=====""QuickTime"" Action===== For quickly embedding ""QuickTime"" movies in Wikka. Note that this also requires a JavaScript utility script, as per [[http://developer.apple.com/internet/ieembedprep.html | Apple's official instructions.]] Please download it [[http://homepage.mac.com/filipp/tarkvara/files/AC_QuickTime.js | here]], the official Apple version [[http://homepage.mac.com/filipp/files/js-assoc-arrays.html | is buggy]]. %%(php) Parameters: url - url of quicktime movie ref - url of ref movie width height class - CSS class name */ $id = 'qt_' . time (); if (is_array ($vars)) { foreach ($vars as $param => $value) { if ($param == 'url') { $url = $this->cleanUrl (trim ($value)); } if ($param == 'ref') { $ref = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent ($value); } if ($param == 'width') { $width = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent ($value); } if ($param == 'height') { $height = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent ($value); } if ($param == 'class') { $class = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent ($value); } } } print ("
\n"); ?> %% ---- CategoryUserContributions