New RSS Action, powered with Magpie RSS

See also
Demos: --Demo off--

For this action to work, you'll have to first download Magpie RSS and put it in the ./3rdparty/plugins/magpierss/.
(Note : ./ is the wikka base directory.)

After this is done, create a ./cache/ directory and make it writable.


And now, make a backup of the current RSS action (./actions/rss.php) and replace the old by this one :
// Action usage:
// {{rss}} or {{rss url="" maxitems="5"}}

// As said in the magpie RSS cookbook :
    # Magpie throws USER_WARNINGS only
    # so you can cloak these, by only showing ERRORs
// Those warnings are triggered when Magpie can't download the remote RSS file, and there is no cached version.
// Another possible warning is when the feed is improperly parsed. The cookbook talks about illegal HTML, I handled that pretty well for atom feeds.
// This can create an error or warning on some shared hosting, so comment it out if it does.(user // or # in front of the line)

// This is the default cache dir.
$rss_cache_path = "./cache/"; // set this to a writable directory to store the cache files in
$caching = 1; // change this to false to disable caching || Set to 0 for false and 1 for true.

if (!$vars['maxitems']) {
$maxitems = 15; // set this to the maximum items the RSS action should display if there is no maxitems specified in the variables.

else {
$maxitems = $vars['maxitems'];

// Sticking with default Magpie RSS value : 1 hour.
#$lowest_cache_time_allowed = "5"; // set this to the lowest caching time allowed
#$rss_cache_time = (int)trim($vars['cachetime']);
#if (!$rss_cache_time) {
#    $rss_cache_time = 30; // set this for default cache time
#} elseif ($rss_cache_time < $lowest_cache_time_allowed) {
#    $rss_cache_time = $lowest_cache_time_allowed;

//Action configuration
$rss_path = $vars['url'];
if ((!$rss_path) && $wikka_vars) $rss_path = $wikka_vars;
$rss_path = $this->cleanUrl(trim($rss_path));

if (preg_match("/^(http|https):\/\/([^\\s\"<>]+)$/i", $rss_path))

// Set Your Proxy Settings Here
define('MAGPIE_PROXY_HOST', '');
define('MAGPIE_PROXY_PORT', '');

// Path To MagpieRSS
define('MAGPIE_DIR', '3rdparty/plugins/magpierss/');

// Cache Settings
define('MAGPIE_CACHE_DIR', $rss_cache_path);
define('MAGPIE_CACHE_ON', $caching);

// Not sure how to use this one, so i'll stick with commenting it, default aging with Magpie is set to 1 hour.
#define('MAGPIE_CACHE_AGE', 10);


    $rss = fetch_rss( $rss_path );
    if ($rss) {
        $i = 1;
        $cached_output = "<h3>".$rss->channel['title']."</h3>";
        if ($rss->channel['link']) {
            $cached_output .= '<div align="right"><a href="'.$rss->channel['link'].'">FEED URL : '.$rss->channel['link'].'</a></div>';
        $cached_output .= "<ul>\n";
        foreach ($rss->items as $item) {
            $href = $item['link'];
            $title = $item['title'];
            if ($item['content']) {
                $description = implode($item['content']);
            else {
                $description = $item['description'];
            $cached_output .= "<li><a href=$href>$title</a><br />$description</li>";
            if ($i >= $maxitems) {
        $cached_output .= "</ul>\n";
        echo $this->ReturnSafeHTML($cached_output);
    } else {
        echo "An error occured when fetching or parsing the feed.<br />Check that the feed is compliant.";
} else {
    echo '<em class="error">Error: Invalid RSS syntax. <br /> Proper usage: {{rss}} or {{rss url="" maxitems="5"}}</em>';


You also need to patch the file included with magpierss. This patch adds proxy support. Save the file below as magpierss_proxy_support.patch in the same directory as (usually 3rdparty/plugins/magpierss).

diff -u --recursive magpierss-0.71.1/ magpierss-0.71.1-proxy/
--- magpierss-0.71.1/      2005-02-09 13:59:01.000000000 -0600
+++ magpierss-0.71.1-proxy/        2005-08-06 16:52:02.000000000 -0500
@@ -270,6 +270,8 @@
	 $client->agent = MAGPIE_USER_AGENT;
	 $client->read_timeout = MAGPIE_FETCH_TIME_OUT;
	 $client->use_gzip = MAGPIE_USE_GZIP;
+    $client->proxy_host = MAGPIE_PROXY_HOST;
+    $client->proxy_port = MAGPIE_PROXY_PORT;
	 if (is_array($headers) ) {
		 $client->rawheaders = $headers;
@@ -391,6 +393,14 @@
	 if ( !defined('MAGPIE_USE_GZIP') ) {
		 define('MAGPIE_USE_GZIP', true);
+    if ( !defined('MAGPIE_PROXY_HOST') ) {
+       define ('MAGPIE_PROXY_HOST', '');
+    }
+    if ( !defined('MAGPIE_PROXY_PORT', '') ) {
+       define ('MAGPIE_PROXY_PORT', '');
+    }

 // NOTE: the following code should really be in Snoopy, or at least

Change the the magpeirss directory. Then apply the patch by using the following command (in Linux):

 patch -Np1 <magpierss_proxy_support.patch 

To set a proxy, modify the MAGPIE_PROXY_HOST and MAGPIE_PROXY_PORT defines in your new rss.php file.

I think that it is NOT idiot proof and there may be place for optimisations.
Feel free to edit the code and tell me what you did, i'm a learner !

And, at last, please comment, so I'll know that people are seeing it. Thank you !

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