===== Wikipedia Action ===== {{lastedit}} This action is meant to automatically incorporate http://wikipedia.org content in your pages. To use it as a standalone action simply add for instance: --- ##""{{wikipedia topic="Workflow"}}""## in the page body. Save the code below as ##actions/wikipedia.php##. === The action === Current version: 0.1 Changes: To do: ---- ##actions/wikipedia.php## %%(php) (.*?)#es', $file, $ar); unset($file); if (is_array($ar[1])) echo $ar[1][0]; else echo ''; ?> %% Extracted and changed from: Mediawiki MySite class DOCS (ver. 0.1.0) AUTHOR: Piotr Maliński Contact: riklaunim@gmail.com Site: http://www.english.rk.edu.pl | http://www.cms.rk.edu.pl - Polish License: GPL Another version of the code that does the same but now with some more error checking and multiple language support as suggested by DarTar. %%(php) (.*?)#es', $file, $ar); unset($file); if (is_array($ar[1])) echo $ar[1][0]; else echo ''; } else { echo 'http://'.$lang.'.wikipedia.org/wiki/'.$topic.' could not be found!'; } ?> %% ---- CategoryUserContributions