Wiki source for ShowRecentChangesMindMapAction

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This is the development page for the ""ShowRecentChangesMindMap"" action

Please feel free to make changes or leave comments!


Action to display recent changes in a mindmap. It will
gather changes (up to a specified maximum)
write them into a file if this is a registered user.
launch mindmap to display them

{{recentchangesmindmap max="50" height="1000"}}

(optional) max: Number of changes to display.
If not specified, will use value from user settings
If not specified, will use 50

(optional) height: Height of frame within which the mindmap will be displayed.
If not specified, will use 1000.

Comments/changes are most welcome

Nick Damoulakis


// Only create a file with the mindmap, if the user is logged in
$user = $this->GetUser();
if ($user)
$filename = "recent_changes_for_".$this->GetUserName().".mm";

// If this is the 1st pass over the page then create the mindmap XML and store it in a file
if (!$_SESSION["mnprinted"] || $_SESSION["mnprinted"] == "")
$xml = "<map version=\"0.7.1\">\n";
$xml .= "<node TEXT=\"Recent Changes\">\n";
$xml .= "<node TEXT=\"Date\" POSITION=\"right\">\n";

if ($pages = $this->LoadRecentlyChanged())
$users = array();
$curday = "";

// Check for any params supplied with the action
if (is_array($vars))
foreach ($vars as $param => $value)
if ($param == 'max') {$max = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['max']);}

$user = $this->GetUser();

// If no max was specified, use either that defined at login or default to 50
if (!$max) {$max = ( $user ? $user["changescount"] : 50);}

$c = 0;
foreach ($pages as $page)
if (($c <= $max) || !$max)
$pageuser = $page["user"];
$pagetag = $page["tag"];

// day header
list($day, $time) = explode(" ", $page["time"]);
if ($day != $curday)
$dateformatted = date("D, d M Y", strtotime($day));
if ($curday) $xml .= "</node>\n";
$xml .= "<node TEXT=\"$dateformatted\">\n";
$curday = $day;

$pagelink = $this->config["base_url"].$pagetag;
$xml .= "<node LINK=\"$pagelink\" TEXT=\"$pagetag\" FOLDED=\"true\">\n";
$timeformatted = date("H:i T", strtotime($page["time"]));
$xml .= "<node LINK=\"$pagelink/revisions\" TEXT=\"Revision time: $timeformatted\"/>\n";
if ($pagenote = $page["note"])
$xml .= "<node TEXT=\"$pageuser: $pagenote\"/>\n";
} else
$xml .= "<node TEXT=\"Author: $pageuser\"/>\n";

$xml .= "<node LINK=\"$pagelink/history\" TEXT=\"View History\"/>\n";
$xml .= "</node>\n";
// $xml .= "<arrowlink ENDARROW=\"Default\" DESTINATION=\"Freemind_Link_".$page["user"]."\" STARTARROW=\"None\"/>\n";
if (is_array($users[$pageuser]))
$u_count = count($users[$pageuser]);
$users[$pageuser][$u_count] = $pagetag;
} else
$users[$pageuser][0] = $pageuser;
$users[$pageuser][1] = $pagetag;


$xml .= "</node></node><node TEXT=\"Author\" POSITION=\"left\">\n";
foreach ($users as $user)
$start_loop = true;
foreach ($user as $user_page)
if (!$start_loop)
$xml .= "<node TEXT=\"".$user_page."\"/>\n";
} else
$xml .= "<node TEXT=\"$user_page\">\n";
$start_loop = false;
$xml .= "</node>\n";
// $xml .= "<node ID=\"Freemind_Link_".$user["user"]."\" TEXT=\"".$page["user"]."\"/>\n";
$xml .= "<item>\n";
$xml .= "<title>Error</title>\n";
$xml .= "<link>".$this->Href("show")."</link>\n";
$xml .= "<description>You're not allowed to access this information.</description>\n";
$xml .= "</item>\n";

$xml .= "</node></node>\n";
$xml .= "</map>\n";

// If this user is a logged in user (thus a defined filename from above)
if ($filename != "")
$fp = @fopen($filename, "w");
fwrite($fp, $xml);

// Set the flag to say we've already done the map generation work
$_SESSION["mnprinted"] = "printed";

// and reload this page
// This must then be the 2nd pass, so lets zap the flag.
$_SESSION["mnprinted"] = null;

// Set up a URL for the mindmap
// NOTE!!! WAKKA_HOST is a *new* config variable!

echo "<br>This page will show the ".$max." most recent changes to this Wikki</br><br>";

// Extract host info from base_url. It is assumed that wikka.php will always be the starting php file...
$baseurl = $this->config["base_url"];
$pos = strpos($baseurl, "wikka.php");
if ($pos > 1)
$host = substr($baseurl, 0, $pos - 1);
// Force the error msg below to be shown
$host = null;

if (!$host || $host == "")
echo "Could not derive hostname. Is the base_url variable in wikka.config.php defined?";
$mindmap_url = $host."/".$filename;
$mindmap_url = $this->cleanUrl(trim($mindmap_url));

if (is_array($vars))
foreach ($vars as $param => $value)
if ($param == 'height') {$height = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['height']);}

if (!$height)
$height = "500";

$mindmap_url_fullscreen = "3rdparty/plugins/freemind/fullscreen.php?url=$mindmap_url";

$output =
"<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"JavaScript\">\n".
" if(!navigator.javaEnabled()) {\n".
" document.write('Please install a <a href=\"\">Java Runtime Environment</a> on your computer.');\n".
" }\n".
"function popup(mylink, windowname)\n".
"if (! window.focus)return true;\n".
"var href;\n".
"if (typeof(mylink) == 'string')\n".
" href=mylink;\n".
" href=mylink.href;\n".
", windowname, ',type=fullWindow,fullscreen,scrollbars=yes');\n".
"return false;\n".
"<applet code=\"freemind.main.FreeMindApplet.class\" archive=\"3rdparty/plugins/freemind/freemindbrowser.jar\" width=\"100%\" height=\"$height\">\n".
" <param name=\"type\" value=\"application/x-java-applet;version=1.4\" />\n".
" <param name=\"scriptable\" value=\"false\" />\n".
" <param name=\"modes\" value=\"freemind.modes.browsemode.BrowseMode\" />\n".
" <param name=\"browsemode_initial_map\" value=\"$mindmap_url\" />\n".
" <param name=\"initial_mode\" value=\"Browse\" />\n".
" <param name=\"selection_method\" value=\"selection_method_direct\" />\n".
"<br />\n".
"<span class=\"floatr\"><a href=\"$mindmap_url\">Download this mind map</a> :: Use <a href=\"\">Freemind</a> to edit it :: <a href=\"$mindmap_url_fullscreen\" onclick=\"return popup(this,'fullmindmap')\">Open fullscreen</a></span><div style=\"clear:both;\"></div>\n";




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