=====Trying to Get Wikka to Produce More Semantic Markup===== Because of the fast'n'furious approach of the original Wakka, there is a still a lot to be improved in terms of Wikka producing semantically meaningful code. I do not mean (X)HTML validation, but the deeper concept of using minimul, yet meaningful XHTML elements. The biggest crime of Wakka (& therefore Wikka) is the lack of any paragraphs and instead, the sprinkling of redundant <br /> everywhere. Chunks of text are sitting in the document with no meaningful structure other than being contained by a parent element. The use of <br /> should be //strictly minimal// — as it pollutes the document with presentational elements. CSS is exactly designed to deal with such presentational issues and XHTML must be left for the information. A Second issue is the choice of elements to use. XHTML has a range of elements that cover several needs. For example instead of using: %%(html)Some added text%% it always makes more sense to use: %%(html)Some added text%% As another example, let's look at the RecentlyCommented output: %%(html)
Sat, 12 Feb 2005:
    WikkaLogicalDataModel, comment by NilsLindenberg:
         I had more or less the historical thought in mind :) Now you could add info about a changed ownership into the page histor[.... ]
%% That would be much cleaner marked up as: %%(html)

Sat, 12 Feb 2005: