Revision [16699]

This is an old revision of FontActionInfo made by WvhJe6 on 2007-05-31 10:37:54.


Rendering text with a font on the server

Example render
(Arcadia Light Standard 50pt black-on-white with transparency)
This action takes text and renders it with a font on the server.
The text rendering script is from A List Apart/Stewart Rosenberger - I just did some crude hacks to make it work as an action (my PHP skills are extremely limited).
There appears to be a bug with Opentype fonts not rendering special characters properly, but I don't know if the problem is with the script, GD or freetype.
Truetype isn't affected, so I suspect freetype is to blame.

An entry would look like
{{font text="Text" font="TimesNewRoman" size="24" color="000000" background="ffffff"}}

The rendering script has variables for:

The action supports classes and predefined styles.
$font = 'InsigniaLTStd.otf';
$size = '24';
$color = 'CC0000';
$background = 'FFFFFF';
$class = 'underline';

It passes the image text as both the alt and title tags - I believe this will satisfy accesibility requirements.
It can render .ttf (Truetype) and .otf (Opentype) font files.
On an offnote - this is the first time I have done any PHP scripting, so if there are better ways of doing this, please let me know (it took me 2 hours figuring out how to pass stuff between the scripts :D ).


The action - save as /actions/font.php
Get defaults
include ('fontpresets/default.php');
Where is the font rendering script?
$renderscript = "/actions/fontpresets/fontrenderer.php";

if (is_array($vars))
foreach ($vars as $param => $value)
Was a preset provided? - Remember they are case-sensitive!
if ($preset 'H1') {include 'fontpresets/h1.php';}
Uncomment/copy below line to add presets
elseif ($preset 'H3') {include 'fontpresets/h3.php';}

Was any overrides provided?
if ($param 'size') {$size=$this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['size']);}
if ($param 'background') {$background=$this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['background']);}
Get the text...
if ($param 'text') {$text=$this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['text']);}

Get the image...
$output = "<img class=".$class." src=\"".$renderscript."?text=".$text."
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