=====Integration of the Fpdf-class into wikka===== >>This page covers only FPDF, for the the discussion about pdf export in general, see WikkatoPdf>> I (gmb) found the wikini code in a cache. here it is... %%(php) millimètre en 72 dpi function px2mm($px){ return $px*25.4/72; } function txtentities($html){ $trans = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES); $trans = array_flip($trans); return strtr($html, $trans); } // Surcharge de la CLASSE FPDF : class PDF extends FPDF { var $B; var $I; var $U; var $HREF; var $fontList; var $issetfont; var $issetcolor; var $WIKIPAGE; function PDF($orientation='P',$unit='mm',$format='A4') { //Appel au constructeur parent $this->FPDF($orientation,$unit,$format); //Initialisation $this->B=0; $this->I=0; $this->U=0; $this->HREF=''; $this->fontlist=array("arial","times","courier","helvetica","symbol"); $this->issetfont=false; $this->issetcolor=false; } function setWikiPage($page) { $this->WIKIPAGE=$page; } function getWikiPage() { return $this->WIKIPAGE; } function WriteHTML($html) { //Parseur HTML $html=strip_tags($html,"

"); //supprime tous les tags sauf ceux reconnus $html=str_replace("\n",' ',$html); //remplace retour à la ligne par un espace $a=preg_split('/<(.*)>/U',$html,-1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); //éclate la chaîne avec les balises foreach($a as $i=>$e) { if($i%2==0) { //Texte if($this->HREF) $this->PutLink($this->HREF,$e); else $this->Write(5,stripslashes(txtentities($e))); } else { //Balise if($e{0}=='/') $this->CloseTag(strtoupper(substr($e,1))); else { //Extraction des attributs $a2=explode(' ',$e); $tag=strtoupper(array_shift($a2)); $attr=array(); foreach($a2 as $v) if(ereg('^([^=]*)=["\']?([^"\']*)["\']?$',$v,$a3)) $attr[strtoupper($a3[1])]=$a3[2]; $this->OpenTag($tag,$attr); } } } } function OpenTag($tag,$attr) //Balise ouvrante { switch($tag){ case 'STRONG': $this->SetStyle('B',true); break; case 'EM': $this->SetStyle('I',true); break; case 'B': case 'I': case 'U': $this->SetStyle($tag,true); break; case 'A': $this->HREF=$attr['HREF']; break; case 'IMG': if(isset($attr['SRC']) and (isset($attr['WIDTH']) or isset($attr['HEIGHT']))) { if(!isset($attr['WIDTH'])) $attr['WIDTH'] = 0; if(!isset($attr['HEIGHT'])) $attr['HEIGHT'] = 0; $this->Image($attr['SRC'], $this->GetX(), $this->GetY(), px2mm($attr['WIDTH']), px2mm($attr['HEIGHT'])); } break; case 'TR': case 'BLOCKQUOTE': case 'BR': $this->Ln(5); break; case 'P': $this->Ln(10); break; case 'FONT': if (isset($attr['COLOR']) and $attr['COLOR']!='') { $coul=hex2dec($attr['COLOR']); $this->SetTextColor($coul['R'],$coul['V'],$coul['B']); $this->issetcolor=true; } if (isset($attr['FACE']) and in_array(strtolower($attr['FACE']), $this->fontlist)) { $this->SetFont(strtolower($attr['FACE'])); $this->issetfont=true; } break; } } function CloseTag($tag) //Balise fermante { if($tag=='STRONG') $tag='B'; if($tag=='EM') $tag='I'; if($tag=='B' or $tag=='I' or $tag=='U') $this->SetStyle($tag,false); if($tag=='A') $this->HREF=''; if($tag=='FONT'){ if ($this->issetcolor==true) { $this->SetTextColor(0); } if ($this->issetfont) { $this->SetFont('arial'); $this->issetfont=false; } } } function SetStyle($tag,$enable) { //Modifie le style et sélectionne la police correspondante $this->$tag+=($enable ? 1 : -1); $style=''; foreach(array('B','I','U') as $s) if($this->$s>0) $style.=$s; $this->SetFont('',$style); } function PutLink($URL,$txt) { //Place un hyperlien $this->SetTextColor(0,0,255); $this->SetStyle('U',true); $this->Write(5,$txt,$URL); $this->SetStyle('U',false); $this->SetTextColor(0); } //En-tête function Header() { //Positionnement à 0,1 cm du haut $this->SetY(1); //Police Arial italique 8 $this->SetFont('Arial','I',8); //Numéro de page $this->Cell(0,10,$this->getWikiPage().' - Page '.$this->PageNo().'/{nb}',0,0,'C'); $this->SetY(14); } //Pied de page function Footer() { //Positionnement à 1,5 cm du bas $this->SetY(-15); //Police Arial italique 8 $this->SetFont('Arial','I',8); //Numéro de page $this->Cell(0,10,'http://www.thierrybazzanella.com - Page '.$this->PageNo().'/{nb}',0,0,'C'); } //Chargement des données function LoadData($file) { //Lecture des lignes du fichier $lines=file($file); $data=array(); foreach($lines as $line) $data[]=explode(';',chop($line)); return $data; } //Tableau simple function BasicTable($header,$data) { //En-tête foreach($header as $col) $this->Cell(40,7,$col,1); $this->Ln(); //Données foreach($data as $row) { foreach($row as $col) $this->Cell(40,6,$col,1); $this->Ln(); } } //Tableau amélioré function ImprovedTable($header,$data) { //Largeurs des colonnes $w=array(40,35,45,40); //En-tête for($i=0;$iCell($w[$i],7,$header[$i],1,0,'C'); $this->Ln(); //Données foreach($data as $row) { $this->Cell($w[0],6,$row[0],'LR'); $this->Cell($w[1],6,$row[1],'LR'); $this->Cell($w[2],6,number_format($row[2],0,',',' '),'LR',0,'R'); $this->Cell($w[3],6,number_format($row[3],0,',',' '),'LR',0,'R'); $this->Ln(); } //Trait de terminaison $this->Cell(array_sum($w),0,'','T'); } //Tableau coloré function FancyTable($header,$data) { //Couleurs, épaisseur du trait et police grasse $this->SetFillColor(255,255,0); $this->SetTextColor(255); $this->SetDrawColor(128,0,0); $this->SetLineWidth(.3); $this->SetFont('','B'); //En-tête $w=array(40,35,45,40); for($i=0;$iCell($w[$i],7,$header[$i],1,0,'C',1); $this->Ln(); //Restauration des couleurs et de la police $this->SetFillColor(224,235,255); $this->SetTextColor(0); $this->SetFont(''); //Données $fill=0; foreach($data as $row) { $this->Cell($w[0],6,$row[0],'LR',0,'L',$fill); $this->Cell($w[1],6,$row[1],'LR',0,'L',$fill); $this->Cell($w[2],6,number_format($row[2],0,',',' '),'LR',0,'R',$fill); $this->Cell($w[3],6,number_format($row[3],0,',',' '),'LR',0,'R',$fill); $this->Ln(); $fill=!$fill; } $this->Cell(array_sum($w),0,'','T'); } } //vérification de sécurité if (!eregi("wakka.php", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { die ("accès direct interdit"); } if ($this->HasAccess("read")) { if (!$this->page) { return; } else { if ($_GET["save"]) { header("Content-type: text/plain"); // display raw page echo $this->page["body"]; $filename = "setup/doc/".$this->GetPageTag().".txt"; if (!$fp = fopen($filename, 'w')) { echo $this->Format("//Impossible de créer le fichier ($filename)//"); exit; } if (!fwrite($fp, $this->page["body"])) { echo $this->Format("//Impossible d'écrire dans le fichier ($filename)//"); exit; } fclose($fp); } if ($_GET["pdf"]) { //Instanciation de la classe dérivée $pdf=new PDF(); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->SetMargins(10, 10, 10); $pdf->setWikiPage ($this->GetPageTag()); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->WriteHTML($this->Format($this->page["body"], "wakka")); $pdf->Output(); } } } else { return; } ?> %% And the handler was called using the line.... http://www.thierrybazzanella.com/wakka.php?wiki=Accueil/raw&pdf=1 and here are the instructions.... "Elle est téléchargeable vers http://www.fpdf.org INSTALLATION: Téléchargez la librairie fpdf et dézippez-là dans un dossier. Mettez le fichier fpdf.php et le dossier font à la racine de votre wiki. Téléchargez le fichier handlers/page/raw.php livré ICI,éditez le, et définissez en absolu le chemin du dossier font de votre arborescence fichier. Ligne 25 : define('FPDF_FONTPATH','/home/www/users/thierrybazzanella/www/html/font/'); Remplacer ce fichier par le vôtre en lieu et place. " that were there. ~&Thanks, Mike. That looks nicely implemented - though I don't see where the page is turned into HTML first; my guess is you need to run it through the formatter first (it looks like it's transforming HTML tags - not Wiki-markup tags - for printing as PDF). But it shouldn't be too hard to make it work. --JavaWoman ====Installing Fpdf==== 1. download the fpdf-package and put it's content into ##3rdparty/plugins/fpdf## 2. save the following code as ##handlers/page/pdf.php## %%(php) millimètre en 72 dpi function px2mm($px){ return $px*25.4/72; } function txtentities($html){ $trans = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES); $trans = array_flip($trans); return strtr($html, $trans); } // Surcharge de la CLASSE FPDF : class PDF extends FPDF { var $B; var $I; var $U; var $HREF; var $fontList; var $issetfont; var $issetcolor; var $WIKIPAGE; function PDF($orientation='P',$unit='mm',$format='A4') { //Appel au constructeur parent $this->FPDF($orientation,$unit,$format); //Initialisation $this->B=0; $this->I=0; $this->U=0; $this->HREF=''; $this->fontlist=array("arial","times","courier","helvetica","symbol"); $this->issetfont=false; $this->issetcolor=false; } function setWikiPage($page) { $this->WIKIPAGE=$page; } function getWikiPage() { return $this->WIKIPAGE; } function WriteHTML($html) { //Parseur HTML $html=strip_tags($html,"

"); //supprime tous les tags sauf ceux reconnus $html=str_replace("\n",' ',$html); //remplace retour à la ligne par un espace $a=preg_split('/<(.*)>/U',$html,-1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); //éclate la chaîne avec les balises foreach($a as $i=>$e) { if($i%2==0) { //Texte if($this->HREF) $this->PutLink($this->HREF,$e); else $this->Write(5,stripslashes(txtentities($e))); } else { //Balise if($e{0}=='/') $this->CloseTag(strtoupper(substr($e,1))); else { //Extraction des attributs $a2=explode(' ',$e); $tag=strtoupper(array_shift($a2)); $attr=array(); foreach($a2 as $v) if(ereg('^([^=]*)=["\']?([^"\']*)["\']?$',$v,$a3)) $attr[strtoupper($a3[1])]=$a3[2]; $this->OpenTag($tag,$attr); } } } } function OpenTag($tag,$attr) //Balise ouvrante { switch($tag){ case 'STRONG': $this->SetStyle('B',true); break; case 'EM': $this->SetStyle('I',true); break; case 'B': case 'I': case 'U': $this->SetStyle($tag,true); break; case 'A': $this->HREF=$attr['HREF']; break; case 'IMG': if(isset($attr['SRC']) and (isset($attr['WIDTH']) or isset($attr['HEIGHT']))) { if(!isset($attr['WIDTH'])) $attr['WIDTH'] = 0; if(!isset($attr['HEIGHT'])) $attr['HEIGHT'] = 0; $this->Image($attr['SRC'], $this->GetX(), $this->GetY(), px2mm($attr['WIDTH']), px2mm($attr['HEIGHT'])); } break; case 'TR': case 'BLOCKQUOTE': case 'BR': $this->Ln(5); break; case 'P': $this->Ln(10); break; case 'FONT': if (isset($attr['COLOR']) and $attr['COLOR']!='') { $coul=hex2dec($attr['COLOR']); $this->SetTextColor($coul['R'],$coul['V'],$coul['B']); $this->issetcolor=true; } if (isset($attr['FACE']) and in_array(strtolower($attr['FACE']), $this->fontlist)) { $this->SetFont(strtolower($attr['FACE'])); $this->issetfont=true; } break; } } function CloseTag($tag) //Balise fermante { if($tag=='STRONG') $tag='B'; if($tag=='EM') $tag='I'; if($tag=='B' or $tag=='I' or $tag=='U') $this->SetStyle($tag,false); if($tag=='A') $this->HREF=''; if($tag=='FONT'){ if ($this->issetcolor==true) { $this->SetTextColor(0); } if ($this->issetfont) { $this->SetFont('arial'); $this->issetfont=false; } } } function SetStyle($tag,$enable) { //Modifie le style et sélectionne la police correspondante $this->$tag+=($enable ? 1 : -1); $style=''; foreach(array('B','I','U') as $s) if($this->$s>0) $style.=$s; $this->SetFont('',$style); } function PutLink($URL,$txt) { //Place un hyperlien $this->SetTextColor(0,0,255); $this->SetStyle('U',true); $this->Write(5,$txt,$URL); $this->SetStyle('U',false); $this->SetTextColor(0); } //En-tête function Header() { //Positionnement à 0,1 cm du haut $this->SetY(1); //Police Arial italique 8 $this->SetFont('Arial','I',8); //Numéro de page $this->Cell(0,10,$this->getWikiPage().' - Page '.$this->PageNo().'/{nb}',0,0,'C'); $this->SetY(14); } //Pied de page function Footer() { //Positionnement à 1,5 cm du bas $this->SetY(-15); //Police Arial italique 8 $this->SetFont('Arial','I',8); //Numéro de page $this->Cell(0,10,'http://www.thierrybazzanella.com - Page '.$this->PageNo().'/{nb}',0,0,'C'); } //Chargement des données function LoadData($file) { //Lecture des lignes du fichier $lines=file($file); $data=array(); foreach($lines as $line) $data[]=explode(';',chop($line)); return $data; } //Tableau simple function BasicTable($header,$data) { //En-tête foreach($header as $col) $this->Cell(40,7,$col,1); $this->Ln(); //Données foreach($data as $row) { foreach($row as $col) $this->Cell(40,6,$col,1); $this->Ln(); } } //Tableau amélioré function ImprovedTable($header,$data) { //Largeurs des colonnes $w=array(40,35,45,40); //En-tête for($i=0;$iCell($w[$i],7,$header[$i],1,0,'C'); $this->Ln(); //Données foreach($data as $row) { $this->Cell($w[0],6,$row[0],'LR'); $this->Cell($w[1],6,$row[1],'LR'); $this->Cell($w[2],6,number_format($row[2],0,',',' '),'LR',0,'R'); $this->Cell($w[3],6,number_format($row[3],0,',',' '),'LR',0,'R'); $this->Ln(); } //Trait de terminaison $this->Cell(array_sum($w),0,'','T'); } //Tableau coloré function FancyTable($header,$data) { //Couleurs, épaisseur du trait et police grasse $this->SetFillColor(255,255,0); $this->SetTextColor(255); $this->SetDrawColor(128,0,0); $this->SetLineWidth(.3); $this->SetFont('','B'); //En-tête $w=array(40,35,45,40); for($i=0;$iCell($w[$i],7,$header[$i],1,0,'C',1); $this->Ln(); //Restauration des couleurs et de la police $this->SetFillColor(224,235,255); $this->SetTextColor(0); $this->SetFont(''); //Données $fill=0; foreach($data as $row) { $this->Cell($w[0],6,$row[0],'LR',0,'L',$fill); $this->Cell($w[1],6,$row[1],'LR',0,'L',$fill); $this->Cell($w[2],6,number_format($row[2],0,',',' '),'LR',0,'R',$fill); $this->Cell($w[3],6,number_format($row[3],0,',',' '),'LR',0,'R',$fill); $this->Ln(); $fill=!$fill; } $this->Cell(array_sum($w),0,'','T'); } } /* (NL) does not work with wikka //vérification de sécurité if (!eregi("wakka.php", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { die ("accès direct interdit"); } */ if ($this->HasAccess("read")) { /* (NL) we want pdf -eport - *.txt would be another handler if (!$this->page) { return; } else { if ($_GET["save"]) { header("Content-type: text/plain"); // display raw page echo $this->page["body"]; $filename = "setup/doc/".$this->GetPageTag().".txt"; if (!$fp = fopen($filename, 'w')) { echo $this->Format("//Impossible de créer le fichier ($filename)//"); exit; } if (!fwrite($fp, $this->page["body"])) { echo $this->Format("//Impossible d'écrire dans le fichier ($filename)//"); exit; } fclose($fp); } if ($_GET["pdf"]) { */ //Instanciation de la classe dérivée $pdf=new PDF(); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->SetMargins(10, 10, 10); $pdf->setWikiPage ($this->GetPageTag()); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->WriteHTML($this->Format($this->page["body"], "wakka")); $pdf->Output(); //} //} } else { return; } ?> %% 3. Change the following thing in ##wikka.php## a) no computing time (i.e. after line 385 if you are using **change** %%(php) if (!preg_match("/(xml|raw|mm)$/", $method)) %% to %%(php) if (!preg_match("/(xml|raw|mm|pdf)$/", $method)) %% b) we want no header and footer, therefore change in ##libs/Wakka.class.php## **add** after the following code (i.e. after line 1750 if you are using %%(php) // raw page handler elseif ($this->method == "raw") { header("Content-type: text/plain"); print($this->Method($this->method)); } %% %%(php) //page to pdf - handler elseif ($this->method == "pdf") { print($this->Method($this->method)); } %% 4. Notice that the real work has only begun ;) ---- CategoryDevelopmentHandlers, CategoryDevelopmentArchitecture