Wiki source for ForTheLazy

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====I am lazy, aren't we all?====

>>See also HierarchiesAndInheritance for the [[TheLounge | #wikka]] discussion that led to this proposal, with some comments.>>===current situation===
1) You create page A and add a wikiword.
2)For whatever reason you alter the ACL for that page.
3)You click on the wikiword just created, edit and store your content. This page I shall call page B.
4)If you want the same ACL now used on A, you will need to manualy set a new ACL for page B.

This is the current way of handling ACL's.

===**more convenient?**===
1) You create page A and add a wikiword.
2)For whatever reason you alter the ACL for that page.
3)You click on the wikiword (page B) just created, edit and store your content. **//Here// you can say //if// you want to use the same ACL controling page A**.

This can easily be done as a one-time-action and there is no need for manualy setting all the info from the ACL from the 'parent'.

NOTE: There is no need for a (tree-a-like) 'hierarchy'. Wikka is flat, there is not hierarchy, this is fine!

Thats basicly my suggestion.

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