=====Link for backlinks on all pages===== I prefer to have a simple link at the bottom of every page instead of inserting an action on every page. It needs only two steps: First, put the following code into the new file /handlers/page/backlink.php: %%(php)

\n"); if ($pages = $this->LoadPagesLinkingTo($this->getPageTag())) { foreach ($pages as $page) { $links[] = $this->Link($page["tag"]); } print(implode("
\n", $links)); } else { print("There are no backlinks to this page."); } ?>
%% Second, change the lines 29 - 32 of file /actions/footer.php in this way: %%(php) ?> " title="Click to view a list of URLs referring to this page.">Referrers :: " title="Click to view a list of backlinks to this page.">Backlinks
%% That's all... ""MartinBurger"" ---- CategoryDevelopmentHandlers