of threads accessed from one wiki page, "main" allows the user
// to easily return to that page by placing a link on the page automatically
// MODIFIED from SForum class V1.4 for use in wikka wiki by GmBowen for a SSHRC research project.
// Modifications & original code released under GPL
// The file wikkaforumfunctions.php MUST be included in a directory in wikka root called "scripts"
// Original Simple Forum code available from www.phpclasses.org
//{{wikkaforum main="WikkaForum" topic="Bakhtin"}}
* SForum class
* @author: Wojciech Napierala XII.2004
* @help: Ondra Marek ondra.marek@interval.cz
* @
* voytass@op.pl
* @license: GNU GPL
$link = $this->config["base_url"].$this->MiniHref($method, $tag);
if (empty($page)) {
// code to determine who can contribute to the threads
if(empty($share)){$share = 'ALL';}
$tok = strtok($share, " \n\t");
while ($tok) {
if($tok == $this->GetUserName() || $tok == "ALL") { $use = 'true';}
$tok = strtok(" \n\t");
if (strtoupper($this->GetUserName())==strtoupper($this->GetPageOwner())){$use = 'true';}
// check so that when there are multiple instances of the action one cannot "add" to the database
// in response to having a thread from another page open (trust me, this code is necessary)
$tablepgname = $this->LoadSingle("SELECT tag FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."wikkaforum WHERE wid='".$_GET['wid']."' LIMIT 0,1");
$shouldwrite = $tablepgname[tag];
if (($shouldwrite==$this->getPageTag()) || (empty($shouldwrite))) {$use2 = 'true';}
// CLASS STATEMENT STARTS HERE. Using include_once prevents function conflicts & allows multiple instances on the same page
if (!isset($forum)) {
$forum = new SForum;
<div align="center">
<table WIDTH='90%' border='0'><tr ALIGN='left'><td>
if ($main==""){
if (!empty($_GET['wid'])) {
echo " <A HREF=\"".$link."\"><small>Return to Thread List</small></A>\n";
else {
echo "<A HREF=\"".$link."\"><small> </small></A>\n";
if ($this->IsWikiName($main)) {$link2 = "<A HREF=\"".$this->config["base_url"].$main."\">".$main."</A>";}
else {
echo $main;
if (!empty($_GET['wid'])) {$joiner=">>";}
if (empty($topic) && ($page!=$this->getPageTag())) {$topic=$tag;}
$topic=$this->MiniHref($method, $tag);
echo $link2.">><A HREF=\"".$link."\">".$topic."</A>".$joiner;
$forum->Show_SForum_Thread_Name($_GET['wid'], $tag, $prefix);
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
if (!empty($_POST['frm_ptitle']))
if (isset($_GET['wid'])) {
$forum->Show_SForum_Threads($_GET['wid'], $tag, $prefix);
$forum->pansw = $_GET['wid'];
} else {
$forum->Show_SForum($link, $tag, $prefix);
$forum->pansw = 0;
if ($main==""){
if (!empty($_GET['wid'])) {
echo " <A HREF=\"".$link."\"><small>Return to Thread List</small></A>\n";
else {
echo "<A HREF=\"".$link."\"><small> </small></A>\n";
if ($this->IsWikiName($main)) {$link2 = "<A HREF=\"".$this->config["base_url"].$main."\">".$main."</A>";}
else {
echo $main;
if (!empty($_GET['wid'])) {$joiner=">>";}
if (empty($topic) && ($page!=$this->getPageTag())) {$topic=$tag;}
$topic=$this->MiniHref($method, $tag);
echo $link2.">><A HREF=\"".$link."\">".$topic."</A>".$joiner;
$forum->Show_SForum_Thread_Name($_GET['wid'], $tag, $prefix);
if ($user = $this->GetUser())
if ($pageX==$this->getPageTag())
if ($use == 'true')
if ($use2 == 'true')
$forum->Show_frm($forum->ptitle, $link, $_GET['wid']);
echo "<small> This forum originates from ".$page.".</small><br>";
print("<small>Sorry, you need to be a registered & logged-in user to contribute to the forums.</small>");
if ($pageX!=$this->getPageTag()){print("<small> This forum originates from ".$pageX.".</small><br>");}
// wikkaforum.php Version 1.0j - Jan 13, 2005 - placed navigational links above entry box. Added variable to function call.
// Use: {{wikkaforum [topic="topic description"] [main="mainpage"] [page="pagename"] [share="name1 name2 name3 etc"]}}
// "main" is used if there is a collection of threads accessed from one wiki page, "main" allows the user
// to easily return to that page by placing a link on the page automatically
// MODIFIED from SForum class V1.4 for use in wikka wiki by GmBowen for a SSHRC research project.
// Modifications & original code released under GPL
// The file wikkaforumfunctions.php MUST be included in a directory in wikka root called "scripts"
// Original Simple Forum code available from www.phpclasses.org
//{{wikkaforum main="WikkaForum" topic="Bakhtin"}}
* SForum class
* @author: Wojciech Napierala XII.2004
* @help: Ondra Marek ondra.marek@interval.cz
* @
* voytass@op.pl
* @license: GNU GPL
$link = $this->config["base_url"].$this->MiniHref($method, $tag);
if (empty($page)) {
// code to determine who can contribute to the threads
if(empty($share)){$share = 'ALL';}
$tok = strtok($share, " \n\t");
while ($tok) {
if($tok == $this->GetUserName() || $tok == "ALL") { $use = 'true';}
$tok = strtok(" \n\t");
if (strtoupper($this->GetUserName())==strtoupper($this->GetPageOwner())){$use = 'true';}
// check so that when there are multiple instances of the action one cannot "add" to the database
// in response to having a thread from another page open (trust me, this code is necessary)
$tablepgname = $this->LoadSingle("SELECT tag FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."wikkaforum WHERE wid='".$_GET['wid']."' LIMIT 0,1");
$shouldwrite = $tablepgname[tag];
if (($shouldwrite==$this->getPageTag()) || (empty($shouldwrite))) {$use2 = 'true';}
// CLASS STATEMENT STARTS HERE. Using include_once prevents function conflicts & allows multiple instances on the same page
if (!isset($forum)) {
$forum = new SForum;
<div align="center">
<table WIDTH='90%' border='0'><tr ALIGN='left'><td>
if ($main==""){
if (!empty($_GET['wid'])) {
echo " <A HREF=\"".$link."\"><small>Return to Thread List</small></A>\n";
else {
echo "<A HREF=\"".$link."\"><small> </small></A>\n";
if ($this->IsWikiName($main)) {$link2 = "<A HREF=\"".$this->config["base_url"].$main."\">".$main."</A>";}
else {
echo $main;
if (!empty($_GET['wid'])) {$joiner=">>";}
if (empty($topic) && ($page!=$this->getPageTag())) {$topic=$tag;}
$topic=$this->MiniHref($method, $tag);
echo $link2.">><A HREF=\"".$link."\">".$topic."</A>".$joiner;
$forum->Show_SForum_Thread_Name($_GET['wid'], $tag, $prefix);
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
if (!empty($_POST['frm_ptitle']))
if (isset($_GET['wid'])) {
$forum->Show_SForum_Threads($_GET['wid'], $tag, $prefix);
$forum->pansw = $_GET['wid'];
} else {
$forum->Show_SForum($link, $tag, $prefix);
$forum->pansw = 0;
if ($main==""){
if (!empty($_GET['wid'])) {
echo " <A HREF=\"".$link."\"><small>Return to Thread List</small></A>\n";
else {
echo "<A HREF=\"".$link."\"><small> </small></A>\n";
if ($this->IsWikiName($main)) {$link2 = "<A HREF=\"".$this->config["base_url"].$main."\">".$main."</A>";}
else {
echo $main;
if (!empty($_GET['wid'])) {$joiner=">>";}
if (empty($topic) && ($page!=$this->getPageTag())) {$topic=$tag;}
$topic=$this->MiniHref($method, $tag);
echo $link2.">><A HREF=\"".$link."\">".$topic."</A>".$joiner;
$forum->Show_SForum_Thread_Name($_GET['wid'], $tag, $prefix);
if ($user = $this->GetUser())
if ($pageX==$this->getPageTag())
if ($use == 'true')
if ($use2 == 'true')
$forum->Show_frm($forum->ptitle, $link, $_GET['wid']);
echo "<small> This forum originates from ".$page.".</small><br>";
print("<small>Sorry, you need to be a registered & logged-in user to contribute to the forums.</small>");
if ($pageX!=$this->getPageTag()){print("<small> This forum originates from ".$pageX.".</small><br>");}
The following file contains the functions for wikkaforum.php and must be saved in a file called wikkaforumfunctions.php and stored in a directory called scripts placed in the wikka root. (Thanks to JW to steering me towards this approach!!)
// wikkaforumfunctions.php Version 1.0i - Jan 13, 2005 - added several wikka formatting features to forum output
// USE: required to be able to use wikkaforum.php & forumcounter.php actions.
// This file **must** be placed in a directory in wikka root called "scripts".
// MODIFIED from SForum class V1.4 for use in wikka wiki by GmBowen for a SSHRC research project.
// Modifications & original code released under GPL
// Original Simple Forum class available from www.phpclasses.org
// **NOTE** for inclusion on a wiki page double percents were replaced by #0025 on line 154, they need
// to be replaced as double percents. It is not advised that you do not replace code formatting marks.
* SForum class
* @author: Wojciech Napierała XII.2004
* @help: Ondra Marek ondra.marek@interval.cz
* @
* voytass@op.pl
* @license: GNU GPL
class SForum {
var $ptitle;
var $react; // number of answers in a thread
var $pansw;
var $title;
// SForum: constructor
function SForum() {
$this->ptitle = NULL;
$this->pansw = 0;
$this->title = "<TITLE>$this->SFname</TITLE>";
// Show_frm: displays the form
function Show_frm($ptitle=NULL, $link, $wid) {
if(!empty($ptitle)) {
$this->ptitle = "Re: ".$ptitle;
if (!EMPTY($wid)){$showrules="<small>Except in titles, several wiki formatting codes (bold(<bold>**</bold>), italics(<strong>//</strong>), underline(<strong>__</strong>),<br /> strikethrough(<strong>++</strong>), highlight (two single quotes...<strong>''</strong>), centering (<strong>@@</strong>) and bulleted lists(<strong>~-</strong>) <br />(and other lists)) are active. Headings, actions, tables, and external linking are not activated. </small>";}
$zawartosc = "\n\n<FORM ACTION=\"".$link."\" METHOD=\"post\" NAME=\"frm\">\n"
. "<TABLE><TR>\n"
. "<TD>Title:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"frm_ptitle\" VALUE=\"$this->ptitle\" SIZE=\"65\"></TD>\n"
. "</TR><TR>\n"
. "<TD VALIGN=top>Text:</TD><TD><TEXTAREA NAME=\"frm_text\" cols=\"65\" rows=\"10\"></TEXTAREA></TD>\n"
. "</TR><TR>\n"
. "<TD></TD><TD COLLSPAN=\"2\"><INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=\"submit\" VALUE=\"Submit Comment\"></TD>\n"
. "</tr><tr><td></td><td>".$showrules."</td></tr></TABLE>\n"
. "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"frm_ip\" VALUE=\"".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\">\n"
. "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"frm_wid\" VALUE=\"".$this->pansw."\">\n"
. "</FORM>\n\n";
// Show_SFname : Show SForum name as text
function Show_SFname($topic) {
// Add_new_post: Adds new record to DB (updated 10 Jan 2005)
function Add_new_post($ptitle,$text,$tag,$ip,$name,$frm_wid,$prefix) {
if($ptitle=="" or $text==""){
$this->ptitle = addslashes(htmlspecialchars(trim($ptitle)));
$this->text = addslashes(htmlspecialchars(trim($text)));
if ($frm_wid == 0) {
$zapytanie = "INSERT INTO ".$prefix."wikkaforum (wid,for_ptitle,for_text,tag,for_data,for_dataw,for_ip,for_name) VALUES('$frm_wid', '$this->ptitle', '$this->text', '$tag', now(), now(), '$ip', '$name')";
$sql = mysql_query($zapytanie) or die (mysql_error());
} else {
$zapytanie = "INSERT INTO ".$prefix."wikkaforum (wid,for_ptitle,for_text,tag,for_data,for_ip,for_name) VALUES('$frm_wid', '$this->ptitle', '$this->text', '$tag', now(), '$ip', '$name')";
$sql = mysql_query($zapytanie) or die (mysql_error());
$id = mysql_insert_id();
if ($frm_wid == 0) {
$zapytanie = "UPDATE ".$prefix."wikkaforum SET wid='$id' WHERE id='$id'";
#print $zapytanie;
$sql = mysql_query($zapytanie) or die (mysql_error());
} else {
$zapytanie = "UPDATE ".$prefix."wikkaforum SET for_dataw=now() WHERE id='$frm_wid'";
#print $zapytanie;
$sql = mysql_query($zapytanie) or die (mysql_error());
// Show_SForum: Displays the main message of threads
function Show_SForum($link, $tag, $prefix) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."wikkaforum WHERE id=wid AND tag='$tag' ORDER BY for_dataw DESC";
#print $sql."<br>\n";
$sql = mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());
$iledokumentow = mysql_affected_rows();
if ($iledokumentow > 0) {
print("<TABLE BORDER=\"1\" WIDTH=\"100%\">\n");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
$sql1 = "SELECT COUNT(wid)-1 AS num FROM ".$prefix."wikkaforum WHERE wid=".$row['id']." AND tag='$tag' GROUP BY wid";
#print $sql1."<br>\n";
$sql1 = mysql_query($sql1) or die (mysql_error());
$row1 = mysql_fetch_array($sql1);
//number of reactions
if ($row['for_name'] == "") {
$row['for_name'] = "Guest";
$this->ptitle = stripslashes($row['for_ptitle']);
print("<tr ALIGN='left'><TD>$link2<A HREF=\"".$link."&wid=".$row['id']."\">".$this->ptitle."</A></TD><TD ALIGN=\"center\">Replies: ".$this->react."</TD><TD ALIGN=\"center\" WIDTH=\"20%\">".$row['for_name']."</TD><TD ALIGN=\"center\" WIDTH=\"20%\">".$row['for_dataw']."</TD></tr>\n\n");
} else {
print("<br> There are no threaded topics yet. Why don't you start one?<br>\n");
$this->ptitle = ""; //the new thread's title is empty
// Show_ForumCount: Displays the count of the number of threads
function Show_SForumCounter($tag, $prefix) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."wikkaforum WHERE id=wid AND tag='$tag' ORDER BY for_dataw DESC";
$sql = mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());
$iledokumentow = mysql_affected_rows();
if ($iledokumentow > 0) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
$sql1 = "SELECT COUNT(wid)-1 AS num FROM ".$prefix."wikkaforum WHERE wid=".$row['id']." AND tag='$tag' GROUP BY wid";
#print $sql1."<br>\n";
$sql1 = mysql_query($sql1) or die (mysql_error());
$row1 = mysql_fetch_array($sql1);
//number of reactions
$count=$count + 1;
echo "<small>[# of threads:".$count.$row['for_data']."</small>";
echo "<small>[# of threads: 0</small>";
// Show_SForum_Threads: Displays all messages of a thread
function Show_SForum_Threads($wid, $tag, $prefix) {
global $wakka;
//$this->pansw = $wid;
$zapytanie = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."wikkaforum WHERE wid='$wid' AND tag='$tag' ORDER BY for_data ASC";
//print $zapytanie;
$sql = mysql_query($zapytanie) or die (mysql_error());
$iledokumentow = mysql_affected_rows();
if ($iledokumentow > 0) {
print("<TABLE BORDER=\"1\" WIDTH=\"100%\">\n");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
$this->ptitle = stripslashes($row['for_ptitle']);
$printtext = (stripslashes($row['for_text']));
$brackets = Array ('/{{/i', '/}}/i');
$changeto = '|.|';
$printtext = preg_replace($brackets, $changeto, $printtext);
$remove = array('#%', '======', '=====', '====', '===', '==', '[[', | ']]', '||', '#0025#0025', '<<', '>>', '::c::', '""');
$printtext = str_replace($remove, '', $printtext);
$printtext = $wakka->format($printtext);
if ($row['for_name'] == "") {
$row['for_name'] = "Guest";
$pmail = NULL;
$kmail = NULL;
print("<tr ALIGN='left'><TD><b>".$this->ptitle."</b><div ALIGN=\"right\"><i>$pmail".$row['for_name']."$kmail <FONT SIZE=\"1\">".$row['for_data']."</FONT></i></div>\n\n");
} else {
print(" No threads(s) exist for this topic.<br>\n");
$zapytanie = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."wikkaforum WHERE id='$wid' AND tag='$tag' LIMIT 0,1";
$sql = mysql_query($zapytanie) or die (mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
$this->ptitle = stripslashes($row['for_ptitle']); //Re title for form
// Show_SForum_Thread_Name: Displays all messages of a thread
function Show_SForum_Thread_Name($wid, $tag, $prefix) {
$zapytanie = "SELECT for_ptitle FROM ".$prefix."wikkaforum WHERE id='$wid' AND tag='$tag' LIMIT 0,1";
$sql = mysql_query($zapytanie) or die (mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
$this->ptitle = stripslashes($row['for_ptitle']); //Re title for form
// wikkaforumfunctions.php Version 1.0i - Jan 13, 2005 - added several wikka formatting features to forum output
// USE: required to be able to use wikkaforum.php & forumcounter.php actions.
// This file **must** be placed in a directory in wikka root called "scripts".
// MODIFIED from SForum class V1.4 for use in wikka wiki by GmBowen for a SSHRC research project.
// Modifications & original code released under GPL
// Original Simple Forum class available from www.phpclasses.org
// **NOTE** for inclusion on a wiki page double percents were replaced by #0025 on line 154, they need
// to be replaced as double percents. It is not advised that you do not replace code formatting marks.
* SForum class
* @author: Wojciech Napierała XII.2004
* @help: Ondra Marek ondra.marek@interval.cz
* @
* voytass@op.pl
* @license: GNU GPL
class SForum {
var $ptitle;
var $react; // number of answers in a thread
var $pansw;
var $title;
// SForum: constructor
function SForum() {
$this->ptitle = NULL;
$this->pansw = 0;
$this->title = "<TITLE>$this->SFname</TITLE>";
// Show_frm: displays the form
function Show_frm($ptitle=NULL, $link, $wid) {
if(!empty($ptitle)) {
$this->ptitle = "Re: ".$ptitle;
if (!EMPTY($wid)){$showrules="<small>Except in titles, several wiki formatting codes (bold(<bold>**</bold>), italics(<strong>//</strong>), underline(<strong>__</strong>),<br /> strikethrough(<strong>++</strong>), highlight (two single quotes...<strong>''</strong>), centering (<strong>@@</strong>) and bulleted lists(<strong>~-</strong>) <br />(and other lists)) are active. Headings, actions, tables, and external linking are not activated. </small>";}
$zawartosc = "\n\n<FORM ACTION=\"".$link."\" METHOD=\"post\" NAME=\"frm\">\n"
. "<TABLE><TR>\n"
. "<TD>Title:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"frm_ptitle\" VALUE=\"$this->ptitle\" SIZE=\"65\"></TD>\n"
. "</TR><TR>\n"
. "<TD VALIGN=top>Text:</TD><TD><TEXTAREA NAME=\"frm_text\" cols=\"65\" rows=\"10\"></TEXTAREA></TD>\n"
. "</TR><TR>\n"
. "<TD></TD><TD COLLSPAN=\"2\"><INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=\"submit\" VALUE=\"Submit Comment\"></TD>\n"
. "</tr><tr><td></td><td>".$showrules."</td></tr></TABLE>\n"
. "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"frm_ip\" VALUE=\"".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\">\n"
. "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"frm_wid\" VALUE=\"".$this->pansw."\">\n"
. "</FORM>\n\n";
// Show_SFname : Show SForum name as text
function Show_SFname($topic) {
// Add_new_post: Adds new record to DB (updated 10 Jan 2005)
function Add_new_post($ptitle,$text,$tag,$ip,$name,$frm_wid,$prefix) {
if($ptitle=="" or $text==""){
$this->ptitle = addslashes(htmlspecialchars(trim($ptitle)));
$this->text = addslashes(htmlspecialchars(trim($text)));
if ($frm_wid == 0) {
$zapytanie = "INSERT INTO ".$prefix."wikkaforum (wid,for_ptitle,for_text,tag,for_data,for_dataw,for_ip,for_name) VALUES('$frm_wid', '$this->ptitle', '$this->text', '$tag', now(), now(), '$ip', '$name')";
$sql = mysql_query($zapytanie) or die (mysql_error());
} else {
$zapytanie = "INSERT INTO ".$prefix."wikkaforum (wid,for_ptitle,for_text,tag,for_data,for_ip,for_name) VALUES('$frm_wid', '$this->ptitle', '$this->text', '$tag', now(), '$ip', '$name')";
$sql = mysql_query($zapytanie) or die (mysql_error());
$id = mysql_insert_id();
if ($frm_wid == 0) {
$zapytanie = "UPDATE ".$prefix."wikkaforum SET wid='$id' WHERE id='$id'";
#print $zapytanie;
$sql = mysql_query($zapytanie) or die (mysql_error());
} else {
$zapytanie = "UPDATE ".$prefix."wikkaforum SET for_dataw=now() WHERE id='$frm_wid'";
#print $zapytanie;
$sql = mysql_query($zapytanie) or die (mysql_error());
// Show_SForum: Displays the main message of threads
function Show_SForum($link, $tag, $prefix) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."wikkaforum WHERE id=wid AND tag='$tag' ORDER BY for_dataw DESC";
#print $sql."<br>\n";
$sql = mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());
$iledokumentow = mysql_affected_rows();
if ($iledokumentow > 0) {
print("<TABLE BORDER=\"1\" WIDTH=\"100%\">\n");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
$sql1 = "SELECT COUNT(wid)-1 AS num FROM ".$prefix."wikkaforum WHERE wid=".$row['id']." AND tag='$tag' GROUP BY wid";
#print $sql1."<br>\n";
$sql1 = mysql_query($sql1) or die (mysql_error());
$row1 = mysql_fetch_array($sql1);
//number of reactions
if ($row['for_name'] == "") {
$row['for_name'] = "Guest";
$this->ptitle = stripslashes($row['for_ptitle']);
print("<tr ALIGN='left'><TD>$link2<A HREF=\"".$link."&wid=".$row['id']."\">".$this->ptitle."</A></TD><TD ALIGN=\"center\">Replies: ".$this->react."</TD><TD ALIGN=\"center\" WIDTH=\"20%\">".$row['for_name']."</TD><TD ALIGN=\"center\" WIDTH=\"20%\">".$row['for_dataw']."</TD></tr>\n\n");
} else {
print("<br> There are no threaded topics yet. Why don't you start one?<br>\n");
$this->ptitle = ""; //the new thread's title is empty
// Show_ForumCount: Displays the count of the number of threads
function Show_SForumCounter($tag, $prefix) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."wikkaforum WHERE id=wid AND tag='$tag' ORDER BY for_dataw DESC";
$sql = mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());
$iledokumentow = mysql_affected_rows();
if ($iledokumentow > 0) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
$sql1 = "SELECT COUNT(wid)-1 AS num FROM ".$prefix."wikkaforum WHERE wid=".$row['id']." AND tag='$tag' GROUP BY wid";
#print $sql1."<br>\n";
$sql1 = mysql_query($sql1) or die (mysql_error());
$row1 = mysql_fetch_array($sql1);
//number of reactions
$count=$count + 1;
echo "<small>[# of threads:".$count.$row['for_data']."</small>";
echo "<small>[# of threads: 0</small>";
// Show_SForum_Threads: Displays all messages of a thread
function Show_SForum_Threads($wid, $tag, $prefix) {
global $wakka;
//$this->pansw = $wid;
$zapytanie = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."wikkaforum WHERE wid='$wid' AND tag='$tag' ORDER BY for_data ASC";
//print $zapytanie;
$sql = mysql_query($zapytanie) or die (mysql_error());
$iledokumentow = mysql_affected_rows();
if ($iledokumentow > 0) {
print("<TABLE BORDER=\"1\" WIDTH=\"100%\">\n");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
$this->ptitle = stripslashes($row['for_ptitle']);
$printtext = (stripslashes($row['for_text']));
$brackets = Array ('/{{/i', '/}}/i');
$changeto = '|.|';
$printtext = preg_replace($brackets, $changeto, $printtext);
$remove = array('#%', '======', '=====', '====', '===', '==', '[[', | ']]', '||', '#0025#0025', '<<', '>>', '::c::', '""');
$printtext = str_replace($remove, '', $printtext);
$printtext = $wakka->format($printtext);
if ($row['for_name'] == "") {
$row['for_name'] = "Guest";
$pmail = NULL;
$kmail = NULL;
print("<tr ALIGN='left'><TD><b>".$this->ptitle."</b><div ALIGN=\"right\"><i>$pmail".$row['for_name']."$kmail <FONT SIZE=\"1\">".$row['for_data']."</FONT></i></div>\n\n");
} else {
print(" No threads(s) exist for this topic.<br>\n");
$zapytanie = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."wikkaforum WHERE id='$wid' AND tag='$tag' LIMIT 0,1";
$sql = mysql_query($zapytanie) or die (mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
$this->ptitle = stripslashes($row['for_ptitle']); //Re title for form
// Show_SForum_Thread_Name: Displays all messages of a thread
function Show_SForum_Thread_Name($wid, $tag, $prefix) {
$zapytanie = "SELECT for_ptitle FROM ".$prefix."wikkaforum WHERE id='$wid' AND tag='$tag' LIMIT 0,1";
$sql = mysql_query($zapytanie) or die (mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
$this->ptitle = stripslashes($row['for_ptitle']); //Re title for form
This final action should be called forumcounter.php and placed in the actions directory.
// forumcounter.php Version 1.0c - Feb 7, 2005 - corrected bracket placement
// PURPOSE - Counts number of threads in specific forum (each forum is associated w/ a specific page)
// USE: {{forumcounter [page="forumpage"] [last="yes"]}} provides a count of the number of threads
// in the forum on the designated page (default is current page).
// last="yes" designates that the last time/date a thread was contributed to is desired.
// MODIFIED from SForum class V1.2 for use in wikka wiki by GmBowen for a SSHRC research project.
// Modifications & original code released under GPL
// REQUIRES wikkaforumfunctions.php to be included in a directory in wikka root called "scripts"
// Original Simple Forum code available from www.phpclasses.org
* SForum class
* @author: Wojciech Napierala XII.2004
* @help: Ondra Marek ondra.marek@interval.cz
* @
* voytass@op.pl
* @license: GNU GPL
if (empty($page)) {$page=$this->getPageTag();}
// CLASS STATEMENT STARTS HERE. Using include_once prevents function conflicts
// & allows multiple instances on the same page
if (!isset($forum)) {
$forum = new SForum;
if (!isset($_GET['wid'])) {
$forum->Show_SForumCounter($tag, $prefix);
if ($last=="yes"){
$tablepgname = $this->LoadAll("SELECT * FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."wikkaforum WHERE tag='".$tag."' ORDER BY for_data DESC LIMIT 0,1");
foreach($tablepgname as $ltime)
echo "<small> Last edit: ".$ltime["for_data"]."</small>";
echo "<small>]</small>";
// forumcounter.php Version 1.0c - Feb 7, 2005 - corrected bracket placement
// PURPOSE - Counts number of threads in specific forum (each forum is associated w/ a specific page)
// USE: {{forumcounter [page="forumpage"] [last="yes"]}} provides a count of the number of threads
// in the forum on the designated page (default is current page).
// last="yes" designates that the last time/date a thread was contributed to is desired.
// MODIFIED from SForum class V1.2 for use in wikka wiki by GmBowen for a SSHRC research project.
// Modifications & original code released under GPL
// REQUIRES wikkaforumfunctions.php to be included in a directory in wikka root called "scripts"
// Original Simple Forum code available from www.phpclasses.org
* SForum class
* @author: Wojciech Napierala XII.2004
* @help: Ondra Marek ondra.marek@interval.cz
* @
* voytass@op.pl
* @license: GNU GPL
if (empty($page)) {$page=$this->getPageTag();}
// CLASS STATEMENT STARTS HERE. Using include_once prevents function conflicts
// & allows multiple instances on the same page
if (!isset($forum)) {
$forum = new SForum;
if (!isset($_GET['wid'])) {
$forum->Show_SForumCounter($tag, $prefix);
if ($last=="yes"){
$tablepgname = $this->LoadAll("SELECT * FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."wikkaforum WHERE tag='".$tag."' ORDER BY for_data DESC LIMIT 0,1");
foreach($tablepgname as $ltime)
echo "<small> Last edit: ".$ltime["for_data"]."</small>";
echo "<small>]</small>";
To Do/Further Development list:
- search feature for forum table...for both individual wikkaforum & all wikkaforum's?
- list your contributions (add to code above so can just click on a link & show your comments & replies)...or maybe just put a "star" or something beside the threadnames (on the front page) that you've contributed to?
- an action that could be placed on the forum main page (see my clone example) that could indicate if you'd contributed to that wikkaforum.
- if you enter a thread name/content, then "refresh" the page from the browser navigation bar, then the thread name/content is re-entered. I've played with this tons to no avail. Any suggestions???