Comparing revisions for PLG-Csv

||{border: 0px solid white;}##""==Swede==;""##||{border: 0px solid white;}##"" Chanelle;""##||{border: 0px solid white;}##"" Blomqvist;""##||{border: 0px solid white;}##"" Överhogdal 95; 282 02 HÖRJA;""##||{border: 0px solid white;}##"" 61""##||
||{border: 0px solid white;}##""==German==;""##||{border: 0px solid white;}##"" Leah;""##||{border: 0px solid white;}##"" Ackermann;""##||{border: 0px solid white;}##"" Landhausstraße 73; 15702 Königs Wusterhausen;""##||{border: 0px solid white;}##"" 25""##||
~- 2019-09-03 Code clean-up, remove deprecated code, more features, fix bugs - ThePLG
~- text in quotes needs to be preserved e.g., whitespace, no splitting on semi-colons
~- Add more cell formatting options: alignment, bold, italic, ...
~- Text in quotes is preserved e.g., whitespace, no splitting on semi-colons
||{border: 0px solid white;}##""==Swede==;""##||{border: 0px solid white;}##"" Chanelle;""##||{border: 0px solid white;}##"" Blomqvist;""##||{border: 0px solid white;}##"" Överhogdal 95\; 282 02 HÖRJA;""##||{border: 0px solid white;}##"" 61""##||
||{border: 0px solid white;}##""==German==;""##||{border: 0px solid white;}##"" Leah;""##||{border: 0px solid white;}##"" Ackermann;""##||{border: 0px solid white;}##"" Landhausstraße 73\; 15702 Königs Wusterhausen;""##||{border: 0px solid white;}##"" 25""##||
// convert inline csv data into a table.
// by OnegWR, May 2005, license GPL
// by ThePLG, Feb 2020, license GPL
// Copy the code below into a file named formatters/csv.php
// And give it the same file permissions as the other files in that directory.
$comments= 0;
$style_header="background-color:#ccc; ";
$style_even="background-color:#ffe; ";
$style_odd="background-color:#eee; ";
$style_error="background-color:#d30; ";
print "<table><tbody>\n";
foreach ($array_csv_lines= preg_split("/[\n]/", $text) as $csv_n => $csv_line)
if (preg_match("/^#|^\s*$/",$csv_line))
if (preg_match("/^#!\s*th\s*{\s*background-color:\s*([^\s;]*)\s*;\s*}$/", $csv_line, $color)) {
$style_header= "background-color:". $color[1] ."; ";
if (preg_match("/^#!\s*td\s*{.*background-color-even\s*:\s*([^\s;]*)\s*;.*}$/", $csv_line, $color))
$style_even= "background-color:". $color[1] ."; ";
if (preg_match("/^#!\s*td\s*{.*background-color-odd\s*:\s*([^\s;]*)\s*;.*}$/", $csv_line, $color))
$style_odd= "background-color:". $color[1] ."; ";
if (preg_match("/^#!\s*td\s*{.*background-color-error\s*:\s*([^\s;]*)\s*;.*}$/", $csv_line, $color))
$style_error= "background-color:". $color[1] ."; ";
print (($csv_n+$comments)%2) ? "<tr style=\"". $style_even ."\">" : "<tr style=\"". $style_odd ."\">";
// asserts what precedes the ; is not a backslash \\\\, doesn't accoutn for \\; (escaped backslash semicolon)
// OMFG!
foreach (preg_split("/(?<!\\\\);(?=(?:[^\"]*([\"])[^\"]*\\1)*[^\"]*$)/", $csv_line) as $csv_nn => $csv_cell)
if ($csv_n == $comments) {
$style[$csv_nn]= "padding: 1px 10px 1px 10px; ";
if (preg_match("/^\"?\s*==(.*)==\s*\"?$/", $csv_cell, $header))
$title[$csv_nn]= $header[1];
if (preg_match("/([\/\\\\|])([^\/\\\\|]*)\\1$/", $title[$csv_nn], $align))
switch ($align[1]) {
case "/" : $style[$csv_nn].= "text-align:right; "; break;
case "\\" : $style[$csv_nn].= "text-align:left; "; break;
case "|" : $style[$csv_nn].= "text-align:center; "; break;
$title[$csv_nn]= $align[2];
print "<th style=\"". $style_header . $style[$csv_nn] ."\">". $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($title[$csv_nn]) ."</th>";
// if a cell is blank, print  
if (preg_match("/^\s*$/",$csv_cell)) {
print "<td style=\"". $style[$csv_nn] ."\"> </td>";
// extract the cell out of it's quotes
elseif (preg_match("/^\s*(\"?)(.*)\\1\s*$/", $csv_cell, $matches))
if ($matches[1] == "\"")
$style[$csv_nn]= "white-space:pre; ". $style[$csv_nn];
$cell= $matches[2];
$cell= preg_replace('/\\\\;/', ';', $matches[2]);
// test for CamelLink
if (preg_match_all("/\[\[([[:alnum:]-]+)\]\]/", $cell, $all_links))
$linked= $cell;

foreach ($all_links[1] as $n => $camel_link)
$linked = preg_replace("/\[\[". $camel_link ."\]\]/", $this->Link($camel_link), $linked);
print "<td style=\"". $style[$csv_nn] ."\">". $linked ."</td>"; // no htmlspecialchars_ent()
print "<td style=\"". $style[$csv_nn] ."\">". $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($cell) ."</td>";
print "<td style=\"". $style_error . $style[$csv_nn] ."\">ERROR!</td>"; // $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($csv_cell)
print "</tr>\n";
print "</tbody></table>\n";
~- Sept-2019 Code clean-up, remove deprecated code, more features, fix bugs - ThePLG
~- Mar-2020 Upgrade code for PHP7, add some CSS formatting options.
~- Add more cell formatting options: text/background color, alignment, bold, italic, ...
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