=====Backlinks Handler===== <>==See also:== Documentation: BacklinksHandlerInfo.>> This is the development page for the backlinks handler. Nothing more than a couple of minor modifications to the WakkaBacklinksHandler. The handler shows a **list of pages linking to the current page**. Given the strong page-dependence of this function, I think it makes more sense to have it work as a //handler// than an //action//. To install it just save the code block below as ##handlers/page/backlinks.php## Use it as any other handler, appending ##/backlinks## to the page URL. __Note__: the backlinks handler is available for testing on this server. %%(php)
Format('=== '.sprintf(PAGE_TITLE,'[['.$this->tag.']]').' === --- ---'); if ($pages = $this->LoadPagesLinkingTo($this->tag)) { foreach ($pages as $page) { if ($this->ExistsPage($page['tag'])) { print $this->Link($page['tag']).'
'; } } } else { print ERROR_NO_BACKLINKS; } ?>
%% ---- CategoryDevelopmentHandlers