=====Database Abstraction===== < "4", "wakka_version" => "", "adodb_temp" => "Temp", // This assumes that you have a temporary folder for caching "encoded" => 0, // See note below "dbtype" => "mysql", "pconnect" => 0 ); %% **Note**: The encoded parameter is used in many CMS. Although I use base64 later like in many CMS and that base64 is not necessarily secure, Wikka stores the user and pass in plain text wich is even less secure. Then the big change comes... Added functions : DBInit inside the Wakka class %%(php) function DBInit($config) { $this->config = $config; // ADODB configuration global $ADODB_CACHE_DIR; $ADODB_CACHE_DIR = realpath($this->config["adodb_temp"] . '/adodb'); if (!defined('ADODB_DIR')) { define('ADODB_DIR', '3rdparty/core/adodb'); } include ADODB_DIR.'/adodb.inc.php'; // ADODB Error handle if ($this->GetConfigValue("sql_debugging")) { include ADODB_DIR.'/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php'; } // Decode encoded DB parameters if ($this->config["encoded"]) { $this->config["mysql_user"] = base64_decode($this->config["mysql_user"]); $this->config["mysql_password"] = base64_decode($this->config["mysql_password"]); $this->config["encoded"] = 0; } $dbtype = $this->config["dbtype"]; $dbhost = $this->config["mysql_host"]; $dbname = $this->config["mysql_database"]; $dbuname = $this->config["mysql_user"]; $dbpass = $this->config["mysql_password"]; $pconnect = $this->config["pconnect"]; $this->wikkadb =& ADONewConnection($dbtype); if ($pconnect) { $dbh = $this->wikkadb->PConnect($dbhost, $dbuname, $dbpass, $dbname); } else { // itevo: /Go; It's more safe to use NConnect instead of Connect because of the following: // If you create two connections, but both use the same userid and password, PHP will share the same connection. // This can cause problems if the connections are meant to different databases. // The solution is to always use different userid's for different databases, or use NConnect(). // NConnect: Always force a new connection. In contrast, PHP sometimes reuses connections when you use Connect() or PConnect(). // Currently works only on mysql (PHP 4.3.0 or later), postgresql and oci8-derived drivers. // For other drivers, NConnect() works like Connect(). $dbh = $this->wikkadb->NConnect($dbhost, $dbuname, $dbpass, $dbname); } global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_NUM; // force oracle to a consistent date format for comparison methods later on if (strcmp($dbtype, 'oci8') == 0) { $this->wikkadb->Execute("alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'"); } return true; } %% Modified functions : Wakka %%(php) // constructor function Wakka($config) { $this->config = $config; // Might be unnecessary and redundant $this->dblink = $this->DBInit($config); $this->VERSION = WAKKA_VERSION; } %% function Query %%(php) // DATABASE function Query($query) { $start = $this->GetMicroTime(); // Get a reference to the DB Setup $wikkadb =& $this->wikkadb; // Execute query $result = $wikkadb->Execute($query); // On error, show the ADODB ErrorMsg() if ($wikkadb->ErrorNo() != 0) { die("Query failed: ".$query." (".$wikkadb->ErrorMsg().")"); } if ($this->GetConfigValue("sql_debugging")) { $time = $this->GetMicroTime() - $start; $this->queryLog[] = array("query" => $query, "time" => $time); } // Return result return $result; } %% Load ALL %%(php) function LoadAll($query) { $data = array(); if ($result = $this->Query($query)) { // Put items into result array. for (; !$result->EOF; $result->MoveNext()) { $data[] = $result->GetRowAssoc(2); } // All successful database queries produce a result set, and that result // set should be closed when it has been finished with. $result->Close(); } return $data; } %% Modified action to reflect the use of the new db calls... highscores.php %%(php) config["table_prefix"]; $userstbl = $prefix . 'users'; $pagestbl = $prefix . 'pages'; $str = "SELECT Count(*) AS cnt, name FROM $userstbl, $pagestbl WHERE name = owner AND latest = 'Y' GROUP BY name ORDER BY cnt DESC"; $rankQuery =& $this->Query( $str ); $str = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM $pagestbl WHERE latest = 'Y'"; $totalQuery = $this->Query( $str ); $total = $totalQuery->fields[0];//mysql_result($totalQuery, 0); print( "
" ); $i = 0; for(; !$rankQuery->EOF; $rankQuery->MoveNext()) //mysql_fetch_array($rankQuery) ) { list($cnt, $name) = $rankQuery->fields; $i++; $str = ''; $str .= ''; $str .= ''; $str .= ''; $str .= ''; $str .= ''; $str .= ''; $str .= ''; //$str .= ''; $str .= ''; print( $str ); } // All successful database queries produce a result set, and that result // set should be closed when it has been finished with. $rankquery->Close(); print( "
'.$i.' '. $this->Format( $name ) .'    '.$cnt.'    '.round( ($cnt/$total)*100, 2).'% '.$total.'
" ); ?> %% countowned.php %%(php) config["table_prefix"].'pages WHERE `owner` '; $str .= "= '" . $this->GetUserName() . "' AND `latest` = 'Y'"; $countquery = $this->Query($str); $count = $countquery->fields[0]; //mysql_result($countquery, 0); echo $this->Link('MyPages', '', $count,'','','Display a list of the pages you currently own'); ?> %% This won't work on the full setup of course as I only did the minimum to be able to see if wikka was showing something after my changes and it was made on an already installed wikka. But it might help the Wikka dev team see where it can go. [[FrankChestnut | Frank Chestnut]]. 25-02-2006 ---- ---- CategoryDevelopment CategoryDevelopmentDiscussion