Revision [1502]

This is an old revision of WikkaBugs made by RichardTerry on 2004-09-30 20:19:59.


Bugs/Issues discovered in Wikka!

Strikethrough seems to highlight the selected text like this instead of striking through it. Looks like Wikka uses the deletions class from wikka.css instead of the strikethrough class.
.strikethrough {color: #888; text-decoration: line-through;}
.deletions {color: #876; background-color: #FFCC99;}

I changed this line in wikka.php:
return (++$trigger_strike % 2 ? "<span class=\"deletions\">" : "</span>");

to this:
return (++$trigger_strike % 2 ? "<span class=\"strikethrough\">" : "</span>");

I'm not sure how this affects the page diff functionality. It probably changes the highlighting to strikethroughs.

I'm being picky here (again!). I've noticed that the double-click edit event is used on the BODY tag. One issue I've experienced is that while entering a comment, I couldn't double-click a word (to highlight and replace it) without triggering the edit screen. My suggestion is to put it on the DIV class="page" tag. -- Sam

Is there a reason why missing pages are marked through <a href="..."><span class="missingpage">Page name</span></a> instead of <a class="missingpage">Page name</a>? This makes control on hover behavior difficult.
-- DarTar

Bugs I've found:

Thanks - Sam

I'm actually not sure if this is a Wikka Bug or not, but I'll put it out there. If the Character Set encoding in Internet Explorer 6 is set to Unicode (UTF-8) the Wikiedit Toolbar does not display and a JavaScript Runtime Error occurs on the page. (You have to doubleclick the little yellow exclamation point icon in the bottom left corner to see the actual error message.) If you right click in the page, select encoding, and change the encoding to Western European (ISO), then the Wikiedit Toolbar appears. If I configure the Default CharSet to be iso-8859-1 in my httpd.conf file, then everything works fine. If I set the default charset to be UTF-8, then I get the error. Is this normal behavior with UTF-8 encoding? -- RichardTerry

Resolved bugs

Security bug in UserSettings (minor)
The file actions/usersettings.php contains a function for a logged in user to change their password; looking at the code, the apparent intention is to verify the user's current password before accepting the new one:
Line 35:
<?php ...
    else if (($user["password"] = md5($_POST["oldpass"])) || ($user["password"] = $_POST["oldpass"]))

Unfortunately, this test always succeeds since it does assignments instead of comparisons (I tested and I can indeed type anystring as existing password and have the new password accepted); this presents a security risk in (semi) public situations where soemone might "take over" a logged-in user's account. The code should be corrected as:
<?php ...
    else if (($user["password"] == md5($_POST["oldpass"])) || ($user["password"] == $_POST["oldpass"]))


XHTML not valid
Also in actions/usersettings.php: the state for "on" checkboxes is generated as 'checked'; to be valid XHTML such a boolean attribuet needs to be written as 'checked="checked"'.

Both bugs are now fixed, and will be in the next release. Thanks! - JsnX

I've discovered a weird sort of bug. When I attempt to create a page whose name contains the string CategoriesExplained, I get a 403 error on wikka.php (no re-writing enabled) when I attempt to preview or store this information. I was trying to create a page named WikiCategoriesExplained on my site (attempting to replace the irritatingly named WikiCategory). I've managed to replicate this bug on this site (click CategoriesExplained here then click Preview. -- Sam
It's not really a Wikka bug. Edit the .htaccess in your root Wikka directory. Remove the word sex from within the line that starts with 'SetEnvIfNoCase'. I've taken care of this for the next release. - JsnX

2) The WantedPages page uses the linking_to query-string. The character preceding this should be a "?" if URL re-writing is enabled, but a "&" if not. For example, if I use the default wikka.php?wikka=WantedPages?linking_to=TestMe, this will attempt to create a new page. This bug may be already addressed at Mod032bModRewrite, but frankly, I can't understand it.

$text = preg_replace("/\n[ ]{4}/", "\n\t", $text);

then program listings with levels indented four and more times will be rendered correctly again.

Yes! (You can try to disable mod_rewrite by commenting the corresponding LoadModule in httpd.conf)
More about Mod_rewrite : take a look at FaviconDotIco and RobotsDotTxt [DotMG]
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine off

Version Wikka Wakka Wiki 1.0.4:

bug in redesigned acl-handling?

am i wrong or does the $wakka->hasaccess routine (v. 1.1.3) only check the user-rights against the present page, regardless if the parameter $tag is set or not? i haven't had a closer look, but as i understood, the check against $this->acls[$privilege."_acl"] only returns the right value, if $tag == $this->tag and else should be passed over to the loadacl-function as wakka did. -- DreckFehler

formatters don't care about diff-tags

none of the formatters which are triggered by the %%double-percent tag%% observes the tags that are inserted by the diff-engine, although the main-formatter wakka.php delegates all rendering to these formatters. an example is shown here:

just search for "pound" or "++" on that page.

in most cases this issue can be solved by a simple str_replace. an exception is the php-highlighter. see the link below for a solution.

but fixing that problem rises another! i'm unhappy with the "++" tag used by the diff-engine to mark deletions. the double-plus is also the increment operator of php (and other languages) and can't be distiguished from the diff-tags. this problem is addressed in the following sample code too:

that page might be an example what this bugfix is good for, but it also shows up the limits. naturally the sample-code contains those diff-tags which it is dealing with. that obviously screws up the diff-engine again. so take care not only to paste-n-copy the code snippets from the link above ;)

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