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<<**{{color c="red" text="So long, and thanks for all the fish"}}**

It is with a heavy heart that I am announcing the end-of-life for WikkaWiki. I have been an active developer with the project for 15 years, and am currently the last of the original devs. A lot has changed in the wiki landscape (and my own life) over the years, and TBH I have not kept up with the changes in the PHP language. In addition, it really doesn't make sense for me to continue offering new functionality for an ever-dwindling audience of WikkaWiki users. To that end, I will maintain ownership of the github repo and related issues database, but it's doubtful there will be any more development. Of course, in the spirit of F/OSS, anyone is free to fork the project and go off in their own direction.

Currently, Dario (one of our early visionaries) maintains ownership of the domain; I host the various websites. I will be shutting down the demo website, and will keep the www and docs websites alive for at least a few more months. During that time, I will capture the content of both sites and post the SQL tarballs (purged of user data) here for posterity.

I've truly enjoyed this journey, and I don't consider this the end, but the beginning of some new journey I've not yet realized. To those of you who have stuck with us, thank you so much! It makes the time spent on this project worth every second of effort put into it.

{{image class="logo" src="/images/wikka_logo.jpg" alt="Wikka logo" title="WikkaWiki"}}
==== Welcome to ""WikkaWiki"" ====

""<div style="float:left; margin: 10px 0 10px 0; padding: 10px 15px 10px 15px; width:97%; background-color:#FEE; border:1px solid #EDD">
<p>[19Apr2020] Announcing the release of <strong><a href="">WikkaWiki 1.4.2</a></strong> <br />
<a href="">What's new</a>::<a href="">Live demo</a>
<p><strong>Important</strong>: If you are upgrading, it's imperative that you read the <a href="">upgrade notes</a>, and that you BACK UP YOUR DATABASE! This release has been tested with MySQL 5.7.21 and PHP 7.2.4. Versions of PHP < 7.0 are no longer supported. For further details on system requirements please visit the <a href="">system requirements page</a>.

{{image class="right" src="" alt="Wikka Wizard" title="WikkaWiki"}}
**""WikkaWiki""** is a [[Docs:FlexibleWikka|flexible]], [[Docs:WikkaStandards | standards-compliant]] and [[Docs:LightweightInfo | lightweight]] [[Docs:WikiEngine | wiki engine]] written in [[Docs:PHP | PHP]], which uses [[Docs:MySQL | MySQL]] to store pages. Forked from [[Docs:WakkaWiki | WakkaWiki]]. Designed for [[Docs:SpeedInfo | speed]], [[Docs:ExtensibleInfo | extensibility]], and security. Released under the [[Docs:LicenseInfo | GPL]] license.

~- [[Docs:WikkaFeatures | Features]]: things you can do with Wikka.
~- [[Docs:SystemRequirements | System requirements]]: what you need to install the package.
~- [[WikkaFeaturedSites | The Wikka showcase]]: featured websites powered by WikkaWiki.
~- [[WikkaSites | Wikka sites]]: a comprehensive list of Wikka-powered websites in 37 languages.
~- [[IndependentWikkaReviews | Wikka reviews]]: what people say about Wikka.
~- See [[Docs:WikkaInAction | Wikka in action]]! {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}

::c::{{latestfiles show="stable" stableversion="1.4.2" stablereleasedate="19Apr2020"}}
===Quick help===
~-[[Docs:WikkaInstallation | Installing]]
~-[[Docs:UpgradeNotes | Upgrading]]
~-[[Docs:UpgradingFromWakkaWiki | Migrating from WakkaWiki]]
~-[[WikkaWorkarounds | Troubleshooting]]
===Documentation ===
Need help? Check the official [[Docs:HomePage | Wikka Documentation]].

If you need support with Wikka or to get in touch with the [[CreditsPage | Developer Team]] you can:
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===Plugins and extensions===
Several [[CodeContributions | user-contributed extensions]] are available for downloading.

===Discuss and contribute===
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===Bugs and features requests ===
You can suggest new [[ | features]], report [[ | bugs]], or browse the list of currently [[ | open issues]] via our [[ | GitHub repo]].

If you are interested in how to adapt Wikka to //speak your language// or //support non-western writing systems//, you can learn more on [[WikkaLocalization | this page]].

Interested in how to integrate Wikka with your blog or forum? You can check out the [[WikkaIntegration | list of current integration projects]] with other software, including CMS, blog engines, bulletin boards, etc...
<a href="" title="Extreme Project Management Tool"><img src="images/icons/logos/xpmt.png" alt="xpmt icon" /></a>
<a href="" title="Mambo"><img src="images/icons/logos/mambo.gif" alt="mambo icon" /></a>
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<a href=""><img src="" alt="feed icon" title="Subscribe to the release announcements feed" /></a> announcement of new releases<br />
<a href="" title="recent changes to the Wikka website"><img src="" alt="feed icon" /></a> recent changes to the Wikka website<br />
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Recently changed pages on this server can also be displayed as a ""<a href="" title="Open mindmap in a new window" target="_blank"><img alt="mm icon" src="images/mm.png" /></a>"" [[MindMapRecentChanges | mindmap]] .

===Support this project ===
Do you like WikkaWiki? You can [[SupportingWikka | drop us a line]] or help [[SpreadTheWord | spread the word]].

Wikka is brought to you by this amazing [[CreditsPage | crew]].

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