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=====Handle csv-data=====
This library is intended to hold functions which handle data from (and perhaps in some time) to *.csv files.

<<See the first action using this file:
- ShowCsv

The file needs to be placed under the name handlecsvdata.php in the /library folder (see WikkaCodeStructure).

- look for the difference of excel *.csv and normal csv
- possibility of sorting the entries?
- document!!

* This library is intended to hold functions which deal with data from and to *.csv files.
* version 0.3.1 (2005/02/01)
* It includes the following functions:
* function GetCsvData($file, $separator=",") - Reads all data of a *.csv file.
* function StripHtml($data) - strips html from csv-data.
* function PrintCsvTable($data, $header="off", $tableclass="csvtable") - prints out a html table based on csv-data.
* function ArrayOneDimensionToTwo($onedimension,$itemsperline) - transforms an one-dimensional array into a two-dimensional one.
* function WriteCsvFile($filename,$data,$separator) - writes a two-dimensional array into a csv-file.

* Reads all data of a *.csv file.
* Based on a given filename every line of a file is read out and put into an array.
* Within this process, everything inside < and > is stripped off.
* Based on a given type of separator, every line is exploded and every entry of the line
* put into the second dimension of the array, leading to the following structure:
* array[line][entry]
* @package Library
* @subpackage HandleCsvData
* @author {@link mjwilco at yahoo dot com} (basic code)
* @author {@link Nils Lindenberg} (error-handling and stripping html)
* @param ? $file mandatory: name and path of the csv-file
* @param char $separator optional: the separator used for dividing the entries
* standard: ","
* @return either a two-dimensional array containing the data of the file, or, in case of an error, FALSE
* @todo - excel seem to make different *.csv files?
* - error-handling for $rows = Striphtml
* - detecting if $separator is only one char
function GetCsvData($file, $separator=",")
$endingtest = explode(".", $file);
if ($endingtest[count($endingtest)-1] != "csv") //checks if the ending of the file is *.csv
echo 'This file does not seem to be an csv-file. Please check the extension of it ('.$file.')'; # i18n
return FALSE;
if (file_exists($file))
$id = fopen($file, "r");
echo 'The file you specified could not be opend. Please check the reading permission for the file ('.$file.')'; # i18n
return FALSE;
while ($data = fgetcsv($id, filesize($file), $separator)) //put each line into its own entry in the $rows array
$rows[] = StripHtml($data);
echo 'The file you specified was not found. Please check you input ('.$file.')'; # i18n
return FALSE;

function StripHtml($data)
if (is_array($data))
for ($i=0;$i<count($data);$i++)
while($safe[$i] != strip_tags($data[$i]))
{$safe[$i] = strip_tags($data[$i]);}
else echo 'The data transferred to StripHtmlinCsvData was no array and could therefore not be handeld! ('.$data.')'; # i18n
return FALSE;

* Prints a html-table based on the content of a 2-dimensional array.
* Based on a given 2-dimensional array, with the structure [line][line-entry] a html table is printed.
* When the parameter $header is set to on, the entries of the first line will be used as columm-headers.
* Standard of this feature is off.
* You can determine the look of the table via css. The parameter $tableclass awaits the name of your css entry.
* To determine the defaults, add a csvtable-class to your style-sheet, like the example below:
* .csvtable { border =1;}
* @package Library
* @subpackage HandleCsvData
* @author {@link Nils Lindenberg}
* @param array $data mandatory: a twodimensional array with the data for the table
* @param string $header optional: columm-header "on" (anything else will be "off"). Standard is "off".
* @param string $tableclass optional: css-class for the table. Standard is "csvtable".
* @return either nothing, or, in case of an error, FALSE.
function PrintCsvTable($data, $header="off", $tableclass="csvtable")
if (is_array($data))
echo "<table class=\"".$tableclass."\">\n";

//first entry handeld seperate, possible header
echo "<tr>\n";
for ($j = 0; $j < count($data[0]); $j++)
if ($header == 'on') echo "<th>";
else echo "<td>";
echo $data[0][$j];
if ($header == 'on') echo "</th>\n"; //50
else echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";

echo '<tr>';
for ($j=0; $j < count($data[$i]); $j++)
echo '<td>';
echo $data[$i][$j];
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
else echo 'The table could not be drawn because the data given to PrintCsvTable was no array.'; # i18n

* Transforms a one-dimensional array into a two-dimensional.
* The given one-dimensional array is changed into a two-dimensional array
* with n=$itemsperline items in the second dimension.
* @package Library
* @subpackage HandleCsvData
* @author {@link Nils Lindenberg}
* @param array $onedimension mandatory: the array which will be transformed
* @param int $itemsperline mandatory: number of entries in the second dimension
* @return either a two-dimensional array, or, in case of an error, FALSE
* @todo - errorhandling
function ArrayOneDimensionToTwo($onedimension,$itemsperline)
for ($i=0;$i<count($onedimension);$i++)
$twodimensions[$j][$k] = $onedimension[$i];
if ($k == ($itemsperline)) //if we reach the limit of items per line, start new line

return $twodimensions;

function WriteCsvFile($filename,$data,$separator)
if (!$filename)
echo 'You must name a file in which the data should be stored'; # i18n
return FALSE;
if (!$data)
echo 'The file could not be written. There was no data for it'; # i18n
return FALSE;
if (!$separator) $separator=",";
for ($i=0;$i<count($data);$i++)
for ($j=0;$j<count($data[$i]);$j++)
$line .= $data[$i][$j];
$line .= $separator;
$line .="\n";
if ($filename)
echo 'File written successfully'; # i18n
return TRUE;
return FALSE;

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