>>//see also:// [[TRBCounter]]>>=====Most Visited Pages===== ==version 0.3== This is a script based on [[MostVisited]] action by [[GeorgePetsagourakis | George Petsagourakis]]. It adds new functionality compared to the original version, but is compatible with it (both versions show exactly the same results). To use this script you need to install this [[TRBCounter | page hit counter (TRBCounter)]] add-on first. You could also go with its predecessor, GmBowenCounter, but that is not fully compatible and provides less functions. For more details on the incompatibility see [[TRBCounter]] description. This code is tested on Wikka and unstable ====What's new in this version==== ==0.3 (since 0.2)== ~-Bug fixed: a first owner was displayed instead of current one. ~-Public-owned pages and pages owned by nobody are distinguished now. ==0.2 (since 0.1)== ~-It can display when a page was last visited (needs TRBCounter 0.6 or newer). Use showlastvisited="true". ~-Bug fixed: pages listed in //page_hit_counter_disable_pages// directive will no more be displayed -- even if they have a hit count > 0 (this may occur if a page had a counter enabled, scored some visits but was later added to the list of pages ignored by a counter). ~-You can limit the listing to pages that have been visited within the last X days. Use for example limitdays="5". Note: it’s enough that a page was visited once within the given number of days, and it will be listed. Currently there’s no way say how many times a page was visited within a given number of days, since this information is not stored by a counter. ~-Some other small changes. ==0.1 (since the original release by George Petsagourakis)== ~-Support for hidden pages ([[GmBowenAdminPageControlTool]] allows doing that) -- it doesn't display them. ~-Doesn't display pages that have hit count = 0. ~-It's translatable now (in Wikka, but compatibility with older versions is retained). ~-It's configurable now: the **mostvisited** action takes some parameters: ~~-showhits="15" -- will limit the list to 15 most visited pages (but still doesn't display pages that have hit count = 0). //Default: **10**//. ~~-showrank="false" -- show/hide the numbers on the side of the list (starting from 1). //Default: **true**//. ~~-showowner="true" -- show/hide the owner of each page beside its name. //Default: **false**//. ~~-showtotal="false" -- show/hide total number of hits. //Default: **true**//. ~~-showcurrent="true" -- show/hide number of hits of current revision. //Default: **false**//. ~~-showheader="false" -- show/hide table headers. //Default: **true**//. ~~-class="abc" -- name of the class, which surrounds the output. It is useful if you want to include a tiny, colorless version of MostVisited on your main page for example. //Default: **mostvisited_containter**//. ~-Replaced fancy array-mangling in PHP with one complicated SQL query. ~-Deprecated HTML removed, it's fully skinable by CSS now. ==TODO== ~-Different ways of sorting (by clicking on headers). ~-Possibility to see how many visits did older revisions have (and comparing it to how long they lasted, to get their "normalized" popularity). This could be done by adding a new handler. ~-Possibility to show how many visits did a page have within last XX days (would require changing the way hits are counted) ~-Additional display mode in which owner has its own column. ~-Use advanced HTML4 table properties (?). ====Instructions==== ===1. How to set this up=== All you need to do is create an action file mostvisited.php in a proper place. For an unstable Wikka this will be **actions/mostvisited/mostvisited.php**. For Wikka this will be **actions/mostvisited.php**. %%(php) version hits'); if (!defined('MV_TOTAL_HITS')) define('MV_TOTAL_HITS', 'Total hits'); if (!defined('MV_LAST_VISITED')) define('MV_LAST_VISITED', 'Last visited'); if (!defined('MV_LAST_VISITED_UNKNOWN')) define('MV_LAST_VISITED_UNKNOWN', '(unknown)'); if (!defined('MV_OWNER')) define('MV_OWNER', 'Owner'); //not used yet if (!defined('MV_NOT_OWNED')) define('MV_NOT_OWNED', 'not owned'); if (!defined('MV_PUBLIC_OWNED')) define('MV_PUBLIC_OWNED', 'public'); // Defaults for options and some checking $showhits=abs($showhits); $limitdays=abs($limitdays); if ($showhits==0) $showhits = 10; if ($limitdays<1) $limitdays = ''; if (!isset($showrank)) $showrank = true; if (!isset($showowner)) $showowner = false; if (!isset($showcurrent)) $showcurrent = false; if (!isset($showtotal)) $showtotal = true; if (!isset($showheader)) $showheader = true; if (!isset($showlastvisited)) $showlastvisited = false; if (!isset($class)) $class = "mostvisited_container"; else $class = $this->CleanTextNode($class); // If we should show "last visited" column, then these addictions to a query are necessary if ($showlastvisited or $limitdays) { $last_visited = ", MAX(last_visited) AS last_visited "; $last_visited2 = ",last_visited"; } else { $last_visited = ""; $last_visited2 = ""; } // Let's prepare a list of PageNames that should have counter disabled and shouldn't be listed $disable_pages = explode(',',strtr($this->GetConfigValue('page_hit_counter_disable_pages'), array(" " => "", "'" => ""))); // Using a different variable for list in format expected by MySQL $qr_disable_pages = array(); foreach ($disable_pages as $i => $v) if (!$v == '') array_push($qr_disable_pages, "'".$disable_pages[$i]."'"); if (count($qr_disable_pages) > 0) $qr_disable_pages = " WHERE tag NOT IN (".implode(", ", $qr_disable_pages).") "; else $qr_disable_pages=''; // Let's prepare a query addiction for limitdays if ($limitdays) $qr_limit_days = " WHERE last_visited > SUBDATE(now(),".$limitdays.") "; else $qr_limit_days = ''; // Database query $result = $this->Query("SELECT * FROM (SELECT t1.tag,owner,total_hits,current_hits".$last_visited2." FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT tag,SUM(hits) AS total_hits ".$last_visited." FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."pages ".$qr_disable_pages." GROUP BY tag) AS t0 ".$qr_limit_days." ORDER BY total_hits DESC LIMIT ".$showhits.") AS t1 INNER JOIN (SELECT tag,owner,hits AS current_hits FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."pages WHERE latest='Y') AS t2 ON t1.tag=t2.tag ORDER BY total_hits DESC) AS t3 WHERE total_hits > '0'"); // Creating the output $str = "\n\n


\n"; $str .= "\n"; if ($showheader) { $str .= "\t\n"; if ($showrank) $str .= "\t\t\n"; if ($showowner) $str .= "\t\t\n"; else $str .= "\t\t\n"; if ($showcurrent) $str .= "\t\t\n"; if ($showtotal) $str .= "\t\t\n"; if ($showlastvisited) $str .= "\t\t\n"; $str .= "\t\n"; } $i = 1; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($i%2) $str .= "\t\n"; else $str .= "\t\n"; if ($showrank) $str .= "\t\t\n"; $i+=1;$str .= "\t\t\n"; if ($showcurrent) $str .= "\t\t\n"; if ($showtotal) $str .= "\t\t\n"; if ($showlastvisited) { $str .= "\t\t\n"; } $str .= "\t\n"; } $str .= "
".$i.". ".$this->Format("[[".$row['tag']."]]")." "; if ($showowner) { if ($row['owner'] == "") $row['owner'] = "(".MV_NOT_OWNED.")"; else if ($row['owner'] == "(Public)") $row['owner'] = "(".MV_PUBLIC_OWNED.")"; else $row['owner'] = $this->Format("([[".$row['owner']."]])"); $str .= "".$row['owner'].""; } $str .= "".$row['current_hits']."".$row['total_hits'].""; if ($row['last_visited'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') $str .= MV_LAST_VISITED_UNKNOWN; else $str .= $row['last_visited']; $str .= "
\n"; // Displaying the output print $this->ReturnSafeHTML($str); ?>%% ===2. How to translate it=== Add the following lines to your lang/xx/xx.inc.php (substitute xx for a code of your language): %%(php) /**#@+ * Language constant used by the {@link mostvisited.php mostvisited} action */ // mostvisited define('MOSTVISITED_HEADING', 'Most visited pages'); define('MV_RANK', 'Rank'); define('MV_PAGENAME', 'Page name'); define('MV_PAGENAME_WITH_OWNER', 'Page name (page owner)'); define('MV_CURRENT_VERSION_HITS', 'Current
version hits'); define('MV_TOTAL_HITS', 'Total hits'); define('MV_OWNER', 'Owner'); //not used yet define('MV_NOT_OWNED', 'not owned'); define('MV_PUBLIC_OWNED', 'public'); define('MV_LAST_VISITED', 'Last visited'); define('MV_LAST_VISITED_UNKNOWN', '(unknown)'); /**#@-*/ %% ...replacing English texts with your translations. ===3. How to format/skin the output=== The whole output of the action is included in a div with **mostvisited_containter** class. It contains page title within

tag and a table with **mostvisited** class. The while output contains classes, so it's easy to be skinned -- for details see the source. My proposed formatting for the action (place it in yoour **css/wikka.css** file): %%(css) .mostvisited { margin-top: 1em; border-collapse: collapse} .mostvisited th { background: #e3e3e3; padding: 0 0.5em; border: 1px solid #cccccc;} .mostvisited td { background: #fafafa; padding: 0 1em; border: 1px solid #e3e3e3;} .mostvisited .even td { background: #f0f0f0; } .mostvisited td.rank, .mostvisited td.current_hits, .mostvisited td.total_hits { text-align: right; } .mostvisited .user { font-size: smaller; } %% That's all folks. Best regards -- KrzysztofTrybowski ---- CategoryUserContributions