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Suggestion Box

Last edited by
Mon, 27 Jun 2005 20:58 UTC [diff]

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Import WikiPedia database

How can I import the Wikipedia database? I don't want to use Wikimedia. Any idea?

Note on edit, mandatory field

I think it would be a good ide to let the administrator choose if the field is mandatory.
If it is, the form doesn't submit until there is content into it, and it should warn too with an alertbox.
Only a little bit of PHP is necessary, the big part is in JS, if i don't make any mistake...

Login using retrieved password

The password retrieved from forgotten password does not work for me. Is there some setting in php4 or mysql that would allow md5(md5(password)) == md5(password) to return true? Since the password sent is the hash of the clear-text password, the current line in usersettings.php compares a hash of the hashed password to the hashed password, I think. I've found the correct code elsewhere in usersettings.php.

This is the current version:

The first one works for me. Is there a problem with security in using that version?

Order of comments

WikiJochen made a comment on my page that would like to see the latest comment shown first and not last. --NilsLindenberg

Own comments editing

I think that it would be a good option to allow one to edit its own comments, sometimes, I make mistakes when commenting, typos or language things (i'm a foreigner) and I want my texts to all look clean.
Currently, we can still copy and then delete the comment, but it is a pain to do so... sorry, I'm lazy, just like many other people. --

Google Sitemap versioning of attachments

copied from a comment from AttachmentInfo --NilsLindenberg
Does Wikka support versioning of attachments?

IMHO a good idea. --Nils

Making PageIndex go faster

By default PageIndex uses $this->LoadAllPages() which reads your whole site into one array. If you would use a new function like $this->LoadAllPagesInfo() you will get the same info but without the 'body' content. This should speed up PageIndex a bit on larger sites...
  1. Find in wikka.php (Around 33%)
        function LoadAllPages() { return $this->LoadAll("select * from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages where latest = 'Y' order by tag"); }

And replace it with:
        function LoadAllPages() { return $this->LoadAll("select * from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages where latest = 'Y' order by tag"); }
        function LoadAllPagesInfo() { return $this->LoadAll("select id,tag,time,owner,user,latest,note from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages where latest = 'Y' order by tag"); }

  1. Find in actions/pageindex.php (top)
if ($pages = $this->LoadAllPages())

And replace it with:
if ($pages = $this->LoadAllPagesInfo())

  1. Same trick as in (2) can be done in actions/mypages.php...

Generate ID in forms; allow class

I know we've dicussed this multiple times but could not find an actual suggestion; I've made it into a semi-spec.
Every form really should have an id (attribute) to provide a 'hook' for styling (and
JavaScript, if desired). We have a FormOpen() method in the core that should be used to generate the opening form tag (and its counterpart FormClose()) - but this method does not generate an ID nor accept a parameter to create one. It should be able to do both:
  • accept an optional parameter specifying an id and - if specified - use this to generate an id attribute
  • if the parameter is not specified, generate one using some algorithm to ensure it will be unique on the page (possibly using all provided parameters to create a hash, supplemented with a sequence number); only problem is this id might change when adding / inserting another form into a page but that could be worked around by actually specifying an id.
In addition, some forms really need to have a class attribute (as well); the button-form for the grabcode handler is a good example: if you have a number of forms on a page that all should have the same styling, a class would provide the 'hook' rather than the id (which should still be there). So the FormOpen() method should also:
  • accept an optional parameter specifying a class and - if specified - use this to generate a class attribute (and no class attribute if not specified).

Hiding anonymous host/IP from non-administrators

On the Wiki I run, it is not desireable for the IP/hostname of anonymous users to be displayed to just anyone. I've made a small modification to hide the IP/hostname of anonymous users to users that (a) Are not administrators, and (b) not themselves. In handlers/page/show.php, around line 80 you can find:
print("\t<div class=\"commentinfo\">\n-- ".$this->Format($comment["user"])." (".$comment["time"].")\n");
I modified this to:
And in actions/recentlycommented.php:
if (!$this->LoadUser($comment_by)) $comment_by .= " (unregistered user)";
was changed to:
And in actions/recentcomments.php:
after this add:

You will probably need to also update the XML handlers and the history page handler, but right now anonymous users cannot edit pages on my Wiki. (actions/recentchanges.php, handlers/page/really don't want them to have 2 seperate usernames/ passwords. Therefore ideally I would like the wikka to use the usertable from phpBB... Has anybody else done something like this? --


copied to DocumentationDiscussion. --NilsLindenberg

Pages linking to nonexisting pages
Sending 403 headers Numbers as page names?

I'm curious about the Wikka convention that numbers cannot be page names. I'd like to be able to create "date page" (e.g. 2005-02-26) for notes and journaling, so this is a feature I'd definitely suggest.

BTW, doing something along the lines of "journal/2005-02-26" or "journal_2005..." wants to create an external link.


Configurable name for Wikka engine

I think it might be interesting for many of our users if we gave the possibility - in the install/upgrade wizard - to rename the engine from wikka.php to something else (for instance, index.php). This might be useful in cases where RR are off and the user wants to avoid long URLs: can then become The name should be specified as an option in wikka.config.php, for instance

 "wikka_engine" => "wikka.php", 

This option might also allow using different engines (say, different versions of wikka.php) on the same installation.

Search engine results inflation

I have recently installed Wikka on my personal website. Everything works fine, except that the TextSearch link in the page header (which I masked through CSS - I don't want to hack the code) produces dozens of search results that I really don't want to be cached on Google. Same story applies to the revisions and history links that are cached on search engines: this is what happens in the case of our main server. I'd also would like to avoid default wiki pages (like SandBox, MyPages, UserSettings etc.) to be crawled and cached (simply setting ACLs to !*-!*-!* won't do the job). Maybe we should think of a way to allow the user to decide what kind of content of her Wikka-powered site should be spidered by SE and what content should not. -- DarTar

For Better Overview

1. It often takes too much time to check if a wiki has changed and what has changed. In the case of wikkawiki one has to check RecentChanges as well as RecentlyCommented. A combined page would be more convenient - RicharD

Generate page from an external database

As described in DynamicPageGeneration I'd like to create a mailling-like system to fill in pages containig custom fields with data from an external database or a simple table. This could be done through a few actions or by writing a new handler.
This idea can be extended to an inline editor to add/remove/edit entries in this external table if wikka store creditentials with write access in its own tables.
The main goal is to integrate data from an existing knoweldge base in a wikka based documentation repository.

DotMG insists about favicon.ico and robots.txt

Please add the following two lines to ./.htaccess
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/robots.txt
 RewriteRule ^(.*)$ wikka.php?wakka=$1 [QSA,L]
This will prevent /favicon.ico and /robots.txt from being redirected to wikka.php?wakka=favicon.ico
With these 2 lines, we don't have to modify wikka.php as suggested in
FaviconDotIco --DotMG

Category Icons

Create a table which maintains a mapping between wikka categories and an associated predefined icon graphic. When the directive {category_icon} is used the category's icon is dropped into the page at the location of invocation. -KarmaTester

Automatic Table of Content Generation - I think it would be nice if you could use wikka markup (**bold**, //italics//, __underline__, etc.) inside of tables. - RichardTerry
  • Richard, thanks for the feedback. It is on my agenda to look at another solution for tables. My plan is to allow straight HTML table syntax after running it through the "safehtml" checker. But I need to check that there are no security risks with this first. Also, I'll take a peak at your suggestion too. -- JsnX
  • Check out my proposal for an extended TableAction which does provide this. (TableAction is intended as a preliminary solution until we have table markup.) --JavaWoman

Robot Friendly Pages

Right now (, if a non-existant page is requested, the wiki returns status code 200, which will cause the page to be indexed by search engine spiders. It'd probably be better to return 404 (not found) or 410 (gone) or include robots exclusion meta tags in the pages that don't exist. --

Kant-en-klaar code blocks Security Verification Test from Wikini

On the top of most page handlers, the Wikini developers have:
// Vérification de sécurité
if (!defined("WIKINI_VERSION"))
die ("accès direct interdit");

I'm not sure what exactly this does, can anyone enlighten me; and if it is a good idea, then it should considered for Wikka too... --

mod_rewrite idea (.htaccess)

(The following was copied from a comment on ModRewrite -- JavaWoman)
Hi, I discovered that the default .htaccess included did not work for my setup up. I needed to include RewriteBase /directory/ as well since Wikka is installed in a subdirectory. I hope this helps anyone having trouble getting Wikka to work.
-- (2005-02-11 04:49:37)
The installer
correctly deduces the base path for the configuration; it could conceivably also detect if it's sitting in a subdirectory, and if so, dynamically change the .htaccess file and include the correct RewriteBase statement to take care of this. --JavaWoman

Separation of Wakka class from wikka.php

I use wikka as wiki engine of my page.
IMO, the wikka.php file is too big to be one single file. I suggest that we separate the Wakka class into new file, say Wakka.class.php
And then in the wikka.php, e.g at line where the Wakka class previously located, simply we put:
include ('Wakka.class.php');


Inherit ACL from 'parents'

Create a page and when creating a page from there, give the option to copy the ACL of the first page.
Should pages be linked in some form to some documents given the fact that Wikka is flat, not hierarchic.
ForTheLazy - chatlog and summary.
  • IMO the acl system has to be dumped and/or renewed/rewrittem to accomodate usergroups..
  • I have been thinking of presenting a modification that will actually implement this user managment system ..
  • having privileges for each page is making userprofile-specific-features on Wikka efficiently non-existant.
  • The ability to create custom usergoups ( aka levels, profiles etc. ) would enable the addition such features
See also HierarchiesAndInheritance for some background --JavaWoman

Paragraph instead of line-breaks

(copied from WhatsNew -- DarTar)
Why is it that the formatter creates line breaks instead of paragraphs? I've been trying to figure out a way to get Wikka to do this, but it may be nice for there to be some sort of option in a future release. Paragraphs tend to be more useful for doing CSS formatting.

+1 — semantically, Wikka's current lack of proper paragraphs and liberal sprinkling of line breaks is really undesirble. I made a hack-mod on my wakka some time ago in formatter/wakka.php (just after the preg_replace_callback):

I don't know how that will affect wikka (it was designed for my formatting which is different to wikka slightly), and there is probably a much better way to do it (call a post-formatter?), but it is possible using a small modification at least... --

Save Pages to PDF Format

(copied from WikkaDevelopment --Nils)
Page output to an Adobe pdf file using FPDF.
E-mail this page facility


(copied from WikkaDevelopment --Nils)
Yet another idea from me:
Usergroups. So i can create a group of users, and just write that group into the ACLs...
- Take a look at GroupManagement (which doesn't seem to be finished) - or at ACLsWithUserGroups.

"In work" for Wikka-pages
Searching (in) comments Order of the text-search

(copied from WikkaDevelopment --Nils)
It would be good if the text-search would be sorted in some way. If I search for example for "
GmBowen", a page with the exact match (his userpage) should be on the top of the results. The next results perhaps in alphabetical order? --NilsLindenberg

Highlight unseen Recentchanges

(copied from WikkaDevelopment --NilsLindenberg)
Add fields to the 'users' table [?] to track when
RecentChanges and RecentlyCommented were last viewed. Then RecentChanges and RecentlyCommented can by modified to highlight new items since the user last viewed the page.
  • If it's only for highlighting, OK, but I'm not waiting for that. If it's for filtering, please no. I quite often trace back several days to re-review pages or comments --JW

"target=" in external links? Signature

(copied from WikkaFaq, but perhaps better at WantedFormatters? --NilsLindenberg)
Does Wikka support automatic user signatures in pages (not comments)? I need some code so that users don't need to enter their username and time/date when they are working on a page in
ThreadMode. I've searched in the docs, but I could not find anything about this, any ideas?
JeroenJansen (2005-01-28 11:35:43)

Easy way of adding links Create rewrite rules on install

Since I installed wikka in a subdirectory under the domain root I needed to add the following to the .htaccess file just under "RewriteEngine on":

RewriteBase /subdirectory/

Devs, how about writing the .htaccess rules at the same time you write out the wikka.config.php file since you automatically pickup the wiki base location at that point?

KarmaTester (2005-01-26 06:52:07)

Image dimensions

AddingImages image action really needs the ability to specify image height and width. :) --MovieLady
Dear all: see my proposal at EnhancedImageAction

Clearing ACLs It would nice to have the registration function check to make sure there isn't another account with the same email already registered so that one person doesn't clutter up the db with multiple accounts. (Or at least the configurable option to check for only one email/one account.)

It should also then be easier (I would think) to use it to essentially ban by email address; if the registration process checked for an email in the user table, found that it was already in use and didn't let the person create a new username, one could use the wonderful ACLsWithUserGroups hack that Christian created to make a list of banned users by username. Yeah, yeah, folks who want to abuse the system could always create new email addresses on the various free sites, but that's an awful lot of work, and this would at least slow down some of it. --MovieLady

  • You know how many TestUsers my Wikka already has? *g* This should do the job (this time no config option, sorry jw :)
  •     function ExistsEmail($email)
            $count = 0;
            $query =    "SELECT COUNT(email)
                        FROM "
                        WHERE email='"
            if ($r = $this->Query($query))
                $count = mysql_result($r,0);
            return ($count > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
  • Place this function in wikka.php right after function UserWantsComments(). And change in actions/usersettings.php the following line:
    else if (strlen($password) < 5) $error = "Password too short.";
    else if (strlen($password) < 5) $error = "Password too short.";
    else if ($this->ExistsEmail($email)) $error = "You already have a username.";
    • LOL I can imagine. Thanks so much for this - I'll try it out this evening. --MovieLady

  • Speaking of registration control, note to self: make a configuration option to turn off new account registrations. Some sites might be private and not want people registering. Admin privilege should override this and still show the registration fields in usersettings, to save the admin from having to go into the database manually to add acounts or some other hack. -- JsnX
    • (you saw UserRegistration by Nils? I think it, or something like it, should be standard. mike)
      • Doh! I somehow missed that. That's pretty much what I had in mind. Nice job, Nils! :) -- JsnX
        • Thank you. About your Admin-adding-user case: that's an addition to UserAdmin, not for usersettings. --NilsLindenberg
      • there's also code around that uses GD & that could be built onto Nils' code that generates a "registration password" automatically and outputs it as a distorted graphic image.....the code is intended to befuddle auto spam registers & thus stop open-registration sites from being hit by spam bots that register themselves as users. Ultimately, as the bots become more sophisticated I think we'll have to use something like that or else sites like this one (with open registration) will be victimized. Here and here are examples of what I mean (I like the simplicity of the first version in the second example). -- GmBowen
        • Yes, "Captcha" is an old trick - it will keep out some bots (but not all) and it will keep many people out, too, like those who are visually handicapped (not just people who are totally blind - being colorblind may be enough to be defeated by such tricks). Add a sound equivalent? Well, there are people who are deaf and blind. Are we going to deny them access to our wikis? I'm not in favor of making Wikka inaccessible when we should be working towards making it more accessible. --JavaWoman.

RSS options

It would be wonderful to be able to choose what kind of RSS feed is created for a page. For example, {{rss}}/{{rss show="1"}} could show only the headlines and the update field (current setting), {{rss show="2"}} could show a blurb of the updated info, {{rss show="3"}} could show the whole update. --

Embed a blurb from a news page into another page?

I currently have no idea how one would approach this, but thought I'd toss it out there for others to think over. I would find it really useful to have an announcement action (maybe {{news}}?) that I could use which displays only the most recent (configurable) number (e.g. {{news show="2"}} would show the most recent two entries from the page) of entries from a specific (configurable or static?) page. Right now I do this by hand, adding the current announcement to both the front page and the news archive page (so I'll have a history of the announcements), and boy, what a pita! What I'd like to be able to do is just edit the news page and have it automatically update what displays in the news area on the front page. Possible, or am I smoking something I need to share? ;) --

Logging-out Backlinks Language file

I would be nice to see all phrases put into a single file. This would allow to translate the wiki in a few hours without changes every single file.

User names

Is there any likelihood of non-wikiname usernames (e.g. Movielady) in the future? It's one of the things I've been asked a lot by the users of the site I use Wikka for. (Most often heard comment: "but other wikis I've used let me do it!") Obviously it's possible to create non-wikiname pages, so why not usernames? (I have looked on the site, but I've probably missed the explanation.)

I also agree with Nils that it would be really wonderful if some sort of default user page was created when a person creates an account.

Y'all are doing a marvelous job, BTW and it is greatly appreciated! :) (I will try to contribute as I can, but honestly, some of the programming is beyond me at the moment.) --

I actually hacked
UserSettings.php to allow for non-wikinames. Just change lines such as 152 and 179 from:
if (!$this->IsWikiName($name)) $error = "User name must be WikiName formatted!";

to something like:

Then modify header.php so that the username is Wikified. So change a certain line (I modified my Wikka so much that I can't give accurate lines) to:
echo "You are ".$this->Link($this->GetUserName());

I'm not sure how well this will work in the long run, but it worked for me!

Finally using CVS?

I apologize since this idea has been suggested before, and I believe the developers are working to implement it already. However, with the beta of released, I think it would be a good time now to start using CVS. This allows for better collaboration and as each bug fix or feature is implemented, developers and testers can grab new copies and work out further bugs. In addition, this allows more outsiders to participate in the code development process and not wait as long from the transition of releases.

Also, I am willing to help with the CVS migration process if needed and help anyone who is interested in learning how to use CVS.

List of special actions?

A complete reference list of all the special actions (e.g. {{nocomments}}, {{Category}}, etc.) would be really nice. --MovieLady

Allow spaces in pagetitle

Allow Spaces in the document title and replace it later with "-" to optimize it for search engines.

User-defined formatting rules

It would be nice if Wikka supported some way to add in user defined wikki formatting rules (that is, without editing ./formatters/wakka.php). Not sure what that would look like. A few thoughts I've had:
  • An array in wikka.config.php
  • A function defined in a standard place (like ./formatters/wakka_user.php). ./formatters/wakka.php could then call that function, if it exists). Maybe even a flag in wikka.config.php to enable it.

Local links A "compile category" action. Right now, if I go to CategoryDocumentation I can see a list of all of the pages in this category...but it still requires a lot of snooping to find what I want. As an administrator I'd like to provide a pdf "booklet" of all of that output for users to download. To make this now would mean going to and printing each and every page (using a software tool, TO a pdf file). Ugh. An action that let me go {{compile category="CategoryDocumentation"}} to generate a single web page of all of that documentation would be quite useful because then I could just print it to a pdf file once.....then I could provide a link to the PDF file so users could download it and print it off.

Compatibility & Installer

(Copied from comment on WikkaInstallation, I support this proposal - and agree that @ in front of a statement should generally be avoided, unless any errors are actually dealt with. (Layout slightly adapted.) --JavaWoman)

IMPORTANT: installer uses TOO MUCH "@" before all mysql calls...

- Compatibility-problem is solved now, text moved below to Resolved Suggestions->Compatibility with PHP 4.1.x) --

Handling the config

I have three questions about the config. See HandlingWikkaConfig.
See also
WikkaSecureConfig for a possible new appraoch. --JavaWoman

Markup for code not to be shown

I read this suggestion elsewhere (not in wikka I don't think...some other wiki I think) and didn't think anything about it at the time, but now with the showpagecode action (Mod042fShowPageCodeHandler) am thinking that maybe some wiki markup for "comment text" that is not shown by the code interpreter might be useful (in other words, visible when editing the page, visible when showing the code, NOT visible when just viewing page). I suspect it might be simple to add I wrong?? -- GmBowen (Mike)
Ha...I learned something here....I didn't have HTML turned on in the config file (oops!)....however, one thing to remember is that I'm dealing with a different "audience" for using this wikka tool (13-18 year olds, many not computer literate at all, and who would be completely alienated by even thinking about using html...although maybe not all that different from an "average" user) and I'm trying to have it as useable as possible for them. For that group, there's a big difference between typing ## twice when they might want to add a comment they don't want anyone else to see as they're reading the document, like a thought they don't want to forget, and having to remember BOTH of "<!--" AND "-->" (with the double quotes remember). From a useability perspective the latter is a LOT more difficult, and therefore students would be much less likely to use it (altho' the ability to drop in quick notes would be quite useful to the writing I use the post it boxes in MSWord). Imagine them writing an essay that they want comments back on from the teacher or other students. They would never put "off-topic commentary" (to remind themselves of a reference, etc) into the overall "visible" body in a way that you and I might (it runs completely against how students write in school culture)...although such personal sorts of comments might be really useful when re-editing the document. My overall schtick is trying to provide a scaffolding of use so that complete newbies can better proceed to more sophisticated usage...and part of how I do this is considering the culture they work in and how they use similar tools in the context that I'm interested in them using the wiki....which is what many of my comments and additions here are all about eh. ; ) I agree though that for my useage, and for your useage, what you're suggesting makes complete sense....and besides, why do we need monospace anyways?? {grin} -- Mike
Heh, poke fun all you like. ;-) I know us coder types can take thinks rather literally sometimes (and some of us make an art of that! "can you pass the salt?" "yes.").
Oh, regex stuff. Ugh. I don't understand those worth a darn. (although some comments here last week helped me understand them a little) Okay, thanks for the hint. I'll have to tackle it a bit later (got marking to do). -- Mike

Online editing of mindmaps would be great

(copied from --NilsLindenberg)
It would be great, if users should work together on mindmaps.

Maybe by downloading/ Open With
FreeMind and then having a possiblity to save changes in FreeMind directly back to the online mindmap.

How to format code to get two % characters without space together?

I want to produce a code sample page in wikka with DOS batch code. The code syntax requires two percent characters together to markup a variable. Example: % %variable% % (without the spaces). Wikka always tries to format the text as code, even if I format the DOS code inside a code block, even if I
 marked it as code with two percent characters like this here

Is there a solution? I could not find a literal entity for "percent"

You could use % which is the numerical entity reference for the percent sign: % - but *within* a code block an entity is "escaped" - a problem by itself, and so it wouldn't help. See:
some text with &#37&#37 embedded in it

But it should be possible to just plug in a piece of code without having to worry about which characters and strings to somehow escape - maybe the double percent isn't such a happy choice for Wiki markup of "code"; should we find a character combination that is less likely to be a syntactical meaning in an artificial language? (And how do you markup Wiki markup as
code?) -- JavaWoman

How about the € (euro) Symbol? Or is it to new? --

The main problem with the € (euro) symbol is not that it's new, but that it's hard to type: most keyboards don't have the symbol. And it might occur in code as well (imagine a sample conversion routine). Wiki markup should be easy to type. So we need a symbol (or sumbol combination, maybe), that's:
  1. easy to type
  1. not likely to occur in any programming code (note "likely" - you can never completely exclude it; think of APL!)
exclamation mark still seems to be "free", and although a single exclamation mark often is used for negation in programming languages (and in comments, of course) a double one isn't (just don't use rows off exclamation marks in your code comments); or else a combination of an exclamation mark with something else (that is not itself an "operator" in languages). Maybe we should do a search (Google?) to check whether !! or a combo is actually an operator in any language.

markup of diff pages
showing comments

Working on a test installation, I found the user setting "Show comments by default" did not work. Testing it here, I found it doesn't work here, either.
Haven't dug in the code yet to find where this should happen (but will).

I'm quite happy with Wikka's capabilities out of the box - good starting point! :) I'll likely stay with it - but I'll probably make some extensions... (such as an option to require confirmation of a registration before allowing edit access - validates email).

Great work!

It does work.... just not as might be expected. Comment preference is stored for each page as you browse the wiki. So, if you browse a few pages with comments not showing, it remembers this. Then if you update your preferences and return to the same pages, it still remembers that your previous preference was not to see comments on those pages.

Try this:
  • Now close all browser windows
  • Open back up your browser and go to the same pages......
  • Comments are now showing by default, right?


Right. I see it does work. ;) Somewhat, um, counterintuitive, though. So I guess my suggestion then becomes that when a user configuration is changed, this change should immediately be stored in the user session/cookie so it's active right from that moment (without closing the browser). That would, I think, be more in line with expected behavior. Possible? (I haven't looked at that area of the code yet.) --

Language support

I was searching almost whole site to check what kind of languages are supported by this wiki. I was unsuccessful. Is it possible to put somewhere (main page, release note, futures section…) some information about languages they are supported?

Thanks MDD

Problem: Scrolling in the search - field
It is me again! What is the function of the "Please add a note on your edit" - field? Again and again: Keep on the good work.

-- SkyWalk

  • this note is shown in some lists like the RecentChanges and the page revisions. it's just a little helper to keep the wiki organized and has no effect on the page itself. use it whenever you can to drop a short abstract of what has changed, even if you have corrected some typos to let others know that no essential changes were made. it is a really useful feature --DreckFehler
    • maybe we could have a level switch on that feature, constituting it obligatory, optional, or off... an addittion to the conf will be neccessary thought.. --GeorgePetsagourakis

Problem: Five Line Breaks DB Export

ExportDB : as i'm discovering Wikki (and WikkaWiki) and playing with it on my main server and on my laptop (which too runs an Apache installation), I
was needing a quickly way of making export of my database. So I wrote a quick (and dirty ...) export page to get all the replace SQL commands to populate an instance.

I too may use this in the future to quickly backup an online Wikki site. See this additionnal page for the code :


Code block formatting

I was converting a document to Wikka markup format, and I was trying to display MySQL (Console) Table output using the "Code" formatters %%. Everything that appears in a code block is formatted using a monospace font (as I expect), however, since the Edit page handler converts every instance of 4 spaces to a tab, the spacing is thrown off. Below is an example (Select some of the whitespace with your mouse to see the tabs):
------------------ ----------
FUNCTION				   12
INDEX					  55
LOB						 4
PACKAGE					 2
TABLE					  37
TRIGGER					 6
VIEW						1
9 rows selected
no rows selected

The edit page handler seems to convert spaces to tabs throughout the entire document, including Code blocks.

From edit.php

Is there any way to make the edit handler leave the spaces alone inside of code blocks?
Thanks! -

Noted. Try commenting out that line for a temporary workaround. --
// $body = str_replace("    ", "\t", $body);

Various suggestions

- See MarkHissinkMuller for things I would like to see in Wakka/Wacko/Wikka. Feel free to add/discuss.

Other method to attach files
Installation problem - UTF-8?

- Not a suggestion, but problems: with installing 1.1.3 on a Win 32 Apache 2, with Php 4.3.8 and Mysql 4.1.3. Upgrading from wakka 0.1.2 didn't work (ended with: "creating comment table - failed - hmm"). So I thought I'd do a fresh install. Everything went fine, but there seems to be some problem with utf8. Even when I set the charset in header.php to utf-8, the page is all scrambled. However, in phpMyAdmin, the text in the pages table shows up fine. Any clues? (I need utf-8, by the way ...) BirgitKellner.

Sorry if this was the wrong place for posting this, and feel free to move it to a more appropriate one.

wikka don't support utf-8 yet. this issue is discussed here:
WikkaInternationalization (and should be moved from there to its own page, 'cause it's not a trivial problem ;) --moved to HandlingUTF8 ). anyway, i'm afraid you won't find comprehensive help in that discussion. it's not enough to change the meta-tag. that only tells the browser to assume a charset, which in fact isn't used.

i haven't spent much time on that issue, although i am (or should be) interested in it. but be assured that it's not a simple config-value to be squeezed to solve the problem. i hope the discussion mentioned above will get more precise in the next days, as i would appreciate any hint how to start to despair of it ;) i think in long terms it's
a must to support different charsets. -- DreckFehler

Add page link & other suggestions Mod_rewrite