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===== User Registration module: Only one account per email=====


This is a Module for the UserRegistration Framework.

It checks if the emailadress entered during registration was already used to register a useraccount. I.e. one mail-adress = one useraccount.

The code was developed due to a request from MovieLady at the SuggestionBox.

Please Test.

* Check denying the use of an Emailaddress for the registration of more then one useraccount.
* Based on code written for an old request from MovieLady at the SuggestionBox.
* To implement, set the following in wikka.config.php:
* 'UR_validation_modules' => 'URUniqueEmailModule'
* (If combined with other modules, separate each module with a
* comma.)
* @author {@link NilsLindenberg}
* @license GNU General Public License
* @see libs/userregistration.class.php
* @see URAuth, URAuthTmpl
* @filesource
class URUniqueEmailModule extends URAuthTmpl
var $wakka;

* Constructor.
function URTextCaptchaModule(&$wakka)
$this->wakka = &$wakka;

* No need to display something.
function URAuthTmplDisplay()

* Check if an email adress is already used for an useraccount.
* @uses Wakka::Query
function URAuthTmplVerify()
$count = 0;
$query = "SELECT COUNT(email)
FROM ".$this->wakka->config['table_prefix']."users
WHERE email='".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email'])."'";
if ($r = $this->wakka->Query($query))
$count = mysql_result($r,0);
return ($count > 0) ? FALSE : TRUE;

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