The code below is for an action called ""{{headings}}"". It uses the css modification for the floating boxes suggested by DotMG (see bottom of this page). Use is "">>{{headings}}>>"" where it'll provide a list of headings on the page on the right hand side of the page. The exception to this is that any heading (such as a page title) with 6 "=" signs will not be on the list. Original code (before considerable modification) was from a suggestion at wikini for TOC code. Save the following code as ##actions/headings.php##... %%(php) LoadPage($this->getPageTag()); $toc = $page["body"]; // remove some characters $toc = str_replace("\r", "", $toc); $toc = chop($toc)."\n"; // Removes all but the titles $nonEgEg = "([^=]*=?[^=]+)*"; // Suite de caractères sans == Continuation of characters without == $toc = preg_replace("($nonEgEg((=){2,6})$nonEgEg((=){2,6})$nonEgEg)ms", "\\2#NumTitre#\\4\\2 ", $toc); // Puts the headings in order $toc = preg_replace_callback("(#NumTitre#)ms", create_function ( '$matches', 'static $numTitre = 0; return "#".++$numTitre."#";' ) , $toc); // Creating the bulleted list $toc = preg_replace("((=){6}#(([0-9]+))#($nonEgEg)(=){6} )", "", $toc); $toc = preg_replace("((=){5}#(([0-9]+))#($nonEgEg)(=){5} )", "
  • \\4
  • \n", $toc); $toc = preg_replace("((=){4}#(([0-9]+))#($nonEgEg)(=){4} )", "\n", $toc); $toc = preg_replace("((=){3}#(([0-9]+))#($nonEgEg)(=){3} )", "\n", $toc); $toc = preg_replace("((=){2}#(([0-9]+))#($nonEgEg)(=){2} )", "\n", $toc); $toc = preg_replace("/
    $/","", trim($toc)); // Posts the formatted code echo '
    '; echo '

    Page Headings

    '."\n"; echo "\n"; echo $toc; echo "\n\n"; echo '
    '; ?> %% DotMG's suggestion for changing the css code (from WikkaCSS) is.... ==min-width and max-width== You should not use fixed width in .floatr and .floatl classes. Instead, I suggest the use of max-width and min-width : %%(css).floatl {float: left; margin: 0.5%; padding: 0.5%; background: #EEE; min-width: 100px; max-width: 300px;} .floatr {float: right; margin: 0.5%; padding: 0.5%; background: #EEE; min-width: 100px; max-width: 300px;}%% Try with the code ""<<{{calendar}}<< "" --DotMG ---- CategoryUserContributions